Read Bound to Them Online

Authors: Lorna Jean Roberts

Bound to Them (9 page)

BOOK: Bound to Them
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They were beautiful.

Rough, hard, more brutal than she’d imagined. But by God it
was hot. Crista watched the muscles in Quinn’s ass bunch together as he pounded
into Nash’s ass.

How had she not realized they were gay? But then why had
they flirted with her? Told her they wanted her? Were they bi? But why would
they want her when they had each other?

She knew she should turn away, shut the door, but the sight
of them together held her riveted. What would it feel like to have Quinn
pushing that thick cock inside her pussy while she sucked Nash off?

Crista shook her head. She needed to get those thoughts
right out of her head.

Quinn reached around Nash’s body, grabbing his cock to pump
him. “Get ready, Nash, I’m coming soon. I want you with me.” Quinn’s voice was
gruff, powerful. Her body longed to feel Quinn’s large hands on her, to have
him look at her as though she was attractive, desirable. His.

“Harder, faster.” Nash pushed his hips up as Quinn enveloped
his shaft.

Crista imagined straddling Nash’s hips, having him thrust
his cock inside her. She shuddered, on sensation overload.

Quinn chuckled then increased his pace. Suddenly he threw
his head back, a low moan erupting through the room. Ribbons of white spurted
from Nash’s cock as he slumped.

“Fuck yeah,” Quinn said, his voice breathless. He stepped
back, slowly drawing his cock from Nash’s ass.

Crista jumped back and carefully closed the door, not
wanting to be caught spying. She stripped off her soaked panties, hiding the
evidence of her arousal in the bottom of her bag. Rolling into bed, she pressed
her finger against her clit. Thirty seconds later, she bit down on her lip to
hold in her shout as she came hard and fast. A second intense wave followed,
overwhelming her with sensation. She removed her fingers from her oversensitive
clit and, panting, rolled over and pounded her pillow.

Damn it.

Were they gay? Bi?

Whatever they were, she wanted them. Bad.


“Did you see her?” Quinn asked.

“Yeah,” Nash replied, rolling over onto his back. He placed
his arm behind his head and looked up at the ceiling.

Quinn rested his weight on one elbow and, leaning down,
kissed him. “I bet she’s masturbating like crazy in there.”

Nash’s dick went hard at the image.

“She’s made for us,” Quinn said with confidence. “You’ll

* * * * *

Crista woke with a gasp, staring around frantically.

Where am I?

Awareness filtered through, slowing her rapid heartbeat. She
slumped back. She was in Nash’s motel room. A nightmare.

Andrew had found her again.

What was she going to do? Crista bit her lip, trying to hold
back her fear. She couldn’t keep running. One day he’d find her and then what?
She’d just let him rape and kill her? No. No. No. This had to end.

Sighing, she looked over at the alarm clock—4:22 a.m.
Figured. She always woke up about this time and from experience she knew she
wouldn’t fall asleep again. Where the hell had Quinn put her e-reader? She rose
and turned on the lamp by the bed, but she couldn’t see her e-reader sitting

Damn it. She’d have to ask Quinn when he woke up. She
swallowed, her throat dry and sore. Would she be able to sneak past the guys to
get a glass of water?

Surely they’d be dead to the world. Especially after all
that activity. She covered her blushing cheeks, trying to cool them as memories
flooded her.

Lord, was that the hottest thing she’d ever seen or what?

Crista opened the bedroom door and slipped out. She paused
as she passed through the living area, looking down at Quinn and Nash sprawled
on the floor. Nash lay on his back while Quinn rested on his side, his arm
flung over Nash’s waist.

She winced in sympathy. The floor couldn’t be at all
comfortable. She should give them back their bed.

Crista tiptoed into the small kitchen area. There wasn’t
much there, just a sink, a coffeemaker, toaster, cutlery and plates. What she
wouldn’t give for a home-cooked meal.

With a glass of water in her hand, she turned to return to
the bedroom. A dark figure appeared in the doorway. The glass slipped from her
hand, smashing on the floor. The light came on, blinding her as she screamed.
She stumbled back.

“Stand still,” Quinn barked out.

Crista tried to catch her breath, her heart racing. “Christ,
you scared me!”

“What happened?” Nash appeared behind Quinn, looking
deliciously rumpled, both of them wearing boxers. And nothing else.

“Sorry, I, umm, dropped a glass,” she said, still shaking
from the fright Quinn had given her. “I’ll clean it up. You guys go back to

Quinn took a step forward. “I scared her. She didn’t see me.
Stay very still, Crista,” he ordered. “I don’t want you stepping on any glass.
I’m going to lift you, all right?”

“No, don’t.” She slapped at his hands, stepping sideways to
avoid him. “Ow,” she cried out, raising her foot. “Damn it.”

“Enough.” Quinn gave her a stern look and her stomach
quivered, her body freezing. Reaching over, he clasped her around the waist and
carried her to the small table, setting her down on it.

“Stay there,” he ordered. He turned on the light before
stalking into the bathroom. Crista raised her leg, trying to look at her foot.
She winced as she prodded at it.

Quinn returned with some tweezers and antiseptic. He sat in
a chair and pulled her foot onto his lap.

“I got most of the glass, but don’t go back there in bare
feet, all right?” Nash said as he walked in.

Crista bit her lip and nodded. “I’m really sorry I woke you
guys up,” she apologized.

“What are you doing awake, darlin’?” Nash asked, leaning
against the wall to stare down at her. “You have a nightmare?”

She shrugged, wincing as Quinn fished the glass out of her
flesh. His hands were hot against her cool feet. “Yeah, maybe. I usually wake
up about this time anyway. I haven’t slept properly since the day Andrew
attacked me.”

“You know the cure for that, don’t you?” Quinn said, putting
a Band-Aid on her foot.

“Sleeping pills?”

“Oh, my way doesn’t involve drugs, and it’s far more

She caught her breath and glanced up at Nash to gauge his reaction.

Nash’s gaze was hungry, intense…and aimed at her.

“Why don’t you two go sleep in the bed?” she suggested,
feeling breathless. “I’ll watch some TV out here.”

Quinn stood. “You need some more sleep. You have dark bags
under your eyes and you’re very pale.”

Yeah, she got it. She was a mess.

“I won’t be able to sleep. And I feel guilty about you guys
sleeping out here. You can’t be getting any more rest than I am. You two take
the bed.”

“All right.”

She looked up in surprise at Quinn’s easy agreement. He
swooped down, picking her up in his arms.

“Will you stop carrying me around,” she snapped as he easily
held her up against him. “You’re going to strain something.”

Smack! She let out a squeal as he strode into the bedroom.
“You hit me,” she accused, rubbing her abused bottom cheek.

“No.” He placed her on the bed. “I slapped your ass. And
that’s just a taste of what you would have coming… If you belonged to me.”

Chapter Six


Quinn looked on in shock as Crista went stark white and
scooted up against the headboard. He turned to Nash, who stared at her in

She pointed her finger at them. “Look, I’ll tell you what I
told Nash. I’m not going near a man who would beat me. Not ever again. You hit
me and I’m calling that deputy.”

“Good.” Quinn could tell he’d surprised her with his
agreement. He sat on the bed, wincing as she shied away from him. Damn, he
hadn’t meant to scare her.
“You should never allow someone to hit
you or abuse you. Not that anyone will with Nash and me around. Crista, neither
of us would ever beat you. We would never lay a hand on you in anger.”

“You just said that if I was yours you’d hit me!”

“No,” Nash said, coming closer, his voice calm. “Quinn said
he’d spank you. Like I was trying to tell you before, it is not the same

“Crista, we’ve both seen what you fantasize about. You know
what BDSM is, what a Dom and submissive are.” Quinn watched her carefully. Her
eyes widened, but with fear? Or arousal? If he were a betting man, he’d say

Jesus, maybe he should back off. He didn’t want to push her
too far. Didn’t want her afraid of him. But she needed to learn to trust them.
Next time she ignored an order she could end up badly hurt.

“How do you know what I fantasize about?” she asked.

“We saw a story on your e-reader.”

“You looked at my e-reader? How dare you!” She seared them
both with her gaze. “That was private.”

Quinn raised a brow. “It’s a mighty hot story, sweetheart.
Did it make you wet?” he questioned her in a low voice.

She blushed, giving herself away.

“Honey, being aroused is nothing to be ashamed of.” Nash sat
on the other side of the bed so they surrounded her. “And being a submissive is
something you should embrace.”

She snorted. “Right. Because that went so well last time I
tried. Anyway, I’m not a submissive. I hate pain. I hate being unable to stop
someone from hurting me.”

What the fuck?
Quinn looked over at Nash, who shook
his head. He had no idea either.

“Crista, being a submissive doesn’t mean you have to like
pain,” Quinn said calmly. “Some do, sure. But others don’t. A sub gifts a Dom
her submission, her trust, but ultimately she can stop everything. All you
would have to do is say your safe word and the scene ends. While a Dom may push
his sub, they would never harm her. Their job is to keep their sub safe, to
give her what she needs.”

“I said my safe word,” she whispered. “I yelled it and he
didn’t stop.”

Quinn’s heart stopped. He swore he felt the muscle freeze
and stop beating. “Who?”

What kind of asshole Dom would abuse his power like that?
Would put his own needs and wants above what was best for his submissive?

“Andrew,” she whispered. “That’s why I broke things off with
him. I-I told him that I— That I would like to try s-some things. That I was
interested in bondage and submission.” She took in a shuddering breath. “He was
interested, aroused. So we made arrangements. I went to his house one night. I
wore what he told me. I ate what he told me. It wasn’t—It wasn’t what I thought
it would be. It was kind of degrading.”

Quinn clenched his hands. He couldn’t wait to get his hands
on O’Ryan.

“But I was the one who wanted to try it, so I kept going.”

“Shit,” Nash swore. Crista didn’t seem to hear him, too deep
inside her own head.

“He wouldn’t even let me go to the bathroom by myself.”

Quinn heard the horror in her voice, knew how hard that
would have been for someone as modest as Crista. She was talking of a
master-slave relationship. Why hadn’t O’Ryan eased her into this? Hell, why had
she even agreed to that level of play? Unless she hadn’t. It obviously hadn’t
aroused her.

“Did the two of you talk about what you wanted before you
started?” he asked her. “Because you can always adjust what is comfortable for
you as you go along. A Dom may push you, but he should always accept your hard

“We didn’t really talk much beyond the fact that he wanted
me to do everything he told me to for the night. I thought with my safe word I
would be all right.”

She shivered.

“Darlin’, I don’t want to scare you, but I’m going to take
you into my arms, okay?” Nash slid her onto his lap, wrapping his arms around
her trembling body. He shot Quinn a warning look. Quinn nodded. He knew he had
to tread carefully.

“Crista, what happened next?” Quinn asked gently.

“I thought things would get better once we got to the sex.
He led me to his bedroom and tied my hands and feet to the bed. That part was
great. I-I like being restrained. Or at least I did for a start. Then he— Then
he blindfolded me, which kind of worried me but I didn’t have time to say
anything, because he started hitting me. I think it was a flogger. He started
hitting me harder and harder. It was painful. But that wasn’t as bad as the
cane. I screamed my safe word, I know I did. I don’t remember much after that.
Everything became a weird blur.”

Nash rocked her gently, kissing her forehead to soothe her.

“Did he rape you?” Quinn asked harshly. Anger poured through
him, needing an outlet. He clenched his hands, held them tightly on his lap.

She shook her head. “No, I kind of remember him touching me.
But he didn’t rape me.”

At least she’d been spared that horror. No wonder she
reacted so badly to his threat to spank her.

I’m an asshole.

He didn’t deserve her. He didn’t deserve either of them.

“Don’t, Quinn,” Nash said quietly.

Quinn looked up at him quizzically.

“I can see what you’re thinking. You’re comparing yourself
to him,” Nash said, his gaze concerned. “But you know that you are nothing like
O’Ryan. Neither one of us would ever hurt her.”

Crista raised her head, tears streaking her cheeks. She rubbed
her hands over them. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I didn’t mean to imply you were
like Andrew. I know you wouldn’t hurt me. But you guys are obviously into that
stuff and, well, I’m not.”

“That’s not true, darlin’.” Nash leaned her back to stare
into her face. “It’s true that we’re Doms. But you are submissive, and we could
show you exactly how much you would like
that stuff

Nash rested a finger across her lips as she opened her mouth
to speak. “Hush, listen to me for a moment. O’Ryan is an abusive asshole. He is
not a true Dominant. A true Dominant would always put your needs above their
own. They would never disrespect your hard limits or push for more than you
could give. And never, under any circumstances, would they ignore your safe
word. He didn’t take into account what you needed, what you liked. What you
experienced was abuse. It had nothing to do with safe, consensual BDSM.”

She remained quiet, listening to him.

“Quinn and I would never treat you like O’Ryan did. We’re
attracted to you, darlin’. We’d like to show you how good it can be to give
your submission to a Dom, well, two.” He cheekily winked at Quinn.

Crista frowned, looking between them both in confusion. “How
come you want me when you know, you have, umm, each other?”

“When we can fuck each other, do you mean?” Quinn asked,
reaching over to brush his hand over her thigh. He simply had to touch her.

She gasped, staring frantically at them both, her cheeks
blazing red.

“Yeah, we saw you, brat,” Quinn told her, deeply amused by
her obvious embarrassment. “But we like women. Nash is the only man I’ve ever
been attracted to. I don’t consider myself gay.”

He pushed a tendril of hair back off her face, taking in her
wide gaze. Such an innocent.

“I still don’t understand why you want me. Is it because you
think I’m…” She trailed off.

“Submissive? Yes. And we don’t think. We know,” Quinn said
with surety, moving closer to them both. He grabbed her hands, stilling her
agitated movements. “No, that’s not the reason. That’s part of it, but there
are other submissives we could bring into our relationship if we wanted just
anyone. We don’t. We want you.”

Nash ran his hand over her hair. “I’ve been attracted to you
from the first moment I saw you, Crista.”

“You sure didn’t show it.” Lord, she looked cute when she

Quinn winked at her.

Nash smiled. “Because I thought you were too sweet and
innocent for my needs. And I’d been hurt.” He looked at Quinn. “I’d given my
heart and been burned, I wasn’t ready to risk that happening again.”

Crista looked over at Quinn, gazing at him seriously. “You
two were involved with each other before you came here?”

Quinn shifted his weight. “Sort of. I was a fool. I couldn’t
admit how I felt about Nash because I was scared. I’ve never felt this way
about a man before. I’ve been hurt badly once and ever since I’ve had
this…fear, I guess, of being hurt again. I’m not used to opening up to others.
It took Nash leaving for me to get a clue and realize that he is the most
important thing in my life.”

Quinn stared at Nash and their gazes met. Love swelled in
his chest.

“So why would you want to bring me in?” she asked. “You two
love each other, I could just mess that up.”

Nash leaned down and kissed her. Quinn looked on, his cock
twitching demandingly. When Nash drew back, both of them were panting heavily.
Quinn longed to pull her onto his lap and kiss her senseless, but they needed
her to understand a few things.

“That’s why,” Nash told her huskily. “Sometimes I can barely
breathe because of what I feel for you. I want you. And Quinn and I, well, we
don’t really work that well when it’s just the two of us. The sex is hot, but
we’re both as dominant and bossy as each other. We’re too similar. We need
someone to balance us out. And both of us want you, Crista darlin’.”

“I barely know either of you.”

“We know. And we know this is asking a lot,” Quinn said
honestly. “A relationship between a Dom and his sub requires trust and, with
your past, I’m sure it’s hard for you to trust any man. But can you give us
this weekend? Let us show you that your submissive side is nothing to be
ashamed of. I want to see where this could go. And until O’Ryan is caught,
you’re not leaving our sides. The three of us are going to be very close,
constantly touching, in each other’s space. We’ll self-combust without some

“I’m scared,” she admitted.

Quinn moved in close, straddling Nash’s legs with his. His
chest brushed against Crista’s arm.

“Crista, look at me.”

He waited until her beautiful blue eyes were staring up at
him. “I won’t lie. Parts of this won’t be easy for you. We will push you, but
never beyond what you can take. Both of us are arrogant and possessive. While
you are with us you’ll be with no one else. You will have two of us devoting
our attention to you. At times it will be overwhelming, but I promise you will
experience pleasure beyond your greatest beliefs.

“But, baby,” he clasped her cheeks in his hands, “we will
expect obedience from you. Particularly when we’re playing. When it comes to
sex or a scene, we are in charge. Outside of play we still expect you to treat
us with respect and we will give you the same. Honesty, communication and
respect are what a relationship is built on. And it is always consensual. If
you grow scared you can ask us to slow down. If you’re in too much pain or
afraid then say your safe word. But just remember, you disobey and you will be
punished. Can you handle that?”


Crista took a deep breath. Could she handle it? She didn’t
know. Andrew had used her needs against her. But Quinn and Nash weren’t Andrew.
Just look at the way they were insisting on protecting her. They’d rescued her
from the scaffolding without teasing her once.

They were good men. They were protective, almost excessively
so. They complimented her, treated her as though she was worth caring about.
“You’ll honor my safe word?”

“Always,” they swore together.

“I-I don’t want to be blindfolded or gagged,” she admitted.

Nash dropped his hand to her breast. “Then you won’t be
blindfolded or gagged. Until you trust us enough.”

“We’ll want your obedience, your submission,” Quinn added.
“We will want you kneeling at our feet.”

She shivered at the imagery. She couldn’t deny how hot the
idea of submitting to these two men made her. But she still had reservations.
“I can’t— There are things I just can’t do.”

Nash kissed her. “We all have our limits. Tell us what your
hard limits are.”

“Umm, well, no whipping, umm…” She trailed off, unsure of
where to begin. This was so far out of her realm of experience.

“What about blood play?” Quinn asked.

“No.” She shuddered.

“Wax play?” he asked calmly, as though asking her if she
wanted fries with her burger.


They went through a list with which she agreed or disagreed.
Some she wasn’t sure about and they went on her soft limit list. Nash wrote
down everything.

“Flogger?” Quinn questioned.

She swallowed heavily. She was scared of the flogger. But
only after Andrew had used it on her. Before then she’d been fascinated. It
came down to whether she trusted them not to abuse her. And she wouldn’t be
here if she truly thought that they’d harm her. It was just that sometimes her
fear took over, robbing her of the ability to think things through.

“Soft limit,” she whispered.

“Brave girl,” Nash praised her, running his hand up and down
her back. “Both of us have just been tested for STDs, we’re required to once a
year as part of our club membership. We always use condoms.”

Crista swallowed heavily. “I got tested after Andrew… Trudy
took me. And I’m clean. I haven’t slept with anyone since.”

“Are you on the Pill?” Quinn asked.

BOOK: Bound to Them
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