Read Calder Online

Authors: Allyson James

Tags: #General Fiction

Calder (7 page)

BOOK: Calder
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“You signed the consent forms,” Calder reminded her.

“I didn’t. Someone forged my print.”

Braden laughed. At least someone thought all this was funny.
Calder strode to his terminal, loaded a blank form into his handheld and brought it to her. He slid his arm around her waist and thrust the handheld under her nose.

“It’s all here. You agree to let me do to you anything I want, including telling you to pleasure Braden or a wooden pole or whatever I think of. You agree to obey me and accept whatever punishment I dish out if you disobey. In return I’ll visit the clinic.” He leaned closer. “Yesterday, I decided to be nice to you because you’re cute. Today, I’ve changed my mind.”

Braden uttered a small moan. He thrust his hand down his half-open leggings.

“Hurry up. You’re killing me.”

“Decide,” Calder said, ignoring him. “Go and never seek me out again, or stay and I do whatever I want.”

She turned her head, her hair brushing his nose. “I want to stay.”

“Thank the gods,” Braden breathed.

“Good.” The word brushed Calder’s lips against hers but he did not kiss her. He held up the form. “Thumbprint.”

Katarina raised a shaking hand and pressed her thumb to the lighted pad.
Chapter Six
Katarina couldn’t believe she was doing this. She watched Braden hurriedly pull open his leggings as Calder tossed the handheld aside.

Calder lowered her to her knees. As he had yesterday, he didn’t exactly push her, but his grip loosened her legs until she glided down where he wanted her. He dropped to one knee next to her, thigh planted firmly behind her back.

Braden sighed with relief as his cock sprang out, hard and needy. It was dark red, the engorged tip almost purple.

“Take it in your hand,” Calder said. “Get to know it. He doesn’t mind.”

Braden spread his arms over the back of the couch and parted his legs. “Nope.

Don’t mind in the least.”

Katarina reached out a shaking hand. Again she reflected that she’d seen plenty of holo images of penises in her medical studies, could name all the parts, inside and out.

But that had been theory only.

Braden’s swollen cock was no theory. Calder’s breath brushed Katarina’s neck as she touched Braden’s tip.

“Gods,” Braden groaned. “Don’t let me come too soon.”

“Did you hear him?” Calder asked in her ear. “Don’t let him come too soon, or I will have to punish you.”

Katrina nodded. She’d never been so aware of feelings—the silk of her own hair on her neck, the heat of Calder’s breath, the soft rug beneath her knees, the blood pounding through the cock under her hand.

“Hold on to it,” Calder ordered. “Squeeze it in your fist.”
She gripped tentatively. The cock head moved upward and Braden’s skin tightened around it. Braden closed his eyes, making a sound of pleasure.

“Stroke it,” Calder said.

Katarina’s hand moved all the way down to Braden’s scrotum then back up the length to his tip. And again.

“Stroke his balls.” Calder touched the soft ringlets against her neck. “Put your finger around them, like this.” He held up his forefinger and thumb, making a ring.

Katarina moved her hand down to Braden’s scrotum and tried to do as Calder instructed, but her fingers were clumsy. Calder moved her hand into the right position, making her ring Braden’s balls with finger and thumb.

Braden’s eyes were half closed, his cheekbones flushed. He kept his arms stretched across the back of the sofa but watched Katarina intently. He was having the time of his life.

Fuck Braden.
Calder wanted her, of course he did, what man wouldn’t? But he wasn’t about to rip open his fly and beg her to rub her hands and tongue all over him.

No matter how much he wanted to.

That’s not what Calder did. He controlled the situation and let the lady have only what he wanted to give her.

“I’m going to come,” Braden said. “Damn it, I don’t want to, not yet.”

“Don’t let him come,” Calder growled.

“How do I stop it?”

Braden moved his large hand to the base of his scrotum. “Hold me here. Pinch it.”

Katarina kept the ring of her thumb and finger on Braden’s testicle and used her other hand to pinch where Braden showed her. His cock stood up on its own, so tight it must hurt him.

Calder’s own cock pounded, but he didn’t dare touch himself. He knew he’d squirt all over inside his clothes if he did, and damned if he would let her know that.
“Lick it,” Calder said, continuing to finger Katarina’s warm brown hair. “Lick his head, suck it into your mouth. Taste it.”

“Gods, you’re evil,” Braden said.

But Braden made no objection as Katarina, moving hesitantly, leaned down and curled her mouth around the head of his cock.

Calder rubbed his erection against Katarina’s body, sucking in a breath at the wild tingle the action generated.

“What does he taste like?” he asked her.

Katarina looked at him, her hands still firm on Braden’s balls. “Smooth. Kind of sharp at the same time.”

“Bite it. A little nibble, around the flange.”

Katarina moved her head back down, sucking the head between her lips. Braden brought one hand down to stroke her hair, eyes closed. He swayed on the couch, murmuring, “
Fuck, fuck, fuck

Suddenly Calder couldn’t take it anymore. He was as Shareem as Braden, which meant he was as desperate. He had to either stroke himself off or have her do it for him, didn’t matter, he needed release now.

He made himself calmly unfasten his leggings. No ripping them open, no thrusting them down and begging for her.

Calder had designed his clothes so that his cock alone could be released but his scarred thighs would remain hidden. He pulled the leggings open.

“Suck this one too.”

Katarina flushed then she leaned down and closed her wet mouth over his cock.

Katarina traced Calder’s flange with her tongue, sucking and biting the head as he’d ordered her to do to Braden. He was amazed Braden’s come wasn’t all over her by now. The man had more control than Calder thought.

“Slowly,” he growled. “Make it last for me.”
Katarina toned down the suckling but the slow tasting didn’t make Calder any less needy.

“Hey,” Braden said petulantly, eyes opening a slit. “What about

“Suck him too.” Calder edged toward him so she wouldn’t have to turn as far.

“Suck both of us.”

Katarina took Braden’s cock into her mouth again, cheeks moving as she sucked.

She released Braden’s cock and did the same to Calder.

Gods, who was in control here? Calder and Braden, getting more and more turned-on every second, their Shareem blood pounding fire-hot…or the lovely wench licking and sucking two Shareem cocks?

Braden clutched the back of the couch, hips rocking, jaw clenched. Calder couldn’t come before Braden did. Braden would never let him hear the end of it. Calder was the one with rock-hard control, right?

While Katarina slathered her tongue all over Braden again, Calder moved to the couch. He nudged Braden with his knee, and Braden got the idea even without opening his eyes.

He slid over so Calder could get in next him, sitting Braden almost on his lap, legs spread so Calder’s cock jutted out beside his friend’s.

Calder had to cradle Braden against him, arm around his back, but he was too excited to care. Calder’s skin was roasting and he needed release.

“Take us both. Together.”

Katarina gave Calder a startled look then she bent her head and studied the two cocks, tips together.

Calder couldn’t fault her bravery. She opened her mouth wide and took in as much of the two cocks as she could.

“Shit,” Braden said. He threw his head back on Calder’s shoulder and Calder closed his eyes, feeling the roughness of Braden’s cheek against his.
Katarina’s mouth was a hot, moist, tight place. His cock crushed against Braden’s and the wall of her cheek. Her tongue flicked over him, sharp teeth scraping his skin.

Calder’s hips rose of their own accord.

Braden jumped, groaning hard. He yanked up his tunic at the same time he pulled out of Katarina’s mouth and slid away from Calder. Grasping his cock, he came against his abdomen, pumping gobs of white cream onto his sun-darkened skin.

Calder stayed in Katarina’s mouth and she transferred all her attention to him. He let himself come hard into her mouth, hands curling into fists. The only noise he made was a tight grunt, and then he filled her.

Braden lay back and let out a long breath. “You know, when I got up this morning, I never dreamed my day would be this good.”

Calder ignored him. Katarina took his come, sweet lady, and looked almost disappointed when he slowly withdrew from her mouth. She swallowed and wiped her lips with the tips of her fingers.

Calder hauled her onto the couch with him. He shouldn’t do this, no holding, no tenderness, but he couldn’t help himself. He pressed her head to his shoulder, stroking her hair, brushing it with his lips.

He looked up to find Braden watching him. Braden pretended nonchalance when Calder met his gaze.

“Shower time,” Braden said. “You two want to join me?”

Calder thought of his narrow, utilitarian shower jammed into a corner of his bathroom. “Not in here.”

Braden caught on and his grin widened. “Oh now, I’ve always wanted to do that.

Seen it. Not had the pleasure.”

Katarina raised her head, her lips smelling of come. “Do what?”

Braden laughed. “You’ll see, darlin’. Calder is a man of great imagination and the credits to go with it.”
Calder’s cock throbbed, already stiffening again in anticipation. “Follow me, Katarina. Time to get wet.”


As soon as Calder led her through a narrow door to his huge pleasure room, Katarina saw how he’d been able to elude her the day before. The door slid seamlessly into the black wall, leaving no crack when closed. A person would have to know exactly where it was to find it.

Calder had dimmed the lights again, rendering the room seductive, its black walls and shadowy ceiling confusing the eye.

Braden shrugged out of his tunic and leather pants, tossing them aside. Naked, he was tall and beautiful, every muscle sculpted and smooth. The black chain on his biceps moved with his arm, made to flex with it perfectly.

Calder kept his clothes on. Katarina bit back disappointment. She wanted to see whether his body was as firm and tight as Braden’s, wanted to rub her fingers over his round biceps and the ridges of his abdomen.

She remembered what Braden had said about Shareem chemistry rendering a woman pliable to their suggestions and wondered if that had happened to her in Calder’s living room. Two men gazing at her with blue eyes, their aroused state plain to see, had given her a strange feeling of power.

Calder’s smell was all over her and she tasted him on her lips. She thought of the beautiful feeling of the two cocks under her tongue, each of them different. Braden’s had been sharp and tangy, Calder’s smooth and mellow.

Two men had bared their cocks for her, had jammed themselves together begging for her. Calder had come straight into her mouth as though he had a right to, and she’d not turned away in disgust. She’d liked tasting him.
“Ready?” Calder asked. He stood a little away from them, a slight smile on his lips.

The dim light masked his scars a bit. His face was hard and perfectly shaped, his hair, loose now, hanging like a river of black to his waist.

“Ready,” Braden said. “Go for it.”

Ready for what?

It started to rain. More than rain—a downpour. Water cascaded from hidden jets above, warm like a summer rain in the mountains. Droplets sheeted over Katarina’s face and ran in rivulets down her tunic.

Braden laughed and threw back his head, letting the water flow over him. “This is great!” he shouted over the rain. “You hunt through this?”

“Yes,” Calder said.

That was when Katarina noticed that Calder was not getting wet. He stood in a precise spot where no rain fell. It pattered and drummed in a full circle around him, but where he stood, not one drop struck him.

“Hey,” she said, putting her hands on her wet hips. “That’s not fair.”

Braden glanced over and saw what she meant. His eyes narrowed. “I say we get him.”

Katarina joined Braden as he rushed Calder and pushed him out of his safe spot.

Instantly, the rain ceased.

Braden stopped, panting. “He’s got the controls on him, the bastard.”

Calder stepped calmly out of their reach to another precise spot and the rain fell in torrents again. Katarina screamed, startled, and Braden laughed. He pushed his long hair from his face.

“Damn, this feels good,” Braden shouted. “You spiked it.”

“Spiked?” Katarina asked.

“With pheromones.” Braden opened his mouth and licked the rain from his lips.

Katarina’s hair plastered itself in ringlets to her face. She stuck out her tongue and caught the rain. It tasted of water, but Braden was right. It made her feel vital and excited.

“I want to hunt,” Braden said.

He pinned his gaze on Katarina, his affable look replaced with one of hunger. The rain was turning him on too, she realized, but in a different way.

She glanced at Calder and stopped, her heart fluttering. Braden looked hungry, but Calder gave her the look of a beast sizing up its prey. A beast who wasn’t about to let said prey get away.

“Wait a minute,” she said, brushing water from her eyes. “You brought me out here to
me? I thought Shareem couldn’t do things like that.”

Braden grinned, the smile feral. “You signed the forms, sweetheart.”

Katarina thought of the maze of greenery that began on the other side of the vast black room. She’d thought it had been meant to soothe, but now she realized it had been designed to twist and confuse, to be a jungle for the hunter and the hunted.

“Oh gods,” she said.

She looked at the pair of them watching her in the same way, Braden with his hands on his bare hips, Calder with arms folded, head tilted to one side as though trying to catch her scent.

BOOK: Calder
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