Read Chain Male Online

Authors: Naomi Brooks Angelia Sparrow

Tags: #M/M Contemporary, #Source: Amazon

Chain Male (7 page)

BOOK: Chain Male
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Chad looked up sleepily. "Tonight?"

"Yeah. The private household sale. We are still on, right?"

"That's where I wear your sexy stuff? Can I have a blindfold?"

"You can have anything you want, babe." Jace bent in and kissed him. "Except an orgasm. Gotta have you hard for that show. They have a big tent set up and there will be some heaters under it. I've got a little portable, just in case. Don't want you catching cold."

Chad swallowed hard. He hoped he wasn't in over his head. This was really more than he was sure he could deal with on his first day of no longer being unicorn bait. Jace would be with him the whole time. Jace would make sure he was all right.

He watched Jace close the booth. He loaded a single chair, the moneybox, one of the torch-holders, a single table and Jace's walking staff into the little wagon. Jace set a couple small totes on it and the axles creaked. He dropped the big black cloak, some black cloth and a batch of rope into the wagon as well.

"Now, if things get too intense for you, and they might, just say apples. Can you remember that?" Jace said as he took one of the wagon ropes and gestured for Chad to take the other.

"My safeword is apples?" Chad quoted disbelievingly. "Jace, you don't even own a TV. How the hell can you be watching

"Streaming Internet. And I mean it. If you get uncomfortable or nervous, just let me know. This should be fun and sexy for us both. I fully expect you to jump my bones the second we drop the tent flap."

Chad laughed. "You are such a slut sometimes."

Jace just grinned. "You got it."

The big black tent looked like it was ready to house a small circus. Jace went up to the guy at the entrance, who was bigger than both of them put together and looked liked he could chew a coil of wire and spit out mail. After a few words, the big guy bowed them in.

"You have space number sixteen, my lord Olaf," he said as they pulled the wagon in.

Chad helped Jace find the space. He set up the table and chair while Jace settled the torch-holder in the ground.

"Portable hole is set, let me have the staff." Jace thrust it hard into the holder, digging it down into the ground so it would stay. "That's not going to be really sturdy. You'll have to stand still. We're going for visual effect anyway, not confinement."

Jace arranged the wares and set the photo album beside them. Chad swallowed hard.

"This is it, babe. You ready?"

Chad nodded. He sat down and took off his boots, then shed his pants and pulled his boots back on. With a deep breath, he pulled his tunic over his head and stood there naked.

Jace wrapped the cloak around him and took him to the staff. "It's okay. I'm just going to tie your wrists here like this." Chad relaxed. He could handle this. His cloak fell open and he blushed. Maybe not.

"Let me get that blindfold on you," Jace said as he rearranged the cloak to cover bound arms, stake and Chad's family heirlooms all at once. He slipped a soft black blindfold over Chad's eyes. "You still okay?"

"I'm fine." Chad was surprised to find it was mostly true. He was fine. He felt secure here in the dark, all tied up and waiting for his lover. He tested the wrist bonds and found he could get out of them easily if he had to.

"Going to put a coif on you. This is going to look so hot."

Chad felt the lightweight mail settle on his head, draping down the back of his neck. He felt pieces of it along his cheeks and on the bridge of his nose. He moved his head a bit and it jingled with little bells.

"I'm going to take the cloak off. You're all right with that? If you get cold, I can put it back on."

"I'm fine," Chad repeated. He barely felt like himself. The caress of warm air all over his body, even in parts like the back of his waist and his thighs, electrified his skin. He felt his nipples get hard.

"Baby, it is a pure crime to leave those bare. You mind some light clamps? Let me know if they're too much."

Chad worried his lower lip as Jace closed clamps on his nipples. They felt like tweezers, but not very tight. They pinched just enough to stay on and keep his nipples hard. They didn't hurt. The chain between them lay cold against his chest.

"Too fucking sexy," Jace said, kissing his neck. "I'm gonna have a hard-on all evening. You ready for the last piece?"


Jace's hands slid around his cock, warm, followed by cold metal. The device separated his balls, while pressing them away from his body. Then it bound around his cock in several places. It wasn't exactly comfortable, but it didn't hurt. He could stand it.

He heard a couple of camera clicks. "That one is going in the scrapbook," Jace said.

"Yes, please," Chad agreed.

"You warm enough?" Jace put the cloak back on his shoulders so it draped over most of him.


"All right. It's gonna be a couple hours. You tell me if I need to change your position or your fingers go numb or anything, all right?"

"I will. Jace, come here. Real close."

Jace came close enough that his breath tickled Chad's lips. Chad stretched just a little and kissed him. "I'm really all right. Go sell lots of sexy stuff."

Jace kissed him properly and then moved away. Chad listened to him move his chair close. He kept a running patter so Chad wouldn't feel alone in the dark. Eventually the words quit making sense, drifting into a soothing drone as Chad stood and simply experienced.

The smooth cool wood of Jace's staff lay along his spine. He liked the security of having his hands tied. This could be very interesting to explore more. The darkness helped him focus, to just stand and feel. The warmed air of the big tent crawled over his bare skin, making him feel vulnerable yet very aroused. The chain on his cock and balls was finally warming up, a delicious weight that made him plan ahead.

Their tent would be cold. They would snuggle down. Maybe Jace would fuck him tonight. He wanted to suck Jace, he knew that much. He craved the taste of Jace's cock, the warm hardness filling his mouth. He realized he was breathing through his slightly parted lips and shut his mouth.

"He looks ready to come just from standing there," a new voice said.

Chad startled and looked that direction out of instinct. He felt Jace's hand on his arm. "Pretty, isn't he? Found him around Frisia, and had some space in the longboat. He's a good little

The other man must have looked at Jace funny. Chad wasn't sure he liked the sound of that last word.

It's Old Norse for one who performs the same services for a man as a woman would."

Chad heard a slapping sound, as if the man had clapped Jace on the shoulder. "Good word. Good research. I'll take one of these, for my girl." Chad listened to the jingling sound as the customer made off with the mail.

Jace rubbed his arm. "You still all right?"

"Still fine. This is really turning me on, Jace."

"Kinky librarian," Jace teased, stealing a kiss. "Hang in there and we'll fix that."

Chad gave him a big smile, hoping it looked as much like a leer as he wanted it to. "Having plenty of ideas about exactly how."

"Good." Jace tweaked his nipples and Chad squirmed in his bonds. He sucked in his breath when Jace stroked his cock. "All mine when we get back to our tent. I say fuck getting you dressed. I'll just pack up and lead you back still tied."

"I like that idea." Chad licked his lips and the tip of his nose. "Get your
thrall home in one piece and he'll make you very, very happy you did."

Jace kissed him again, but turned away suddenly.

"How much for the thrall as well as the mail?" a deep voice asked.

Chad froze. He didn't know where Jace was going with this. He trusted Jace. A couple deep breaths slowed his suddenly pounding heart, but he flinched when a strange hand, soft and damp, touched his arm.

"He's badly trained," the stranger continued, the too-soft hands unpleasantly moist as they touched his chest and pinched his nipples.

Oh God.
"Jace," he yelped.

"Get your hands off my lover," Jace said, his voice cold. "Even in a regular store, it's bad form to handle the mannequins. If you know so much about training, then you know that putting your hands on someone else's sub is not done."

"Poseurs," the newcomer sneered. "A real master knows his boy is his and is not afraid of others handling him."

"Chad is my lover and my display help tonight. We aren't in the scene."

The stranger gave a nasty laugh. "So sure? I could have sworn he was deep in subspace before that last customer interrupted him." He flicked Chad's cock and laughed again. "I'll see you at a play party in a few months, I'm sure."

"Apples, oh God, apples! Get him away from me!" Chad twisted in the ropes.

Jace's hands, warm, dry and callused, stroked his shoulders. "You're all right, babe. He won't touch you again. Or I'll have the Brute Squad throw him out." Chad could tell this last wasn't directed to him. Jace's hands reassured him. "Are you fine, or do I need to untie you?"

Chad took a couple of shaky breaths. "I'll be all right. I can make it to the end."

"Proud of yourself, are you, Lord Asshat? You made him safeword with a bare touch." Jace left one hand on Chad's chest but moved away a little.

The only answer was the same nasty laugh. "See you soon," drifted back.

"No," Chad said. "No playing. Not with him ever."

Jace cupped his face and kissed him. "Never ever. I don't play with asshats who don't respect limits." Chad relaxed under the kiss.

"That's sweet. And very hot," said a female voice.

"Can I show you something?" Jace asked.

"Other than more of those kisses, yes."

Jace took one more and Chad relaxed again. He caught his breath when Jace quit touching him to go show the woman something on the table. He was fine. He wasn't hurt. He could still hear Jace talking. He took some deep breaths and let the smooth wood at his back comfort him.

"Oyez! Oyez!" came a loud voice from the center of the tent. "The sale will close in thirty minutes. Begin making your final selections."

Thirty minutes. He could do this. His cock had started to flag, the weight of the chain getting to it. Chad relaxed into one of his favorite fantasies.

Jace stood over him, wearing the boots and leather pants and a mail chest harness. Silver rings glinted in his nipples and his eyes glinted just as hard. Chad waited on his knees, his hands bound as Jace circled him.

"Such a pretty boy I have. Kinky little fucker, too." His fantasy had acquired Jace's tendency to talk during sex. "Lick my boots and we'll see what else your tongue is good for."

Chad imagined licking across the toe of Jace's boots, the smell and taste of leather filling his senses. He licked the whole instep, then around the ankles. He was working his way up the top of the boot when Jace touched him, jarring him out of the fantasy.

"Keep thinking sexy thoughts. We're selling well. Not much longer and then I can take that home and enjoy." Chad didn't safeword when Jace's hand cupped his balls. "You are so hot. I don't know how I'm going to manage to pack up with you just standing there looking like that." Jace stroked one finger along the bottom of his cock and left to go make a sale.

The herald announced the fifteen-minute warning. Chad shifted his feet. Standing around for two hours did get tiring. He heard Jace starting to pack, then a sale interrupted. He was pleased Jace had done so well and more pleased that he had helped.

The herald announced the sale was closed. All shoppers were to vacate upon finishing the current transaction. Merchants had fifteen minutes. Hurried clanking told him Jace was racing against the clock. Chad felt Jace slide the staff out from the holder and uproot the holder. He wobbled, unsteady and lost in the dark until Jace guided him to the cart and looped the towing rope around his chest.

"I could help," Chad offered.

"You are helping. You're motivating me. The faster I get this loaded"--Jace interrupted himself--"ah there. The faster we can go. Can you walk on a leash if I lead you carefully? I need you to pull the wagon."

"Sure, display case, draft horse, sex slave. Anything else I can do for you, oh my lord and master?"

Jace laughed and gave him a kiss. He eased Chad to sit on something that felt like a tote. "Stamp down. I won't let you walk barefoot in the woods." Chad got into his boots with Jace's help. "Let's get back to the tent." He looped a thick chain around Chad's neck and secured it so it wouldn't slide and choke him. Then Jace tugged on the leash and helped him up before harnessing him to the wagon.

Chad threw his weight against the wagon's rope and it moved more easily than he had expected. Jace had had a really good night. He followed the gentle urging of the leash. Jace's hand rested very close to his throat and Jace kept him near.

He could tell when they stepped out of the warm, lit tent into the October night. Cool air hit his face and the dark became impenetrable. He hoped Jace would leave him blindfolded for the sex part.

They walked slowly, Jace picking their path. Chad followed, towing the wagon along the road. The broad road seemed easy to walk by day, but at night it was a trap of uneven ruts, stones and unexpected holes.

They made it back to the tent and Jace parked the wagon. Chad heard him pick up the moneybox and then felt him tug the leash again. The familiar smell of the tent surrounded him.

"Blindfolded and bound?" Jace asked. "You ready for that much kink or shall I undo you?"

Chad smiled. "Blindfolded and bound. I'll let you know if I need to be untied." He took a breath and eased himself to his knees. "I need to suck you."

Jace put one hand on his head and fumbled with the other. "Oh babe." He guided Chad to his cock and gently fed it into Chad's parted lips. Chad bumped his nose against Jace's fingers. "Don't want you to choke."

Chad licked along the bottom of Jace's cock, his whole world reduced to sound and smell and touch, with taste overwhelming them all. He breathed deeply through his nose, taking in the scent of the canvas and the cedar of the bed, of damp forest and Jace's own heady musk after a day without a shower.

BOOK: Chain Male
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