Read Charles (Darkness #8) Online

Authors: K.F. Breene

Charles (Darkness #8) (8 page)

BOOK: Charles (Darkness #8)
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“I’m on the fence about it,” she whispered, her eyes dipping to his shapely lips. “I want it right now, yes. I want you right now. But we both know we want different things. Creating a tie at this moment might be really dumb for the future.”

“Losing you would kill me, Ann. If you get taken somehow, and I can’t find you…”

“We’ll be careful.”

“There’s no guarantee in this place. We might not even last the day. And it’ll be
that’s taken. They seem to have ‘catching shifters’ down pretty well. They won’t know about me until people are dead, and by then it might be too late.” Charles laid his hand against her cheek. “I don’t really want to feel you with anyone else, but if it means your life, and your happiness, then I’ll do whatever it takes. You deserve that, and if it’s in my power to give it, I will.”

“Did you read this in a ‘how to sweet-talk chicks’ book?” She ran her hand up his arm, across his collarbone, and then down his chest, feeling the definition. A slow burn started in her sex, aching to be touched.

“No. Not this. I mean it, Ann. Whatever you need, I’ll do.”

She leaned forward, touching her lips to his. Electricity shocked through her body, having her opening her mouth and leaning up on an elbow, deepening the kiss. He rolled onto his back and brought his arm around her, pulling her in tight.

“Feeling you with someone else wouldn’t make a happy life for me, Charles,” she said softly as she leaned over his chest. Her lips just barely glanced off his, savoring the feeling of being so close. “You know that.”

“I can block the link,” he whispered, his hand under her tank top and lightly grazing her skin. “You won’t feel me with anyone else.”

“Can I block it from my end?”

He paused as a crease wormed between his eyebrows. “I don’t know. You might need magic to do it. I don’t know how the link would work with shifter magic.”

“You might not even be able to feel me in shifter form.”

“It’s worth a try,” he said softly. His head lifted to connect with her lips again, his kiss slow and deep.

Her hand felt his rock-hard abs before slipping down, finding the other rock-hard part of his anatomy. She stroked that velvety skin gently, hearing a low moan deep in his throat.

“How do we do it?” she asked, feeling a strange sort of excitement bubbling within her.

“It’s an intimate and erotic thing, sharing blood. So when you feel it, cut my vein—or bite it if you can—and drink. Humans can have a hard time digesting blood, but we can try it and see.”

“I’ve eaten raw animal—I can handle blood.”

Charles’ hand found the back of her neck, pulling her harder into the kiss. Her breath sped up, as did her hand, feeling the anticipation. Wanting the hard and fast connection of his body in hers.

He sat up in a rush, lifting her to a seated position, before ripping off her shirt. “I have no idea why that is so hot.”

“What? Eating raw animal?” Ann sucked in a breath as Charles licked a taut nipple. He sucked it in, fondling the other expertly. She ran her fingers through his hair, breath speeding up.

“Hunting. Killing.” Charles pushed her to the bed so he could strip off her small shorts and panties. “It’s natural and primal. It’s something humans don’t do. It speaks directly to my primal side. It’s fucking hot, Ann.”

One hand on each of her inner thighs, he pushed her legs open and licked up her sex, having her gasping in sudden pleasure. He sucked her clit, twirling the nub with his tongue at the same time. Sensation started to pound at her, speeding up her heart. A finger dipped into her, then two, rubbing to compliment the sucking.

” she breathed, running her hands up her face and clutching at her hair. “You are so good at that.”

His finger worked faster as his mouth worked harder, the sensations more intense. Pulling at her middle. Breath coming out in ragged pants. She moaned, then again, loud and desperate. Her hips swung up as those fingers worked. As his mouth pleasured her.

“Oh, Charles. I’m going to—” An orgasm shook her body and chattered her teeth. She arched up, clenching and flexing, riding out the waves of pleasure.

Charles kissed up her stomach, ready to fill her body with himself.

Not this time, though.

She sat up and slid out from under him, pushing his shoulder gently. He rolled over at her unspoken command, looking up at her with eyes on fire, sparkling in the moonlight streaming through the window.

Starting slow, she gently kissed between his pecs, making the touches light and teasing. She lightly played with his nipple, knowing men liked it almost as much as women. She sucked it as her hands tickled down his stomach, flowing to the side to barely touch the edges of his pubic area.

His breath caught.

Smiling, she gave some attention to the other nipple as her fingers danced along his thighs before coming back up, passing a little closer to his balls and large erection.

“Oh,” he groaned, his voice soaked with desire.

She worked her way down his deliciously bumpy stomach, so defined and cut it made her mouth water. Her fingers did another pass, even closer. His breath hitched again. His fingers twitched before grabbing the sheets on the bed. He was probably doing everything in his power not to grab fistfuls of her hair and force her head lower.

She licked down his happy trail then rose up a little, letting the tip of her tongue touch the very tip of his erection.

“No, Ann. No. This is not—that’s fucked up, Ann. Just suck on it. I don’t like torture.”

She clamped down on a giggle, noticing his fists pulling the sheet away from the mattress. Charles was under extreme duress.

Payback was a bitch.

She wet her lips and lightly kissed down the underside of his cock, wetness and warmth barely touching sensitive skin. At the base, she applied a little more pressure with her tongue while lightly stroking his balls. His hips rose up, forcing his erection up toward her, but she backed off.

“I hate you,” he whispered, strain lacing his voice.

She couldn’t stop the giggle this time.

“Chicks don’t do this to dudes, Ann. We can’t handle it.”

“I want to hear you beg. I want repayment.”

“And dudes definitely don’t beg.”

“Dudes, chicks—what are you, Californian?”

“Disgruntled, actually. Suck it. Just suck it down.” He was almost whining. His head was pushed into the pillow with his eyes squeezed shut in discomfort. Every muscle on his body was flexed, giving her an impressive display.

She wet her lips again before taking him in one deep gulp, relaxing her throat and taking him all the way in. She sucked hard as she pulled back, taking him to that strange line between pleasure and pain, where it hurt so damn good, but where fear fired the body’s pistons, not sure if adrenaline would be needed in a moment to fight the pain.

… oh fu… oh ga…” Charles’ arms lifted. Sheets tore away from the bed in a show of muscle.

Instead of sucking him back in, though, she lightly blew on the wetness she’d created.

Oh fuck, no, please Ann. Don’t do that.” Charles arched back, pulling the clutched sheets to his chest now, utterly ruining the makeup of the bedclothes and showing the dingy mattress beneath them.

She didn’t need to see that last bit.

“Are you sure, Charles?” She blew again before tickling his tip with her tongue lightly. “You want me to stop?”

“Do not stop, woman.”

“Then ask me nicely to suck your cock.”

“Oh please. Please, please. Please suck my cock, Ann. I’ll do anything. Anything you want. Want your car washed? Hair washed? Daily screws? Me dancing around in a tutu? Fucking anything. Please, Ann.”

Ann had to take a moment to stare in confusion, a smile taking over her lips.
Carwash? Tutu?
She’d broken his brain.

Giggling again because of his colorful begging, but knowing that it counted as begging, she did as he asked, and sucked him in again. This time she loosened the suction as she pulled back, all pleasure. Hand at his base, other hand massaging his balls, she took him in again, starting a slow rhythm. It didn’t take long for his hips to start pumping up into her, though. Needing it faster. Harder.

She increased her tempo, her hands in sync with the pumping of her mouth, taking him deep before sucking as she pulled back. She matched the pace of his hips and then sped up when he did, taking his cues.

“I’m going to come, Ann. Get ready or get out of the way!”

Ann kept going, ready and willing. He gave a loud, long moan, signaling his release. She took him down easy, easing up as his muscles started to unclench. After a quick wipe with the back of her hand, she kissed his stomach softly, working up his body, aiming for his neck.

She was going to do it. She was going to establish a connection with him that would never go away.

Oh God, she was nervous.

She settled over his body and lightly kissed up the vulnerable, soft skin. She licked over his hot pulse.

“Are you ready?” she asked in a breathy voice.

“I should be inside you when we do this. It feels better that way.”

“Can you get hard again?”

Charles tsked. “Who the hell are you talking to—
can I get hard again?
I am the man with the magical dick! I can always get hard again. It might kill me after that fucking awesome blowjob, which should win an award by the way, but yeah, I can handle this. Just give me a minute.”

Smiling into his neck, she kissed him softly and moved her wetness over his manhood slowly, helping him back to life.

“Kiss me, baby” Charles commanded softly.

Goosebumps raced across her skin with the term of endearment. But she didn’t move up that way. She knew how weird guys were about swallowing and then deep kissing. Not that she blamed them, entirely. That stuff was not awesome.

“Should I brush my teeth?” she asked quietly, running her hands up his arms as she laid on his chest.

“I’ve been in the trenches. Not really my cup of tea, but it can really harden you, that’s for sure. Come up here.”

Ann shook her head with a smile, lifting so that she rested her lips over his.

“Besides, complaining when you went above and beyond is ungrateful.” He kissed her lips, running his hands up her back. “I really care about you, Ann. You are one of my favorite people.”

“You aren’t one of mine. I’m just after your body,” Ann whispered, kissing down his neck again.

“Join the club.” Charles pushed upward before pulling his hips back, rubbing his length against her wetness. “Hmmm, that’s better. Not long now.”

Ann’s eyes drifted closed and her head sank, her cheek resting against his, as the sensation spiraled through her body. “Don’t you get tired of sex without feeling?”

Charles stilled for a moment, his body tensing slightly. “Yes. I was at that point before you seduced me. Just… bored.”

“Seduced you? I flat out told you I wanted to screw you.”

“I know. Seduced me.”

“So you have a new lay for now. What’ll happen when you get bored again?”

Charles shifted his upper body, leaning away from her kisses. He didn’t take his cock away from her sex though. Clearly there were limits to how far he was willing to go to get away from an uncomfortable conversation.

“Honestly… I don’t think I will. I mean, I might, but it’ll take a while, because you give great head, and you have great breasts, you’re uncommonly beautiful, and you’re a real bitch, which I like. It’ll take a long time to get bored of you…”

“Such sweet words. Shakespeare’s got nothing on you.”

“I know. I study.” Charles shifted back, moving close again. “I could give you most of what you’re after, Ann. I know you want kids and a stable man and a house—I can give you all that.”

“You’d have sex with some other woman, and then come home with her sweat and kisses on your body.” Ann shivered, pain seeping into her. “To me, that says you want someone else. That I’m not good enough. It’s a cultural thing. I know that you can separate family from dick swinging, as Jonas calls it, and that almost your entire culture does it. But I can’t. It would kill me to know you want to be with someone else.”

“Sasha once zapped a female who got too close to the Boss. She was about to do worse, but I stopped her. I get it, I just…”

“Don’t want to be castrated by it.”

“Yikes.” Charles shivered. “I was going to say imprisoned. You’re a scary bitch. Which I also like.”

Charles angled her face to his and kissed her, deep and sensual. He ran his hardness up her sex again before reaching down to cup her butt. He angled up, reaching between them to guide himself into her opening. “Your possessiveness turns me on.”

Ann sighed as he filled her, then winced. “Be gentle. I’m sore.”

“And so damn tight.” Charles entered her mouth with his tongue, holding himself deep in her body.

“I wasn’t being possessive, I was telling you I couldn’t share you.”

“Then used the word castration. Hmm, Ann. Sassy.” He held her tightly to his chest and pulled out slowly, before just as slowly, pushing back in again.

The topical pain made her wince even as the deeper pleasure had her eyes fluttering. He worked slowly, overcoming her body’s protests little by little. When the pain had begun to subside, and things were starting to heat up, Ann pushed herself up and astride him.

“Okay, so…” She rocked her hips forward, feeling his girth rub against her insides
just right.
“We do this until the need to suck on your neck overcomes me?”

Charles braced his hands on her hips, held her firmly, and then pumped up into her. Their bodies met with a sinful

“Oh God,” she breathed, rolling her hips in a circle. He did it again, pumping into her with a hard thrust.

“Oh…” She started gyrating on top of him, letting him lift her and pull her back down as he thrust upwards. Her movements had him hitting all the right places as he jarred the pleasure deeper.

Her motions became frantic. His thrusts grew more intense.

“When you get near orgasm, take it then,” he panted,

BOOK: Charles (Darkness #8)
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