Read BuriedSecrets Online

Authors: Ashley Shayne

BuriedSecrets (2 page)

BOOK: BuriedSecrets
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“Oh, perhaps.” He smiled at me sexily and his voice held
promise. “What exactly is it you want to know?”

I leaned in closer to him and noted how he inhaled my scent
as I did so.

“Where is the Amulet of Kain?” I whispered at him.

His reaction surprised me. He reared back as far from me as
his chains would permit and stared into my face in shock.

“You can’t be serious?” he gasped.

“Of course I’m serious,” I told him and I slapped him across
the face again.

This time I was watching for it and I saw his cock jerk as I
hit him. I felt my pulse rate increase as I turned to the table and grabbed the
whip I’d used before. Quickly I laid several strokes across his back, and
listening to him cry out, I realized I felt flushed. I took the whip and gently
draped it over his shoulder as I came around in front of him, trailing the end
down his chest and around the base of his thick cock. He groaned and strained
toward me, and I had an idea. Maybe, if I couldn’t get the information out of
him by torture, I could try another way.

I put my hand on his chest, surprised to find him warm, and
he looked at me, his eyes heavy lidded with desire. I slid my hand down to his nipple
and gently pinched it, leaning in so my face was close to his. He gasped and
writhed in his chains, his breathing ragged and his penis straining. I pinched
harder and slapped the whip around his hip to land across his ass. He moaned
again and I released him, sliding my hand farther down and dragging my nails
down his chest as I did so. He was panting now and I reached down farther and
circled his member, gripping him firmly.

“Where’s the Amulet?” I whispered in his ear.

“I can’t tell you,” he moaned back, his body tense and

I moved my hand up the length of him and down in one swift
motion, and he moaned again. I dropped the whip and dug my nails into his

“Please,” he begged me, thrusting his hips against my hand.

I moved backward with his motion, out of reach of his
thrusting cock, and slapped him again.

“Where is it?” I repeated.

“I can’t!” he cried back.

“Too bad,” I whispered and let him go, turning abruptly and
heading to the door.

“No,” he cried, struggling in his chains.

I ignored him and left.

I headed back to my room and fell onto my bed. I took a
moment to evaluate and realized that I was incredibly wet and hot. I tried to
tell myself he was nothing more than a devil. A fiend and a murderer. To my
dismay though, I realized I didn’t want anything as much as I wanted him in me.

I gave him an hour before I returned to his cell. This time
when I entered he didn’t look so happy to see me.

“What do you know of the Amulet of Kain?” he asked me as
soon as the door was locked behind me.

“What should I know?” I asked him, making my voice low and
husky. I figured anything he told me could be of use to my masters and also
possibly point to its location, even if he wouldn’t tell me directly.

“You should know it is trouble and you shouldn’t mess with
it. There is absolutely no good reason to want it. All it does is evil.”

“And I should believe you? A creature of evil?”

“You should.” He stared intently into my eyes before
continuing. “It is a plague and should never see the light of day again.”

“Well, that’s not up to you now, is it?” I asked him before
getting up and heading over to the table. I picked up a set of nipple clamps
and a cat-o’-nine-tails and moved back to him. I bent down to place them on the
ground next to him, making sure he got a good view of my ass as I did so. His
cock stirred as I glanced at it and I smiled. I attached the clamps to his
nipples firmly and tightened them until he moaned before I reached down and
cupped a hand around his balls. They were firm and large and the muscles in his
thighs jumped and twitched as I squeezed. I closed my hand tighter and tighter
until I released him suddenly, and he gasped and shuddered.

“Where is the Amulet?” I asked him, leaning in close and
flicking my tongue in his ear as I did so.

“You can’t think this will work?” he asked me, somewhat

“Hard to say,” I replied. “I have a while to find out. If
not, I’ll try something else. Something not so pleasant.”

In truth, I had no idea what I’d try next. I was sure there
would be a point where the pain would overtake the pleasure if I kept torturing
him, but I really didn’t have the stomach for it. Besides, I was enjoying
myself too much to stop now. If I didn’t get anywhere in a few days, I’d work
out a Plan B.

I grabbed the cat-o’-nine-tails and set on him with it,
laying it across the backs of his thighs, his ass, his back and across his
shoulders until the whole back side of him was red. He cried out as I struck
him, and I stopped when I noticed a drop of fluid on the end of his cock. He
hung in his chains, panting and trembling, and I moved around him slowly,
tracing my hand lightly across his back as I did so. He shuddered as I stroked
him where I’d been hitting him and groaned again.

“Where is it?” I asked again.

He didn’t respond this time. I stood before him and he
raised his head to look into my eyes. He looked feverish, and I felt a matching
flush as I looked at him. I held his gaze for a moment and then knelt and
lowered my head to his penis. Softly I flicked my tongue against the base of it
and then licked up its length. He inhaled sharply and tensed. I stopped just
before the tip and he exhaled a shuddering breath.

“Suck it! Please, suck it,” he begged me.

I rose and shook my head at him solemnly. “When you tell me
what I want to know,” I told him, took off the nipple clamps and then I left.

Chapter Two


I gave him forty-five minutes before I returned. He looked
up at me when I came in.

“I don’t even know your name,” he said, his voice

“Kayla,” I told him after a moment’s thought.

“Why do you work for them?” he asked me, his voice rough and

“Why would I not?” I replied.

“Because you don’t seem evil,” he told me. “I don’t
understand. You came here to torture me. You’re after the Amulet. But you’re
not evil, so why do this? Why work for them?”

“We’re not evil. They’re not evil,” I exclaimed, surprised. “We
hunt evil things, we kill them. We do good things, not evil things.”

He laughed sarcastically at me. “Yeah, right. The Amulet
controls the dead. Zombies and vampires. But you have to have one or make one
first. Why do your ‘good’ masters need an army of zombies? How can that be

“I don’t know. Why should they tell me? Perhaps they want to
destroy it, or hide it and keep it safe.”

“It’s safe now. No one knows where it is but me and I don’t
know how they found out I hid it. It’s been hidden for hundreds of years. What
possible good could bringing it back into the world do?”

I hesitated for a second before reminding myself that he was
a creature of darkness and couldn’t be trusted. “And why should I believe your

“Because it’s the truth, not lies. If you’ve met your
masters, you must wonder. You must be concerned. Look in your heart. You know
they’re evil.”

I brushed aside the uneasy feeling his words gave me and
grabbed his chin, sinking my nails into his skin. He leaned backward in his
chains as I pressed against him and his breath quickened. I looked down and saw
he was already erect.

“And you’re not?” I asked him softly. I let him go and
picked up the whip again. This time, as I laid it across his back, I waited
eagerly for him to gasp and moan for me. I watched his hips jerk as the lash
struck and felt a wonderful power. I had complete control and undeniable
evidence he wanted me. I could do anything I wanted to him and he’d beg me for

Shivering slightly, I slowly unzipped my cat suit and pulled
it down off me. I paused for a moment and then strode around in front of him. I
was wearing a black silk bra and panty set, and my high heels made me legs look
a million miles long. Crispin’s eyes widened as he saw me, and he inhaled
sharply. I stood in front of him and pressed my breasts against him, reaching
around behind him to stroke the tender skin of his back with both hands. His
cock pressed against my thigh and I could feel it pulsing.

I leaned my head in and nibbled lightly on his neck before
breathing in his ear, “Where is the Amulet?”

He lunged suddenly for my neck and I jerked back just in
time. The chains stopped him short and I shook my head at him disapprovingly as
I grabbed his balls and squeezed them, hard.

“Naughty boy,” I told him sternly, squeezing tighter.

“Fuck me,” he gasped back, leaning into his chains and
pushing his hips against me. “Oh my god, fuck me.”

“Where is it?”

“I’ll take you to it,” he gasped desperately.

I paused and thought about it, leaning my shoulders away
from him while he pressed his body against me. His cock found my clit and I
gave an involuntary moan while he rocked back and forth against it. I matched
his movements and found myself forgetting why I was here in the first place.
All I wanted was to take him and put him inside me.

“Give me your word,” I commanded with the last of my
rational mind. Vampires can’t break a promise they’ve made. Or at least, not
without something horrible happening.

“I promise,” he cried, his voice shaking.

“Deal,” I gasped and ripped off my panties. I wrapped my
legs around his hips and sheathed him inside me in one smooth motion. He cried
aloud and threw his head back and I wrapped my arms around his neck and thrust
myself up and down on him. He moaned and murmured at me, urging me on, and I
lost track of time as my entire world narrowed to thinking about how good he
felt. I tangled my hands in his hair and yanked his head back, feeling him
throb inside me. I reached climax just as he stiffened and cried out. Our
bodies tensed, hard against each other for a moment before I dragged myself off

I gasped and shuddered and tried to recover myself while
Crispin hung limply in his chains. When I could speak again, I turned to him.

“You better not renege on our deal,” I told him.

“No. But this is a mistake. You should leave well enough
alone,” he managed, his voice rough as he grimaced at me unhappily.

I shrugged back at him. “So you say.”

He looked down and for a moment seemed so sad that my heart
gave a tug. I reminded myself that what happened to him now wasn’t my concern.
I tried to ignore the almost panicky feeling I was getting and went to have a
shower before reporting in. He didn’t look up at me as I left, and I closed the
door behind me tightly and found myself regretting leaving him. I knew I’d
never see him again. They’d kill him when they had what they wanted. I tried to
tell myself he was only a vampire but I couldn’t stop thinking about the heat
of him and his muscles rippling as he strained into me. I forced myself to
focus with difficulty and my face was a mask of sober professionalism by the
time I arrived at my masters’ room.

Only the Tramp was present upon my arrival. Fortunately, he
was in a good mood, though he grumbled that getting a location would have been
better. I gathered that the speed of my results pleased him and made up for the
fact that I’d only gotten him a partial answer. He waved at me to leave, and I
returned to my room where I fell into an uneasy sleep.

I was woken a few hours later by a knock on my door. When I
groggily went to answer it I saw, to my surprise, the Lady standing outside my

“He says he swore to show
where the Amulet is. Go
with him. A team is preparing to accompany you. Find the Amulet and bring it to

With that she turned and left, and I shut the door behind
her slowly. It seemed I hadn’t seen the last of Crispin yet. I pulled on my
hunting leathers and gathered a backpack of things I might need. In addition to
several weapons, I added two changes of clothes and several packs of military rations.
I grabbed my flask and filled it with water and then headed down to the parking
lot to meet up with the others.

In the garage, I found another black van. The team
accompanying us consisted of two guards armed with high-voltage stun guns, a
tracker, an armed driver and a small woman I gathered was a witch of some sort.
I nodded to them and motioned for the witch to take the front seat. The tracker
slid in behind them and I paced to the back of the van. Crispin was already
there. He was still gloriously naked. His torso was smooth and looked soft and
inviting in the dim light. He had chains around his wrists and ankles, which
were looped into hooks in the sides of the van. Silver weakens vampires
immensely. It doesn’t hurt exactly, but they get numb in the area they are
chained in. Bound hand and foot, Crispin could barely move his arms and legs. I
remembered him hanging from the ceiling and shivered at how good he’d felt
inside me.

I climbed in next to the two guards and one of them handed
me a wireless headset with a built-in mic. I checked in with the individual
team members to make sure the headsets were working and then settled onto a
bench across from Crispin.

“You couldn’t have given me some clothes?” he asked me, the
corner of his mouth curving upward.

“You don’t deserve clothes, animal!” one of the guards

Crispin’s eyes narrowed, though he didn’t shift his gaze
from mine. I shrugged at him. In truth, I honestly hadn’t thought about it.
After a couple of minutes though, I wished I had. My eyes kept getting drawn to
his cock as I remember it hard and straining toward me, begging me to touch it.
This was going to be a long drive. The thought reminded me that I had no idea
where we were going yet.

“Well? Where to?” I asked him, reaching out to prod him with
my foot as I did so. I considered digging my heel into his thigh, but I knew
how he’d react and a hard-on would be less than appropriate in the situation. I
didn’t think the guards would appreciate the show.

“Head out to the airport. I assume you have a plane? We’re
going to South America.”

I nodded and relayed the instructions to the driver. I
considered phoning my masters but decided the pilot would let them know as soon
as a flight plan was logged. We made good time to the airport and once we’d
boarded, Crispin told the flight crew to take us to Peru. We set a course for
Cuzco, and I raised my eyebrows at him.

“You hid an ancient relic at Machu Picchu?” I asked him in

“No,” he replied shortly.

We boarded the plane without incident and I sat facing him.
The guards took spaces in the seats across the aisle from us and the tracker
and witch settled in the back of the plane.

As we took off, Crispin leaned in to me and whispered
softly, “Please reconsider. No good can come of this.”

His eyes begged me to listen to him and I felt worried
again. What if he was right? What if this Amulet was evil? Why would they want
it if it had been hidden for so long? I looked away from Crispin’s pleading
eyes and stared out the window. It was a solid, seven-hour flight to Peru, and
I wondered if I’d be able to sleep for a while. After a few minutes, he started
talking to me softly.

“I was born in 1456 in what is now Russia. When I was born,
people were very poor. Except for the very rich of course. We were not very
rich. My family was serfs, bound to the land and to our masters. In Russia, the
land is a hard mistress. Usually, we died young.”

Involuntarily I turned to look at him. His voice was so sad.
He gave me a small, brave smile and I wondered if he was trying to play me.

“Is that true?”

“All of what I will tell you of my history is true. I

I was surprised. A vampire promising to tell the truth.
must be a first.
I nodded at him to continue and leaned back in my seat. I could
just hear him over the drone of the small plane and I was relatively certain we
couldn’t be overheard.

“I was out late one night. I’d had trouble with one of my
tools in the field and I had to fix it. As I walked, I saw a woman approach me.
She was dressed in finery and I couldn’t understand why she’d be walking alone
so late, in a place where only serfs lived. I didn’t have to wonder long. As I
approached her, she told me she needed a servant and I was handsome enough to
do. I told her I couldn’t come with her and she just smiled at me and then
leapt. I felt a deep pain, and then a pleasure unlike any I have ever known. I
felt myself die.”

I was captivated by his voice and curled my legs up beneath
me. He seemed lost in thought, his eyes turned down, his long eyelashes laying
on his cheeks and his beautiful mouth drooping. The pause grew and I eventually
waved at him to continue.

“When I awoke, she told me I was hers and that I had to obey
her. I found it was true. After a time, many, many years, I learned why. She
took me with her as she traveled around and fed off the innocent. She would
have me fetch girls for her and bring them back. Then she would kill them. We
would kill them. I had no choice.”

His voice trailed off and I thought about the things I had
done when I’d had no choice, the things I regretted, and I felt for him.

“Eventually, another vampire came for her. An older one. He
confronted her in her tower while I cowered in the corner. He demanded the
Amulet of Kain.”

I jerked in surprise and he nodded at me significantly
before continuing.

“He told her he knew she used it to control other vampires
and I understood how she’d controlled me. He told her it also could command
zombies and accused her of messing with powers she didn’t understand. She went
for the Amulet and clutched it to her, chanting. He flew at her and, just as
she finished the last word, punched out her heart. She fell to the ground and
crumbled to dusty ash, but her spell was complete. As I watched, a deadly smoke
wreathed around his head and he fell to his knees, gasping. In seconds, he too turned
to dust. I came out from my corner, my will my own for the first time in years,
and saw a sparkle amidst the ash. It was the Amulet. I grabbed it and fled. It
took years for me to work my way to South America. I was on one of the first
ships to reach the New World. I survived in the jungle with ease, to my
surprise. The people there still practiced blood sacrifice and accepted me
surprisingly quickly. I hid the Amulet where no one would find it and there it
has remained since.”

He leaned toward me across the seats. “Kayla, when I was in
that thing’s power, I had no control. I had to do whatever I was told. There
was no choice. Vampires are powerful now, but can you imagine an army of them?
We don’t get along and we’d never join together as things stand. But we could
be used. Would you unleash that on the world?”

I looked away again and said nothing.

“How did you end up here anyway? Why do you work for them?”
he asked after a pause.

I considered not answering for a moment but couldn’t see the
harm in replying. He was captive and would soon be dead. He’d take any secrets
of mine to his grave.

“The Three found me when I was little. They saved me and
took me in. They trained me to hunt and that’s what I do. We make things safer
for everyone.”

Crispin eyed me thoughtfully. “They saved you? From what?”

“Well…I’m…I’m not sure exactly. I just know that they did.”

“How do you know? Because they told you? What if it’s all
lies and they stole you from somewhere?”

BOOK: BuriedSecrets
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