Chronicles of a Serial Dater - Book 3: A New Adult Romantic Comedy (5 page)

BOOK: Chronicles of a Serial Dater - Book 3: A New Adult Romantic Comedy
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Zach worked his magic on me and I was soft putty in his hands. He groaned as if he were tasting a delicious fruit, his pleasurable sounds almost equaling my own. I could tell he was enjoying himself as much as I was, which was an even greater turn on.

I allowed myself to relax and simply let the sensations roll over me. Before long, the ripples of pleasure began to build. With a bit of surprise, I gripped the sheets of the bed and squeezed my legs together. I took a gasp of air before Zach’s magic tongue sent me crashing over the edge. He read my body perfectly, slowing the pace at just the right time. He kissed the smooth skin on my thighs until I opened my eyes, sparkles dotting my vision.

“You okay?” he asked with a smirk of pride.

“Umm, yeah! Now that I know you can do that, I might not ever let you leave this room.” My whole body tingled and felt electrified, hyper-sensitive. It had easily been one of the best orgasms of my life yet I was aware of a dull ache between my legs. I still needed to feel him inside of me but I also wanted to bring him that kind of pleasure too.

He crawled up, kissing my hipbone, bellybutton, and neck along the way. Just as I lifted my head to reach for his cock, he dipped his to look into the darkness of his bedside table drawer and we whacked heads with a sickening thud.

“Ow!” I cried. Out of instinct, I whipped my hand back up to my forehead and managed to scratch the side of his face in the process.

With a grunt, he fell on the bed beside me, blinking wide-eyed with amusement. “That was smooth, but at least I got it,” he laughed, waving the little black condom packet.

“I’m sorry,” I chuckled, still clutching my own head. “Are you okay?”

I saw a flash of playfulness in his gaze quickly replaced by something I couldn’t quite read. For a moment I was afraid he might want to stop, but instead smiled softly. “Never better.”

An inexplicable blush rose in my cheeks as I realized I was naked in bed with Zach.
“Here, let me,” I said as I snatched the condom from his hand.

I nudged him to the middle of the bed and crawled between his legs. Knocking heads and killing the mood made me feel a bit guilty, so I wanted to return the pleasure he’d given me. I tucked the condom off to the side and tenderly held his cock. I wasn’t prepared to see so much lust in his eyes when I finally looked up.

As if sensing my surprise, he leaned on his elbows and whispered, “This is literally the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

Kevin liked holding the sides of my head while I gave him blowjobs, like he was screwing a hollowed out melon. You can imagine how many he got. Zach watched me with a mix of awe and appreciation as I licked him from base to tip.

He rocked his head back, Adam’s apple bouncing as he groaned with pleasure. I’ve never felt so sexy before in my life. It was intoxicating. I wanted to perform for him almost, pull those little sounds from him. After a few hard strokes, I released him and reached for the condom. Without a word, I unrolled it over his cock and shimmied up his hips.

“This might take a minute,” I whispered with a chuckle.

Zach’s hand caressed my waist as I slowly worked him inside, his girth stretching me with a sweet fullness I’d missed. I rocked back and forth, finally settling with him deeply buried inside.

“I was wrong,” he murmured. For a moment I panicked, thinking he was regretting this whole arrangement. I nearly pulled away when he held my hips and added, “
is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

The last shred of shyness or reservation slipped away. Being with Zach was more than I could’ve imagined. The normal pressures to perform were gone. The insecurities of whether your partner was enjoying themselves disappeared. I trusted him implicitly and knew if he wanted me to do something differently, he’d simply ask. With a hand balancing on his chest, I was free to lean back and truly enjoy having sex for what felt like the first time.

I let the sensations lead my body, rolling my hips and grinding against his pelvis with abandon. With my fingers holding my hair up in a loose ponytail, I smiled down at him as he cupped my breasts.

“You gotta slow down,” he said with concentration.

I expelled a long breath as I leaned down to kiss him. When I spoke, my lips brushed his every so softly. “How do you want me?”

“Holy shit… get on your knees,” he instructed.

I arched my ass into the air and sank onto my elbows. He ran a hand down my spine as he nudged my entrance with the tip of his cock again. I wiggled in response, glancing over my shoulder with a smile.

“Fuck,” he grunted as he slowly pushed inside.

I thought he might ram me from this position, but Zach was full of surprises. Instead, he wrapped an arm around my breasts and gently pushed me flat onto my belly.

“Put your legs together,” he whispered in my ear.

As I did just that, his other hand slipped between my legs. I let out a gasp as his fingers brushed my swollen clit. Pinned under his weight, he slowly rolled a nipple between the fingers of one hand, worked my sensitive spot with his others, while thrusting with a building speed.

“Aren’t you coordinated?” I panted.

“You have no idea,” he breathed against my neck.

It didn’t take long to pull me to the edge again and once he had me, he kept me there. I shook with every thrust, trembling with each soft brush across my clit. I was so worked up, I thought I might cum from one hard tweak on my nipple.

“Oh God, please,” I begged without thinking.

Zach nibbled at my earlobe and granted my wish. I crashed against him, my moans caught by the pillow as I came harder than the first time. A few seconds after the first wave hit, I felt Zach stiffen and thrust into me, his own orgasm joining mine. His cock pulsed, my name on his lips. We were locked in bliss for a few precious moments, bodies intertwined and relaxed.

With my mind a bit clearer, lust no longer holding my body and brain hostage, thoughts started bouncing around in my head at lightning speed.
What did we just do? Oh my God, I just had sex with Zach. Zach! Is this going to change anything? Did we just kill our relationship?
Leave it to the harsh light of reality to kill the afterglow.

Having a bit more clarity, I realized I had to make sure we maintained that barrier. Even with his softening cock against my ass, arm draped over my naked waist, I couldn’t let myself think about us as a couple in any sense.

I rolled over and gave him a brotherly punch on the shoulder. “Good job,” I joked.

He squinted at me and returned the gesture softly. “You too, buddy.”

I nervously laughed and stared at the ceiling. “So, uh… I actually feel a little guilty.”

Zach shifted onto his elbow and idly caressed my stomach. “Why? Because of the whole friends with…”

“No! No, nothing like that. I feel guilty because you got me to… you know… twice.” Even after sharing a simultaneous orgasm, I found it difficult to meet his eye when talking about it.

“I’m not keeping score,” he chuckled as he kissed my shoulder.

“God, Kevin did. I don’t think in all the years we were together, he ever made me come without getting off too. And even then, I had to do all the work myself.” Zach nodded in a silent reply, which was a mistake on his part. Now that I knew how good sex could be, I had plenty to bitch about. And when I’m nervous, I talk. A lot.

“He always made me feel like it was my fault I couldn’t get off with oral, you know? And that’s if he ever bothered to try in the first place. The stars had to be in perfect alignment, he had to be in just the right mood, and I had to be coming out of the shower that instant for him to even begrudgingly go down on me. Which, you know, makes a girl feel
good about herself.”

Zach grunted, sat up, and leaned against the wall as I continued ranting.

“He never gave a shit if I came or not. The only reason I ever got to was because it took him so long to get off, I had a chance to catch up.” I snorted derisively. “I guess that’s one good thing I can say for him. He’s not a two-hump chump. Plus his cock wasn’t…”

, let’s just hold it there,” Zach interrupted. “I don’t really need to know about Kevin’s dick or anything about you and him, for that matter.”

I clammed up immediately, my nervous chatter morphing into concern that I’d overstepped a boundary. “Shit, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…”

“No, it’s cool. I just don’t like hearing about other guys and…”

“Yeah, totally. I get it,” I insisted. “Maybe that’s a new rule?”

“New rule,” he nodded.

An awkward silence filled the space between us. We stared off in different directions grappling with the new shift in our relationship. A line had definitely been crossed but now that we were standing on the other side, neither of us knew exactly what that meant. It started to get weird but when I went to speak, so did he.

“Talia, we…”

“Listen, I…”

We even laughed at the same time, releasing a bit of the tension in the air. Zach rested his hand on my knee and began again.

“I was just gonna say, we can stop if you want. We’ve only done it once. We can consider it a trial run of sorts. No harm, no foul.”

With a little lump in my throat, I asked, “Do you not want to do it again?”

“No! I do! It’s that… at the end of the day, our friendship is what means the most to me. Since I was the one who suggested we do this whole crazy thing in the first place, I want to make sure you’re comfortable. We can stop any time.”

I saw a quick flash of something in his eyes before he looked away. It was there and gone before I could figure out what it meant. I sucked my teeth as I quickly weighed the pros and cons.

“Well, I mean, we have the rules. I think as long as we stick to those, we should be good. Plus, you’re pretty good in the sack,” I finished with a nudge.

Yeah, and this way I can scratch my sexual itch in a safe way, leaving me open to explore other relationship possibilities.

“Pretty good?” he balked, pinching my hip playfully.

“At least four stars on Yelp,” I grinned.

A more comfortable, friend-like silence crept up. Our eyes met once more and we smiled again.

“So we have a deal?”

“Deal,” I laughed as I sat up.

Zach stuck out his hand at the exact same moment I started to rise. Instead of finding my hand to shake like he’d just sold me a used Toyota, he ended up swatting the underside of my breast. The look of surprise on his face sent us into another fit of laughter.

“Did we just create a secret handshake?”

“Holy hell, can you imagine Anette’s reaction if we did that in front of her?” I pulled the sheet up to my chest and shook my head at the thought.

“The phrase ‘shit a brick’ comes to mind,” he replied.

“Hey, remind me to buy the first round when we’re out next. I owe you for that last orgasm,” I said as I rolled my head around on my shoulders. “Better than a massage.”

“You know I’ll never say no to free beer, but if it’s rounds you’re into,” he said with a smirk. “Allow me to introduce you to round two.”

Zach pushed me back to the bed with a strong hand on my shoulder. His lips traveled down my belly, fingers roaming my skin. My need for him was immediately reignited as I squirmed under his touch. This time felt more natural, like our bodies had already been properly introduced.

I’m definitely going to have to call in sick more often.

The rest of the week flew by in a blur. Between all the work helping Clint retool his book, sneaking around with Zach, and writing in my blog, I couldn’t believe how quickly Saturday rolled in. Anette decided to do a double shift at the bar, I suspect because her crush Amie had just started working there as well. When I woke up Saturday morning, I laced my fingers behind my head and stared at the ceiling thinking about my life.

The project with Clint was already rewarding in ways I hadn’t expected. At first, Lisa was reluctant to let me commit to such a serious amount of developmental editing. After what I suspect was a very convincing phone call from Mr. English and his team, her reservations were put to the side in favor of results. As long as the book was better and more marketable in the end, and that he was happy, she didn’t care how it came about.

BOOK: Chronicles of a Serial Dater - Book 3: A New Adult Romantic Comedy
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