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Authors: Jaymie Holland

Tags: #erotica, #erotic romance, #bdsm, #domination, #submission, #bondage, #latex, #fetish, #explicit, #kink, #cheyenne mccray, #jaymie holland


BOOK: Claimed
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Jaymie Holland



Copyright 2011 Jaymie Holland




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Also by Jaymie Holland



The Auction Series





Taboo Series

Taking it Home

Losing Control

Alluring Stranger


Taboo Desires: 3 Tales of Lust and

Playing Rough: 3 Stories of Sensual



Paranormal Novels

The Touch

Come to Me



Chapter 1



Leslie Adams smiled as she slipped through
the crowd of people mingling before the exclusive charity auction
in Washington, D.C. The air smelled of elegant perfumes and diamond
jewelry glittered in the room’s low lighting. An undercurrent of
energy seemed to run just below the surface of the night’s

But what she was focused on was a man across
the room.

“SEAL is on the menu tonight,” she murmured
to herself as she watched him. “That Navy man is

He was even sexier in the flesh than he’d
been in his photograph. His features were well cut and his skin
tanned, showing he was outdoors quite a bit of the time. She could
almost feel how soft his short dark hair would be as it sifted
through her fingers. His muscular body would feel smooth and hard
against her palms. His suit fit him well and he wore it with ease,
as comfortable in it as he no doubt was in a wetsuit.

Thoughts of how he would look with his suit
off had her running her tongue along her lower lip and caused a
tingling between her thighs. His body would be buff and perfect
beneath his clothing and she would be happy to lick his naked body
all over. She wondered how he had been roped into allowing himself
to be auctioned off for charity.

She couldn’t believe her fortune. She loved
her men tough, strong, and sexy, and from what she’d read, Rick
Pierce appeared to be all of that and more. After studying the
auction program and reading through the information about him, she
all but had him tied up with a nice red bow as a present to

Tying him up was the plan.

She needed to talk with him, but if he was
only half of what was described in the program, she wasn’t about to
let anyone outbid her tonight. No one.

Her silver dress felt slinky and sexy against
her skin and with her white-blonde hair up, the air in the room was
cool at her nape. She reached up and ran her finger along the edges
of the decorative triangle pin on her left shoulder. It signified
she liked to top submissives from KC, the Kink Club. The tougher
they were, the more desire she had to control them. She’d never
come across a man since Michael who’d had the power to make her
submit to him.

That will be the day.

Thoughts of Michael always made her stomach
pitch and she stuffed thoughts of him back into the box she always
kept them in.

She was several feet from Rick when a man
stepped in front of her and blocked her path. She had been so
focused on the SEAL that it took her a moment to register that the
man in front of her was one of the most sought after male models in
the industry. He was with a competitor’s agency. At one time she
would have given her firstborn—if she had one—to have Armand Moreau
with her own agency.

“Leslie, dear.” He took her hand and brought
it to his lips. “What a pleasure.”

He had been in the auction program as one of
those individuals being auctioned off, but she’d had no intention
of purchasing him for a weekend alone so hadn’t given him a lot of

“Armand.” She smiled despite the fact that
she wanted him to be gone so that she could continue on to her
prey. “It’s good to see you. Now if you please excu—”

“I see that you are a bidder.” He indicated
the white corsage on her shoulder, near her triangle pin. “How
wonderful. No doubt you saw that I have given myself up for auction
to benefit this event.” His French accent was heavy, his rather
large ego intact.

For a moment she thought about what it would
be like to tie him up and have him at her mercy. She doubted if he
could take what she would have in store for him if she purchased
him during the auction. It might actually be quite interesting to
find out.

But she wasn’t into more than one man at a
time, and right now her goal was a certain SEAL named Rick and this
man was in her way.

“You are bidding on me, no?” He said the
words as if it was a foregone conclusion.

“I am certain the ladies will be fighting
over you tonight,” she said.

“Yes.” His look was what she might define as
smug. “But I would only be happy to have you in my arms this

She raised an eyebrow. “Then it will be a
lonely weekend for you.”

He frowned. “Are you not bidding?”

“I am.” She gave him a tight smile. “But I’m
going to leave you for the ladies who would give you the
appreciation you so richly deserve.”

And she would bid on someone with
considerably more intelligence, not to mention a physical prowess
Armand would never have in the same way Rick appeared to. Besides,
she didn’t “do” male models anymore, she reminded herself. To a
one, none of them had been able to handle her.

“I am disappointed.” He took her hand and
kissed the back of it again. “If you change your mind…”

“Enjoy the auction, Armand.” She extracted
her hand from his. “I look forward to seeing you another time.”

“As do I.” He glanced over her shoulder.
“There is Dahlia. I must say hello.” He took Leslie by her
shoulders and kissed each cheek before moving away from her.
“Dahlia, darling,” she heard him say and she shook her head in

“Hi, Leslie,” Kelley Bachman said from behind

Leslie turned and smiled at her good friend.
“You made it.”

“I was a little worried I wasn’t going to be
able to.” Kelley pushed her golden blonde hair away from her face.
“You know how Dr. Brown likes to keep me late whenever

Leslie put her hand on her friend’s arm.
“Maybe it’s time to transfer into another area of the

Kelley smiled. “You’re right. It’s just been
so hectic lately. Work just never lets up.”

“The nerve of people getting sick.” Leslie
laughed. “I don’t know how you handle being a nurse. It takes
someone pretty special to have that as a career.”

“I love my job.” Kelley raised her glass of
wine. “If it wasn’t for Dr. Jeffrey Brown being after me all of the
time, I’d be perfectly satisfied right where I am.”

Leslie touched her hair to make sure it was
still smooth. “Have you thought of filing a sexual harassment

Kelley shook her head. “It hasn’t gotten to
that point. He’s done nothing that would qualify as harassment. He
just does everything he can to keep me close. It’s in his eyes
though, but you can’t file a claim based on the way someone looks
at you covertly.”

“Anyway,” Kelley went on as she brought her
fingers to the circle pin she wore, signifying she was a submissive
in KC. “We’re here for fun and I intend to enjoy myself and hope
that the right guy bids on me.” She looked at Leslie’s triangle
pin. “Have anyone in mind that you’re looking to bid on?”

“A Navy SEAL.” Leslie gave Kelley a naughty
grin. “Just think of the fun I’ll have.”

“Nice.” Kelley laughed. “You always did like
the best of the best.”

Leslie gave her a quick hug. “Good to see
you, honey.”

Kelley hugged her back. “Go get him.”

When Kelley moved away, Leslie looked to
where the SEAL had been standing, but he was no longer there.
Disappointment eased through her but she slowly pivoted to see if
he was nearby but she didn’t see him anywhere.

“Excuse me.” A deep voice from behind her had
her turning to face whoever had spoken.

It was the SEAL.

The moment that his tawny eyes met hers
almost took her breath away. Her heart started to pound and her
blood warmed as his gaze swept over her from head to toe.

His presence was almost magnetic, as if she
could move closer to him and her body would fuse with his.

Tingles ran up and down her spine. She’d
never had this kind of reaction to any man. Ever.

Must have been too much wine.

She put on a sensual smile, doing her best to
make sure her reaction didn’t show on her features. She was good at
that, putting on one face for the world while on the inside she was
feeling entirely different.

His lips curved into a smile so sexy it made
her shiver inside.

“Rick Pierce.” When he clasped her hand, a
flood of heat rushed through her. His hand was much larger than
hers and his grip had a natural power to it. In his eyes was a
confidence that for a moment made her wonder if he was a man who
could control her and that she would actually permit to control

Of course not. No man would.

“Leslie,” she said as she looked up at the
tall man as he released her hand. “Leslie Adams.”

He wasn’t wearing a circle pin, which would
ID him as a submissive from KC, but she could teach him the ropes.
Literally. She had a thing for luring in men who had never
experienced BDSM. As for this SEAL, she’d heard Navy men knew how
to tie all kinds of knots but that didn’t mean he could get out of
hers. She planned to see.

“I saw you in the auction program.” She
cocked her head. “How did a Navy boy like you end up being
auctioned off for charity?”

“My sister is on the committee.” He had an
almost boyish expression, as if a little embarrassed to be up for
bid. “She asked me to help out and I’ve never been able to refuse
my little sister.”

A server stopped with a tray of glasses
filled with bubbly. “Would you like a glass of wine?” he asked.

“Yes.” She accepted a glass from him that he
picked up from the tray. “Thank you.”

He touched his own glass to hers. “To new

She took a sip then lowered her glass and
smiled. “I know many of those on the board,” she said. “Which one
is your sister?”

He lowered his glass. “Jessica Pierce.”

“Ah.” Leslie nodded. “With the dark hair and
tawny-gold eyes, I should have guessed.”

“That would be us.” Rick shook his head.
“Jess and I take after our father. My brother, Mark, is
blond-haired and blue-eyed like our mother.”

“How many siblings do you have?” Leslie

“Just the two,” he said. “Little sister, big

“Hard to imagine you having a ‘big’ brother.”
She let her gaze drift over his easily six-four frame.

“Mark and I are the same height and build,
but he’ll always be my big brother.” He raised his glass in a
gesture that meant it was time for her to answer some questions.
“What about you? Any brothers or sisters?”

She took a sip of wine before answering his
question. “I’m an only child.”

“You were lonely growing up.” He stated the
words in a way that made her feel like he’d just seen straight
through to her soul, as impossible as that was.

It was as if he had seen the layers of
loneliness, hurt, and pain that had accompanied her childhood. It
was good she didn’t have any brothers and sisters to go through
what she had. At least the cold indifference of her parents hadn’t
gone any farther than her.

She shrugged off his statement. “You don’t
miss what you have never had. Besides, who needs siblings when you
have a bevy of nannies at hand?”

He looked at her for a long moment. “I
apologize for bringing up something that bothers you.”

She took another sip of wine “It

He continued to study her. It wasn’t
unnerving, it was almost comfortable being under his scrutiny.

“Are you currently on shore leave or whatever
they call it?” she asked.

“I’m an instructor in the physical education
department now,” he said, “at the Naval Academy.”

“Ah.” Leslie nodded. “In Annapolis.”

“That’s the place.” He set his wine glass on
a tray on a stand beside the table of cheeses and fruits for the
wine tasting. “You know what I do for a living,” he said. “Tell me
about your choice in careers.”

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