Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Rescue Their Bride [Wyoming Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) (9 page)

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Rescue Their Bride [Wyoming Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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“Shouldn’t I tell him good-bye?”

“No. Come on, sweetheart. This part of your life is over.”

She had a puzzled expression on her face. Nevertheless, she followed him out and to the elevator.

“You two argued?”

“You might say that.” He leaned down and kissed her furrowed brow. “Don’t worry, honey. Bill understood, and agreed your leaving was best.”

* * * *

Morgan looked back over her shoulder as Ethan ushered her into the elevator. She thought she’d heard a noise like an argument or fight but hesitated to check. Maybe she should have, but she had gotten the coffee instead. Ethan’s eyes had a strange glow, and his scent was stronger, not unpleasant, just different. She sensed a ruthlessness about him he hadn’t exposed before.

“You didn’t kill him, did you?” she said, unable to stop herself from asking the question.

“I wanted to, but he’ll live.”

Still she couldn’t shake the concern. His hand cupped her face. “I’d never lie to you. He’s alive. Do you want to go back and check on him?”

She stared into his eyes. When he’d first come out of Bill’s office they’d been like silver shards of glass. Now they were a misty grayish blue. The air swirled with tension around them. His question hung in the air. Somehow, she knew her answer might decide the course of her life.

“I believe you.”

He bent and set his lips lightly against hers. A soft, reassuring kiss. “We need to talk, but not at my place.” He led her to the car. He leaned against the steering wheel, half turned to her. “Where can we eat and have a conversation? A restaurant that’s quiet and fairly private?”

Morgan glanced at her watch. “It’s early for lunch, but there’s a little local place a few blocks from here. This time of day it will be pretty empty. They do great sandwiches and hamburgers.”

“Perfect. Give me the directions.”

He drove fast, but competently around the block, down three streets, and turned to the right. She pointed out Mama Lucetta’s cafe and he parked in front.

A bell rang over the door as they entered. The window curtains were red-checkered, and matched the tablecloths giving the room a welcoming look.

“Lovely Morgan, it is good to see you.” A short, thin woman with bright red hair hugged Morgan. “You are early today.”

“Yes, Mama Lucetta.” Morgan put out her hand. “I’m engaged. This is Et—David, my fiancé.” Thank goodness at the last moment she’d remembered to use his undercover name.

“You are a lucky man, Mr. David. Ms. Morgan is so pretty, and sweet, too. Come in. I will cook your meal myself.” She handed them menus. “Where do you want to sit?” She spread her hands out to include all the empty seats. “Most of my customers come between eleven-thirty and two. You have the place to yourselves.”

“How about the back booth, sweetheart?” Ethan asked.

“Perfect, you two lovebirds will have complete privacy. Look over the menu. I’ll be back in a moment.” Morgan slid into the booth and Ethan moved in beside her.

“Well, this is cozy,” Morgan said.

Ethan put his arm around her shoulders. “You did well. I saw you taking pictures. When you get to the ranch, give the ring to Justin. He’ll have the pictures removed, and return it to you. Remember to always wear it.”

Morgan turned in her seat to look into his face. “You talk like I’m going to the ranch soon.”

“You are. When we leave here we’re going to a small airport on the outskirts of town. Justin and our company jet will be waiting.”

“But you said I could help. Things are just getting started.” She frowned at Ethan.

“You have helped. I told Bill we were engaged. I gave him my address. The plan has been set for tonight. I don’t want to be worrying about your safety.”

“I don’t want to go.” She knew she was being stubborn and pouting, but she couldn’t stop herself.

He rubbed his finger across her lips. “You don’t know how hard it is to send you away. I have to. There is too much at risk to you and to the job. If you’re around, you’ll be a distraction for me. I have to stay focused.”

“Now all you two have done is stare at each other. Ah, young love. I’ve taken the prerogative to bring you a bowl of my special lentil soup. You can eat this while I fix the rest of your order.” Mama Lucetta smiled at them.

“This is wonderful. All I need besides this is a small salad and ice tea,” Morgan said.

Ethan handed the menus to Mama Lucetta. “Morgan tells me you make a great hamburger and fries. I’d like to try them.”

“Good, a man with an appetite.” She bustled away to the kitchen.

“When did you arrange my transportation to the ranch?” Morgan asked.

“Last night.”

“I thought so. Why didn’t you tell me then?”

“Because I knew you wouldn’t be happy about the idea, and selfishly, I didn’t want to spoil our night.”

Morgan took a sip of the warm, flavorful soup. “What happens when this is all over?”

“Whatever you want, Morgan. I wasn’t kidding about wanting to marry you.” He ran his finger over the ring on her hand. “I’ll give you a different ring. But there are other considerations. Things you need to know about me before you accept me for your husband. The visit to the ranch will give you time to think.”

“And you,” she added.

“I don’t need the time. I won’t change my mind. Talk with Justin. He can explain most questions you have.”

“I’m not comfortable with him. Do I have to live at his house?”

“Try to get to know him better. I understand you two got off on the wrong foot. But no, you don’t have to live with him. There are a few cabins on the ranch for visitors.”

“I’m not a country girl.”

“I hope you can have an open mind and see if you’d be able to live on the ranch. It’s where I spend a good deal of time.”

“Do you have a job besides this CIA thing?”

He saw their waitress coming with his food. He waited until she had put the dishes down and left.

“I can’t answer too much right now. Be patient.”

Morgan studied his face, the high cheekbones, the aristocratic nose, his firm mouth, and those enchanting eyes. Frustration warred with acceptance inside of her, but she knew without a doubt he had said all he would for now.

She stuck her nose up in the air. “I’ll entertain myself by annoying Justin.”

Ethan took her spoon out of her hand and gathered her close. “I love you even when you’re annoyed with me.” He swooped down and captured her mouth, giving her a heart-stopping kiss.

“There, just so you don’t forget me.” He straightened in his seat and picked up the hamburger, taking a bite.

Morgan stared at him. “How do men do that, just turn away and eat?”

“I’m hungry. I can’t have you, so this is the next best substitute.”

His heated glance had her squirming in her seat. Whatever time she spent at the ranch was going to be too long.

* * * *

Justin waited at the top of the steps to the private jet. Morgan wrinkled her nose. “Do I really have to go?” She looked at Ethan.

“Sorry, babe, but yes. I want you safe, and not distracting me from a job that’s heating up and getting dangerous.” He pulled her close and kissed her. “Now go on and be good.” His hand gave her a soft push toward the plane. He followed, carrying the suitcases she’d packed to take with her.

Morgan ignored Justin and moved past him into the jet. She heard the men chuckle.

“Here are her bags,” Ethan said. “You two at least try to get along,” he added. Morgan had turned to face him, and saw his look encompass Justin and her.

“I’ll take care of her until you get home. Daren and the team will be here in about thirty minutes. They were going to leave shortly after me.”

“Good. I’ll wait here at the airport for them.” He strode across to Morgan. “I’ll miss you.” He enveloped her in his arms and kissed her hard. She felt his hard arousal against her stomach.

“I’m going to need a cold shower after I leave.” He stepped back, turned, waved to Justin, and hurried down the steps.

Morgan took a seat on the side where she could see him as the jet engines revved up and they began to roll down the runway. She kept her eyes on him until he’d faded into a speck in the distance.

“Seems you like my brother.” Justin’s voice brought her attention around to where he sat in a seat on the other side of the plane.

“Yes, I do. He’s a gentleman, unlike others I might name.”

“No need to protect my feelings.”

“At least he didn’t just walk off one day without a word.”

“It usually works better that way.” His voice had gotten husky.

“Yeah, for the man.”

“I’m sure you had so many men climbing over you that you barely noticed I’d gone.”

She swallowed around the lump in her throat. “Right.”

Blinking her eyes to hide the unexpected tears, she looked back out the window at the clouds floating by.

“Listen.” Justin had moved to the seat right in front of her. “We have to get along until Ethan gets home and can take care of you. I don’t care what you think of me.” He scowled at her. “But I’m the one that has to keep you safe. You’ll go where I say you can go, and let me know every time you plan to move from where I left you.” She started to interrupt. “Let me finish. You’ll have a phone with a walkie-talkie attached, so no excuses.”

“And if I don’t obey you to the letter?” she snapped.

“I’ll lock you in a room and keep you there.”

“You wouldn’t.”

* * * *

He leaned forward. “Don’t test me.” Frustration and desire swirled around inside him. He both wanted to shake her hard and bury himself inside her warm body. He gritted his teeth. “It would be a lot easier for me that way. The only reason I’m not doing it from the start is I care about Ethan, and he thinks he loves you.”

Tears swam in her eyes, threatening to roll down her pale cheeks. “Why do you hate me?”

“I don’t hate you. You aren’t important enough for me to hate you.” He stood and walked briskly across the plane to a short hallway, took a few steps down it, and flung open the door to an office. Once inside, he snapped the door shut.

His heart beat heavy in his chest. Her tears almost had him reaching across to take her into his arms and comfort her. Her scent had reached him before she stepped level with him at the door to the plane. All the hunger he’d tried to bury had rolled over him in one fell swoop.

His body wanted her, but not his mind. She was like a damn model, always made up perfect and dressed perfect. She’d probably never gotten dirty in her entire life. He envisioned her as the wife of a politician or wealthy businessman. A pretty toy for the husband to show off. Justin threw himself into the desk chair and stared at the wall in front of him.

When he discovered her aversion to animals, he’d known he had made the right decision to leave her that night. The night he’d been so tempted to take her to bed. Some innate caution had warned him off. He’d said good night at her door, left, and never called again.

If she only knew how many times he’d reached for the phone. Work had kept him busy. He should have known Ethan would experience the same desire for her. They were close, and had the same taste in women.

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Rescue Their Bride [Wyoming Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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