City Lights (Satan's Sinners M.C. Book 1)

BOOK: City Lights (Satan's Sinners M.C. Book 1)
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City Lights

Satan Sinner's M.C

Hanger & Zoey


Colbie Kay

Copyright© 2015 Colbie Kay

Kindle Edition


Cover Design by Paradox Book Covers

Formatted by Jersey Girl Graphics

Edited by Jana Whaley


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are products of the author's imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is purely coincidental.


The use of artists, song titles, and brand names throughout this book are done so for storytelling purposes and should in no way be seen as advertisement. Trademark names are used in an editorial fashion with no intention of infringement of the respective owner's trademark.


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I dedicate this book to Casey and Sue for always listening to me go on and on about this book and listening to all my ideas.


To Jana Whaley we have formed an awesome friendship. You have been there with me every step of the way in this process. You have put as much time in this as I have and I thank you for that. You have been my insight into the M.C. world and fell in love with and are as invested in these characters as I am. Thank you for everything you have done.


To all the people that have supported me through this thank you guys.




It's spring almost summer, I used to really love this time of year. The trees are full of leaves, the grass is green, it's not too hot or cold, and it’s just perfect outside. You can feel the wind blowing on your face and through your hair. I would always get so excited, school was almost over for the year, you get three months of freedom. You can go swim or just hang out with your friends all day, every day. But like I said, I used to love it. That was until I turned sixteen and started dating my very first boyfriend. Now six years later, here we are, it's our anniversary; and he's supposed to be taking me out to dinner. I’m pretty shocked because we never do anything together anymore. He would rather keep me locked in the house while he goes out and does whatever he wants. I think to myself a lot, why don't I just leave and let him kill me? It would be so much easier, but then I think about my family. I'm twenty two years old and I have my whole life ahead of me. I guess it's just easier if I stay. I hope one day something will happen and I'll be able to get out.

I met him when Ever, my twin sister, and I started our sophomore year in high school. I was taking an art class. That first day I was sitting at my desk, when I looked up he was standing in the doorway. I thought he was the cutest boy I had ever seen. Some would consider him to be preppy. He was tall with short blonde hair, blue eyes, smooth skin, he was just handsome, then I saw his clothes; he was wearing khaki shorts, a light blue polo shirt, and light brown loafers. This ended up being the way he dressed every day, the only thing that ever changed was the color of his shirt. When it got cold outside he switched out the shorts for slacks. Looking back on it now I think to myself, who would want to dress the same way every day? He walked over to the seat next to me and sat down. He held out his hand and I took it as we introduced ourselves. His voice was deeper than most of the boys in my grade, but come to find out he was a grade higher than me, he said his name was Andrew Conners.

A few weeks later we had to pick a partner for a project. I was so excited when Andrew picked me, I couldn't have been happier about it. That first few weeks before the project I would steal glances at him, then sometimes I would catch him looking at me. Any chance we got to talk to each other we would take it. We became close friends while doing that project together, and as the weeks went by the more we would flirt. We liked each other but I wasn't allowed to date until I turned sixteen. The day our birthday came I was at home sitting outside at the patio table looking at a magazine. My mom called for me and said I had some company. When I looked up from my magazine to the sliding glass door, he was standing there. He stood there for a minute fidgeting with his hands, until he took a deep breath, walked over to me, and asked me out on a date. Of course I jumped at the chance to go out with him, I had been infatuated with him for weeks. My parents agreed that I could go. We were happy at first, but over time my family started to see changes happening with me. They tried everything they could to get me away from him, but I wouldn't listen, if they yelled, I'd yell back, if they grounded me I would just sneak out. I was so stubborn and thought I was in love. My twin sister was another person that didn't like him, she wanted me away from him. But if I wasn't going to listen to her, I wasn't listening to anybody. God, how I wish I would have now. I just always wanted that kind of love, the love that songs and books are wrote about. What I’ve got with Andrew is nothing at all like that.

I sent a text to my sister to ask if she wanted to have a girl's day with me, so I could be ready for tonight. Thirty minutes later she was ringing my doorbell. Ever is finishing up with school, she is going to be a fashion designer. I became a nurse, so I was finished with school before her. She always looks so fashionable and put together. I open my door, and there she is wearing a white form fitting top with black capris and white matching heels. Her hair is pulled up in a ponytail and she has little makeup on. I wave her inside, she looks me up and down,
"You are not going out with me looking like that."
She then points her hands at me, cocks her eyebrow then crosses her arms over her chest staring at me. I look down at myself. I guess sweats, a holey T-shirt, with a messy bun on top of my head wouldn't be good to wear to the mall.

"Let me go change."

I walk off to my room, I'm gonna take the advantage of Andrew being at work. I put on a nice fitting hole less t-shirt, shorts, I slip on some flip flops, and pull my hair into a ponytail. I know we are identical, but when I see my sister I see someone who is beautiful, confident, and so sure of herself. I used to be like that, but not so much anymore. Even though we are identical, I don't see me in her at all. I walk out and she has a smile on her face.

"That’s much better, now let's go."

She drives us to the mall, which I think is her favorite place to go of all time. It takes us a couple of hours, and about ten stores later before she finds my dress. It is black, tight, and ends right above my knees, it has spaghetti straps and it goes straight across my chest. I feel sexy when I put it on, that's something I haven't felt in a long time. Next is shoes. We go into a couple of different stores until she finds the right ones. They are black open toed stilettos with a six inch heel. We then have to find accessories, she finds me silver hoop earrings and a silver chain necklace and a black clutch purse. Then we go to one of the nail salons that's in the mall. We both get mani, pedis done. I go with French for both. While she chooses a bold red. We leave the mall and go to a hair salon, she must come to a lot because they get me right in without having an appointment. I had them put some pink streaks in my blonde hair, I love it. By the time they are done I'm starving. So we decide to go to lunch. We chose a Chinese restaurant, we both order our favorites Pepsi and Cashew Chicken. I've had more fun today then I've had in a really long time. Let me tell you why that is.

Andrew has alienated me from all my friends and family. I miss them all so much, especially my sister. Ever and I used to be inseparable. Even though we look exactly alike, there are so many differences between us. She was born deaf, the doctors never could figure out why I could hear and she couldn't. My parents took classes and learned how to sign, they taught us as we were growing up. Ever was always more shy because not very many people know sign language. I was more outgoing, always had a lot of friends. She clung to me, and I was okay with that. Growing up we were in our own little bubble. We were best friends until Andrew came along and took me from her, through it all nobody could replace her. She will always be my best friend, even if I don't get to spend a lot of time with her. I look over at her and I can see that she is worried about something so I sign, “
Are you okay, sis?”

“I have a really weird feeling, like something bad is going to happen to you. I only get that feeling with you. Are you sure you want to go out with him tonight?"

“It'll be okay, we’re just going out to dinner. I do want you to know that I love you though and I’m glad you worry about me.”

“You are my twin, of course I'm gonna worry and I hate that douche bag your with.”

“I know you do and I don't like him either, but I'm stuck right now. Maybe someday something will change, until then I just have to deal with it. Let’s go so you can make me beautiful.”

By the time we get back to my house it's time for me to start getting ready. I'm already exhausted from all the shopping. It's a job in itself to go anywhere with Ever when there is clothes involved. But I wouldn't have changed a thing about it today with her. I jump in the shower and when I'm done getting dressed I let Ever work her magic. When she's done with my hair and makeup I look at myself in the mirror. I let out a gasp and cover my mouth with my hand. I look like a totally different person. I look beautiful, I never expected it to turn out like this. Right now I see my sister in me. My hair is pulled up in a tight ponytail, my makeup is done more dramatic, and it looks so good, with a smoky eye and sassy red lips. I hope he likes it.

I give her a hug and tell her goodbye. Now I just have to wait for him to show up. I start thinking back to our first date, man how things have changed.

Zoey, you look beautiful. Are you ready to go?"

"You look nice too. Yeah I'm ready."

"Oh, here these flowers are for you." He pulls assorted flowers from behind his back and hands them to me.

"Andrew, they are so pretty, thank you. I'll put them in some water real quick." When I come back from putting the flowers in water, he leads me outside to his beat up Buick. He opens the door for me. He takes me to a quiet little Mexican restaurant. The conversation is so easy because we've been friends for a while now. I'm having such a good time.

"What are we doing after we eat?"

"Well, I know you love those girly movies, so I thought we could go see the one that just came out, 10 Things I Hate About You."

"Really? I’ve been wanting to see that movie so bad." We smile at each other.

We get to the movie theater, he opens my door to let me out. He holds my hand all the way into the theater, buys our tickets, and we make our way over to the concession stand.

"Do you want some popcorn and candy?"

"Sure, I like the Crunch Candy." He gets my candy and grabs Twizzlers for himself, a large popcorn and two big Pepsis. When the movie is over he takes me home. While holding my hand, and he walks me to my door. “I had such a good time Andrew, the movie was so good."

"I did too Zoey. I'll call you tomorrow." He leans in and gives me the softest kiss on my lips and then walks away. About half an hour later, I get a text, "Just wanted to say goodnight beautiful." With a big smile on my face I text back "goodnight."

Pulling myself from the memory I look at the clock. I've been waiting for over an hour and I'm starting to get angry. Finally at eight o'clock, he's just pulling up and starts honking. I can't keep him waiting, he gets so mad if I make him wait. I walk outside to his silver Toyota Tundra. There’s no opening doors, or helping me get in anymore. So I do it myself, quite the gentleman, huh, when I'm seated I ask, "Why are you late?" I look over at him and he doesn't look happy.

"One of us has to make some god damn money in this fucking relationship and it sure as fuck isn't you, working in that shithole you call a clinic. What the fuck did you do to your hair? It looks like shit. Why the fuck do you have a dress on? You know you are not supposed to wear anything other than pants and long sleeves. You think I want to take you out looking like that? You’re such a fucking embarrassment, this is why I never want to take you anywhere." He’s so pissed off. Maybe Ever was right to have a bad feeling about tonight. I put on my best face and look over at him. “God, Andrew it's just a little pink in my hair… let's just go out to dinner, and have a nice night."

"You’re really trying my patience tonight. I think you need to shut your fucking mouth, before I make you shut it."

I try to turn on the radio but he slaps my hand away, with more force than necessary. I turn my body towards the door and stare out the window. No more words are spoken the rest of the way. It takes about twenty minutes to get to the restaurant because we live outside of Wichita and have to take the highway. We pull up to a nice looking Italian restaurant called
, when we get inside I notice it's quiet and not very busy. I can't help but wonder if that's why he chose this place. He doesn't like to have me around people. The hostess seats us in a booth and tells us our server will be right with us. While we are waiting I look around the place. It's like I’ve stepped into Italy, it's very nice with pictures hanging on the walls. The atmosphere is very calming, the lighting is low, and I can see they have a room where you can do wine tastings. When the waiter comes over I notice that he is very good looking, I'd say about six feet, black hair, with a short black beard, his eyes are a crazy light brown color almost the color of whiskey, and his complexion is darker than a regular tanned skin tone, maybe he’s mixed. He is wearing a white long sleeved button up shirt and black slacks with black dress shoes. The way his shirt fits, I can tell there is a whole lot of muscle under that shirt. He introduces himself as Jason and says that he will be our server for the evening. Andrew orders for us both of course, "We would like a bottle of Gavi, she will have the Pristine Caesar salad, and I'll have the Chicken Parmesan."

BOOK: City Lights (Satan's Sinners M.C. Book 1)
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