Read Broken (Broken #1) Online

Authors: A. E. Murphy

Tags: #love, #sorrow, #secrets and lies, #pregnancy and childbirth, #hate and fear

Broken (Broken #1) (3 page)

BOOK: Broken (Broken #1)
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We laugh a lot while we make
and serve drinks for paying customers. The café is only small but
we’re normally quite busy, like today I’m rushed off my feet, I
don’t even notice when Caleb walks in until his hands are at my
hips and I’m squealing in shock.

Don’t do
that,” I cry but can’t contain my smile.

Best smile
ever, I want you to smile at me like that every time you greet me,”
he dips his head and presses his lips against mine

I flush at his words and flush
even more when my boss clears his throat. “Go sit,” I demand and
push Caleb towards an empty table. “What do you want to drink?”

Warm milk
with honey.”

I quirk a brow, “Warm milk with

His eyes go slightly wider,
almost defensively, “What’s wrong with latte?”


A girl’s
drink,” my boss chips in on a chuckle.

Caleb scowls playfully at me,
“It’s my families Friday tradition. Every Friday we sit down
together and watch a movie with a warm milk and honey.”

So why are
you here and not with them?”

He grins showing his perfect
white teeth, “Because I’ve got a new family now and she needs to
learn the tradition.”

Throb. Throb. Throb. Goes my

So, take ten
minutes off and drink my girly drink with me,” he jests and pats
the chair beside him. “Pleeeeeeeeease?”

Go on,” my
boss chuckles and shoves me towards my chair. “You’ve hardly had a
break yet. Sit.”

Yay,” Caleb
cheers and pulls me onto his lap.

Charlie asks, his face showing his surprise.

A lot of
people say yay,” I defend my boyfriend. Ha! I have a

Only you and
him,” Charlie chuckles and gives Caleb a pointed look. “Get out
while you still can.”

Caleb nips at my neck as I
watch Charlie walk towards the counter, “Reckon I should get out
while I still can?”

I shake my head, “No. I think
you should stay.”

Well, I
guess that’s good because…” he lets his voice trail off before
squeezing me tight and announcing, “I just enrolled.”

enrolled?” Bloody hell. He just enrolled.

Yep and…” he
lets his voice trail off once more. “I just looked at a place, I
move in next week.”

Double crap. The good kind.

Oh my god,”
I laugh. “That’s…” And then the tears come.

Hey,” he
coos and pulls me tight to him, his hand stroking my hair. “What’s
the matter?”

I thought
you were going to leave me,” I sniff and bury my face in his neck.
“I genuinely thought you just wanted to have sex with

He pulls me back and wipes at
my ridiculous tears with his thumb, “Well,” he wags his eyebrows
twice. “There’s that too.”

How can I laugh while I cry?
That’s just weird and shouldn’t be possible. “Dork.”

Is it wrong
of me to be excited about taking your innocence and making you mine

My breath hitches and my
stomach warms in anticipation for the night that will most likely
come. “I don’t think so.”

Good,” he
bites the lobe of my ear. “Because I am really,
excited.” I can tell by the
bulge beneath my arse and I have to say, it’s making me feel things
I’ve never felt but really like feeling.

Milk and
honey times two,” Charlie says, snapping me out of my lusty

Caleb grins. “Thanks.”

Yeah,” I say
and sip my hot drink. “Oh my god, this is amazing.”

I know
right?” Caleb doesn’t let me slide off his lap, he keeps me there
and drinks his drink.





I can’t believe he’s actually
moving here! I never thought he would, I thought it was all a rouse
to get into my pants. Not that anybody can blame me for thinking
that way. Now I feel guilt and a lot of it. He’s only ever kissed
me and maybe dry humped me a couple of times. Never has he once
tried to actually sleep with me. Though to be honest we’ve never
had the opportunity.

What will
your parents say about it?”

My parents
are dicks.” This is his response and I’m not sure on how to respond
to his response. It worries me a bit.

Tell me
about them.”

He seems to think about it for
a moment before continuing, “They’re rich and think they’re
entitled. Nathan and I were never allowed to do anything wrong
growing up. The slightest mistake and we’d be grounded for weeks,
sometimes our dad would take his belt to us. Nathan got the worst
of it, he took a lot of my shit for me.”


His eyes seem to glitter for a
moment, “It is what it is. They’ll hate this but I doubt they’ll
care too much.”

blame me.”

He nods, “I won’t lie, they
probably will but I’ll keep you away from them. They’re vile people
and I never want that anywhere near you. You shouldn’t be tainted
by people like them.”

They’re your

And because
of that reason, I do love them deep, deep, way deep down. Also
because of that reason, I know what type of people they are and
they’re the kind of people who you don’t want to be near.” I open
my mouth to interject but he cuts me off with a finger to my lips.
“They’re the kind of people
don’t want you to be near. Let me protect you
from evil as much as I can. Okay?”

How can somebody be so sweet
and so perfect all of the time? I ask him this.

He only smiles and responds, “I
didn’t used to be.”


No more
story time, you need to work and I have to go to the bank and sort
out my funds,” he stands, me still on his lap but his arms catch me
and lower me to my feet. “I’ll pick you up when you finish.” With
another light kiss to my lips and one to my neck he leaves me and
my warm and aching heart behind.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a
more handsome man from behind. It seems like an odd statement but
it’s a true one. Caleb is sexy, he knows it though but he’s not
arrogant about it. Even from behind you just know that when he
turns around, the front is going to look so good. His back is right
to promise such things, except Caleb is like nothing you could ever
dream up. He’s perfect. He’s beautiful in the way only a man can be

I can just tell he’ll be one of
those men who age well; his cheeky and charming smile will last an
age. I can just imagine him at the age of sixty, smiling at the
women as they pass. Most likely driving me crazy but at the same
time making me swoon that he’s mine.

When work finishes Caleb picks
me up, he’s not in a good mood but it’s not aimed at me. We’re
currently sat in his car outside my house because it’s raining so
we can’t go to our special spot on the beach.

He rests his head between his
hands on the steering wheel, his leg bouncing up and down. I see
his bottom lip disappear under his top row of teeth as he worries

Hey,” I say
softly and place my hand on his back. “What’s the

My parents
cut me off.”

What does that mean?

They emptied
my trust fund and said I can’t have it back until I

Oh shit. “That’s not so

Trust me,”
he grimaces, turning his head so his temple is on the wheel and his
eyes are on me. “It is. I don’t graduate for two years. How the
fuck did they find out I wasn’t going back?”

They’ve done
this to get you to go back with them?” Oh no, he’s going to leave


Thump. Thump…. Thump. My heart
just skipped a beat and not because of something good.

It’s fucking
bullshit,” he shouts, startling me when he flies back and punches
the steering wheel.

Hey,” I say
softly and run my fingers through his hair. “It’ll be okay, you’ll
see. You can just go back and do what you need to do.”

No,” he
blurts, his eyes on me. “I can’t do that.”

It’s just
two years.”

To some
people,” I think he says but I can’t be sure because it was as loud
as his breath. Which isn’t loud at all. He sighs and grips his hair
with both hands, “It doesn’t matter. I have about ten grand in my
other account, they can’t touch that. Oxford will surely transfer
the course money so I won’t have to worry about that. I’ll just get
a job here. At least my deposit is down on our place. And the first
few months. That’ll give me enough time to get a job.”

I can’t believe my ears, my
heart skips a beat for a good reason this time, “You’re still
moving here?”

Fuck yeah,”
he grins and brings my hand to his lips. “It’ll be great. Who needs

My lips twitch,

True dat,”
he remarks and leans over to kiss me. “Let’s just forget about them
for now. Let’s just forget about everything. How about we go for a
long drive, pull over somewhere and you let me kiss you until our
lips are sore?”

Kay,” I
breathe and in seconds the car is running and we’re driving to
location unknown. I hate to ask but I do anyway, “How
they find out? I
haven’t told anyone but my…”

wouldn’t, she doesn’t even know who my parents are.” His eyes
suddenly widen. “That bastard. That absolute fucking


My brother,”
he roughly handles the gearstick. I want to say, what did that
gearstick ever do to you? But I don’t think that would be
appropriate. “Damn it! I’m going to fucking kill him!” He pauses,
smirks a little. “Nope, I’m going to throw eggs at him.”

Eggs? “Eggs?”



My brother…”
As we’re turning down a wooded lane there’s a pop followed by a
hissing sound and slowly the car starts to wobble. “NO! NO! NO!
NO!” Caleb shouts and climbs out of the now prone car. I follow and
watch as he kicks the now flat tyre over and over again. “This is
not my fucking day. Fuck!”

Caleb,” I
rush to him and grab his arm. “Calm down, it’s just a tire. We’ll
fit the spare.”

He chews on his lower lip and
looks at me apologetically.

Bloody hell.
You don’t have a spare.” This isn’t a question, the look on his
face has already told me. “Great.” I lean against the rain splatted
bonnet and watch him pace backwards and forwards in front of the
car. He mumbles to himself for a while, looks at the tire, turns
back around to continue cursing and mumbling, before finally coming
over to me, grabbing me by the back of my neck and slamming his
lips down on mine.

The force of it makes me squeal
in surprise but it doesn’t hurt. Not even a little bit. His tongue
plunges into my mouth. He devours me, he leaves no part of my mouth
untouched. I do the same.

This feels amazing, it feels
great; it feels primal and possessive and seems to be his way of
relieving a lot of stress right now.

His hands grip my jacket and
pull it off my shoulders, I shiver as the cool droplets of water
tap against the bare skin of my arms and without detaching his
mouth from mine, he throws his jacket through the open door and
onto the seat. We separate for a moment as he tugs my vest over my
head and throws that in too but his mouth is back on mine when he
fumbles to pull the back door open and slowly slides me onto the
back seats. The rain no longer serves as an aid to cool my heated
skin and my arousal seems to multiply in seconds.

I’m in a bra and jeans in front
of a guy. Eep.

But it feels so good I don’t
want to stop.

Tingles erupt through my body
as he works the button on my jeans, popping it open with one hand
before tugging them down my legs and also throwing those to the
side. The sound of them hitting the steering wheel is the last
thing I hear, as his mouth is on me over my thong.

Oh god,” I
say, embarrassed that he’s down there and wanting to push him away
at the same time as being thrilled that he’s down there and wanting
to pull him closer. The sensation is foreign but beautiful. I’m
going to explode I can feel it.

His breath seems to bounce of
my mound and curve around the joining to my thighs making my legs
shake and quiver and making me cry out in a way that I should feel
shame for but don’t.

Caleb,” I
pant, watching him as he hooks his fingers into my thong and pulls
it to the side. “No… not tha…ah. Oh god.” My head falls back,
hitting the window button which makes it descend with a hum and a
squeak. Who cares? This is amazing.

His warm and wet tongue traces
my labia before dipping inside and flicking my clit. I’m worried
he’s going to penetrate me with his finger, I’m glad that he
doesn’t even though my core is aching to be filled more than it has
ever been.

I want you
so bad,” he says whilst peppering kisses over the top of my mound.
“But I’m not going to take you here.” He goes back to what he was
doing before. This time his tongue circles lower and lower, his
mouth sucking on all of the right places, his hands gripping my
thighs to hold me in place. “I want to get lost in you.”

BOOK: Broken (Broken #1)
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