Read Choices of Fate (Fate Series) Online

Authors: S. Simone Chavous

Choices of Fate (Fate Series) (22 page)

BOOK: Choices of Fate (Fate Series)
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With that he struck, his eyes widening and the pace of his strokes quickening as her sweet taste filled his mouth.

She cried out, the sensations emanating from both points Ethan was penetrating sweeping through her and colliding within her core before exploding outward all over her body.

Ethan could taste it in her blood, feel it in the rush of liquid that coated his throbbing cock, and he was lost, spiraling down into his own delicious climax as he pulled his mouth from her neck and groaned her name over and over again in her ear as he pulsed inside her.

They laid there, tangled in each others arms for several minutes as their breaths evened out again. Ethan held himself up on his elbows and swept his tongue over the puncture wounds in Alexa’s neck sending a shiver down her spine. He stayed there for a moment, watching as the small holes immediately began to heal, before he moved to lay beside her and pulled her into his arms.

She moaned lowly, a lazy smile spreading across her face as she started to slip into a deep and much needed sleep wrapped up in the comfort of Ethan’s strong arms.

As Alexa’s breaths grew deep and even, Ethan pressed his lips to her hair and breathed in her sweet scent. “Te amo, Alexa.”

He closed his eyes tightly, making a silent promise to her and to himself. The prophecy would not rule them, he could stop it, he would stop it. He would die if he had to.

As they lay there, tangled in each others arms, Alexa spoke through her sleepy haze.

“Ethan, I can feel that you’re still holding something back. I won’t push you, I know you must have your reasons. I hope someday you will trust me enough to share with me, but I am here with you now and you must promise me that no matter what happens you won’t do that to me again. You have to promise you won’t leave, no matter what happens or how hard it gets.”

He pulled her tighter and whispered into her hair as a lone tear ran down his cheek, “I promise, Amor. I will never leave you again.”

Feeling overcome with the need to show Alexa how he felt, to prove to her he meant to keep his promise, Ethan felt the words trying to burst from his heart. He had thought to ask it the first night he met her, but he knew it was too fast for her then. Now, with her knowing what he was and still accepting him, he could not contain his desire to make her his, and only his, any longer.

He sat up in bed next to her, stroking her hair as her breaths evened into the pattern of sleep. He quietly got up from the bed and retrieved his pants from the floor, removing the ring he had been carrying all these months from his pocket.

Quietly slipping back into bed, Ethan wrapped his body around Alexa’s, gently slipping the ring on her left hand and taking a moment to admire how good the large diamond looked on her finger.

He was suddenly gripped with fear. What if she refused him? He swallowed his nerves. She loved him, she was his soul mate, they were made for each other and he needed to do this as much as he needed to take his next breath.

Pulling her with him to the edge of the bed, he slid off onto one knee with her lying on her side, beautifully naked as he stroked her cheek trying to wake her gently.

“Amor, Amor, wake up, sweet Alexa.”

Her eyes fluttered quickly and then stilled, before he spoke again, slightly louder this time.

“Alexa, Amor, you must wake.”

With that, her eyes snapped open and she sat up in a panic. “Is everything okay, is Chloe okay?” she asked, her mind still clouded by sleep.

“Yes, my love, everything is perfect, but I must ask you a question.”

As the haze started to lift, she focused on Ethan, a question in her eyes until they fell upon the hand he was holding and the large diamond ring that covered her finger.

Her other hand shot up to her mouth as she realized what was happening and gasped.

“I loved you from the first moment I saw you, Alexa. There were none before you, and there will be none after. You possess me, body, mind, and soul. So I ask you, I beg you, please grant me the great honor of becoming my wife.”

Alexa couldn’t speak as the tears of joy streamed down her face. Her first thought was to pinch herself. This had to be a dream, but as she felt Ethan’s warms fingers stroking her hand, felt the cold metal and weight of the platinum band on her finger, she knew this was real.

Like Ethan, she had known that first night. Even then, his soul called out to hers, so just like that night, she gave the response that was in her heart as she smiled down at him lovingly.


Big Announcement

They made love again, slowly reveling in each others bodies, in each detail and sensation. As she started to drift off to sleep, Alexa couldn’t help but feel like they were only enjoying the quiet before the storm. But she pushed the thought from her mind and let herself enjoy the feel of being wrapped in Ethan’s strong arms. She would savor these quiet moments, even though she already knew they would be fleeting.

Alexa woke the next morning, scared to open her eyes for fear that everything that had passed the night before had been a dream. But as she regained consciousness, she could feel Ethan’s warmth enveloping her, feel the hardness of his muscular body against hers and the fear floated away. He was hers, even if for just a short time.

Sensing the change in her breathing, Ethan smiled. “Good morning, Amor.”

She turned in his arms to face him and pressed a kiss to his full lips. “Good morning, my fiancé,” she declared, a bright smile spreading across her face.

He returned the smile as he pulled her closer, letting her feel his growing arousal at having her so close to him in his bed.

Tempted by the feel of his hardness against her abdomen, Alexa moved away. “I should go check on Chloe.”

“She is still asleep, I can hear her heartbeat and her breathing. They are steady with sleep.”

Alexa’s cheeks immediately flushed. “Oh my God, if you can hear that, oh no, your parents!” She exclaimed as he chuckled at her embarrassment.

“Do not concern yourself. We are adults and they understand. I spent far too many nights listening to them over the years, or rather trying to block them out. My mother is quite vocal,” he said shaking his head as if trying to rid his mind of the thought.

Alexa buried her face in her hands with humiliation. “This vampire hearing of yours clearly has its disadvantages,” she whispered peeking at him through her fingers.

“You learn to block things out over time,” he said pulling her hands away from her face. “Their focus last night was on Chloe, and I am sure they are not paying any attention to us now. I only hear her so clearly because I am trying to and I can assure you they are both still asleep as well, Amor.” He smiled, flashing his adorable dimples at her, clearly amused by her discomfort.

She smacked his shoulder playfully. “This is not funny!” She exclaimed as he rolled her onto her back, swiftly grabbing her hands and pinning them above her head with one of his as the other freely roamed her still naked body.

“Perhaps you should learn to be more quiet,” he said softly before claiming her mouth with his own. After thoroughly kissing her, he pulled back slightly, a mischievous grin lighting his face as he slid his hand down between her breasts, then lightly circled each already hardened nipple eliciting a low moan from deep in her throat. “I think this is a good time for you to practice.”

“How can I be expected to be quiet with you touching me like that?” She implored huskily as she closed her eyes, thoroughly enjoying this playful side of him.

As he moved his hand lower and dipped his fingers between her soft folds, he groaned at how wet she already was before whispering against her ear, “Like I said, practice.”

Before she could respond, he slid two fingers deep inside her and covered her mouth with a passionate kiss, swallowing the moan his ministrations elicited.

“You must try harder, Amor,” he said looking down at her, relishing in the way she squirmed under his touch.

Before she lost herself to the climax that was threatening to overtake her, Alexa snapped her eyes open and pulled her hands from the light grip Ethan had on them. She hooked her leg over his trim hip and rolled him over to his back, fully appreciating the fact that he could easily overpower her, but he was letting her take control.

“Let’s see how you like it, Mr. Kellar,” she murmured grinning wickedly as she straddled his hips and began kissing the side of his neck.

“Do your worst, Mrs. Kellar,” he challenged, a megawatt smile spreading across his face at the sound of what would soon be her new name.

“Mmm, I really like the sound of that,” she whispered as she lifted her head, returning his smile, “but you won’t distract me so easily.”

With that she returned to her task, planting soft kisses over his shoulders and down to his chest. She paused to look up at him as she lightly flicked her tongue over one of his hard nipples, causing his breathing to increase slightly. He remained silent, his eyes fixed on her, watching the delicious torture intently.

She slid her tongue across his smooth hard chest, over to the other nipple, gently pulling it into her mouth and nibbling down lightly.

Ethan sucked in a breath through gritted teeth at the sensation, causing her to grin at the small triumph, but she was far from finished.

Releasing his nipple, she continued her slow journey, kissing all the way down over his stomach, then moving to run her tongue slowly up the inside of each thigh, carefully avoiding any contact with his impressive erection.

She could feel how difficult it was for him to remain still, his body was practically vibrating from the effort. Knowing that he was so much stronger than her, that at any moment he could overpower her and do whatever he wanted, yet remained still and let her take the reins, turned her on more than she thought possible. She might not have the strength to conquer him physically, but in that moment she knew with certainty that she possessed something far more powerful. She had his heart.

When she finally moved so that he could feel her soft breath on his cock, he lifted up on his elbows, “Alexa, Amor, I,” he paused, swallowing hard, “You do not need to do, that. It is not something I have ever done before.”

Alexa’s eyes, which had been fixed on the magnificent sight of his engorged manhood, snapped to his face in surprise. “Really? Never?” She asked, genuinely shocked, having assumed that women fell all over themselves to do any and every thing this man could ever want.

“No, never. No woman has ever…Madre de Dios!” he moaned loudly as she sucked the head into her soft, warm mouth without warning, gently swirling her tongue around the rim.

She wrapped her hand around the thick base and pulled back. “Mr. Kellar, that was not quiet. If you can’t behave I’m afraid I’ll have to stop,” she chastised jokingly.

Ethan squeezed his eyes shut and dropped his head back against the bed, willing to do anything to get Alexa to put her mouth on him like that again.

After a moment, Alexa began again, gently licking the drop of his arousal that had emerged before pulling the entire head of his throbbing cock into her eager mouth.

Feeling a desperate urge to move, Ethan fisted the satiny sheets in both hands, fighting with everything he had to remain still as Alexa began to take him into her mouth with steadily deepening strokes, her hand tightly gripping his stalk and following the motion of her mouth.

It wasn’t long before her steady rhythm started to draw the intense waves of sensation that would push Ethan over the edge into a mind-blowing orgasm.

When he could hold it back no longer, he pushed his hands into her hair and held her head as he tensed and growled loudly, spilling his seed into her mouth with powerful throbbing pulses.

Ethan closed his eyes and relaxed back into the bed while Alexa greedily lapped up every drop of his essence before lightly kissing the tip of his still engorged cock. She climbed up to straddle his hips, watching his face intently while his eyes remained closed. After a moment he smiled and opened his eyes, looking at her with wonder. “Alexa, my God, that was, magnificent.”

She frowned at him slightly. “I don’t know, Mr. Kellar.” His smile faltered slightly, a look of concern in his eyes. Had he hurt her somehow? “You were supposed to remain quiet, remember?” She grinned wickedly, almost drunk on the power of bending this strong, beautiful man to her will.

“Hmm, you are right, but it is not as easy as you might think.” In a blur of movement he flipped her to her back and covered her body with his, pausing just to say, “Let us see how you do,” before he pushed his hardness deep inside her in one fluid motion.

The sound that escaped her throat, something between a moan and a growl, was far from quiet, but at that point they were both far from caring about the noise.

Several orgasms later, Alexa gathered the sheet around her body and climbed out of bed on rather wobbly legs. She turned and leaned down to place a soft kiss on Ethan’s cheek while he slept, but as she started to move away he swiftly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back into bed.

She let out a surprised squeak. “I thought you were asleep!”

He drew her closer, his body spooning hers, and kissed her hair. “I was, but it is difficult to sleep when my heart is moving away from me.”

“Well, I have to leave your side sometime. I need to use the bathroom or I’m going to burst,” she said as she wiggled out of his arms again and stood. “And I really need a shower.”

“We can shower together,” he said as got up off the bed, completely naked, and began stalking towards her as she backed towards the bathroom, like a big cat tracking its prey.

She held her hand up to halt him, knowing if he touched her, she would be lost. “No way,” she said half-heartedly as her eyes greedily drank him in. She bit her lip as her gaze fell onto his tattoo and followed the fascinating pattern down. With her eyes already so low, it was impossible to ignore his steadily growing erection.

BOOK: Choices of Fate (Fate Series)
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