Read Chasing Rainbows Online

Authors: Linda Oaks

Chasing Rainbows (3 page)

BOOK: Chasing Rainbows
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Miss York called my name, and I raised my hand. She was the nicest teacher at Crawley High. She was pretty, in her early forties and stick thin. Her coral-colored dress complemented her thick dark shoulder-length hair. I was surprised that she was still single.

I opened my notebook and pulled my pencil from the spiral wire binding. When I was all set up for class, I slipped my phone from my back pocket and texted Kara.

The soft tones of Miss York's voice drifted to my ears, and I glanced up meeting her warm brown eyes. She stood patiently in front of my desk, her attention focused on the phone in my hand. "No texting, tomorrow," she said firmly but with a gentle smile and handed me a stack of syllabi to pass back.

"Thank you, Miss York," I replied, taking the one from the top and handing the rest over my shoulder to whoever was sitting behind me. I didn't bother to look, but I did happen to glance up when he walked into the room.

He moved to the desk and spoke to Miss York and so help me, she blushed. He smiled, and she nodded her head in reply to whatever he'd whispered in her ear. "It's easy to get lost in a new school; especially, your first day here," I heard her reply.

That douche bag, I thought disgustedly. I wanted to warn Miss York not to fall for his charm, but instead, I sat there perfectly still watching him work his dark magic. It was Chase's brother, and even though we'd almost kissed, I didn't know his name.

"Class," Miss York announced, drawing everyone's attention. "We have a new student. Class, meet Chance Logan," she said, and it just so happened when he turned his eyes my way, he caught me staring at him. "Take a seat anywhere," she informed him.

I glanced over at Miley and she was positively giddy. It was the happiest I'd ever seen her. There was an empty seat directly beside her. "Here's one," I heard Miley yell, but he stood in the exact same spot watching me.

I was the first to look away. It was cowardly, but I couldn't help it. Focusing on my notebook, I willed myself to remain calm. When I glanced back up, he started walking my way. His eyes held mine and just for a moment as he drew closer, I contemplated running from the room. I looked down at my phone to see if I had any new messages. Surprisingly, Kara still hadn't answered my text.

I was thankful that the seat behind me and the one beside me were already taken. The only seat near me was the third seat back. Without even bothering to turn around, I knew that was exactly where he sat. The next thirty minutes couldn't pass quickly enough. It was torture.

For some strange reason, I felt guilty about what had almost happened, but it wasn't really anyone's fault, even though I wanted to blame it all on Chance. As much as I wanted to deny it, there was something about him which made me extremely uneasy. He was arrogant and cocky but I'd also thought the very same thing about Chase just that morning. Before I could stop myself, I peeked over my shoulder and sure enough there he was… watching me.

He winked and I quickly turned around as heat engulfed my face. I hated myself for the reaction.
So much for cool indifference.
My phone began to vibrate announcing the arrival of a new message and my mortification was temporarily forgotten. I pushed a random button, and the screen lit up. It was Kara.

O.M.G.!!!! :0

She had texted back. Almost immediately another text popped up…… before I could even respond to the first one.

The evil twin!

I think he's evil too. What should I do?

I wanted to look at him, but I couldn't. I wouldn't. While I awaited Kara's reply, I fidgeted in my seat. Miss York had already passed out the textbooks beforehand, and I heard her explain that there weren't enough books to go around so we would have to share with a partner. I glanced over at the guy sitting across from me. He smiled then his face turned slightly red with embarrassment, and he cleared his throat.

"You want to pair up?" he asked, bravely but when I opened my mouth to say yes, Chance was standing right beside my desk.

"She's already got a partner," he replied, glaring at the other guy. Even to my ears it sounded as if he were already staking some sort of a claim on me, which of course, was ridiculous. "You need to move now," he stated, his voice harsh and demanding. The poor guy across the row glanced back at me, his Adam apple bobbed nervously in his throat. There was an unspoken apology in his eyes.

"Sorry," he whispered, quickly grabbing his stuff and heading down the aisle in search of another partner. Chance didn't waste any time and pulled the now empty seat right next to mine. He sat down, studying me curiously.

"Miss York said page seven," he informed me in a matter of fact tone. So, I opened the history book silently calling myself every kind of fool I could think of and quickly flipped through the pages. My phone vibrated once more, and I glanced down hitting a button.

It was Kara:
Just play it cool. This is way better than re-runs of 90210. Guess who I have class with?

My fingers had already begun typing a reply, when I glanced up almost bumping my nose against Chance's. He was reading my message. "That's stellar advice she's given you," he drawled, and I shot him an evil glare just as the phone vibrated once more.

This time, I decided to ignore it. With him sitting there watching me, there was no way I could tell Kara what I wanted to without him reading my every word. "Aren't you going to check it?" he asked, his eyes never once leaving my face. His arm brushed against mine as he flipped through the pages, finally putting us on the correct one.

I shook my head no, trying to pretend that nothing out of the ordinary had just occurred between us. I tried to pretend that he hadn't knocked my world off its axis. It was no big deal, really. I hadn't kissed the hot guy's hot brother. Almost didn't count. I'd learned that painful lesson with Natalie. If only I'd ridden to school with her that morning, the outcome might have been different. Natalie might very well still be here. Her fate may have changed. One little action, which could have turned the whole tide of events leading up to her accident.

Whenever I thought of her, I always thought of this.
What if I had been with her that morning? What if she had not been alone? What if I had seen the other vehicle in time?
Maybe, I could have warned her. Just maybe, I could have stopped it. I needed to quit playing this game. There were no do over's in life. I had to stop thinking about her. It was driving me crazy.

I glanced at the clock, refusing to look at Chance. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of even suspecting my thoughts or what he did to me. Maybe it was my own paranoia, but I sensed his eyes watching my every move. He made me nervous.

"I think we got off to a bad start," he said, breaking the strained silence. Chance's deep voice sent unwanted chills racing down my spine, but I forced myself not to flinch and to finish the sentence I was reading in the book before glancing up at him.

"You think?" I whispered, my voice sounded huskier than normal due to the effect of his nearness. His eyes narrowed as if he knew exactly what he was doing to me, and he focused that consuming gaze of his right back on my lips. "You're making me uncomfortable," I confessed, and as soon as I'd spoken those words out loud I knew, I'd made a huge mistake.

"Uncomfortable is good. At least, I can inspire some kind of emotion in you. I can work with that," Chance said, his voice entirely too cocky. My lips curved into an unwilling smile as I glanced down at the pages in front of me. I had to admire his determination even though, he was wasting his time.

"I've read this twice already." he said. So, I quickly turned the page trying to concentrate. He was a distraction, and I didn't like it. I'd already made up my mind that the least amount of time I spent around him, the better off I'd be. I liked Chase, and this made me wonder if things would have been different if I had met Chance first because he was just as charismatic as his brother.

The resemblance between the two was downright ridiculous. Except for Chase's fading bruise and the stars on his skin, it was almost impossible to tell them apart. "Chase's nose is broken," he said and I realized then, I was openly gawking at him and he'd guessed exactly what I'd been thinking.

The bell rang, and the time I'd wished away had suddenly flown by too quickly. It was better this way. I needed to stay away from him. Chance, by far, was the more aggressive of the two. I couldn't handle the way he made me feel. With my mind made up, I hurried to gather my things and shut the book handing it to him. We were only friends, if we were even that. I still hadn't decided if a friendship would even be possible with Chance at this point.

"You keep it," he said, still watching me.

"Thanks," I replied, waiting for him to move so I could leave since his desk was blocking mine.

Students were filing out of the class; everyone seemingly in a big hurry to go nowhere really fast. It was time for lunch, and I'd already had Mrs. Watkins last year so I knew that I didn't have to report to class until afterwards.

I waited, aware that Miss York had already left the room along with everyone else. It was just the two of us. He continued to watch me. I couldn't go anywhere until he pushed his desk out of the way. I was trapped. Trapped against the wall and now, completely at his mercy.

"Chance, I have to go. There's only twenty minutes for lunch. My friends are waiting for me."

He sighed, his eyes roving over every aspect of my face, but still he seemed in no hurry. He reached out and captured a strand of my wavy hair, lifting the long lock, bringing it toward him. I watched in horrified fascination as his broad fingers caressed the curling ends, testing the silky texture between his fingertips. "You smell like heaven," he whispered softly beneath his breath.

At his words, my mouth grew dry, my heart fluttered as a tingling awareness crept over every inch of my body, sinking deep into my bones. I had to get away from him.

"Please," I whispered. His smoldering eyes locked on mine. "I have to go."

He gazed at me for a moment before he released the strand of my hair and rose from his seat pulling it across the floor and away from mine. Immediately, I jumped up and hurried from the room before he had the opportunity to say or do anything else. I didn't look back, but I knew without a shadow of a doubt, he stood there watching me.


Chapter three


, I spotted Kara along with Brandon sitting at our usual table. I smiled, waving at them, and took my place at the end of the semi-long lunch line. Because of Chance, I only had ten minutes to spare before I had to head out to my next class. I listened vaguely to the group of girls in front of me chattering about an upcoming concert they planned to attend.

There was still just enough time for an apple and a juice. From my place in line, I could see the silver tray lined with apples. There were only five left and still six more people in front of me. I'd be lucky to get one, but the huge plastic blue crate filled with juice was still halfway full. Either way, I was definitely getting a juice.

The chattering of the girls had grown quiet, and they were now focused on whoever was standing behind me. I glanced over my shoulder, my eyes colliding with none other than Chase's. Well at least, I thought it was Chase. "Hi," he said, smiling back at me. His demeanor was warm and friendly. It was definitely Chase.

He'd lost the blue flannel shirt he'd worn earlier. A faded black Green Day tee was stretched taunt across the broad planes of his chest. He towered over me, and I'd never noticed exactly how tall he was until now or how petite I seemed standing next to him, but I was only five three.

"Hi," I echoed, smiling back at him as warmth pooled in my cheeks. I hated that I blushed at the drop of a hat. It was a curse of mine. "How do you like your classes?" I asked, silently congratulating myself for not stumbling over my own words once again in his presence.

"As expected," he replied rather grimly, then he shot me a half-hearted grin. I forced myself to glance away, moving with the line before I completely forgot myself in the depths of his stare.

"It's Addison, right?" he asked, and I turned back around at the sound of his voice, nodding my head and wearing a pleased smile. He'd remembered my name.

"My friends call me Addie," I said, then my smile slipped a notch when I noticed who was walking up behind him. It was none other than Chance, and he was with Bryce.

"Hey, man," Chase said, following my gaze as he turned and saw his brother. Suddenly, I became aware that the three of them were all looking at me now. "This is Addie," Chase said to Chance, introducing us.

It was overwhelming seeing the two of them together. They were a potent combination of attitude and confidence with heart-stopping good looks and well-defined muscles encased in faded blue jeans. I expected Chance to smile politely, but I should have known better. "We've already met," he said instead, arching his black brows at me as if silently daring me to disagree.

"Looking good, Addie," Bryce said, giving me the creeps.

"Where's Mia?" I asked, reminding him of his longtime girlfriend. Shooting him a nasty glare, I decided my best course of action was to turn back around right this instant.

"You mind switching places with me? I need to talk to Addie," I heard Chance say from behind me. Immediately, I spun back around as my heart pounded in my chest. "No," I shouted and they looked at me strangely.

Chase probably thought I was psychotic. Hell, I felt like it, but Chance stood there wearing a huge shit-eating grin, obviously pleased with himself.

"Addie has always been a little high strung," Bryce said, implying some sort of imaginary relationship between the two of us that didn't exist.

"As if you knew," I snapped, still pissed at him for his asshole behavior.

"Addie," I heard Mrs. Jones call out my name, and when I turned around she smiled and motioned me forward. The line had moved and the group of girls that had been in front of me had long since disappeared.

BOOK: Chasing Rainbows
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