Read BuckingHard Online

Authors: Darah Lace

BuckingHard (5 page)

BOOK: BuckingHard
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“As far as you wanted.” She sounded pathetic, needy,
desperate, but she was all those things and more when it came to Mason. And
right now, with her body still humming and the need to climax controlling her,
she didn’t care. The blindfold fell away and she turned her head to look at him
over her shoulder. “As far as you

He stared at her, his gaze unreadable, then he turned away.
“I don’t know who you are anymore.”

“You keep saying that. But I’m the same person you’ve known
all your life.”

Shaking his head, he shot off the bed and started pacing
again. Plucking off the glove finger by finger, he chucked it on the bureau.
“The person I knew should have been scared shitless to wake up blindfolded and
tied naked to a bed. Not knowing where you were.”

He drove his fingers through his damp hair. From a shower?
He pivoted to face her and Bradi’s gaze fixed on his bare chest and the flex of
his muscles. She swallowed as the ripple of his abs led her to the open button
of his jeans.

“You should have been shaking with fear. I could have been
some fucking pervert who planned to keep you as a sex slave and do all kinds of
perverted shit to you.” He snorted. “You were shaking all right. Just not from

“I knew it was you.”

He stopped dead, his hand hanging on the back of his neck
where he’d been rubbing. “But what if it wasn’t me? You were so drunk last
night, you could have woken up with anyone.”

“But I didn’t.”

“But what if—goddammit, Bradi, I could do anything I wanted
to you right now and you’d be helpless to stop me.”

She lowered her forehead to the bed. This was it. She’d
never have another opportunity like this again. “So what’s stopping you?”

“Bradi.” His voice held a warning note.

“No, Mason, answer me. Why don’t you finish what you

Silence stretched between them, long and devastating. The
familiar band of hurt tightened around her chest. Her throat closed around the
words she forced out. “Do you really think of me as one of the guys?”

“No.” His voice was quiet, hesitant. “That’s not the

Moisture burned the back of her eyelids. “I didn’t think
guys ever turned down sex.”

His weight settled beside her again and the sheet whispered
over her body. “Some of us are more discriminating than others.”

He leaned over her to reach for the black ties around her
wrists, but she used her shoulders to shove him away. She wasn’t through
begging. If he couldn’t love her with his heart, she’d settle for his body.

“What is it then? Am I not attractive enough? Tall and thin
enough? Am I not feminine enough?” Her voice cracked. “What’s wrong with me,

“Nothing.” His hand smoothed the hair from her face and his
knuckles grazed her cheek. “You’re beautiful.”

The tenderness of his touch broke her and she lashed out.
“Then tell me, Mason? Can’t you fucking get it up?”

He sat back and heaved a sigh. “You know, I think I liked
you better when you were drunk. You were a lot less bitchy.”

“What else am I supposed to think?” Ignoring the pain in her
wrists, she rolled to her side to face him. The sheet twisted around her hips
and slipped down to expose her breasts. With such a blatant offering, she knew
full well if he turned her down now, she’d never recover, but anger spurred her
on. “I’m naked, Mason, and practically begging you to fuck me. But all you can
do is sit there and lecture me. You’re not my father.”

His dark eyes flashed and he rose from the bed to look down
at her, hands on his hips. “If I was your dad, I’d sure as hell take a paddle
to your ass for the shit you pulled last night.”

Bradi rolled her eyes. “There you go again. You keep
threatening to spank me, but you’re too chickenshit to follow through.”

“You want a spanking?” He grabbed the sheet and yanked,
flipping her back to her stomach. In a heartbeat he was behind her. “I’ll give
you a spanking.”

Strong fingers gripped her hips and jerked her to her knees.
“This is for getting so out-of-control drunk you didn’t know what the fuck you
were doing.”

A whoosh of air was her only warning as the palm of his hand
connected with the fleshy curve of her ass. She yelped as the sting seeped into
her skin.

Another swat added to it. “That’s for teasing every man at
the Lucky Draw. None of them will every look at you the same again.” The pads
of his fingers dug in then disappeared.

“This is for leading Heath on with promises of your sweet

Heat from the next slap spread to her clit, and she bit her
lip to keep from moaning, afraid the sound would distract him. But she couldn’t
control her hips as they wriggled higher, seeking the next punishing blow.

His breathing grew ragged. The hand holding her roamed to
the middle of her back, pressing her into a deep arch. He landed another swat.
“This is for forcing me to step in.”

The span between each strike grew shorter. She barely had
time to relish one impact before another sent her higher. “For throwing
yourself at me.”

He massaged the burning flesh, squeezing, kneading. Both
hands now. Then the sting of his palm met the other cheek. “For pushing me to the
point that I nearly fucked you in my truck.”

She rocked into his hand as it came down again. A cry stole
past her lips. Fluid trickled down her thighs. She held her breath, knowing the
next time his hand connected with her ass, she’d come.

“For making me want you now.” His guttural whisper feathered
over her skin just before his tongue, wet and hot, swept across the burn he’d
created. Then he reared back and the slide of his zipper sent a tremor through
her body. The bed shook as he struggled to push his jeans down and off. “Shit.”

Tossing his jeans to the floor, he leaned into her and
jerked open the night table drawer. The crisp hair on his legs tickled hers.
His cock pressed into her hip and she rolled her ass, trying to get closer. He
grunted, slammed the drawer and sat back. The sound of ripping plastic was like
music to Bradi’s ears.

One hand flattened between her shoulder blades, pressing her
chest to the mattress. A knee shoved her thighs wider apart. Then the head of
his cock was pushing into her, stretching her hungry passage.

“Fuck, Bradi, so good…can’t go slow.”

Bradi jerked against the ties on her wrists, trying to buck
against him. She squirmed against the hands gripping her hips. “Fuck me, Mason.
Just…fuck me.”

His hips rammed into hers, cramming her full of his thick
cock. Her head snapped up and air hissed through her teeth at the intrusion.
Her inner muscles clamped around his shaft and she wanted to laugh with relief
even as she wanted to scream for him to move, needing a different kind of

“Ah, yeah.” He pulled back and plunged forward, deeper,
harder. One hand circled her ass cheek as he withdrew again.

A loud smack accompanied the inward thrust and searing heat
spiraled from her cunt and cascaded down her thighs. “Mmmmmm.”

Her cream gushed around his cock. He growled low in his
throat and increased his pace, pistoning faster and faster. An onslaught of
slaps on her ass, first the right cheek then the left, drove her closer to
orgasm, but the random pattern kept her just this side of coming.

“Mason…I need…” She couldn’t get the words past her lips.
The heat coiling inside her was almost unbearable. She needed to come, needed
to bite.

He smoothed a hand around her hip to her belly and lower
until his fingers slid between her wet folds. She bit into the sheet.
He rolled her clit and the orgasm burst from her core. Liquid fire
spilled across her flesh, each thundering pulse of pleasure matching the beat
of her heart. Her hips locked and her scream bled into the mattress.

“Bradi.” Her name echoed from a distance. He plunged deep
and stilled, his cock buried to the hilt. Hot cum blasted the latex barrier,
drawing out the spasms that rocked her.

Mason dropped to brace a hand on either side of her
shoulders, keeping his weight off her. She would have relished the pressure,
but was in no position to complain as the pounding in her veins slowed to a
sweet throb and her muscles loosened. Her thighs lost the battle to hold her
ass in the air and her knees slid out from under her. His cock slipped from her
pussy, drawing a whimper from her and a grunt from him.

He collapsed beside her, quiet except for the heavy breaths
expanding his chest. One arm flung over his eyes blocked his face, hiding his
expression. Probably for the best. She wasn’t ready to deal with his regret.
And now that she’d pushed him this far, she wasn’t going to let up. Not now.
Not yet.

This night was all she’d have. The morning would come soon
enough to end it.

And tomorrow she’d be gone.


Mason listened as Bradi’s breathing evened. God, he couldn’t
believe what they’d just done. What he’d just done. He’d only meant to teach
her a lesson. To frighten her with the possible consequences of her

He should never have touched her. Even with a glove on, the
first caress had made his cock harden. The cold shower he’d taken after tying
her to his bed proved useless. And yeah, she’d goaded him into action, fueled
his anger and then his lust with her erotic words. Hearing her beg for him to…

Fuck, it wasn’t supposed to be like that. Not with Bradi.

He rolled to the edge of the bed and sat up to remove the
condom. Rising, he took a step toward the bathroom door.

“Untie me.”

“Shit, I’m sorry.” How could he have forgotten she was tied?
He’d been careful to leave her some slack, but her hands were probably numb by

Dropping the condom in a wastebasket beside the nightstand,
Mason turned and paused, one knee on the mattress. He still didn’t quite
believe the hellcat in his bed was Bradi. God, she was beautiful. How could he
never have seen it before? She lay stretched across his bed, blonde hair
spilled around her like a cloud of gold. Long, slender limbs, firm and yet
soft. Her silky flesh was pale but for the red marring her heart-shaped ass.

Even as his gut roiled with guilt, some elemental part of
him found pleasure in marking her, branding her as his. But she wasn’t.

That didn’t stop his cock from making a slow stretch toward
his navel.

Bradi lifted her head and puffed her bangs out of her face.
She twisted her upper body to one side and looked at him through her arms. Her
gaze fell to his crotch and she smiled, her emerald eyes glowing with humor and
lust. “Is that for me?”

Wishing he’d put his jeans on before climbing back into bed
with a naked Bradi, Mason ignored her suggestive question, along with the
generous display of perfect breasts, and reached over her head to untie her
hands. “We need to talk.”

She lowered one arm and then the other, flexing her fingers
and massaging her wrists. Her grimace tugged at his conscience. He hadn’t
delved that far into bondage when he’d played those few scenes with Clay. Mason
hadn’t thought he’d ever need to know how to keep his partner safe. Now he
wished he’d paid more attention.

“Can’t we talk in the morning?” She sat up, scooted to the
other side of the bed and swung her legs over the side.

His stomach took another nosedive, this time for a totally
different reason. She was leaving his bed. Shit, he didn’t know what he wanted.
He couldn’t ask her to stay. In fact, he should be helping her go before he did
something stupid, like put her back in restraints so he could fuck her silly

Mason flopped down on the bed and closed his eyes. Maybe
wait until morning to talk…in the bright light of day…at her
house, with her folks close at hand to keep his hands from wandering where they
had no business wandering.

The bed dipped and Mason squeezed his eyes tighter. He
wanted to open them, to watch her move. He loved the way—

Something tickled his hip. He brushed a hand over his belly
and his fingers encountered a silken strand of…Bradi’s hair?

His eyes flew open just as wet heat laved his dick from root
to tip. “What the fuck are you doing?”

On her knees beside him, Bradi curled her fingers around his
cock. “What does it look like?” He jackknifed upright, but she shoved him back
down and straddled his knees. She lowered her head to within an inch of his
mushroomed head. Against his will, a bead of precum seeped from the slit.
Smiling, her gaze locked on his. “You got to have your fun. Now it’s my turn.”

She slapped a condom on his belly as if to seal the deal
with a promise that he’d enjoy her turn as much as she’d enjoyed his. Then, as
pretty as she pleased, her tongue slipped out to lap at the fluid. “Mmm.”

Liquid fire filled his balls. He sifted his fingers through
her hair until the tips met scalp. “Bradi, you have to stop.” ’Cause god knew
he couldn’t.

She swirled her tongue around the firm ridge. “Can’t we just
have this one night, Mason? Forget we’re friends and have no-holds-barred sex?”

No-holds-barred sex with Bradi? His mind spun at the
possibility. But what if he couldn’t rein in his lust and lost control again.
“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t.” Her hand began a slow rhythm up and down. Her
grip was firm, tight, squeezing. Just like her pussy had been.

He struggled to find his voice. “I did before.”

“No, you didn’t.”

His hands fisted in her hair and he lifted her head,
stalling her wicked tongue. “Bradi, don’t lie to me.”

The motion of her hand stilled and she bit her lip. “Yes,
there was pain.” Her eyelids lowered and her cheeks flushed a rosy pink. “But I
liked it.” Her lashes lifted again to reveal dilated pupils surrounded by a
ring of bright green. “I liked having your hands on me, spanking me.”

BOOK: BuckingHard
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