Claimed By The Military Bear: BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance Standalone (Paranormal Shifter Romance, BBW Shifter Romance, WereBear Romance) (5 page)

BOOK: Claimed By The Military Bear: BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance Standalone (Paranormal Shifter Romance, BBW Shifter Romance, WereBear Romance)
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“Barrett,” Melissa moaned, wiggling against his body with need.

He pulled away, his hands helping her finish the task of pushing her pants down her knees, ankles, until she was bare beneath him. He stared down at her and Melissa felt a blush work its way down her entire body.

His panting became ragged and Melissa groaned when she felt his hands trace her calves, up her thighs until caressing the sensitive flesh of her hips.

“You look delectable,” he murmured, pushing her knees wide and exposing her dampness to the air of the cabin.

A hot shiver burned through her as Melissa’s hands roamed her own skin, finding Barrett’s grip with shaky fingers.

He bent down, placing a kiss on her pubic bone, Melissa nearly came apart with just the sensation of his breath over her lips. A vibrant moan ripped through her ribcage when she felt his tongue suddenly lap against her entrance.

His lips sealed over her flesh, sucking, nipping, and biting tenderly at her flesh, her inner thighs and the moistness of her sex.

He pressed his tongue against her, flicking and licking mercilessly—like a starving man finally given a meal.

With every flick, Melissa felt her body twist and writhe, making her suck in air and gasp it out in noises that made her surprised to hear.

Her body stiffened, feeling something penetrate her gently. The sensation was almost too much, and her walls slammed down into this object, yanking it deeper before her body shook with a powerful wave of pleasure.

She felt herself rush out, fluid coating Barrett’s lips and tongue.

He kept licking until Melissa couldn’t take it anymore.

“Barrett!” She shrieked, reaching down to yank him up, slamming her mouth against his.

He responded in kind, kissing her hard and groaning when she bucked her hips against his.

Their grunts and groans were harder now, rushing through their lips in fierce exhales.

She wanted him—no,
needed him
—and she wanted nothing more than to take him.

All initial concerns and worry flew out the window when she felt him push up, his hands flying down to his pants to pull them down.

“Mel,” he gasped, shuddering against her fingertips.

“Are you sure you want this?”

“Yes, yes,” Melissa said through a straining throat, “Please. Please…. I want you. I want you.”

It was all he needed because the next thing she knew, she was being kissed harder than ever before. Something hard brushed her entrance, made her buck and gyrate almost madly.

“Hold still,” he murmured against her mouth, one of his arms resting by her side to steady him.

Melissa spread her legs wide, resting the soles of her feet against his hips.

He groaned, she sighed, and finally, he moved and Melissa was groaning a loud sound that vaguely resembled his name.

His member was large, thick in girth. He pushed in tentatively, made her face screw in discomfort and effort. Yet there was a sense of pleasure that his movements caused.

She was so wet already that he slid in easily, if not with some careful shifting.

When he was halfway in, Melissa was biting down harshly on her lips, and she felt him press kisses to her swollen mouth.

“Are you okay?” He gasped, sounding strained.

“Mmm, yeah,” she muttered yet the discomfort wasn’t faded and tears pricked at her eyes.

“Maybe we should stop,” he said, but Melissa wrapped her around him, tightened her hold on his hips with her thighs.

“No,” she begged, “No. I want this. I want it. Please, just keep going.”

“Mel…” He protested, voice coming out worried.

She fixed him a hard glare, before pressing her feet against the strength of his ass.

With a push, she shoved his hips harder against hers. She bucked just as he went in, and the sensation of being filled to the brim made her throw her head back and scream.

“Mel!” Barrett exclaimed, beginning to pull away.

Melissa shook her head, reaching up to gather his mouth in hers.

“Don’t,” she mumbled. “I like it. It feels good.”

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

Melissa shook her head.

“You’re not. I promise. It feels good. Please…”

Thunder cracked in the distance, adding a different vibration in the air. Barrett dropped his head against her collarbone before slowly pulling out, Mel gasped.

He shifted back in, moving his hips in short thrusts that eased her into a trip towards pleasure. Each shift made her shake, urged her hips to move. Then she bucked, meeting his hips half way and Barrett let out a violent curse.

“Are you okay?” Melissa asked, surprised.

Barrett looked up, met her gaze with one of small amusement before he kissed her again.

“You feel so good,” he admitted.

Melissa felt her body heat up again, flattered. Her eyelids fluttered, and the two moved slowly, their hips meeting steadily faster.

“More…” Melissa hummed, dragging her fingers to dig into the muscles of his back.

Barrett increased his speed, breathing beginning to pick up.

Melissa let out a small sigh, her mind spinning with the feeling of his chest rubbing against her erect nipples, of his member rubbing delicious friction against her walls.


“Mel,” Barrett let out and his hips slammed a little harder against her. The thrust drew a surprised cry from Melissa’s mouth and it seemed to encourage her lover further.

He thrust in again, harder and faster until Melissa was throwing her head back and letting out cries that matched the rhythm of their rocking hips.

Faster and harder, he pumped until he could feel a familiar swelling behind his balls, making his body begin to stiffen.

“I’m close,” he grunted, “I’m getting close.”

“I’m almost there,” Melissa babbled, one of her hands flying down to rub between their hips.

oh, ohhhh!

Suddenly, Melissa’s walls clamped down over Barrett’s member, milking him tightly and causing his eyes to roll to the back of his head.

Melissa drew back a whimper, a high-pitched moan before she, too, was spasming beneath him. Their movements lost their rhythm, desperate to find that peak to haphazardly throw themselves off it.

All that came between them was hard movement that made the two of them cry out, press their tongues in needing curls of each other’s names before their muscles slammed down into a final end.

Fire and pleasure spread through them in a rush of blood and pooling warmth. Melissa could hardly remember what it was like to breathe, much less her own name.

Before either of them knew it, they were spread on the ground, catching on to breaths and feeling each other’s skin…

Barrett pulled away abruptly, pushing his body up. Melissa blinked up at him, feeling thrown and confused by his sudden movement.

Before she could speak, he was grabbing her, hoisting her in his arms and meeting her lips with his.

All she could do was barely respond to his kisses, clinging to his skin. He moved them towards the hallway, and towards the bedroom.

He kicked the door open and once they were both inside, kicked it shut.

The remainder of the night was spread in delicious touches and kisses and cries shouted to the ceiling as they had sex again and again…


Chapter 7


Melissa woke within pale sheets, her eyes fluttering beneath invading sunlight and unexpected warmth.

For a genuine moment of confusion, she felt around her surroundings, not recognizing where she was. It wasn’t until she felt a gentle caress over her side that she felt her body melt against the mattress.

“Did I wake you?”

Barrett’s voice was soft in her ear and when she turned to face him, he was watching her with a gentle expression.

She sighed, letting her head fall against his shoulder.

She hummed in the negative, lifting a hand to caress his face.

“I thought you’d be gone by now…”

He gave her a half smile, “I’m taking a day off.”

“How come?” She mused, and he shifted to hover over her.

The sunlight broke over his skin and into his eyes, making the blue in his irises come alive with unexpected emotions.

There were too many for Melissa to catch, and she felt too lightheaded to try to tell them apart.

“Mel, I haven’t been… honest with you.”

He said and his voice was quiet, shame leaking through its edges and making her brows furrow.

“Where is this coming from?” She mused, blinking furtively under his flicking gaze.

He sighed and pushed away, drawing from the sheets to sit on the edge of the bed facing the window.

“Do you ever wonder where I go?”

Mel shifted over the blankets, sitting up and drawing a sheet to cover her chest.

“Yeah… but you’re not exactly a business man. I figured it was your business.”

“You are far too trusting for your own good, Melissa,” Barrett replied, shaking his head.

He peeked over his shoulder, looking at her with frustrated eyes. “Anyone else who saw all those weapons on the wall wouldn’t have hesitated to disappear. But you saw them and you stayed anyway, why?”

Melissa’s lips worked into a frown.

“I told you… I’m running away from that man.”

“And into the walls of someone far more dangerous than him. I could have killed you several times over.”

“But you didn’t,” Melissa countered.

“You took me in. You gave me shelter.”

“Any other murderer with a flair of charisma could’ve done the same.”

Barrett snorted, nostrils flaring.

“And yet here I am,” she waved at herself with an arm, fixing him with a defiant glare.

“You could have killed me but you didn’t. You kept me safe… you still are.”

Something in him snapped and he was pulling from the bed in a storm of frustration. He whipped around to face her and she nearly blushed at the sight of his nakedness but the stare he fixed on her kept her from getting distracted.

“You can’t have possibly known this, Melissa! Had I been a different man—a weaker man—I would have taken you. I
taken you! I defiled you as if you were some thing to be taken!”

She pushed from the bed, feeling upset.

“You think you took advantage of me? You gave me the option to stop, Barrett. Several times! I didn’t just let you have me, I
you! I did it because I know you’re not a bad person! You saved my life!”

“And that suddenly makes you mine?”

The words stung and confused her, made her reel.

“What’s wrong with you?” She asked, her voice falling quiet.

“Did… did you not want to be with me? Do you not want me?”

But then he was standing over her, meeting her gaze with one of powerful intent, as if he were restraining himself just barely. It frightened her.

“You have no idea how much I want you… I wanted you since the moment I saw you when I returned that first day. I wanted you every day and every moment. Don’t you get it? I want you, but I
have you. I chose to live out here in this isolated space to avoid this… to avoid losing myself over someone. I wanted you gone. I wanted you so far away because I was scared with how much I want you. But then…” he trailed off, pushing away and collapsing against the bed.

Melissa watched him, speechless.

“…But then, you would do things. You’d clean and cook and waited up for me to return. You were loyal, and kind, and stubborn, but mostly, you were so persistent. You helped me with my injury. I kept telling myself to just meet with someone, find a way to get you to leave… I had so many chances to have you leave, to find what I promised you… I couldn’t even do it.”

Suddenly, Melissa felt cold.

“You…” She breathed. “You acted this way… you made me stay here all this time because… you didn’t want me to leave?”

A long and tense silence filled the space between them until Barrett nodded.

“I kept you here for my own selfishness. I took advantage of you, and you don’t even know what I am.”

What did that even mean?
Melissa pushed away from the bed, her mind spinning with all this information.

She could have been long gone by now, she could have been somewhere far away, living a life free from her father, free from captivity…

But he had promised!

He’s no different.

A wave of nausea rolled through Melissa’s stomach and she stumbled away, clenching the sheets further around her body as she tried to toss away all the negative thoughts now bubbling in her mind.

“Being here…” Melissa began through a tight throat, “Has been hard. But, I didn’t hate this. I never hated or resented you… You kept me safe. You became my friend, the only person who accepted and believed me when so many just pushed me aside. You’re not a monster.”

“What if I was?”

He voiced and there was a strange calm in his voice that made her feel uneasy.

“A monster?”

She shook her head, “You’re not. I’ve lived with a monster for years, Barrett. You may have lied to me but you never caused me the pain he did.”

“You’re so naïve,” He scoffed before rising to his feet and facing her once more.

“Don’t you get it?” The look in his eyes made her feel cold.

“If I hadn’t found you, you would’ve been dead. Your naïvete is what lead you here, Melissa. It should have killed you.”

Tears burned in her eyes, made her tremble. She felt her chin drop, felt the heat in her eyes crash to her feet. “

I don’t care…” She murmured. “I don’t care how many times I would have died. I have been dead for years…” she met his gaze and she saw genuine shock in his expression.

“Being here with you has made me remember how it felt to be alive, Barrett. Now you may regret it, but I don’t. I don’t, you hear me?”

Feeling overwhelmed, Melissa turned around and escaped out the door.

All she wanted was to find a different place to be. So she ran.

Wrapped in a sheet and nothing else should have reminded her to dress, but Melissa wanted to push away the pain Barret’s words had stung her.

She wanted a moment to clear her head.

Her hands found the knob of the front door and she pushed out, her bare feet finding dirt and loose leaves easily as she ran out the door and into the woods.

Sunlight filtered through a haze of gray clouds, breaking through spots of deep blue sky. The weather had turned colder in the time she had spent in the cabin, and her body strained to pursue an aimless chase.

After running a few yards, Melissa collapsed against a tree trunk, ankle scathing harshly against a rock.

She let out a small cry, wincing when she checked at the injury and found blood mixing with the dirt in her fingers. She panted, pressing her forehead against the tree trunk and waiting for her chest to stop hurting.

Did he really mean it? All of it?

Why would he treat her so coldly if he had wanted her? Why would he push her away instead of take her when she was weak with fever?

Barrett had opportunities to rip into her body, to claim her as his own… instead he had given her space and even suggested to stop in the heat of passion when her discomfort made him uncertain.

Still… even though she did like being in the cabin, she had clung to the hope of finding somewhere new and living a brand new life.

She wanted to follow her mother’s final wish and discover a new adventure outside of caging walls.

Instead, he had kept her there, kept the truth from her when she had needed answers.

Was he really different? Were all men like this?

Was the world that she so desperately wanted to travel really no different from the darkness of
that man’s

Melissa sighed, brushing away tears with numbing fingers. Her body shook with every chill breeze and after a moment, she allowed her eyes to drift above.

Her hands found the chain and ring easily beneath her throat.
Mom, what do I do?

Something snapped—a branch—several feet away, and when Melissa whirled around to see she felt the icy cold freeze her blood still.

“Well, well,” she remembered that grin, had felt it taunt her nightmares for weeks.

It was the man who wanted to buy her, the man her step-fathered had bargained for her life. His body was dressed in sleek clothes, designed to deal with nature with comfort. He stared down at her, black eyes honing on her like a wolf that found easy prey.

“I hadn’t expected to find you so soon, Miss.”

Another snap and Melissa whirled her head in the other direction, feeling horror and panic shut her throat in fear.

“You little
,” her step-father growled lowly.

Gray hair hanging over his eyes and fingers clenching over a used machete. He looked frighteningly livid.

“Have you any idea what your little absence has caused?”


He turned his eyes away, meeting the other man’s starving gaze with a nod.

“Grab her. We’re heading back.”

“No…” Melissa stammered, hysterical.

“No, no, no, no no… please, don’t,” She tried to scramble away, but her foot caught against the rock that hurt her and she fell back over the earth, her sheet falling open to expose her.

The taller man—the buyer—let out a whistle of appreciation.

“You looked good enough to eat.”

“Stay away from me!” Melissa cried, hands fumbling to gather the sheet and to pull her away.

Instead, she felt something grab to her hair and yank, she let out a shriek of pain.

“Who the hell did this to you, eh?” her step-father snarled.

“You better not be sullied or so help me god, I’ll beat you until you’re useless!”

“Please, please just let me go!” Melissa begged, tears crashing down her eyes as she tried to fight back, but the fear was too much. “

Let me go, please!” Something struck her face, whipping her head hard to the side and causing her whiplash.

“I didn’t come all this way after
of searching for your pathetic ass to let you go here.”

She heard, and she gasped, trying to right her mind. The blow had shocked her, stunned her into a twist of pain.

“N-no,” she moaned lowly before she felt hands grip under her waist and hoist her up.

“She’s heavy, I’ll tell you.”

She heard the buyer huff, sounding amused.

“We’ll be sure to fix that.”


Melissa tried to blink, and found her voice right as she saw her step-father pull a black cover from his pocket. He advanced towards her, yanking her head into the fabric and obscuring her vision.

A violent shriek ripped through her chest and out her mouth as the black surrounded her.

Melissa thrashed, throwing her fists and feet in clumsy punches and kicks. She felt her shin connect with something, heard a grunt of pain, before she felt something grab hard against her arm, felt another blow connect with her stomach.

She collapsed to her knees, the air gone from her lungs.

She remembered falling to the ground before hearing something in the distance—it was her name.

“Melissa!” She heard.


She lifted a hand, weak with effort, to pull at the black fabric.

“Who the hell are you?!” The sound of flesh striking flesh followed by someone falling made her nearly panic.

Melissa yanked the black fabric from over her head, wide eyes searching frantically.

She saw Barrett, dressed in cargo pants and wielding a machete, on the ground was the buyer, groaning. Her joy was short-lived when she saw her step-father lunge towards him, and she screamed.

Instead Barrett swung to the side, slamming his blade against his opponent’s with a sharp clang.

“So, you were the reason why that girl was gone?” Her stepfather grunted.

“What gives you the right to take another man’s property?”

BOOK: Claimed By The Military Bear: BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance Standalone (Paranormal Shifter Romance, BBW Shifter Romance, WereBear Romance)
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