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Authors: Kristy Kay

Breathe (24 page)

BOOK: Breathe
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Lily and I finished our first Krav Maga class and collapsed against each other on the mat, breathing hard.

“Holy crap mom. That kicked my ass.” I didn’t even have the strength to correct Lily and tell her not to use that language, plus it echoed my thoughts exactly. Krav Maga was no joke. The instructor, Kyle came over and squatted down next to us. His dark skin was glistening with sweat from the hard workout he just gave us. He was small in stature but his muscles definitely said he wasn’t someone you would want to mess with.

“You ladies were amazing. Kick-boxers?”

I barely had the energy to nod slowly.

He chuckled. “Well you guys are doing great, much better than most of these other beginners. I have another class Wednesday afternoons, it’s a little more advanced if you want to come.”

“Oh my god any more advanced and I will probably die!” Kyle and I laughed as Lily flopped over on her side and groaned.

“We will see. Thanks for the offer. If nothing else we will definitely be here for Thursday’s sparing class.” Kyle nodded then stood up and walked towards the gyms locker rooms. I pushed myself up then bent to help Lily stand as well. I put my arm around her waist, and she put hers around mine. We leaned against each other as we headed towards the door, grabbing our duffle bags off the bench by the door. Normally we would take hot showers and change but I was eager to get back to Daniel and Lily wanted to get home and work on her schoolwork. We would take showers later. Nathaniel and Josh were waiting by the gym door, leaning up against the wall and watching everyone as they came or went from the gym. Both stood up straight when we came out then started chuckling at the grimaces on our faces.

“Rough session?” Nathaniel couldn’t keep the grin off his face as Lily moaned. Josh’s phone rang and he looked down, chuckling as he answered it. All humor fled as he turned and looked at Nathaniel.

“When? We’re on our way.” He stepped off the curb and raised his hands, stepping out far enough into traffic so a cab nearly hit him. He scrambled to open the door, gesturing us to hurry up and climb in. Nathaniel grabbed Lily’s arm and practically threw her into the back seat, turning to me but I threw my hands up and glared at him.

“I will climb in on my own thanks.” He nodded, his eyes moving over the crowded sidewalks as I got in and gave the cabby my address. Josh had already climbed in the front, barking orders into the phone then snapping at the cabby to hurry up, making the poor man peel out before the door was shut completely behind Nathaniel. He darted in and out of traffic the few blocks to my town house. As we pulled up, another car came flying down the street and came to a screeching halt right in front of our cab. Josh jumped out of the front, throwing some bills at the cabby as Nathaniel ushered me and Lily out of the cab to join him on the sidewalk.

Tyler’s bodyguard, Christopher and two other security guys were standing in the open front door and Josh ran up to them, as Dante and Joey climbed out of the other car, an ambulance came screaming around the corner, stopping alongside Dante’s car. My eyes flew to the townhouse, seeing for the first time the broken picture window and my mind automatically jumped to the one person missing from the group on the porch.

“Tyler. Where is Tyler?” I ended the question on a scream, running towards the front door, and pushing the security out of the way so I could enter. Josh tried to grab my arm but nothing was going to stop me from getting into that living room. My hand threw to my throat and I let out a scream when I saw my oldest child lying on the floor with another security guy pressing a shirt against his head, which was bleeding profusely. I rushed to his side, falling on my knees and pushing the other man’s hands aside, ignoring everyone else as I pulled him into my lap.

“Tyler? Tyler, baby can you hear me?”

He moaned softly and his eyes fluttered open. “Momma?”

I nodded. Then looked up at the security guard just as the paramedics pushed their way inside after apparently being checked thoroughly by the security team outside.

“How the hell did this happen?” Josh knelt down beside me.

“Kathryn let the paramedics see him.” I glanced up and nodded, laying him down gently back on the floor and moving out of their way.

“Josh how the hell did this happen?” The security guard who had been holding the shirt against Tyler’s head stood up and held a Ziploc bag up with a brick inside. Dante and Joey chose that moment to come pushing through and Dante grabbed the bag before I could. He looked at it closely then shoved it into an evidence bag that he pulled out of his back pocket. “Will somebody please tell me what the fuck happened to my son!”

Finally I had everyone’s attention as they all stopped and turned to me. Lily came in with Nathaniel right behind her and she cried out when she saw her brother on the floor, falling back into Nathaniel’s strong arms. Christopher stepped forward and finally told us what had happened.

“Tyler was heading to the stairs to go take a shower when that brick,” he pointed to the brick that Dante was holding, “came through the window. He got hit pretty hard on the side of his head right above is temple. He was knocked out cold and it cut him pretty good. I called the ambulance and then Josh.”

“Where were the guards who were supposed to be out front?” Josh asked as two security guards who I didn’t know by name stepped forward from the foyer.

“I was making the circuit from the front to the back. I heard a car screech to a halt out front. I came running up to see but only saw the taillights as it left.”

“I was heading back from my side, I was able to get a partial license plate and a description of the vehicle and perpetrator.” Josh nodded and told him to tell Dante the particulars, knowing the FBI would be quicker than he could with results.

“Get that window replaced Mark, and Christopher they are going to want to take Tyler in to check him out. You go with him and Ms. James. I will stay here and work this out with Dante.”

By this time the paramedics had Tyler on a stretcher preparing to move him to the ambulance. I grabbed his hand and walked next to them as they hurried out the door. Stopping when I passed Joey.

“Please tell Daniel where I am and make sure Lily stays safe.” He nodded then gave me a quick hug before I followed the paramedics out of the townhouse and into the ambulance. They slammed the doors shut behind Christopher who sat on the small bench beside me.

“I am so sorry Ms. James. I heard the screech of the tires seconds before the brick came through the window. I had no idea it was coming.” I took his hand and squeezed it.

“Christopher, it isn’t your fault. No one could have foreseen that happening. He will be okay. He has an unbelievably thick skull. Just you wait and see.” I squeezed his hand one more time before turning back to Tyler. The paramedics had placed a bandage on his forehead where the cut was but the blood was already seeping through. When the paramedic who was sitting on the other side of the ambulance saw my worried look she quickly moved to reassure me.

“Head wounds always bleed way more than they should. He will need stitches which will leave a small scar but it’s not nearly as bad as it looks.” I smiled weakly at her, reaching to brush his hair off his forehead. The boy was in constant need of a damn haircut. Tears flowed freely down my face as I gazed down at my first-born. He was so much like his father and I couldn’t stand the thought of him being hurt.

As soon as we got to the hospital they took Tyler back to get a CAT scan, since he had only been awake for a few seconds they were concerned about a concussion and they needed to get his cut stitched. Christopher insisted on standing right outside the CAT scan room, leaving me alone in the waiting room. I sat numbly in one of the plastic hospital chairs, staring sightlessly at the generic and ugly pastel prints that were in every waiting room of every hospital around the world. I was alone again, alone dealing with a crisis my heart didn’t think it could handle and I was numb to it all.


Chapter Seventeen


I pulled up outside Kathryn’s townhouse eager to spend the evening curled up with her and the kids. I got out of the town car, grabbing the Chinese takeout I had ordered and grabbed on my way over. Only then realizing that another car was parked sideways to the sidewalk and there were several of Kathryn’s security standing around the open townhouse door. I thanked my driver and sent him on his way, then took the steps two at a time, nodding to the security then walking into the foyer and looked around. There were a lot of loud, angry voices coming from the living room but none of them were Kathryn’s, and coming from the sitting room to the right of the door I heard crying and a deep voice talking in soothing tones. I chose the crying first. I set the bags of Chinese down on the steps in front of me then turned and entered Kathryn’s sitting room pausing for a moment at the scene in front of me.

Lily was seated on the white chaise lounge, clothed still in her workout clothes, black shorts and a hot pink tank top, her hair pulled back in a tight ponytail, crying softly. Nathaniel was kneeling beside her, her tiny hands clasped in his larger ones as she cried, speaking softly to her, trying to get her to stop. Both of them were oblivious to me standing in the doorway so I turned without making any sound and followed the angry voices into the living room.

“Why the hell wasn’t there someone at the front of this house when that brick came flying through the window?” Dante was facing off with Josh in front of the leather sectional. Suddenly, my eyes narrowed and took in details I hadn’t seen when I first came in, my eagerness to see Kathryn over riding my attention to detail. I took in the shattered picture window, and the bloodstain on the floor.

“What the actual FUCK happened here?” All eyes turned to me. Joey stepped forward and took my elbow, leading me back into the foyer. “Joey, where is Kathryn?”

“She is fine, Daniel. A brick was thrown into that window, and Tyler happened to be walking by at just that second. He was hit on the temple and knocked unconscious. Christopher and Kathryn went with him to the hospital in the ambulance.”

“Fuck! Joey why the hell was I not told? I always have my phone on me.”

“It just happened mate, please calm down. Kathryn needs you but you will be no good to her freaking out.” I nodded, took a deep breathe, running my hand through my hair then rubbing the back of my neck.

“What hospital Joey?” Dante walked up behind us.

“We will take you, I have to take this thing to the lab.”

“Someone needs to stay with Lily.”

“I got her. You go to Kathryn. I will call Cora to bring the kids over, and we will watch her. Just let us know when you know something.” I nodded then followed Dante out to his car. Once inside he handed me the evidence bag with a brick inside.

“This is what was thrown through that window.” I looked closely at the brick. On top was scrawled, “You are nothing.” On the bottom, “He will never be yours.” And along the sides crude stick figure drawings of several death scenes. Goosebumps broke out all along my arms, and the back of my neck started prickling.

“What the hell Dante. This is sick. Who hates Kathryn so much that they would do this?” A whisper is all I could force past my suddenly dry throat but he heard me. He shook his dark head, staring straight ahead at New York traffic that was hideous at this time of the day. Everyone was trying to get home.

“I don’t think anyone was supposed to get hurt. This time.” I glanced up and saw the tightness of his jaw and the hard look in his eyes.

“You think this was a warning before something really bad happens don’t you?” He nodded, again without looking away from traffic. He swerved from one lane to the next like a slippery eel, moving through seemingly unmoving traffic towards the hospital.

“I do. I want someone with Ms. James at all times. She is not to leave anyone’s sight until we catch this sick mother fucker.”

I grew strength from the fury in this man’s voice. I couldn’t agree more. Finally we were pulling up to the hospital. Dante dropped me off, he wanted to get the brick to the lab but he would be back as soon as he did. I half walked, half ran into the emergency room doors and to the nurse’s station. The cute brunette behind the desk looked up and gasped.

“Daniel Kaehe.” She breathed my name softly and for once I was very thankful to be recognized it would make this easier.

“I am looking for a Tyler James and his mother, Kathryn.” She didn’t ask any further questions, typing the name efficiently in her computer. She smiled up at me, and winked.

“Normally I wouldn’t do this but considering it’s you…” She left the sentence open and smiled up at me again flirtatiously. I swallowed the irritated sigh and annoyed comeback. She was helping me after all. “Tyler James is currently getting scanned. His mother is the waiting room right around the corner.”

She hadn’t even finished her sentence and I was running down the hall, following the signs to the waiting room. I skidded to a halt outside the door and pushed it open, not sure what I expected to see when I got there. Kathryn was sitting stock still in a chair across the room, her hands clasped tightly in her lap, her knuckles white and strained. She was also still in her workout clothes, a pair of tight black capris and a blue tank top, her auburn hair pulled back like her daughter in a tight ponytail. Her eyes flew to the door when I came in and for a second I saw the shattered look before she stood up and came running across the room, throwing herself into my arms.

I wrapped her tightly against me, my hand coming up to stroke her hair as she took several deep breathes against my chest. We stood silently like that for several minutes before I pulled back and looked down at her face. I placed my finger under her chin and forced her head up so I could look into her eyes. She had taken those few minutes to pull herself back together and her eyes just showed what she wanted me to see now. I stepped back and led her to the chairs, pulling her down next to me as I sat.

“I thought Christopher came with you.”

“He did but he wanted to stay with Tyler.”

“So you have been in here alone?” I growled, and stood up, running my hands through my hair in frustration.

“It’s okay. I’m fine.”

I stopped in front of her and kneeled by her legs. “No you aren’t my grá, and that’s okay.”

I watched as the shaky wall she had built crumbled and her with it. She covered her face with her hands, silent sobs racking her frame. I reached up and pulled them away, watching the tears from tracks down her face. Her silence was more deafening and heartbreaking then if she was screaming at the top of her lungs. It was the habit of someone who was so used to crying alone and not having anyone to share their pain. I pulled her tightly against me. “It’s okay my grá, my heart. Tyler will be okay. He is a tough, thick skulled sort.”

We stayed that way for a while, me holding her tightly against me, rocking back and forth gently as she slowly took deep breaths and her tears finally stopped.


I breathed in the minty smell that was Daniel, soaking in the feel of his strong arms around me, holding me, and just being with me while we waited for news of Tyler. He was whispering soothing words in my ear, never once telling me not to cry, just holding me and reassuring me that Tyler was strong and he would make it. I finally leaned back and looked up into his gorgeous face, reaching up and cupping his face with my hands.

“Thank you.”

He leaned his forehead against mine. “You don’t have to thank me for being where I want to be.”

I smiled, he always knew the right things to say. I pressed a chaste kiss to his lips.              “Well thank you for wanting to be here.”

He growled his sexy growl and pulled me close again, nuzzling my neck and causing my legs to go weak.

Suddenly the door opened again and a tall blonde man came through in a white lab coat and red scrubs. He walked over with his right hand out to me. “Ms. James I presume?” I stood up and took his offered hand.

“Yes. I’m Ms. James.”

“I’m Dr. Carter, I am the attending physician for your son, Tyler. His scans showed some swelling and slight amount of bleeding on the brain. We have him currently in a medically induced coma to help his body heal.” As the doctor spoke I reached my hand behind me, my heart swelling when it was immediately engulfed in a larger one. I felt him stand up behind me, and move so he stood directly behind me, offering me his warmth and his strength. The last remaining piece of the wall I had built against him fell. He was right here with me when I needed him the most, silently letting me know he was there.

“He will be monitored around the clock and we’ll do another scan in a couple days to see if the swelling has gone down. We will then be able to pull him off the machines and let him wake up on his own from there.”

“Can I stay with him?”

“Of course, I will make sure the nurses know. He can have up to two overnight guests, he is in a private room but I will have them bring in another bed for you.” The doctor looked beyond my shoulder and nodded to Daniel who stood behind me. “I will have someone come get you once he has been settled completely.” Daniel reached forward and shook the doctor’s hand, expressing our thanks when I stood motionless. Once the doctor left the room I sagged back against Daniel, feeling his arms wrap gently around my waist for support.

“Oh my god, Daniel. My son is in a medically induced coma. What the fuck is going on?” I heard the edge of hysteria in my own voice and I hated it. I stood up, pulling slightly away from Daniel’s strength and pulling my own scattered strength around me like a battered shield. He turned me roughly to face him, and then a hand underneath my chin forced me to look up into his eyes.

“Kathryn, we will get to the bottom of this. Dante is dropping off the brick as we speak to the FBI lab. Whoever it is will pay, I promise.” I pulled my chin from his grasp and tried to pull away again. “Do not pull away my grá please.”

I turned back to face him. “I just don’t know how to do this except alone.”

“Well that we will learn together woman. I am not going anywhere until we figure this all out.” I let him pull me back against his chest, taking a deep breath to steady myself, wrapping my arms around his waist. We stood together like this for what felt like hours but could have only been a few minutes before the door to the waiting room opened again. This time it was Dante walking in. He was on the phone as he walked in, nodding his head towards us and stopping just inside the door.

“Okay little leprechaun, I will tell them. Yeah man, we will see.” Dante hung up then walked further into the room. “Any word on Tyler?”

I looked up at Daniel, took a deep shaky breathe before stepping away and turning towards the FBI agent. “He has swelling and slight bleeding on the brain. They had to put him in a medically induced coma for now, to give his body time to heal. They will do another scan in a couple days and if the swelling has come down they can take him of the machines and let him wake up on his own.”

Dante nodded and took my hand gently.

“He is a strong, healthy, and more importantly young man with a very thick skull. He will pull through just fine momma.” I smiled at the slight bayou sound that came in his voice at the last. This tall, dark, strong man in front of me whom I had only met very briefly already felt like a friend I had known forever.

“Thank you Dante.” He nodded then straightened back up and turned his head to Daniel.

“The brick is at the lab, this time we were able to get one solid print off it. They finally slipped, we will nail them soon.”

“That’s if their prints are in the system.” Dante nodded and smiled at me.

“Very true, but I can almost guarantee this fool whomever it is, is in the system and we will have a name within 24 hours.” Before I could respond to that optimistic statement the door opened once again and this time a tiny, grey haired woman came in dressed in purple scrubs.

“Ms. James? I am supposed to take you to your son.” We all turned to look at her. She looked us all up and down. “Only two allowed in so someone will have to stay here.”

Dante raised his hands up and chuckled. “I was leaving anyway Captain.”

The nurse scowled up at him. “Kathryn, I was supposed to tell you that Cora, Joey, and the kids are staying at the house with Lily. She has calmed down and is sleeping now. Nathaniel is stationed outside of her bedroom, with Matt below her window. John and Alex Hendricks are also on their way over. I will head over there now and let them know about Tyler. I have your numbers and will call you with any developments.” He shook Daniel’s hand and gave me a quick hug on his way out.

“Come on then, I still have lots to get done after I show you to your son’s room.”

I looked over at Daniel who winked at me before following obediently behind the nurse leaving me to follow as well. The nurse led us up a few floors then down a few hallways before we reached Tyler’s room. She opened it and motioned us in. I took a deep breath and steeled myself against what I was going to see but nothing could have prepared me for the sight of my son laying in that hospital bed with tubes down his throat and hooked up to all those machines. I slapped my hand over my mouth but I couldn’t help the small whimper that made its way out. The nurse who up to this point had been very abrupt and prickly softened and put her hand on my arm.

BOOK: Breathe
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