Read Brie’s City of Angels (Submissive in Love, #6) Online

Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Erotica, #erotic, #Romance, #Novella, #Brie

Brie’s City of Angels (Submissive in Love, #6) (8 page)

BOOK: Brie’s City of Angels (Submissive in Love, #6)
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Celestia laughed. “I’m fine. That was almost two years ago, Brie.”

“Has it really been that long?” She looked at Celestia sheepishly. “I guess I hadn’t realized.”

The older woman’s gentle laughter filled the room. “I’m not surprised, Miss Bennett. With your documentaries and extensive traveling, it’s a wonder you can keep up with the rest of the world.”

“What that tells me is that I haven’t seen you both in far too long,” Brie said, wrapping her arms around both women.

“Yes, we should remedy that.”

“I second that,” Candy piped up.

Brie broke away, realizing it wouldn’t be for a while, and found herself backpedaling. “Of course, I can’t make any plans until after the wedding. Once the raw footage is shot and the wedding is behind me,
I’ll have a more open calendar.”

Candy nudged her. “Full of excuses, aren’t you?”

Brie grimaced. “I know, I know…but thankfully it’ll all be over in a few months.”

“Yes it will, Miss Bennett,” Marquis said, strolling up to join them. His mask was like Celestia’s, but all black, perfectly framing the dangerous glint in his eyes. “If you have any reservations, now would be the time to state them.”

She felt the heat rush to her cheeks. “No, Marquis Gray. The wedding, I’m looking forward to. It’s everything
the wedding that’s getting to me.”

“Like Sir Davis’s dying mother?”

Brie gasped. Leave it to Marquis to hit the tenderest mark without warning or mercy.

“We’re working through it, Marquis Gray.”

“And his sister?” he pressed.

“He’s coming to know her.”

“I’m curious. What were your first impressions?”

Brie knew she needed to step carefully with Marquis, or she would invite a cascade of difficult questions. “It’s really too soon to make judgments.”

Marquis raised his eyebrow. “Miss Bennett, I asked for your first impression.”

“To be fair, I find that she looks too similar to Sir’s mother for me to judge.”

“So if you
to make a judgment, it would not be favorable at this point.”

Brie shook her head. “No, that’s not what I meant…”

Master Nosh walked up to the group. The chiseled, masculine mask he wore hinted at his Indian heritage, but it was the long, painted black tears that drew Brie’s attention. She was startled to find he was staring intently at her from under the mask.

Mr. Gallant moved in to formally introduce them. “I don’t believe you’ve been properly introduced, Miss Bennett. This is Master Nosh, Head of Dominant Training. Master Nosh, this is Brie Bennett, former student of our school and resident film director.”

Brie bowed. “It is an honor, Master Nosh.”

She remembered the Master from her training days, when she and the other submissives had been given the unique opportunity to critique the training Doms at the Center. That had been the day Faelan impressed her with the power of a simple feather.

The intimidating Dom only nodded to Brie, saying nothing.

“Master Nosh is a man of few words,” Master Coen announced, joining them with his arms draped around both his submissives. His smile was barely visible underneath the metal mask that covered three-quarters of his face. It gave him a distinctive gladiator vibe.

His girls wore masks made of colorful cock-feathers, which contrasted nicely with the cold metal of his mask.

“I was told you never had a chance to discuss your film with Nosh, Miss Bennett, but he is a wealth of knowledge.”

Brie appreciated Master Coen’s lead-in, and took the opportunity to address the Master personally. “I hope you will consider sharing some of that knowledge with me, Master Nosh. I know many fans of the original documentary hope for a peek at the Dominant Training Center in the second film.”

After an extended pause, the man spoke in a voice so deep it made Brie’s insides tremble. “I will consider it.”

He turned to Master Coen and put his hand on his shoulder, gesturing to the rest of the group.

“Yes, I suppose now is as good a time as any,” the Headmaster conceded, speaking to the entire room. “Master Nosh and the Gallants already know, but have the rest of you heard the latest news at the Training Center?”

Mr. Gallant kissed Ena lightly on the back of her hand and nodded.

Master Coen stunned the room with his announcement. “I will be stepping down as Headmaster.”

Silence settled over the room.

“Don’t look so glum. I’ve been recruited to head the first sister school in Australia.”

“Oh, now that
interesting…” Marquis remarked.

Mr. Gallant gave Master Coen a congratulatory pat on the back. “Reason enough for celebration tonight.”

Ena disappeared into the kitchen, returning with a small but decadent-looking chocolate cake. “Who would like a piece?”

It seemed to break the dazed spell Master Coen had caused, and Captain requested a large slice. He proceeded to sit down on the couch, placing the plate on the coffee table. “Pet,
, come.”

Brie watched Mary stand up and walk over to him, gracefully kneeling on one side of Captain while Candy knelt on the other. He waited until the entire party had been served before he cut a small piece for Candy and then another bite for Mary. Darned if the Blonde Nemesis didn’t demurely eat from the fork Captain offered with a slight blush on her cheeks.

Mr. Gallant told the group, “Although this is a vanilla affair, try to have a little fun.”

Headmaster Coen wanted nothing to do with the cake, but for a little entertainment he insisted his submissives share a piece using only their hands. He watched with obvious lust as they sensually licked the frosting off each other’s fingers.

Mr. Gallant watched with amusement and swiped his finger over the top of Ena’s cake, spreading the rich chocolate over her lip. “Charming,” he praised. “You look good enough to eat.” He leaned over and removed the offending chocolate with a lick.

Brie smiled to herself, nibbling at her cake.

“Oh, Brie, do you remember when you brought over the custard?” Celestia asked, giggling.

Brie whimpered, “Must we bring that up?”

Celestia leaned in and whispered to her, “You’ll never know how much that endeared you to Marquis. He enjoys seeing his students humbled. He believes everyone needs a little grounding.” She nodded discreetly at Mary, who was looking up at Captain with adoration as she accepted another bite. “Whenever one of their students overcomes an obstacle, it is a victory for the entire staff.”

Brie smiled. “I agree. Seeing Mary dig herself out from her horrible past is truly inspiring.”

Celestia said quietly, “You can’t help but wonder what Faelan would have thought…”

Mr. Gallant cleared his throat, making both Brie and Celestia jump. Brie was sure she was about to be reprimanded for gossiping when he took her to the side to speak to her alone.

“Captain and I believe you and Mary should talk.”

“I would love to, Mr. Gallant.”

“Please use our bedroom upstairs for privacy’s sake. It’s the last door down the hall.”

Brie walked over to Mary to ask her to join her upstairs, and was pleasantly startled when Mary deferred to Captain. “May I leave the room, Vader?”

He placed his hand on her head. “Yes,
. Enjoy your time with your friend.”

“Thank you, Vader.” Brie was stunned that Mary seemed genuinely content under Captain’s rule. She turned to Brie and smiled. “Lead on, stinky cheese.”

“Mr. Gallant said we could use his room upstairs,” Brie informed her as they walked out of the room.

“His bedroom? Now that sounds naughty, doesn’t it?” Mary murmured, placing her hand on the railing as she headed up the stairs.

“You’re not going to do anything weird, are you?”

Mary tossed her hair back and shrugged. “We’re just going to talk. Right, bitch?”

Brie shook her head, but laughed. At least the old Mary hadn’t been eliminated under Captain’s training.

Mr. Gallant’s bedroom had impressive double doors that opened into a large room complete with an oversized bed, a reading nook and a wet bar. Mary looked around, running her hands over the oak counters of the bar and the red leather of a chair next to a bookcase. “Talk about a

“We’re not here to snoop in Mr. Gallant’s room, Mary. We’re supposed to be talking.”

“You’re such a wet blanket,” she pouted, flopping onto the king-sized bed and looking up at Brie. “So talk.”

“I’m not saying a word until you sit on the edge of the bed. Show Mr. Gallant and Ena a little respect, damn it.”

Mary spread her hands over the comforter as if she were making a snow angel. “Just think, Brie. Our illustrious teacher fucks his submissive on this very bed.”

Although it was an alluring thought, Brie didn’t want to start down that path with Mary. “That’s it,” she snapped. “We’ll sit on the floor—a place you’re used to.”

Mary rolled her eyes, but flopped onto the floor, crossing her legs. She kept looking around the room, fascinated by it. “I bet we’re the first students ever to see this hallowed place. Why do you think he has a bar in his bedroom? Don’t you think that’s a bit strange?”

“I don’t care, Mary. Talk to me about you. How have things been going with the Captain?”

Mary let out a long sigh. “Getting all serious on me, huh? You’re no fun.”


She looked away when she answered. “It’s fine. No, actually it’s better than fine.”

“So what’s happened since we last talked? Did he stop making you watch them kiss and snuggle?”

“No,” Mary said with a slight grin. “I’m…getting used to that.”

Brie nudged her on the shoulder. “I knew it! You’re an old softie inside. I couldn’t believe that you let him feed you in front of us tonight. It looked like you actually enjoyed the attention.”

“Shut the fuck up.”

“Deny it all you want, it was obvious to everyone in the room. It was sweet.”

“Now I know you’re just trying to piss me off.”

“No.” Brie put her arm around Mary. “I’m not. There’s a real change in you. Why can’t you just admit it?”

Mary paused, suddenly getting serious on Brie. “I don’t want to jinx it.”

“Jinx what?”

“At first, being around them was nauseating. But the more I saw how Captain was with Candy, how he genuinely cared for her, the more…”

“The more you wanted it for yourself?”

Mary snarled, “I’m not lusting over Candy’s man, if that’s what you’re implying.”

“No, you twit. I meant you want to be treated that way by other men.”

Mary rolled her eyes again. “You totally don’t get it.”

Brie growled in frustration. “Then explain it to me.”

“I…” She seemed to struggle with the words. “I feel accepted for the first time in my life. I’ve never felt that way before, and I don’t want to lose it.”

“Accepted you how? Because Faelan accepted you, fangs and all. What’s different?”

“They accept me for me, damn it,” she said, pointing to herself. “Just me. Not for my looks or how great I can give a blow job…and I’m far better than you—just saying.”

Brie ignored the jab, realizing the importance of what Mary was saying. “So they accept you as a person, not as a sex object?”

“No, you idiot! What I’m trying to tell you is that they accept me as…” She could hardly say the word, and just whispered, “….family.”

Brie felt a chill go through her and goose bumps rose on her skin. It took everything not to cry, but she knew how much Mary hated tears and valiantly fought them off. “That’s profound, Mary.”

“I know. A few times at their home, when we were just hanging there, not doing anything special, I felt whole.” Mary’s lips trembled. “I’ve never felt that before, Brie. Ever.”

“You deserve to, my friend.”

She shook her head. “I was afraid Captain might be a mental-case making me call him Vader. I was sure he was planning to act out some Daddy fantasy on me, but fuck it, he really means it. He’s been respectful to me this entire time—no wandering touches, no flirtations or sexual glances. You know what I mean. Those stolen glances that let you know where their mind’s really at.”


“In the past I would have been offended that he was ignoring me. Hell, that’s how I relate to all men. But staying with Captain has been different. I really feel a connection to him that has nothing to do with sex.”

“Like a father figure.”


“What about Candy?”

Mary smiled. “My relationship with Candy is just icing on the cake. I see every woman as competition, but she’s the first one who doesn’t bring out my cutthroat nature, and it’s not because she isn’t hot. It’s just that…I don’t feel the need to compete with her.”

“Wow, that’s huge.”

“See, I thought of all the people I know, you might understand. It
huge—it’s fucking huge! Even my shrink is impressed.”

“So I take it the counseling is going well.”

“Reiny, that’s my pet name for him—God, he hates it—he says I’ve been much more open this time around. Seems hitting rock-bottom has that effect on the strong.”

“Did he say that or did you?”

“Well, maybe not in those exact words, but let’s just say he’s impressed with my progress.”

“That’s great, Mary. Sir will be thrilled to hear it.”

“Yeah,” she growled. “Don’t think I’m unaware that everyone’s been talking about me behind my back.”

“Seriously, you’re not
important. People are concerned, yes, but Miss Wilson isn’t the main topic of conversation.”

“Sure I’m not…”

Brie let out a snort. “I can’t tell if you’re fucking with me or being serious.”

Mary grinned, her eyes sparkling mischievously.

“Well, at least it’s good to see you acting like yourself again.”

“Brie, I have to ask…”

“What? Anything.”

She paused for a long time before asking Brie, “How’s Faelan? I haven’t stopped thinking about him, not for a second since he left.”

Brie frowned, wishing she had something positive to share. “I’m sorry, Mary. I have no idea where he is and I haven’t heard from him since we left the commune.”

BOOK: Brie’s City of Angels (Submissive in Love, #6)
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