Read Champagne and Bullets: Book 1 (Military Moguls) Online

Authors: Olivia Jaymes

Tags: #Romance, #Military

Champagne and Bullets: Book 1 (Military Moguls) (13 page)

BOOK: Champagne and Bullets: Book 1 (Military Moguls)
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Had there ever
been a more beautiful woman in the world than Amanda? Bound to the footboard, her face and body were flushed, her bottom even more so where Seb had paddled it and then dripped hot wax. Her nipples were rosy and pointed even under the layer of wax. Her legs were quivering, her thighs shiny with her juices. When she came, her knees were going to give way and he would need to scoop her up and place her on the bed for the fucking of a lifetime.

But it was her expression that took his breath away. Her lips were curved up in a smile, the features not covered by the blindfold were in serene repose.

Her submission and trust humbled him profoundly. He’d never been with anyone like this and he knew it was because she was special. She made him more, made him want to be more for her. Just having her in his life was such a gift. He would never abuse it or take it for granted.

Seb’s cock was harder than it had ever been and screaming for satisfaction, pure steel pressed against his zipper. It had been exquisite torture to take things this slowly when all he wanted to do was shove his cock in her pussy so hard and fast they would both explode, never returning to earth.

But Seb was in charge of not only this scene but his dick as well. He made the rules and that meant he might have to wait for his own release. It would be all the more intense for it.

He tilted the candle and let the pool of wax drip into her belly button, her abdomen trembling underneath his hands. Lowering it again, he spread her pussy lips with one hand while he tipped the candle ever so slightly. A small splash of wax fell on her clit and she screamed in response, her body going stiff.

Blowing out the candle, he tossed it into the glass bowl sitting on the dresser and wrapped his arms around her body as the waves of her orgasm ran through her. Holding onto her with one hand, he loosened first one wrist, then the other, her arms falling to her sides heavily. He whispered sweet, silly words into her ear until her climax finally gave up its control and she fell into his arms, a warm, soft, womanly bundle.

He unfastened her ankles and lifted her onto the bed. He’d have to buy her new sheets after tonight. The wax was going to make a ruin of this set but it was worth it. The image of how she’d submitted to him tonight was going to stay with him forever.

Placing her on her hands and knees, he shoved his pants down and thrust into her with one stroke. Her fingers curled into the linen and her breath came out in a hiss of satisfaction.

“Yes,” she sighed.

He smacked her already sore bottom, loving the way her pussy tightened on his cock when he did.

“Yes, what?” he asked, giving her another playful slap on the other cheek.

“Yes, Sir,” she breathed, struggling to her elbows, trying to get traction so she could push back when he fucked her. Already his balls were pulled up and tight and the pressure was building in his lower back.

He wanted to draw this out but it was already too much. The room was spinning and he couldn’t seem to take a deep breath, his lungs starved for oxygen. He anchored his hands on her hips and rode her hard and fast. She was close to going over again and he spanked her ass a few more times knowing she liked the bite of pain, and then reached under her to pinch her nipples hard.

“Seb!” she called as her orgasm took her over once more. Her cunt muscles strangled his cock and he slammed into her one last time, letting his own climax hit him. It seemed to explode from his balls and out his cock, and he groaned as he emptied his seed deep inside of her, wanting to mark her as his woman forever. Their mating had been that harsh and primitive in its way but he would hold her tenderly when it was done.

Eventually they collapsed together on the bed, a tangle of arms, legs, and messy, waxed-smeared sheets. Seb pulled her close and stroked her hair and back, letting the peaceful silence penetrate their soul.

Except that there was something he wanted to say, and suddenly the urge was overwhelming. He needed to know if she felt as deeply about their future as he did.

“I’ll be right back, sweetheart.” Seb dropped a kiss on her cute nose and headed into the bathroom. He came back out with a warm washcloth and some lotion and very carefully used it to remove the wax before wiping down her skin, thankful that he’d laid in a supply of things both for their dominant-submissive scenes and the aftercare. When he was done he propped up all the pillows against the headboard and beckoned for her to join him.

“I love you, Mandy. Do you love me?”

She looked up at him then, her blue eyes almost violet with emotion. “Do you really need to ask? I love you more than anything. What do you think all this has been about?”

She was giggling at him and he didn’t blame her. Perhaps in thirty or forty years he would get used to being this happy. He leaned over to dig something out of his pocket and held it up.

“Enough to spend eternity with me?”

Her eyes widened at the small, light blue velvet box in his hand. He grinned as he flipped it open, the diamond winking in the lamplight.

“Oh, Seb.” Amanda’s eyes filled with tears. “I never thought we’d get a second chance.” She peered down at the ring and frowned. “Wait, this is a different ring. I gave my ring back to you, remember?”

“Vividly, even though I insisted I wanted you to keep it. I still have it but I thought since this was a new start, as different people, you should get a new ring. You can sell the other to help fund the foundation if you like. Or we can throw it in the Gulf of Mexico. It’s up to you.”

She held out her left hand and he slid the ring on her finger, then pressed a kiss to the knuckle.

“It fits perfectly,” she exclaimed. “It’s beautiful, Seb.”

“So what do you think? Eternity sound good?”

Amanda shook her head but a smile played on her lips. “It won’t be nearly long enough. What’s more than an eternity?”

Seb pulled her into his arms, knowing there would be many days and nights like this to come. It almost hadn’t happened and he probably had his mother to thank that it had. She’d make sure he never forgot it too.

“I have no idea, but for you I will find out.”

He’d do anything for her, but he already had the one thing he’d always wanted. Mandy.


t was the
night of the firm opening party and Seb’s home was full of people, some of which he knew and a hell of a lot which he didn’t. He could only assume they were friends of his mother and father or perhaps Chris or Dane’s parents. Either way, looking for the woman he loved was like looking for a needle in a haystack. Amanda was nowhere to be found.

“You’re supposed to be mingling.” Chris slapped Seb on the shoulder with a grin and elbowed Dane in the ribs. “We’re supposed to be celebrating and making contacts tonight.”

Seb scanned the crowd of local fat cats and hanger-ons. Only a small portion of these people could be called real friends. The kind of law firm they wanted wasn’t going to take on the case of a politician caught with his hand in the cookie jar or a corporation selling dangerous products to save a few pennies. They’d already decided that their firm would be about the working men and women who weren’t being given a fair shake in today’s society. Seb and his friends had been born with much and wanted to give back.

“I doubt any of these people will be looking to hire us when they find out what kind of cases we’ve already taken,” Seb said dryly. “Besides, I’m looking for Amanda. Have you seen her?”

“I saw her talking to the caterer out back of the house,” Chris offered. “Just a few minutes ago as a matter of fact. Aren’t Dane and I good enough to talk to?”

“Actually, I do have something to talk to you about. I asked Amanda to marry me over the weekend and she said yes.”

Dane and Chris both slapped Seb on the back and gave him their congratulations, although Dane looked slightly shell-shocked.

“We’ve decided that we’re not going to let the past get in the way of a damn good party so we’re planning a big wedding. That brings me to the whole best man and groomsman thing. Shit, I want both of you as my best man.”

Dane threw back his head and laughed. “Clearly, I’m the best man of all three of us but weddings and commitment make me itch. I’m happy to step aside and let Christian grab the honor.”

“Are you sure? I’m okay either way,” Chris argued. “If I’m best man at Seb’s wedding, then you can be best man at my wedding, and Seb can be best man at your wedding. That would be fair.”

“Whoa, slow down.” Dane held up his hands and let out a whistle. “There isn’t going to be any wedding for me, so you can be best man for Seb and he can return the favor. Leave me out of all this nuptial bliss, for fuck’s sake.”

Seb chuckled at the affronted expression on Dane’s face. The man had a strange idea about women and money that neither Seb or Chris had been able to shake. Dane’s only hope was a female that would prove to him that there were good women out there.

“Fine,” Seb agreed before turning to Chris. “Susie is going to be Amanda’s maid of honor so you’ll be paired with her for much of the festivities before and during. Will you be okay with that?”

Dane groaned and rolled his eyes. “Better you than me, man. That girl doesn’t know when to give up. She’s been dogging my heels for years.”

“You are a self-centered prick,” Chris pointed to Dane. “Susie’s a good kid with obviously poor taste in men if she’s after you.”

“Kid is a good word for Susie,” Dane replied. “She’s ten years too young. Besides, she’s not my type.”

“Her IQ is much higher than most of the women you date,” Chris agreed.

“It’s not her brains.” Dane hesitated for a moment and then shrugged carelessly. “Physically she’s not my type.”

“You mean she’s not stick thin?” Chris asked, his lips pressed together.

“You said it, not me,” Dane denied, shaking his head vigorously. “I just said she’s not my type.”

“Fuck, don’t let Amanda hear you say that. She’ll kick you in the balls,” Chris declared. “Sometimes you can be a real shit, Dane. Let’s just drop the whole damn subject. I think I’m man enough to keep Susie company for a few days without whining.”

Seb watched the exchange between Dane and Christian with interest. Chris was always easy-going and willing to help out so his attitude about spending a few days with Susie wasn’t a surprise, but his hard-ass attitude with Dane was unusual.

“Did you tell them about the wedding?”

Amanda had joined them, linking her arm with Seb’s. “I did. Chris is going to be the best man and Dane one of the groomsmen. How did Susie take the news?”

“She’s excited.” Amanda’s smiled and squeezed his hand. “We’ve already got a date to go dress shopping.”

Dane shook his head and headed for the bar. “I need another drink if all you’re going to talk about is wedding shit from now on.”

Amanda’s eyebrows shot up at Dane’s hasty departure. “Wow, is he okay? I promise to keep the wedding talk to a minimum if it bothers him that much.”

“Talk about it as much as you want,” Seb growled, already tired of Dane’s shit. “He’s got the usual bug up his ass that we all simply ignore.”

“I’ll deal with him.” Chris tossed back the remainder of his beer. “I think it’s time for him and me to have a chat about not being the center of the fucking universe.”

Seb and Amanda watched as Chris strode after Dane, his features set with purpose. Seb didn’t envy Dane right now. Chris rarely lost his temper but something told Seb that today was going to be the exception.

“Never a dull moment with you three,” Amanda chuckled, looking up at him from under her lashes. “I can’t wait for the party to be over so we can be alone. I believe we have a date to make love under the stars.”

Seb looked down into the melting blue eyes of the woman he loved. “Later,” he promised. He couldn’t wait until this party was over and everyone was gone. He wanted to be alone with Amanda.

“Later,” she agreed.

After all, they had forever.

The End

I hope you enjoyed Seb and Amanda’s second chance love story! Follow this link to continue the journey with Christian and Susie…

BOOK: Champagne and Bullets: Book 1 (Military Moguls)
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