Read ChasingCassie Online

Authors: Lorna Jean Roberts

ChasingCassie (7 page)

BOOK: ChasingCassie
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Firm lips brushed her neck and her head rolled to the side
of its own accord, allowing him more access. Her body was no longer her own as
he surrounded her in his erotic, sensual power.


Tingling awareness.


She gasped as he bit down on her neck, the very spot he’d
been licking. Not even her breath was hers as she tried to protest, to cry
out—he’d stolen it all. A quiet whimper was all she managed as her knees
weakened. The only thing now holding her upright was his arm—an unmovable,
unbreakable bond.

The throbbing from his bite eased and sweet bliss melted
through her bones. She fought to find herself once again, for control over her
body. Pushing at his arms, she attempted to turn.

But he wouldn’t let her go.

Glancing back into his face, she saw he wasn’t paying her
any attention. Instead, he was glaring at every other man in the bar, daring
them to challenge him.

Like a man possessed.

Or a man in possession.

The sliver of sanity she still retained urged her to
protest. But the feminine, aching part simply craved him.
He was
here, and by the feel of the hard cock nestled against her lower back, he
wanted her. Why shouldn’t she take what she wanted? Use him to ease the
throbbing ache?

Eyes slumberous, she gazed at the other dancers, seeing them
creep back steadily, intimidated by the sheer power and menace of the man
behind her.

Then she saw no one else as he picked her up and carried her
from the dance floor. She dug her face into his chest, her arms resting around
his shoulders.

“I told you not to run from me.”

She shivered at the soft growl.

Suddenly he came to a stop, stiffening. She stirred,
intending to tell him to let her walk.

But the words never quite got past her lips. Which could
have been because they were too busy kissing his solid, sleek chest.

“Let me talk to her,” Ella demanded.

“Get out of my way.” Anyone else would have scrambled away
from that quiet menace. Not Ella.

“No. That’s my friend you’re holding there. I don’t know
you, but you look like you’re one scary motherfucker. I have to talk to her.”

“Does it look like I’m hurting her? Stealing her away
against her will?” The slight snarl she heard in his voice threw her back into
a state of semi-awareness.

“Jay, she’s my friend,” she protested.

“Shh, Cassie.” He laid a light kiss on her forehead. “You
must be Ella. I’m Jay, Laney’s brother.”

“I need to hear from Cassie that she wants to leave with

“It’s admirable of you to try to protect her, but I would
die before hurting her.”

“It’s true, Ella, he wouldn’t hurt me.”

“Not physically,” Ella remarked. “But I know he’s already
hurt you emotionally.”

“I can assure you, I feel every bit of her hurt and I’m
going to make damn sure that I never hurt her again.”

Cassie reached her hand out and touched Ella. “Everything’s
okay, Ella, I promise.”

Ella sniffed. “Well, just so you know, I won’t pick up the
pieces if he hurts you.”

Cassie smiled. “Yeah, you will.”

Ella turned away with a disgruntled grunt, but Cassie still
heard her as she strode away.

“Yeah, I will.”

* * * * *

“I won’t hurt you, Cassie. I meant what I said.”

“Hmm?” Cassie was too busy stripping to pay much attention
to his words. Keeping her hands off Jay during the car ride home had been
nearly impossible. She hadn’t realized how much she’d missed his touch, his
smell… Yumm, his taste.

Now she was eager to get them both naked and rub herself all
over his strength and heat—to bathe herself in his scent until she didn’t know
where he started and she finished.

“How’d you find me?” she asked as she reached around and
undid her bra. She felt a flash of embarrassment but squashed it down. She was
going to take charge of her life. It had started with the makeover, now it was
time she took control in the bedroom. Besides, she’d probably never see Jay
after tonight. She wasn’t sure why he was here, maybe Laney sent him to check
up on her. Didn’t matter, she desired him, wanted a night of hot, uncomplicated

“Laney told me.”

“I guessed that. I mean, how’d you find me at Riley’s?”
Riley’s Bar was located in the next town over. The only place to go dancing in
Addison was Fat Eddy’s, and neither Ella nor Cassie had felt like going there.

“One of the waitresses at Fat Eddy’s told me you were

There, naked at last. She looked over, surprised to find him
still fully dressed.

“What’s the matter, hon? Need some help?” Her confidence
boosted by her new look—as well as the attention she’d gotten in the bar—Cassie
sauntered her way across the small living room to where Jay still stood by the
door, a serious look on his face.

Reaching for the buttons of his shirt, she slowly undid
them, savoring the undressing as one did a rich, decadent piece of chocolate

“Cassie, I’m serious about this.” He tilted her chin up with
his hand. “You won’t need Ella to pick up the pieces because I’m not going to
hurt you again.”

“Well, of course you’re not,” Cassie agreed, watching as
confusion filled his face at her matter-of-fact statement. “Because I’m not
going to let you. Stop talking, stop thinking. I’m not interested in talking, I
want sex.”

She didn’t want to think, to reason things through. She
longed to move, touch, feel.

“I want a night of hot, hmm,” she licked his nipple, moving
her hands to his belt, “hot sex.”

“Cassie, stop.” His hand grabbed hers, halting her as she
reached for the buttons on his jeans.

“What?” She arched an eyebrow at him. “Are you trying to say
you’re not here to fuck? Because if not, then what the hell were you doing
scaring off all those other guys?” She took a step back, her hands resting on
her hips.

A low rumble filled the room. “No one else touches you.”

She snorted, turning to where her clothes lay strewn across
the living room floor. Moving as fast as she could with hands that were
shaking, she pulled on her G-string. “Well if you’re not going to fuck me, I
can assure you I’ll find someone who will.”

Even though every cell in her body protested leaving him,
she grabbed the rest of her clothes, prepared to storm out.

“You’re not going anywhere.” A raw command.

Moving so fast she didn’t even see him, he picked her up,
throwing her over his shoulder as he stalked into the small bedroom and tossed
her onto the bed.

She lay there catching her breath while he stripped off what
little clothing she’d managed to get on. Then he stood back, staring down at

“What has gotten into you, Cassie? This isn’t you.” He waved
a hand over her body. “The makeup, the clothes, throwing yourself at strange
men. What’s going on?”

Cassie sat up on the bed and scowled at him. “This is me!
This is the new me. This is the new me who’s not afraid to live a little. Look,
Jay, I’m not going to involve my feelings like last time, so don’t worry. I
know exactly what this is. Sex. Hot, glorious sex.”

“I am not here for sex.” Each word was nearly
unrecognizable, his jaw was clenched so tight.

“Yeah? What are you here for then?”

“For you. I came to find you. I want you—”

“And I want you,” she interrupted, reaching for him, running
her hands over his chest. Right now, she didn’t much care why he was here. He
was here, he desired her, and she’d been craving his touch. Why not just get on
with it?

“So are we doing this? Or do I have to go find someone

He glared at her, unmoving, and for a moment she really did
think he was going to call her bluff. He opened his mouth and she moved,
slipping off the mattress. She was going to have to go back out, pick up some
stranger and sleep with him. Something deep inside her shuddered, remembering
how the other man’s touch on the dance floor had revolted her. How much worse
would the feeling be if she slept with him?

Damn werewolf had ruined her for anyone else.

Then he was moving, pushing her back onto the bed, stripping
off his clothes, and the ferocious hunger for him shoved any lingering
misgivings aside.

“Do you wander around naked all the time?” she asked
huskily, her gaze roaming his naked flesh.

He paused, his head cocking to one side in puzzlement.

“Your tan. It reaches everywhere. Do you sunbathe naked?”

She’d pay to see that. She watched, fascinated as he blushed


Intrigued by him, Cassie grinned. “Yum, you sexy, wicked
man.” She tugged him onto the mattress, kneeling beside him as he lay on his
back. She flicked a warm, delicious nipple with her tongue, satisfied as he let
out a deep moan.

Moving her head, she flicked her tongue over the other
nipple, raising her hands to his shoulders before running them down his arms.
He wasn’t as thick with muscle as Marcus or Cain, but what was there was
defined, strong, and had her quivering with wanton sexual desire.

“I love your arms,” she whispered, pressing kisses over
them, showing her adoration.

“Yeah?” he asked, his voice hoarse. His body remained still
as a board, holding back.

She was determined to make him bend.

She hesitated for a moment, innocence knocking down her
confidence. But she took a deep breath, fighting back her nerves, and let her
desire to touch him, to have him, override all else.

“Oh yeah,” she whispered before kissing her way over his
shoulders, down his chest and over a smooth, firm stomach. She thought he
trembled as she reached the thin line of dark hair running beneath his
bellybutton down to his groin. But when she looked up, only the heat in his
eyes betrayed his interest.

Well, his eyes and the heavily aroused cock waiting, begging
for her attention. She pushed his legs apart, leaning in to lay kisses on his
inner thighs, deliberately not touching his cock. Reaching his balls, she enveloped
them with her mouth.

Inexperience had her hesitating before she began to suck
them. Things had been a little too cramped for her to attempt this last time.
She felt her own heartbeat quicken as she pleasured him. Her clit throbbed, her
lower lips creaming in preparation for his possession.

Turning him on was making her hot.

“Suck harder, roll them around in your mouth. That’s it,
don’t be afraid.” He groaned as she followed his instructions. Thank God for
those erotic romances she’d read or she’d be completely lost. Her belief in her
abilities grew at her obvious effect on him.

Cassie felt him place his palms on either side of her head
before she was drawn back. She let him go with a last lingering lick.

“Enough, sweetheart, let me love you.” His voice was
slightly breathless—he was letting go, losing control.

But he had further yet to go.

She shook her head.


He glared down at her.

“You’re telling me no?” Whisper soft, his voice held an edge
that made her shiver. Fear strummed up against arousal in an intriguing,
breath-stealing mix.

“No. I’m in charge this time. And what I want is to pleasure
you.” She could scarcely believe her daring, bossing him around. But tonight
she felt desirable, wicked, and more confident than she could ever remember feeling
before. She really did feel as though she were shedding parts of the old
Cassie, letting the new one emerge free.

His eyebrows rose. “And if I don’t agree?” They both knew he
could easily overpower her.

“You mean you’d actually turn down a blowjob? Are you trying
to tell me you’re the only man in the world that doesn’t like having his cock

“Cassie,” he scolded.

“What’s wrong? Don’t like dirty talk?” She winked at him.
“Let me do this, Jay.”

Before he could answer her, she slipped her mouth over his
cock and sucked upon it lightly, swirling her tongue under the head.

He lay back, his groan combined with the sudden thrust of
his hips telling her that she was doing it right.

“That is hot. Yes, like that. Exactly like that.” He began
to thrust in farther and she obligingly widened her jaw, sucking him down.
Slowly she released him, letting her mouth drop off the end of his now
glistening shaft. She ignored his grumble of protest and began licking her
tongue over the lines and grooves that ran around his cock.

“Stop teasing me, brat,” he demanded, his voice harsh with
arousal. Cassie obligingly took him deep into her mouth, pumping the base of
him with her hand.

“That feels incredible. Look at you, taking me in deep,
making me boil. I want you, Cassie, so much.” She sped up, sucking harder,
aiming to pleasure him beyond thought, beyond reason.

“I’m gonna come, slow down.” She ignored him. After all,
wasn’t that the point?

“Cassie!” He yelled her name and she rolled her eyes up to
find he’d flung his head back, the tendons on his neck tensing as though he
were straining to keep himself from coming.

Well, she was having none of that.

Reaching one hand down, she massaged the skin directly
behind his balls. She felt him stiffen. It was her only warning before he
thrust deeply, finding his release, sending thick, warm cum down her throat in
bursts and waves. Cassie kept him deep until he was spent.

As he moved back she felt like whimpering, yet she let him
go with one last swipe of her tongue over the head of his shaft.

His hands were gentle as he tugged her onto on her back.

“Now it’s my turn.”

Chapter Six


Jay couldn’t believe that Cassie had pushed him beyond his
control. He knew she wasn’t experienced, yet her hot, eager, wet little mouth
had pleasured him like no other had before. He’d thought nothing could top the
last time she’d had her mouth wrapped around his dick. He’d been wrong.

BOOK: ChasingCassie
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