Campbell's Reaper: Soul Reapers #2 (18 page)

BOOK: Campbell's Reaper: Soul Reapers #2
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Placing a soft kiss to the corner of my
mouth, Tank

s lips licked, sucked, and nibbled their way
down my neck to my chest. My back arched off the bed as his tongue drew circles
around my nipple. Drawing it into his mouth, Tank sucked the one nipple to a
stiff peak that he then blew on before moving to the other nipple. I mewled
with need at his absolute command over my body.

His mouth remained busy with my breasts
while his hand traced small circles down my body to my damp center. I cried out
in pleasure at the moment he ran a finger through my folds and entered me.


so wet for me,

uttered as his lips found mine once again, swallowing my moan. He added a
second finger, curling them as he found my most sensitive spot. I rode his hand
until I came hard. Riding out my ecstasy, I did not feel him prepare himself
until his sheathed cock ran through my folds, once, twice before he pushed into


I winced as he stretched
me, going deeper with each slow thrust until he took me completely.  I sharply
inhaled through my teeth when I felt white hot pain, leaving my body rigid from
the discomfort of being thoroughly filled.

Breathe Sunshine,

cooed Tank as he stilled
above me. Tears threatened to spill as my body adjusted to him. When the pain
subsided I was able to take in the feel of him, on me and in me. It was so
intoxicating that I felt drunk with happiness. I was literally filled to the
brim with Tank. My body pulsed in response to the feel of his hard cock
embedded deep within me.


my birthday wish,

I purred as I arched my back, bringing my
chest into his as I kissed him long and hard. Tank

hips pulled out slightly before pushing back into me.


I gasped. Tank picked up
his pace as he rained kisses down on my face, neck, lips.


so tight Sunshine. God you feel so good,

he rumbled as he drove in
and out of me.

Yes. Harder,

I chanted, feeling the
first spurs of my orgasm low in my belly.

Oh God, don


I called out as he lifted
himself onto his hands so he could go harder and faster. The sounds of wet
flesh smacking filled the room. Tank roared his release as I followed him over
and into the black oblivion of pleasure. But not before three little words
slipped from my lips.





The soft sound of music was the first
thing I heard as I slowly came awake. I turned my head to see Sunshine molded
to my side sleeping peacefully. Her black lashes fluttered over her smooth skin
as the corners of her mouth pointed up, a small smile at whatever dream she was
I hope it

s about me because I
dreamt of her.
 My cock pointed due North as images of last
night flooded my brain. Her full lips on mine, her soft body pressed to me, her
sweet smell surrounding me as she told me she loved me.

Even now her smell drew me to her, like
the first day of summer. I rolled over folding Campbell into my larger frame.
It was as if she was custom made for me with how perfectly she fit.  I buried
my nose into her hair as I inhaled as long as I could trying to make her scent
a part of me, to bury her deep within me.

Only know you love her when
you let her go, and you let her go.

The song,

Her Go,

by Passenger played on the
radio. I did see her every time I closed my eyes.

Everything you touch surely

I gasped as words from the
song knocked the wind out of me as the faces of my mother and sister flashed
before my eyes and their screams filled my ears. My heart pounded in my chest
as my body went rigid. I saw blackness skirt the edge of my sight.
I was a
worthless piece of shit.
My father

words played on repeat. I rolled back releasing Campbell and breathed deeply
trying to calm myself. What the fuck was I doing? I needed to get over my shit
once and for all.

Well you see her when you
fall asleep, but never to touch and never to keep.

ass song.
Last night was so fucking right, even my dumb ass knew
that. I was fucking selfish. I was so damn tired of second guessing every
fucking thing between Campbell and me. I needed this more than I needed air to


I turned one last time to take in the
sight of her naked and in my bed. This was something that would get me through
the next few hours as we carried out what our club decided to do with Baxter. I
prayed she could forgive us . . . me after all of this.

I love you.

My mind was fucking with me, repeating the words she
whispered to me as she dozed off. I needed to focus on the task at hand. I
escaped the bed with Cam still asleep and threw on my jeans. I skipped the shower,
wanting to smell her on me until this was all over. I walked straight through
the clubhouse and out to my bike. Before long all the brothers were there
waiting for Prez to address the club.

Alright brothers. Trigger
and Rabbit are at the site. Whistler, Tank, Colton, and Knox are going to go
and retrieve the package. They need one more volunteer to ride flank.

Gunner, a nomad from our
Baton Rouge chapter volunteered.

then. Once the package is in our possession, it will be taken to our safe house
in Petersburg. Any questions?

All brothers shook their head no.

The rest of you will stay
here with me to defend the club in case there is immediate retaliation from the
Hellhounds. Once the package is dealt with, we will vote on how to stop the war
the Hellhounds are preparing to rage on us. More intel came in last night that
several truckloads of supplies had been dropped off at their clubhouse. Woods
and Lefty just called it in. Everyone get ready,

Prez called out,
effectively dismissing the group.

He turned towards us and said,

smart. Be safe. And get your asses back here in one piece.

Yes sir,

we replied in unison. Prez
walked over and hugged Colton. He said something to Colton but Wesson

voice was too low to be heard. Colton nodded in agreement before they slapped
each other on the back one last time.

Colton looked at each of us and gave a
head nod before getting into the truck with Knox. Whistler brought his pipes to
life as Knox and I joined him. We exited the gates and started our journey to
retrieve Baxter from the devil himself.




I woke with a start as images of Z
staring back at me with too much fucking crazy in his eyes.
God I hate that
The bed was empty; the cold sheets told me I had been alone for a
while. Where was Tank? A feeling of dread overtook me as I jumped from the bed.
The soreness between my legs made me blush as I remembered our night together.

Holy shit I am no longer a virgin.

And like hello - today is my birthday!

Happy birthday to me bitches.

Any dread was quickly forgotten as I
danced to the bathroom and turned on the shower. As I brushed my teeth I
allowed myself to look in the mirror for the first time in a few days. The
marks had pretty much healed, which was a relief. As I looked closer I was
shocked to find happiness and love staring back at me behind flushed cheeks,
bright eyes, and SEX hair. I laughed out loud as I jumped in the shower and

Day of My Life,

by American Authors the entire time. This
was going to be the best birthday ever!

If I had known what was about to happen
I would have stayed in the shower the rest of the day . . . hell my life.





As I got dressed there was a frantic
knock on the door. I slipped my t-shirt on as I opened the door to find Logan
there with her disposable phone looking around like the devil himself was after



I pulled her into the room,
closing and locking the door.



she mumbled. Tremors
wrecked her body. I hugged her to me.


I asked just as the phone
started vibrating between us.


she shuttered.


I exclaimed. I snatched the
phone from her hand and looked at the screen. It said Unknown as it continued
to vibrate.
Fuck it.

What the fuck do you want?

I growled into the phone.

Hi baby girl.

His voice so cheery it was
downright frightening.


make me repeat myself.

I wrapped my arms around Logan

shoulders as she clung to me, our foreheads together.

Am I on speaker?


Logan and I said at the
same time.

Hello there gorgeous. I
wish you hadn

t hung up on me earlier.

He paused.

I have a little proposition for you.

How did you get this

I interrupted. We were
going to talk on our terms, not his.

Patience baby girl.

He spoke like he was talking
to a fucking toddler.

Zander, please tell us.

It was the first time Logan
spoke. She was on a first name basis with the crazy?

Ahhh. Like music to my
ears. That is what your voice is like to me gorgeous.

His sweetness was



voice held a hint of warning.

Ok. ok,

he paused.

there wants me to have you as much as I do.


I questioned. I was going
to fucking kill them.

Too soon,

he answered.

back to my little proposition. I have something you want.


This man reduced me to
single syllable questions.

Patience Campbell Eleanor
Reed. Do not make me say it again,

bit out. His annoyance was like music to my ears until he spoke the next words.

I have your father.

The even tone of his voice
was unnerving. He seemed like he was talking about the weather. The words hung
between us as Logan and I stared at one another, mouths wide open.

What do you want?

A look of determination
crossed Logan

s face as she took the phone from my hands.

You gorgeous. It

always been you.




The Hellhounds were either the
stupidest assholes in the world or something was wrong. That was way too easy.
We pretty much busted open the doors, had a mini shoot out with three
Hellhounds before the house was ours.
What the fuck?

BOOK: Campbell's Reaper: Soul Reapers #2
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