Casey's Secrets (Full Trilogy) (3 page)

BOOK: Casey's Secrets (Full Trilogy)
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Casey’s Secrets:
Chapter 5

esus, Case. Were you always this responsive?”

I whimpered at the stretching sensation of his fingers sinking into my tight channel. The piercings and ink probably gave him the wrong idea about me. I’d never really had sex before. I just knew I liked the way the needles felt, the rush of the stings on my flesh and the exquisite buzz of adrenaline that lingered after the pain stopped. I bit my lip to avoid crying out. Another of his fingertips rested against my clit and began to rub in a tight circle while he continued fucking into me with two thick digits.

“No,” he said, as though he’d made a decision. The touching stopped, much to my dismay. “Jesus I want to fuck you like you couldn’t believe. But you need to learn first.”

His hand struck my ass hard enough that I cried out. I felt like a fool, though, because I loved it and wanted more. He stepped up closer, resting a leather-clad knee on the bed beside me. His rough, stubbled chin brushed my shoulder and his lips tickled my ear.

“You’re mine. This is just a bit of fun to prove it.”

His hand landed on my ass again in a hard strike, followed by a circular stroke, then another strike, right over top of the end of the plug. My pussy thrummed with pent-up need.

“Tell me you’re mine, Casey,” he said, landing the next smack square on my swollen pussy. The sting of the strike on the wet flesh sank deeper, the combination of pleasure and pain making me cry out.

“If you want more, I want you to say it, baby.” Another smack, this time quicker and further between my thighs, right over my clit. Warm pleasure bloomed out from the throbbing bundle. Oh, God, I needed him to do that exact thing again.

“I’m yours, Daddy. I’m all yours. Please don’t stop.”

“If you’re mine, then I need you to do something for me. Open your mouth.”

I craned my head to look up at him. The angle gave me an amazing view of his sculpted torso, beginning with the prominent ridge of a hard cock inside the dark leather pants. His muscles rippled when he cupped one hand around the stiff bulge, and then slowly unfastened the buttons of the fly.

My heart raced in anticipation. I knew what he wanted, and I wanted so badly to do it right, but I had no idea how. His brow creased when he met my apprehensive gaze, and he paused.

“You can say the word, Case. I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want.”

I nodded. “It’s not that. I’m afraid I’ll do it wrong. That you won’t like it.”

He stepped off the bed and crouched down so he was at eye level. His large hand cupped my face, his palm warm and slightly calloused. I leaned into him, grateful for the gentle touch.

“You’ve never been a disappointment in your entire life,” he said. “Tonight just proved how perfect you are. Beyond my wildest dreams.”

I nodded and gave him a nervous smile.

“That’s my girl,” he whispered and leaned in. He pressed his lips softly against mine. I felt him sigh against me just before his tongue darted out, sweeping between my lips. It was as though he was tasting me, but only for an instant before he pulled back.

“Daddy’s gonna fuck this pretty mouth now. If you need me to stop, squeeze this.” He placed a small object into my cuffed hand. It was a tiny little noisemaker. I squeezed it once, experimentally, and it made a loud clicking noise.

Then he was kneeling on the bed again, his cock thick and hard and aimed at my cheek. I had to turn my head to face it dead on. He had a piercing, too, a steel hoop a little thicker than mine that rested just under the tip. The masculine musk of him pervaded my senses and I opened my mouth wide, inviting him in.

“That’s my girl,” he murmured. “Lick it, first. Just run your tongue around the tip and tease the hoop.”

I did as he asked, darting my tongue out. The salty flavor of him was a shock as much as the absolute velvety softness of his skin. A tiny bead of moisture leaked from his tip and I wrapped my lips around him impulsively, pressing my tongue into the slit.

“Jesus, Case. You might be a natural. Can you take me deeper?”

I nodded, my pulse still racing, but not out of fear now. I could do this. Hell, I loved the taste and feel of him on my tongue.

He clutched the back of my neck, fingers digging in and holding my head steady as he tilted his hips. I opened my mouth wider, relishing the velvet heat of his shaft sliding along my tongue.

“That’s right, baby. Oh, fuck. Now suck a little.”

I nearly gagged when the steel hoop hit the back of my throat, but controlled the reaction by taking a deep breath through my nose. The angle I had to turn my head to take him became uncomfortable, but his fingers at the back of my neck massaged me as he pressed my head down onto him, lessening the stress on my muscles.

His little words of praise kept me going. Once he seemed to find a rhythm, suddenly his free hand landed hard on my ass. I moaned around his cock, tears springing to my eyes from the sting.

“That’s right, you’re still a bad girl, but you’re redeeming yourself right now. Keep sucking, baby, and I’ll keep spanking you.”

I made an “mmhmm” noise around the thick column of flesh that filled my mouth.

He spanked me again, then slid his fingers between my legs, teasing between my folds in long swipes, just barely toying at my clit. I made a whimpering sound of dismay, that I hoped he could interpret.

“You want to come again, don’t you?” he asked. I responded with an affirmative hum and raised my gaze beseechingly.

He slid his cock out of my mouth and stood, his leather pants halfway hanging off his narrow hips and snagged on the thick curves of his muscular thighs. I swallowed, sure my face looked a mess from the saliva that had escaped my mouth while I sucked him.

“You’ve earned it, then. Let’s just make sure you can enjoy it, all right?”

He reached beneath me and I felt gentle tugs at each of my breasts as he removed the heavy weights from my nipples. Then he removed the cuffs that secured my wrists to the headboard.

“Don’t move. I want you just like this, but I need you to be able to move, that’s all.”

He stripped out of his pants and disappeared from my field of view. The bed dipped down behind me and a moment later his hot thighs rubbed against mine, the hairs of his legs tickling my bare skin. He smacked his cock in a swift series of strikes against the crease of my ass, right on top of the plug, then slid the tip down between my lips.

I wondered if it would hurt, the first time. I’d masturbated plenty, so it wasn’t like I was going to bleed, but nothing that big had ever been inside me before. I should tell him, I realized.

His hand gripped my hip and the head of his cock was just barely pressed against my opening when I chickened out.

“Christmas!” I blurted, feeling supremely silly, after all we’d done.

He stopped, and pulled back, but didn’t move, otherwise.

“What is it, baby?”

“I … I need you to know you’re my first, all right? That’s all.”

He sighed and I felt even greater distance between us. Hesitantly, I looked over my shoulder. He’d fallen back on his haunches, his hands limp at his sides.

“Jesus, Casey. How the hell do you end up pierced to the heavens and not have had sex?”

“I don’t know … I just know what I like. Normal sex just seemed too boring for a first time. Daddy, I don’t want you to stop. Please! I just needed you to know.”

His hand rested comfortingly on my bare ass, fingers stroking. “If I do this, it’s a lot more serious. Do you realize that? You’re so important to me, Casey. And Jesus Christ, you have always amazed me. Tonight …”

“Beyond your wildest dreams?” I said softly, feeling my heart flutter at the obvious affection and awe in his voice.

“I’m going to make you come so hard, you’ll never want another man’s cock. I meant it when I said you were mine. Now I know how true that really is.”

“I’m ready, Daddy.”

He shifted up close to me again and I closed my eyes, waiting.

“God, baby, your pussy is still so wet,” he murmured, his fingers sliding between my lips again. “You let me know if it hurts.”

“I hope it does,” I said. “I never want to forget it.”

His hot tip slipped between my folds, spreading me wide. It didn’t hurt at first, and I was a little disappointed. Then he pushed deeper and his girth stretched me even more. I let out a harsh gasp and he slowed, his hand rubbing in a comforting swirl on my lower back.

“Just take a deep breath.”

“I’m okay. Please don’t stop!”

He pushed deeper and I whimpered, but not from pain. The hard steel of his piercing had hit a tender spot inside me that made my clit pulse wildly. He paused there, seeming to test the depth.

“Does this feel good?” he asked, his voice low and rough. “Because it feels incredible to me.”

“Uh huh,” I managed to gasp out.

“Jesus, I need to fuck you hard. Your pussy is so goddamn tight and hot.”

“So fuck me.”

With that, he rammed in deep enough that I saw stars. I clenched the pillows and cried out. He didn’t move again for several moments. When I finally caught my breath I felt his body bend over mine, his strong arms wrapping around me. The pressure of his pelvis pushed the plug deeper into my ass. I had a split second to wonder at the dismissal of that little object, but didn’t care now that he was inside me.

“That’s the hard part, baby. The rest is slow and wonderful. Come here.”

I was beyond objecting, even if I could find words for it. He filled me up in a way I couldn’t even imagine.

He pulled me upright against him, his thighs supporting mine and my back against his muscled chest. His hands cupped both my breasts so delicately, his thumbs brushing as light as feathers over my still-sore nipples. The light contact made me shudder as much as his breath in my ear as he began to fuck me in earnest.

“You are amazing, Case. Next time, I know you’ll astound me again.”

Next time
, he said. I smiled to myself, already imagining what kinds of pleasure “next time” would hold in store, even as he blew my mind with pleasure in the current moment.

Casey’s Secrets:
Chapter 6

y body ached deliciously when I woke up to late morning sun streaming through my windows the next morning. I remembered dissolving into tears after having another mindblowing orgasm and feeling Dad’s cock pulsing in me. The sensations had been overwhelming in so many ways. He’d stayed and held me until I passed out from sheer exhaustion.

I felt amazing now, though, in spite of the soreness. I tested every muscle, particularly the ones that had gotten the roughest workouts. My pussy tingled pleasantly. My ass was a tiny bit sore, but it was a good kind of sore. I looked forward to finding out what else he would do with it, next time. When would next time be?

Noises drifted up from downstairs, along with the delicious smell of breakfast. My stomach grumbled. I dragged myself out of bed, enjoying the way the soft sheets slid over my naked skin and remembering the soft caresses of his hands touching me everywhere.

When I came out of my bathroom, freshly showered, I stopped cold. On the armchair by the window was a note and an assortment of items that hadn’t been there before.

I picked up the note and read.

“You will wear this today, all day. And if I ask you to bend over, you will do so. When you come down to breakfast you will also have the vibrator securely positioned inside that pretty, tight snatch of yours. You are MY breakfast, Casey, and I want you hot and fresh
. If you don’t follow the rules, you will get another spanking

Draped over the chair was a pretty, filmy white negligee with pink flowers on the bodice, and a pair of matching panties. Nestled on the panties was a silver egg-shaped object, with a looped cord at one end.

Breakfast was going to be very interesting, that’s for sure. I just had to decide which rule I should break next.

Book Two

Casey’s Discovery

Casey’s Discovery: Chapter 1

ou will wear this today, all day. And if I ask you to bend over, you will do so. When you come down to breakfast you will also have the vibrator secure inside that pretty, tight snatch of yours. You are MY breakfast, Casey, and I want you hot and fresh.”

The words seemed alien to me at first and it took me a couple passes to grasp their meaning. I stared down at the gauzy confections of undergarments Max had laid out for me. I was eager to wear them, but the tiny little egg-shaped object that nestled on top of the sheer, lacy garments might be too much.

I put off thinking about the egg for now, and after donning a negligee that pushed my boobs up alluringly I had the urge to pick it up.

The egg felt cool in my palm. So serene, and all I had to do was push it inside my pussy. Then go down to breakfast with

He wants me.
Max wanted
. The events of the night before ran through my mind again. Every moment from the first smack of his hand on my bare backside to his discovery of all my dirty little secrets. I’d lain in his arms afterward, asking him question after question about what the old Max had been like, before meeting my mother and settling down. I’d been a little in love with him my entire life in that abstract way little girls have of idolizing father figures, but until last night never realized how much alike we were now that I was a woman.

Something about him had seemed sad, though, and he hadn’t stayed. “You should sleep, Case. I’ll see you in the morning.” And he left, turning out the light but leaving the door slightly open like he’d always done when I was younger and afraid of the dark. I’d lain awake in the dark, perplexed by his mood and aching a little to understand him enough to comfort him. Perhaps this morning I could get him to open up some more.

That was enough to get me moving. The slinky garment was incredibly revealing and I loved it. It draped over my curves and pushed my breasts up. It left my nipples bare, but I liked that part, too. I tweaked and teased at them both, tugging lightly on my hoops just until the sting sent my core aching again like it had under Max’s attention. Then I revisited the idea of the egg. It had a neat little loop at one end, which I guessed was to help get it out after … after what? I couldn’t find an on switch. It was just a solid little oblong shape, with the slightest seam in it that I guessed was how to replace the batteries. I wasn’t so naive that I didn’t know it was a vibrator, but it was perplexing.

I pressed the tapered end between my slick labia and sighed in pleasure as it slid in easily. It wasn’t anywhere near as large as Max’s beautiful cock, but it still left me feeling a tiny bit of pressure in a very nice spot. I took a few steps across the room, worried at first that it might slip out, but it stayed securely seated inside me. I picked up the panties and started to put them on, but paused, thinking how much I wanted Max’s hands on my bare backside again, punishing me for disobeying him.

My head buzzed with the tiny rebellion as I let the small bit of lacy fabric fall back to the chair and I stood and went to the door.

My pulse pounded in my ears on the way into the hallway. Our house seemed too small for me suddenly, too quaint and perfect for the unusual turn my life had taken in just the last twenty-four hours. The sexy lingerie I wore felt right, but the walls that surrounded me seemed to close in, leaving me with an uncomfortable itch. The carpeted staircase didn’t fit right, either, nor did the flowery decor of the family room. It wasn’t until I followed the sound of Max’s low voice into the kitchen and saw him standing quietly beside the breakfast table, facing away from me, that I felt like I was truly in the right place.

He wore the same leather pants he’d donned the night before, but was otherwise naked and barefoot. His inked upper arms and shoulders rippled with tension as he gripped the phone in his hand. I stood quietly just outside the doorway, goosebumps prickling my skin while I waited for him to notice me.

“… I’m not going to fucking draw this out now, man. It’s way too late. The papers came yesterday and she called this morning to make sure I signed, so it’s done. Bring your tiedowns. There’s just one thing I need to handle before you get here—I made a big mistake last night. Nah, I’ll talk about it after we get this shit handled. Thanks. See you in a few.”

He ended the call and set the phone down, leaning into the counter with his head bowed. He’d made a mistake? That couldn’t have meant me. I really, really hoped it didn’t mean what had happened. Not after the way we’d talked in the dark before he left my bed. A low chill gathered in my belly, regardless.

While I watched unnoticed from the doorway he reached across the counter and gripped a sheaf of papers in his hand, stared at them for a second, then tossed them down again with a curse. His knuckles whitened when he gripped a ballpoint pen and stabbed the tip to the bottom edge of one sheet and scribbled something there, then shoved everything aside.

He turned, then, and stopped cold when his eyes landed on me.

“Holy shit, Casey,” he bit out, scowling for a split second. His eyes swept over me and his expression softened, his gaze growing heated. “Christ,” he said, licking his lips and letting his look linger over my bare breasts.

“This is what you wanted, isn’t it?”

“I …” he faltered and swallowed. “Yeah, baby. You look …” He sighed deeply and shook his head, his reaction causing my own eager anticipation to deflate. “Listen. I made a mistake last night. We shouldn’t have done what we did, but I was … Fuck, there’s no excuse for it. I’m sorry.”

“No …” I turned my head slowly back and forth to try to suppress the humiliation that sent a chill washing through me beginning with a tingling sensation at the top of my scalp. “Tell me why. Did you have second thoughts because of Mom?”

It was the first time I’d even thought about my mother since I’d come home the night before. She was gone so often and we barely got along as it was when she was home. It would have been kind to say that I resented her and the fact that she had him. I resented her even more now.

“Not exactly,” he said. “Well, indirectly maybe. Just go back upstairs and get dressed. We can talk about it after.

A raw sensation clutched at my belly and the cold flood of humiliation was replaced by hot anger. “Fuck that,” I said. “Do you expect me to just forget what happened? The things you showed me … You can’t just expect me to stop now. I don’t care why I got so lucky, but I have to know why you won’t give me more.”

“Your mother’s divorcing me, Case.” He picked up the papers he’d been looking at and waved them in the air. “I got these yesterday while you were out. Last night happened because of my messed up judgment. I was pissed and hurt and decided to take it out on you in a way I shouldn’t have — I saw it as getting back at her, but it got out of control. Jesus, do you have any idea how
it was?”

“I loved it,” I said softly.

He winced. “You’re just a kid. You don’t know any better.”

“I’m eighteen and I know enough to know Mom doesn’t deserve you. I don’t think she ever really understood you, did she? I just know that I’ve never really understood myself so well as I did last night with you. I thought these cravings I had made me a freak, but you made everything make sense. Daddy …
Max …
if you don’t show me what you know, I’ll learn about it some other way. I have to know more. I have to know everything.”

I hated myself a little for the pleading. It wasn’t something I liked to do, but after a taste of what Max could offer, I wasn’t ready to let it end yet.

“Baby, I hear you. Just get dressed, okay? Rick will be here any second. I don’t want him to see you like that.”

“What if I want him to see me?” I raised my chin higher and pushed my shoulders back, making my breasts stick out more. “Maybe he can teach me what you won’t. I bet the knows your secrets, doesn’t he? That would make two of us.”

“Fucking hell, Casey,” he growled as he stormed past me into the living room and up the stairs. At the same moment a shadow darkened the back door. A heavy knock sounded just before the door swung open and Rick’s sturdy, fit frame stepped in, clad in jeans, a dark t-shirt, and work boots.

BOOK: Casey's Secrets (Full Trilogy)
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