Read Breathe Online

Authors: Kristy Kay

Breathe (11 page)

BOOK: Breathe
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She opened her eyes, which she had closed during the sweet torture I had just forced on her body. Her bottom lip found its way between her teeth, making my body tighten even more, my cock now throbbing almost unbearably.

“God Daniel.”

“What grá?”

She groaned. “You like to torture me don’t you?”

I grinned up at her wickedly, moving my fingers closer and closer to the core of her. She couldn’t help her hips raising up against them, her body begging silently for what it needed, but I wanted to hear her say it. I leaned down and kissed her savagely.

“Tell me what you want Kathryn. Say it.” I growled against her lips, my fingers stilling right above where she needed it and where I wanted them.

“Daniel I want you to take me, I want you to make me come so hard I forget about everything else.”

“Always!” I sank to my knees, pulling her legs over my shoulders, grabbing her ass in my hands and raising her up even further before I dipped my tongue into her moist pussy, taking in the very essence of her and groaning. She was so wet and so ready and I was suddenly starving and done teasing.


My hips thrashed against the bed, so Daniel placed one of his hands on my stomach to try and keep me still as he devoured me. His tongue delved inside my cunt, as he lapped up my juices, his teeth nibbling at my throbbing clit. One hand went to the back of his head, pulling him in closer while the other one grabbed the sheets beside me.

“Ah god, Daniel!” I choked out as I felt my climax starting to build. He growled against me, the vibrations intensifying my desire even further, pushing me closer to the edge. He slipped one, then two fingers into my hot cunt, moving them faster and faster, making my hips arch even more. He focused his mouth solely on my clit, circling it and sucking on it as I frantically climbed higher and higher.

“Come for me my grá,” Daniel growled against me again, using his teeth to send me over the edge. My whole body stiffened tightly, my back arching high off the bed, my head flung back, my teeth clenching down on my bottom lip to keep me from screaming his name. Before I had come back down completely he had his robe off and he was sliding his thick hard cock inside of me. He grabbed my ass, my legs still up around his shoulders. He thrust deep, hard, and fast causing another climax to start building quickly. I gasped, flinging both hands out against the sheets, as he took my body to places it had never been. Suddenly the second orgasm crashed into me, lights bursting behind my eyelids as I cried out, unable to stop myself this time.

When I had come down slightly from the sudden climax, Daniel picked me up in his strong arms, and climbed up fully on to the bed with me. He slid out only long enough to flip me onto my belly before he entered me again, slowly this time. I moaned at the pleasure, raising up on my elbows and arching back against him. He leaned over me, kissing my back as he took his time to ramp up the pleasure, moving slowly at first, then steadily thrusting faster, and harder.

“God grá, you feel amazing. I can’t get enough of your tight pussy.” Suddenly he pulled back, grabbing my hips and slamming into me as hard as he could, over and over again. I looked up, catching sight of him in the full-length mirror beside my bed. Watching fascinated at the primal look of pleasure and pain on his beautiful face. He had his head flung back, his eyes closed tightly as he raced towards his own climax. He cried out, giving several more deep thrusts and then I felt his cock get even harder seconds before I felt his warm cum exploding through me, causing another orgasm to come from nowhere and grip me tightly. I cried out again as he stiffened behind me, his hips thrusting as he pumped his cum deep inside me. He collapsed me beside me, pulling me back against him, my ass against his groin, and my back against his chest as we both tried to catch our breath.

“Jesus woman you are going to kill me.” I giggled at that, earning me a quick swat on my ass. I gasped, turning onto my back and trying to glare up at him but failing miserably. He grinned at me before rolling to his back, and putting his arm over his eyes. I cuddled up against him, my head lying over his heart, the unsteady rhythm and his heavy breathes satisfying me as much as sex had. It warmed me that I had the same effect on him as he had on me. I closed my eyes, listening to his heart rate calm and his breaths finally evening out. He was warm and I felt safe and for the first time in a long time desired as a woman.


I felt her breathing even out and I looked down stifling a laugh when I saw that she was fast asleep. I slowly moved away from her, slipped on the robe and moving downstairs to check all the doors to make sure they were locked properly before heading back up. I was halfway up when one of the doors opened and Tyler stepped out. Coming to a quick halt when he saw me standing there in nothing but a robe. He looked at me and back to his mom’s closed door, his eyebrows rising.

“What exactly are you doing here?”

I stood up a little straighter. I was seriously starting to get sick of this kids attitude, as far as I could tell, he only acted this way with me.

“Not that it is any concern of yours but I came to see your mum and got caught in the rain. She is drying my clothes and offered me this robe until they are ready.”

He stepped closer and lowered his voice but I could hear every word and there was no mistaking his meaning. “I know how men like you operate, my mom and sister may be naïve about some of the things that go on in this business but I’m not. You need to tread carefully. My mom is not some girl you can wine, dine, fuck and then drop. Just remember that.” He turned on his heel and slammed back into his room. Leaving me standing in the middle of the hallway, with my mouth hanging open. I rubbed my hand down the side of my face and to the back of my neck.

“Fucking hell, everyone in this family has such faith.” I shook my head and walked the rest of the way to Kathryn’s bedroom. She was still curled up like a kitten on top of her sheets. My heart swelled with tenderness towards her. I picked her up gently, holding her against my chest for a minute, before I pulled her sheets back, laying her down on one of her pillows. I stood there looking down at her for a few minutes, remembering her words and then her son’s. I shook my head; the only thing that would prove to either of them that I was serious was just to show them. I shrugged the robe off my shoulders as I climbed into the bed beside Kathryn, pulling her soft body back against me and wrapping my arms tightly around her. She sighed in her sleep, cuddling her body even closer to mine and I grinned. I kissed her hair softly, before allowing my own body to relax into sleep.

“I will just have to show you. I am not going anywhere.”

Chapter Seven


I rolled slowly to my stomach and reached my hand toward the other side of the bed where Daniel had been, finding nothing but cool sheets.  I opened my eyes and looked over to his side of the bed.
Had I dreamed last night? Maybe it was Kindle induced?
 No there was a definite indent in his pillow and the sheets were rumpled where his body had lain.
Apparently it was another one-night stand. Good job falling for the whole I want more line dumbass.
I groaned, and rolled out of bed slowly, telling my inner snarky voice to knock it off.

I walked slowly into my closet grabbing a cute underwear set to make myself feel pretty then grabbed a cute red sundress. Lily and Tyler didn’t have to go into Cora’s today but I told Joey I would swing by his art studio since I hadn’t seen it yet in all the time I have been in Paris. I brushed my hair letting it settle around my shoulders, forgoing makeup since I was just going to Joey’s. I walked down the hallway stopping at each kid’s door and finding both kids’ rooms empty. I walked down the stairs to search out some breakfast and to see where my kids were. As I walked back to the kitchen I heard Lily’s excited voice and then the answering rumble of Daniel’s laugh. My heart skipped a beat at the sound, so I paused to take a deep breath before I walked into the room. Lily was sitting at the bar in yoga pants and a t-shirt while Daniel stood at the stove flipping pancakes. He looked gorgeous with rumpled hair, and the jeans and white t-shirt he had worn last night. He turned to say something to Lily and he grinned when he saw me in the doorway.

“Good morning gorgeous. Want some pancakes?”

Lily spun around and smiled over at me. “Hey momma! Breakfast is almost ready. Tyler went for a run and will be back in a little bit. I ran with him but he wanted to run a bit longer.” I walked over and sat down next to her just as Daniel placed a plate of pancakes in front of me and Lily. Lily grabbed the syrup and drenched her plate. Then cut a huge bite, stuffing it all in her mouth, syrup dripping down the sides of her mouth.

“Lily Rose James where are your manners? Don’t stuff your mouth so full.”

She grinned over at me as she chewed her way through her bite. “Sorry momma, but they are really good.”

I glared at Daniel’s back when I heard him chuckling. “That isn’t the point young lady don’t act like a buffoon.”

“Yes ma’am.” She continued to grin over at me unrepentantly but took smaller bites. Once I made sure the child wasn’t going to choke on her food I focused on putting butter and syrup on my own. I cut a small bite, and put it in my mouth. I closed my eyes and moaned at the flavor. When I opened my eyes they clashed with sapphire eyes across the bar. He grinned knowingly and was about to say something but looked over at Lily who was clearly enjoying her breakfast then turned back to me and winked before turning back to the stove.

“Are these coconut pancakes?”

He just nodded from where he was, looking over his shoulder and grinning.

“Someone told me that you liked tropical flavors.” I looked over at Lily who smiled at him then turned that smile to me. I grinned back and turned to dig into the pancakes. They were delicious, making me moan all the way through. Lily finished hers, yelled a thank you to the cook and then ran back upstairs yelling back that she was going to get ready to go to Joey’s art gallery. Daniel finished with the pancakes then turned the stove off before taking Lily’s seat beside me.

“Missus you keep moaning like that and we won’t be leaving this house at all today.” I blushed, looking at him sideways as I placed another bite in my mouth, moaning softly at the taste. Grinning at his growl and the darkening of his blue eyes. He glared over at me as he dug into his own stack of pancakes. I giggled when he closed his eyes and moaned as well.

“See? You just can’t help it. These are amazing.”

He looked sideways at me, grinning as he finished his plate quickly. He grabbed my plate and headed to the sink. I stood up and hurried over behind him.

“Here let me do that. You made breakfast, it’s the least I can do.”

“No, you sit your hot ass back on that seat. I am doing dishes and then we will go to Joey’s.” He placed another plate of pancakes in the microwave. “We need to leave a note somewhere so Tyler knows he has breakfast in here.”

I stood, looking wide eyed at this gorgeous man standing in my kitchen with his hands buried in hot sudsy water, a dish towel thrown over his shoulder as he scrubbed each plate, then dried it and put it in the cabinets. He stopped what he was doing and turned back to me, catching my wide-eyed stare with curiosity.


I couldn’t articulate what I was feeling or thinking at that moment so I just turned to the drawer where I kept the notepads and pens, writing down a quick note for Tyler and putting it on the fridge. Daniel turned back to the dishes, finishing just as Lily came flying back down the stairs because apparently her only speeds are fast or faster. She had thrown on a dark blue sweater, jeans, and some tennis shoes, she had pulled her long blonde hair up into a messy bun.

“I need to run by Joey and Cora’s and grab a fresh shirt if that’s okay before we go to Joey’s studio.”

“I don’t mind. I told Tyler to join us over there once he was done along with where to find his breakfast.” I grabbed my purse with my keys and phone then we all walked outside. It was another beautiful late summer day in Paris. We enjoyed our walk to the Walker’s townhouse, stopping so Daniel could buy two roses, which he broke the stems off of and put in Lily’s and then my hair. It was such a sweet gesture that earned him big brownie points, in Lily’s eyes at least.
Yours too don’t even try to pretend.
I rolled my eyes at my inner critic.

Once we reached the townhouse he ran in and changed quickly while me and Lily waited outside, watching the people of Paris walking past. When I heard the door open again behind me I turned, taking in the handsome man coming down the few steps to us. He had changed into a white button up shirt and a navy blue blazer over his jeans. He grinned wickedly down at me as he came close.

“Stop giving me the fuck me now look woman. There is nothing I would rather do but not on the streets of Paris.” I felt my cheeks warm and I glanced over at Lily but she was looking down at her phone, completely ignoring the adults. He leaned in closer and whispered, “I love when you blush Kathryn.” Which made me blush more; I could feel the heat of it down my neck and across my shoulders. He pressed a kiss to my hair near my ear, chuckling when I shivered but he pulled back and turned to Lily.

“Are we ready young lady?”

She smiled up at him, and put her arm through his. Joey and Cora’s townhome was just two blocks from the studio so it didn’t take us much time at all before we got there. Joey was coming down the stairs from his office as we walked in. He waved and hurried over to us.

“Hey!” He grabbed me into a hug, and then turned to Lily and gave her a quick hug as well.

“What no greeting for me?”

“No, you don’t need one.” Daniel grabbed the smaller man in a bear hug from behind, squeezing him and then lifting him of his feet. “Put me down you giant!!”


I put Joey down and earned a swift punch once I let him go. I laughed and then got into the boxing position as he came at me again. I easily stepped to the side and punched him lightly on the side. He grinned and came at me again, forcing me to move quickly to the side again.

“Knock it off you two. You are going to knock one of your paintings over you big idiots.” Everyone turned and watched Cora walking down the stairs, in black pants and sweater. Joey snuck another punch in after I turned so I grabbed him in a headlock, and rumpled his hair, earning me a swift knee to the ass as he pushed away.

“You jackass.” We looked at each other and burst out laughing. Earning us both looks from the girls that clearly said that we had lost our minds. Cora shook her head before taking Kathryn’s arm in hers and leading her around the room, Lily following closely behind. Joey turned to me. “Come up to the office, I have something I want to show you.”

I glanced over at Kathryn where Cora and her were deep in discussion about a particular painting from a local artist, at least I think that was one of his paintings. It was a bunch of squiggling lines in different colors, I missed the meaning completely.

“She will be fine with Cora for a few minutes mate, come on.” I let him lead the way up the stairs to where he works. There were three rooms upstairs. One room was his office where him and his assistant did the paperwork, one that took up two thirds of the space upstairs was where the paintings not on display waited for their turn or were boxed up and made ready to ship out, while the third room was an open airy area where he did his own painting, there was a small closet in the corner he used as a dark room for his photography. He led me to an easel set up in the middle of the room. The design we had discussed the day before had been sketched and then he had started adding color. The rose was a deep pink, not the typical red, the petals looked like dew was still clinging to it. The heart behind it was still the white of the canvas but the rose was amazing.

“The sketch is wonderful Joey, and the so far the rose is perfect. The heart I am assuming will be gold?”

“Well that’s what I was wondering. It seems kind of plain don’t you think? Compared to the beauty of the rose?” I looked harder at the painting. Trying to see what could be done to make the heart stand up to the perfection of the rose.

“Ooh that heart would look amazing if it was a steampunk one.” Both of us turned to where Kathryn stood behind us. She hadn’t made a single noise as she walked up the stairs and followed us in here. I looked over at Joey who was looking from her to the painting, with a slightly panicked look on his face. That’s when I remembered this was supposed to be a surprise.

“Yes Joey. Steampunk. Think you can handle that while I take Kathryn down and show her my favorite pictures?” He nodded at me absently, already dismissing us from his mind as he turned back to his work. He threw me a grateful smile before I walked out the door with Kathryn in front of me. I nodded my head to let him know he was welcome. Then escorted Kathryn back down the stairs to a smaller room off the main one where Joey hung his own photos. He loved painting but his true passion lay behind the lens of his camera.

“Wow. These are Joey’s?”

I nodded as I followed Kathryn from one pic to the next. “I have seen quite a few of them but these are amazing.”

“These were taken near their cottage in Ireland. I think Joey gets a little bit more passion and beauty in the shots he gets at home. It’s like his heart engages just that much more to take great shots and make them magnificent.” She turned to look up at me, smiling softly at the look on my face.

“Do you miss home as well?”

“Ireland is in the blood my grá. I breathe a little easier when I am home, but I am fine where I am right now.” I smiled down at her, watching her cheeks warm again with a blush. My cock throbbed against my jeans and I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her back against me. “See what your blushes do to me?”

“Hey you two, there you are. Joey wants to show you something. He is in his studio.” We both turned when Cora came in and she gave us a knowing look. I glared at her but only got a smirk in return as she turned and walked back out. Kathryn slipped out of my arms and hurried to follow. We both walked back up the stairs, this was going to get old quick, and walked back into Joey’s studio. He waved us over.

“Kathryn, is this what you were thinking?” She looked closely at the painting for a few minutes taking in the new intricate designs on the heart. It now looked like a working, ticking heart with gears and curving lines.

“That is what I was thinking, and you did a great job. But I think it overshadows the rose now.”

Joey frowned and nodded. “That’s what I thought but I needed a second opinion.”

“How about a third?”

Joey glanced over and shrugged.

“Sure, what do you have Dimples?” He smirked when I growled at him. But I stepped closer to the paper he had sketched the steampunk heart on.

“What if you just put some filigree around the edges? Just enough to enhance the rose without overpowering it? The rose needs something more delicate and intricate.” Both turned to me in surprise and I threw my hands up. “What, I can’t have good ideas?”

“The last time you had an idea you ended up flat on your back with a concussion mate.”

“I didn’t have a concussion. I was perfectly fine, just had a slight headache. And that admittedly was not the best of my ideas.”

“Or how about that time you had the brilliant idea to rent kayaks and…” I grabbed Joey in another headlock, and rubbed his head until he started yelling for mercy. “Okay, okay, let me go you jackass! Give my head peace mate!”

I let him go and got another punch on the arm. I looked over at Kathryn who had her hands over her mouth, trying to keep her laughter in. Her eyes were sparkling with her mirth as she watched us. Before either of us could say anything Cora and Lily came in, Tyler right behind them.

“Lily is hungry, we were going to run across the street to the deli and grab some sandwiches. Do you all want any?” We all did and Kathryn decided to go help the ladies, leaving the men who admittedly should be the ones going out and getting the ladies something to eat, watching as Joey sketched the heart with some delicate filigree around the edges and just a tad in the middle.

BOOK: Breathe
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