Read Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence) Online

Authors: Sabrina Sexton

Tags: #Fiction, #Lesbian, #BDSM, #Erotica

Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence) (10 page)

BOOK: Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence)
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You are not to masturbate, or indulge in sexual gratification in any way for the entire week. Is that clear?”

Again she answered affirmatively. He reached down, pulling his wallet from his pants and handed her a card. “You will call me sometime this week and tell me where to pick you up. My flight arrives on Friday at seven so I expect you to be ready by eight. I don’t need to tell you what will happen if you fail to obey, do I?” he said raising an inquiring eyebrow her direction.

No Master,” she said.

Tyler donned his clothes and gave her a quick kiss on her forehead.

I’m going to find your friend and send her in,” he said. “Close your eyes and rest a bit before she gets here. I’ll see you Friday. Be good, pet.”

Tyler stood and gathered his remaining belongings. With a quick turn, he walked towards the door, looking none the worse for the evenings proceedings. As he reached for the doorknob, Krista said, “I can’t wait for Friday, Master. I will miss you.” She wasn’t sure where the words had come from or why she felt she had to say them, only that they were true.

Me too, pet,” he said, shaking his head with a smile as he wondered how to tell his best friend that it had only been one night, but that he couldn’t let her go. “Me too.”


Chapter 7




Krista rolled over, stretched her arms over her head and relished the little aches and pains in her body. Each one was evidence of her enjoyment the prior evening and she savored them all. She wasn’t sure how long she’d slept, but she felt incredibly well-rested. Who knew that a few spankings and multiple orgasms would leave you feeling so refreshed?

Glad to see you’re finally awake,” Hannah said from a chair next to the bed.

Mmmmmm,” Krista moaned, turning to look at her friend with a lazy smile on her face. “What time is it?”

Hannah checked her watch. “Ten thirty five,” she replied.

What!” Krista sat straight up. “How can it be so late?”

Nevermind that,” Hannah said taking in the bite marks decorating her friend’s body. “It’s not like you have anything to do today. Besides, I want details. Based on the look of you, I’d say you had a VERY good time. Talk.”

Krista hopped out of bed wandering around the room looking for her clothes. It wasn’t like her friend hadn’t seen her naked. Just because there were a few marks marring her form, didn’t mean she had any reason to be embarrassed.

On your ass too?” Hannah asked as the bite on Krista’s ass became visible. “He must have had you really wound up for you to have been able to take that without screaming off the roof.”

Krista blushed as she replayed a few tidbits of the night through her mind. “You could say that,” she said. “You could also say that I finally have proof that I’m a freak. I feel like I should mourn the loss of my normal self. But the truth is, I feel great. I am embracing my dark side and I love it.”

So,” Hannah said drawing out the word questioningly. “What happened? I’m dying to know.”

First,” Krista said, “you tell me how it is that we’re still here at 10:30 in the morning while I look for my clothes.”

Fine,” Hannah said with a huff. “Your new friend came and found me sometime around 3:30 this morning. Said he had to go and that you were waiting for me in a private room. He also wanted me to remind you that if you obey his commands this week, you’ll be rewarded when he gets back on Friday.”

He said that?” Krista asked her friend.

Yeah,” Hannah said. “So when I came in, you were pretty much passed out. You looked too tired to move, so I went and talked with the owner. He said patrons often need to sleep off their evening entertainment and that there is a backdoor that locks one way so you can leave. The door we came through to enter the hallway is locked to keep people out of the bar area until it opens.”

Anyway,” Hannah said with a yawn. “I came back and slept a few hours in the bed, then got up and perused the shelves. I had just sat down, when you rolled over and greeted me like the cat that swallowed the canary.”

I kind of feel like the cat that swallowed the canary,” Krista said as she pulled the leather skirt up her thighs and fastened the string in the back. She slid her arms into the shirt and pulled the rest on over her head. “Everything changed last night, Hannah. Everything. I had thought that it was important to be normal, to fit in. But who wants to be normal when being abnormal is this much fun? Girl to girl, I have never come so hard or been so turned on as when he was spanking me with one of those leather whip thingies.”

Hannah gasped, amazed to hear her friend being so candid about something that would have totally freaked her out a few months ago. “So you’re okay with all of this?” she asked her friend.

I think so,” Krista said. “It sort of feels like I’ve been walking around with blinders on and now someone’s taken them off.”

But you are still the same, right?” Hannah asked. “I mean you still think the same things, want the same things.”

The only difference really,” Krista said, “is that I’m not afraid anymore. Before all of this happened, I was afraid to ask for what I wanted, what I needed. Probably not just sexually either, but clearly that was my biggest problem since I never had an orgasm until the thing with Damien. So what if I’m a little kinky in the bedroom. It’s not hurting anybody and it makes me happy.

Five years ago I told you that I had a creepy fantasy about being forced. Do you know that was the first time I ever felt genuinely turned on? But in all the time since them, I never asked any of the guys I dated to hold me down or tie me up or do anything really. I faked my orgasms and pretended it was enough. Eighty percent of women fake it. We shouldn’t have to fake our orgasms when real ones are there for the taking if we just say what we want, do what we want.

The real problem is that we’ve conditioned ourselves to believe this is okay. We stroke our men’s egos, hoping they will figure it out on their own and then get mad when they don’t. How could they possibly? They think everything is hunky dory because as far as they know, we come every time. If there’s not a problem, don’t fix it right?

The truth is, I think more women than we could possibly know want the same thing or something like it. But they are afraid that their man or their friends will think they are freaks. If everybody wants it, it’s not freaky – it’s normal! So, I’m done with that. I have found what I want and I don’t care how weird or freaky it makes me! I’m embracing it, Hannah. I’m okay with all of it.”



Chapter 8




It was Thursday afternoon and Krista had just returned to the office from her lunch hour. Unfortunately, she’d had no time to actually eat. Instead, she’d had to run to the convenience store to pick up double AA batteries for the plug wedged into her rear. She wasn’t sure how long the batteries were supposed to last, but could honestly say she’d gotten her money’s worth after wearing the vibrating gadget all day for six days straight.

She was following Tyler’s commands to the letter and wore the plug everywhere, only taking it out when nature called and in the shower. As a result, she’d also started taking frequent trips to the bathroom in order to keep the moisture level in her panties somewhere below soaked. Even her boss had noticed the frequent trips away from her desk. When questioned, she’d lied, saying she had a urinary tract infection.

Krista hadn’t any idea when Tyler had dictated this, how difficult it would be. The hardest part was not the constant arousal the vibration caused her. Nor was it her panties, always dripping wet. Not even the fact that she, a tomboy had been forced to wear skirts rather than pants to hide her arousal from her coworkers. The hardest part was not touching herself. Sometimes she didn’t even realize she was on the verge of it. She had caught herself grinding into her chair this morning, forcing the vibration deeper without even noticing until her body clenched down and she nearly had an orgasm at her desk.

With an involuntary clench of her pussy, she fiddled with the business card he’d given her. He’d said to call his cell sometime this week to let him know where he should pick her up on Friday. Not wanting to rush into it, she’d waited, telling herself each time she pulled out the card, to give it a little longer. For all she knew he was busy dominating someone else, the time they spent together forgotten. Finally, she could wait no longer.

Krista picked up the card and her cell phone and made yet another trip to the bathroom. After checking the stalls to make sure there was no one else in the bathroom, she sat down on the little bench at the side. Shaking fingers dialed the number. She wasn’t sure why she was so nervous, but it was with trepidation that she held the phone up to her ear after hitting the ‘Send’ button.

This is Tyler,” his gruff voice said from the speaker on her phone. For a second, she didn’t say anything. Like a deer in headlights, she couldn’t seem to form cognitive thoughts. She shook her head, trying to break the daze. If she didn’t say something, he was going to hang up.

Hello Master,” she said breathlessly, as if there wasn’t enough air in her lungs to fully form the words.

Krista would swear later that she could actually feel him smiling through the phone.

Hello my pet,” he said, his husky words going directly from her ears to her clit. “I was starting to think I hadn’t done my job well enough.”

No Master,” Krista said quickly. “Friday night was amazing.”

Really,” he said, chuckling at her response. “Then why did you wait so long to call?”

I didn’t want to seem too needy, Sir,” she answered. “We only just met after all.”

True,” Tyler said. “So, now that you have shown me how capable you are of pretending I don’t exist, I am going to have to punish you, I think.”

But, Master,” Krista whined.

Ah, ah, ah,” Tyler said. “No buts. We’ll start with a question. Have you obeyed me this week?”

Yes Master,” Krista answered. “It’s been hard, but I’ve been so good, I swear.”

Very good,” he said. “So then you are wearing it right now, while you are at work?”

Yes Master,” she said. “Although I had to take a moment to replace the batteries on my lunch hour.”

Good girl, my pet,” Tyler said. “You pass,”

Pass what, Sir?” Krista asked.

My test,” he said softly. “You see, I’ve used that particular plug on other subs and know exactly how long the batteries in it will last, give or taken an hour. If you hadn’t said that you had to replace them, I’d have known that you weren’t wearing it all the time. Instead, you passed and deserve a reward.”

Sir?” she softly, wondering what he meant.

Where are you, right this minute?” he asked.

I’m in the bathroom, Sir,” she said.

Good,” he responded. “Go into one of the stalls, pull down your skirt and take the plug out of your ass.”

Krista did as she was told, wondering how he know she was wearing a skirt, but not caring enough to voice the question. She held the phone up to her ear with her shoulder as she slowly eased the vibrating toy from her sphincter.

Okay, Sir,” she said. “It’s out.”

Now, turn the dial up to full and put it back in,” Tyler said. “You’ll need to put the phone on speaker and set it down.”

Yes Master,” Krista said. She changed the settings on the phone and set it on top of the toilet paper dispenser. Then she complied with the remainder of his request. When the toy touched her already aroused sphincter, she shivered, goose bumps running down her arms. As it pushed inside her, the increased vibrations stirred the beginnings of an orgasm and the pressure began to build.

Now, lean back, and play with your pussy.”

Krista moaned deeply as she submitted to his request.

Pinch your clit, my pet,” Tyler said. “Pinch it hard, enough that you want to cry out, but keep quiet.”

As her fingers pinched her already aching clit, pussy cream squeezed out of her. When she thought she could take it no more, she let go, breathing hard.

That’s it,” he said. “Now take three fingers and slide them all into your pussy as deep as you can go. Slide them in and out Krista, while you play with your clit with your other hand.”

Master, please,” Krista said as pleasure rolled through her veins, igniting every molecule of her body as she followed his directions. “I’m already so aroused. Please give me permission. I need to come so badly. I’ve needed to for days.”

The sound of Tyler chuckling through the phone washed over her. “I didn’t say you could come, pet. I said that you deserved a reward for being good. Your reward is to be able to touch yourself, right now while you are on the phone with me. I also said that I planned to punish you for making me wait so long to hear from you. Your punishment is that you cannot have an orgasm.”

No Master, please.” Krista begged, sexual frustration mounting as she continued to touch herself, knowing that she couldn’t let the pressure break around her. “Please, I beg you. Don’t make me wait.”

BOOK: Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence)
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