Brown, Berengaria - Dragons Redeemed [Dragon Lovers 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (8 page)

BOOK: Brown, Berengaria - Dragons Redeemed [Dragon Lovers 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Graegor now kneeled up on her other side, his cock level with her mouth. She opened wide and sucked him in. And suddenly she realized they’d done it. All four were in her body simultaneously. Four men, four cocks, all inside her.

That was the last coherent thought she had. Trudy was beyond aroused and knew all the men were, too. It was as much emotional as physical, knowing that she was taking this step of joining with them, allowing them to turn her into a dragon. She guessed she’d become a statue, too, although she hadn’t really thought about how that’d work.

It didn’t matter. She wanted to be with these four men who’d come into her life and changed it in every way. Instead of concentrating on building a business and ensuring she never went hungry again, now she had the opportunity to bond with four people and build ongoing relationships that would enhance all their lives, not just for today but for many years in the future. Being able to use the new powers she’d get to help the people on the streets, and defeat evil people such as Teivel, was just a bonus as far as Trudy was concerned.

But right now, all she could think about were the four cocks sliding in and out of her. Touching her walls, hitting her G-spot, filling her mouth with the delicious muskiness of a man. Four mouths were on her, too, kissing her arms, shoulders, legs, breasts, face. And hands. There were hands on her skin everywhere, patting and stroking, swirling patterns, and teasing her. All Trudy could do was hang on to her men and experience the orgasm coiling inside her fast and hard, an explosion that was unstoppable and building at an exponential rate.

“Gonna come,” she wailed, the power of the climax burning through her.

“Come then. Come now,” ordered Crevan, and the four men all slammed into her hard and deep, filling her beyond full as her body gripped their cocks and quivered, shook, and exploded around them all.

In almost the same instant, semen blasted into her cunt, ass, and mouth, and four mouths pressed into her shoulders, four sets of teeth piercing the skin and four tongues licked up her blood.

A second orgasm followed the first, her body shaking even harder as she came and came and came, the feel of the mouths on her skin just as exciting and fulfilling as the blasts of cum inside her.

Trudy swallowed Graegor’s essence and hoped that none of the rest of the seed ran out of her. She wanted to keep all of them inside her, wanted to possess them as they possessed her, wanted to be one with them forever.

But the men were pulling out of her, lifting themselves off her, untangling their bodies from each other.

“Change, Trudy, we want to see what you’ll be,” said Graegor, his voice full of excitement.

“How do I do that?” she asked.

“Picture a dragon,” said Penllyn.

Trudy sat on the bed, as they stood all around her, and pictured the four of them in dragon form, wondering what she’d look like. She’d never thought of that. She was blonde, so would she be pale wood like Penllyn? Would she be oak as they were?

She felt her wings grow from her spine, felt her body change and lift into the air. Flying was an incredible sensation, but she wanted to see herself, so she flew into the bathroom to look in the mirror. It never occurred to her she wouldn’t fit through the doorway, and she did fly through it quite easily. It also hadn’t occurred to her that she’d be tiny, so small she had to hover right in front of the mirror to see herself properly.

Trudy guessed she was only a few inches long, maybe as long as an adult’s hand, and she was a golden color.
Topaz. I’m topaz. And being so small will be perfect for security. I’ll be able to go anywhere and check out anything. Starting with Teivel’s warehouse!

Chapter Five

Daegan stayed behind to commence an Internet search for where Teivel’s home base could be. “I can’t believe we didn’t think of doing this earlier,” he groaned.

“Make sure you talk to all the others, and get them to give you any information they have. Mallory could have data in the museum papers, and Jay may know things, too,” said Crevan.

Graegor walked back to the building on Tenth Street in human form, a camera, a couple flashlights, and Trudy’s picklocks in his pockets, while Trudy, Crevan, and Penllyn flew there in dragon form.

“My first real flight,” Trudy said.

“Well, remember how small you are and that an owl or something might think you’d make a great pre-breakfast snack,” warned Graegor. “Stay close to the others. Nothing will attack a group of three of you.”

Trudy nodded but was still highly excited at the thought of being outside in her new form.

Nine blocks seemed no distance at all by air, and Trudy had plenty of time to check the roof of the building for potential entry points before Graegor arrived. There was one place where the roofing was coming loose from the ridge, and it would have been easy for a human to pull the two apart, so a shape-shifter as small as she was could enter. But since Graegor was bringing her picklocks, it wasn’t worth possibly arousing anyone’s attention by being seen on the roof at night.

Trudy also checked the front door, carefully, and there was definitely no camera there. As soon as Graegor was standing on the stoop, she transformed, took her picklocks, and opened the door. They were inside less than five seconds after Graegor had arrived.

“Close the door carefully with your sweatshirt. Don’t touch anything with bare skin,” she ordered Graegor.

The first room off the front entry was an office, with computers and filing cabinets, but the desk was a little dusty, so Trudy was sure it wasn’t Teivel’s work center. “Likely just somewhere he brings clients at times, do you think?” she asked.

“Could be,” said Penllyn.

“It’s not a very elegant room though. You’d think he’d have a secretary out front and fancy furniture with big windows in his office to impress potential clients with his importance,” added Crevan.

“Exactly. So what is this building really used for?” asked Graegor rhetorically.

Trudy led them all down the hallway. There was another smaller office, which looked just as unused, then a storeroom with a broken chair and a few boxes of office supplies in it.

Trudy grabbed Graegor’s sweatshirt and used it as a glove over her hand to lift the lid on the box of supplies. Inside was some letterhead paper and envelopes. “Take a picture of them,” she whispered.

After he did, she carefully replaced the lid and used his sweatshirt to close the door behind them.

Next was what looked like a mini-kitchen or staff lunchroom, but the refrigerator was empty, and there were no dishes in the dishwasher.

“I’m getting the feeling this is a waste of time,” said Penllyn.

“A building this size is costing him plenty of money in city charges, even if he owns it outright. Never mind what he could be getting for it in rent. So there has to be a reason why he has it,” said Crevan.

“Unless it’s not his at all, just a red herring to get me here tonight,” said Trudy thoughtfully.

“Well, we’re here now, so we may as well look everywhere,” suggested Daegan practically.

At the top of the stairs was a tiny entry area then a locked door closing off the entire upstairs floor space. Trudy spent some time looking at the door and all around it but saw no sign of any security system. No light beams or any electronic equipment at all.

“Move back onto the stairs so I can look around here properly,” she ordered the men. Once they were out of the way, she checked the floor then transformed and looked along all the cornices and all around the stairwell. Still nothing.

Collecting her lockpicks from Graegor once again, Trudy tried the door. It was not as simple a lock as the others, but it still wasn’t great security. Especially considering there seemed to be nothing else to back it up. But she was as certain as she could be the door wasn’t alarmed. The lock clicked, and Trudy gently pushed it open using her elbow, then took a flashlight from Penllyn, who was holding it, and shone it into the room. The room was the full size of the building, windowless, and artwork hung on the walls while statues and carvings sat on pedestals.

Crevan used Graegor’s sweatshirt to turn on the light, and then Graegor walked slowly down the room taking picture after picture of each painting, statue, carving, table, and even the floorboards and ceiling.

“Well, well, well. It was a warehouse after all. A warehouse for his ill-gotten artworks, the ones he doesn’t display in his home or office,” said Crevan.

“Don’t worry. I’m taking several pictures of each piece in the hopes that their rightful owners may come looking for them. But I don’t think we should stay here much longer,” said Graegor.

“Yes, it’s time to go. I’m just stunned he wouldn’t have better security. And what the fuck was he thinking to ask me to come here?”

“Now that’s the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question. But we’ll talk about it back home. I agree that it’s high time we got out of here,” replied Crevan.

Graegor walked slowly back down the room, snapping picture after picture, and then Trudy relocked the doors, and they left, heading back to the museum as they’d come.

* * * *

It was getting close to dawn, more than time they were off the streets, agreed Trudy. But she still enjoyed the flight, flitting up and around rooftops, peeking in windows, as she made her way back to the museum. Crevan and Penllyn stayed very close to her, but she didn’t feel any fear. Not of bad people, nor of birds or animals that might think she was a breakfast snack.

The rope hanging off the side of the museum did give her reason to worry though, and she stopped mid-flight when she saw it. Crevan and Penllyn body slammed her between them, and she clearly heard Crevan’s voice in her head. “Get her inside and lock her up safely. Then send Daegan out here to help me see what’s going on. I smell Teivel, and it’s not good.”

Penllyn ushered her over to Mallory’s apartment door and shifted so he could knock on it. Trudy preferred not to become naked if Teivel—or anyone else—was around. When she shape-shifted, she planned to have her steel-toed boots on before she met anyone she didn’t trust. Someone should be aware of the rope though. That grappling hook ought to have set off her security system. Daegan would have been alerted that there was trouble about to happen, even if he didn’t know what type of problem there was.

The living room seemed to be full of people. Fortunately, they were all wearing clothes. Trudy really couldn’t get used to the casual way these men all wandered around naked. Not that they weren’t nice to look at—they were very easy on the eyes, all of them—but it just didn’t seem normal to her. And no way would she shift in front of them.

William hurried over and opened the sliding glass door, then said, “Trudy, you’re topaz. You’re stunning.”

“You’ve changed her already?” Angus sounded very surprised. But Trudy wasn’t going to stay around to listen to their chatter. She wanted to be dressed and ready for trouble. She flew into the bedroom, transformed, then shut the door firmly, grabbing her clothes, binding her right knee for extra power, and lacing her boots tightly.

Only when she felt ready to face whatever trouble might be ahead did she open the door and go back to the living room.

Sinclair, Jay, and Mallory were the only ones still there, gathered around the computer and quite excited about something.

“What’s going on?” asked Trudy.

“We’ve just downloaded all the pictures Graegor took and sent them off somewhere safe. Also, we’re pretty sure we know where Teivel lives. The address on his museum paperwork fits the distance from the warehouse, and since he hasn’t got any illegal artworks there, he had no reason to lie about it,” said Mallory.

“Is it Teivel outside with the rope? Or one of his halfhearted helpers?” Trudy asked.

“My bet is it’s Teivel himself. Sinclair and I’ve decided to meet with the museum directors and tell them the truth about the museum. Some of them may not believe us, but we’ve got my dad’s letter, and if enough of them do, we can get it set up properly so that it becomes a money-making venture as well as a safe haven for dragon shape-shifters to be dormant when they need to be. We can turn this whole top story into an apartment for Mallory, Angus, Mark, and William, and they’ll do the tours as well as run the museum. And provide protection as well. Sinclair and I’ll find ourselves an apartment to use in our human form. I know Crevan’s looking for a home for you, but you’re all welcome to rest here as well,” said Jay.

Trudy nodded. It all sounded very sensible, and considering she hadn’t known anything about dragon shape-shifters a month ago, and now was one… Well, if she could adjust, the museum directors could, too. “But we need to sort out Teivel first,” she said.

BOOK: Brown, Berengaria - Dragons Redeemed [Dragon Lovers 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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