Claiming Honor (Bad Boys of River City Book 3) (2 page)

BOOK: Claiming Honor (Bad Boys of River City Book 3)
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Chapter Three



The client is weird but money is money, right? He's also paranoid. I don’t even know his name. He found me through my old cellmate. But for ten grand I'm willing to overlook a few personality defects. It's easy to break into Honor's house and I shake my head. I feel a little bad about scaring her, but she needs a security wake up call. She has no alarm system and the locks are a joke.

I knew her in school. She was a sweet kid, probably still is. If Hunter Wallace ever figures out I'm the one who did this I'm most likely a dead man. Then again you never know. I'm actually doing him a favor. He's made it damned clear he's made a claim on Honor, but I've been following her for a few days. Getting to know her routines so I know when it's safe to search her house. One place she hasn’t been going? Hunter's. He'll find out about this though, and I plan to be scarce when he does.

And he'll hear about it because the client insists I make it look like someone with a grudge or a sleaze ball stalker broke in. Make it look personal, he'd said, though he claims it's just business. What he really wants is any info I can find on Honor's boss. Damn good thing he didn’t ask me to break into that guy's house. I checked it out while following Honor. It's a fucking fortress. Computer geeks apparently make money hand over fist.

I enter through the back door into a laundry room which opens to the kitchen, which then opens into the dining area and living room. The place is immaculate which isn’t great for me. Good thing I thought to wear gloves. I go down the center hall into the first bedroom. She obviously uses it for an office. I don’t find any paper files and I know she has her laptop with her. I don’t even try to boot up the desktop. I take the small screw driver from my pocket and get to work removing the hard drive.

After making sure nothing looks disturbed, I move to the next room. There's a futon, a dresser, and a lamp. The closet is empty. Nothing to see here so I go on to the master bedroom. I search it quickly. No files or electronics. I remember my instructions and they suck.
Make it look like a stalker
. Man, I'm really starting to get a bad vibe about this job. Thank God, Honor doesn’t know I've been following her and I've left no fingerprints. The last thing I need is Wallace coming after me. Fuck that shit. Time to finish and get the hell out of here.

The woman has got a lot of clothes, but hell, what woman doesn’t? Anyway, I don’t have time to destroy what's in the closet. The laundry baskets, though? Fuck they might even be dirty. I'd be doing her a favor right? I dump the first load on the bed, pull out my pocket knife and start slashing. Then I move to the second. When that's done, I open the garbage bag and spread the roses all over the room.

I hesitate leaving and check my watch. I don’t have a lot of time but I remember that drawer of lingerie. A lot of it still has tags on it. My girl likes pretty lacy things. I don’t have time to go through it, though, and besides if I only took the stuff with tags it would look suspicious. I scoop it all into the empty bag, but I hesitate at the door and turn back to the closet. Just a few more things won't hurt and will set the scene better right? I mostly stick to the stuff that still has tags. I don’t bother taking them off the hanger, just shove it all in the bag. That should do the trick right? Time to get the fuck out. I lock the door behind me and reach the tree line just as I hear a car pull up.


Chapter Four



“Where is he?” I snarl at Dan Phillips while swinging at Lake.

He’s the only one who can spar with me when I'm this angry, and I’m not pulling punches. The hit staggers him but he keeps his feet. If Dan is bothered by the fight he doesn’t let it show.

“I have people looking for him. He’s all yours when they find him,” Dan promises.

I’m furious someone is stalking Honor, even more so at her for not telling me. She’ll be seeing me later whether she likes it or not. This threat against her won’t survive the night. Not that I’m telling her that. Hell no. I’m not giving her another excuse to keep this wall up between us. I am going to use the situation with Cox to get closer to her instead. She’s caught. She just doesn’t realize it yet.

The front door opens and Ryder walks in, which means Honor has been safely delivered home. I’ll give her time to settle in then I’m going to get her. Trouble seems to follow her family around like a lost puppy. First Lynn tangled with Tim Monroe, thankfully now in prison. Phillips took over his drug business, which is why I called him in today. Anyone dealing in River City or the surrounding area is supplied by Dan. Then Grace got herself in a mess with Carlos Beaumont, now also out of the way locked up on the crazy farm. It’s like Honor feels duty bound or some shit to be the next magnet for disaster.

Ryder joins us and leans against the rope to watch the fight and Dan excuses himself. Good. He has a man to hunt and I want him on it. I’ll owe him after this, not that I give a flying fuck. I’ll do whatever is necessary to protect Honor. Including claiming her as my own. No one will dare mess with her then. But first I have to work off some of this aggression. She can’t handle me in my current state of mind.

“Heard from Mercy lately?” Ryder asks about my baby sister.

He does it to jerk Lake’s chain and it works. I land an easy kick to his thigh. He recovers quickly, I have to give him that. He seems to think I don’t know he has a thing for Mercy. I know alright. If I thought he had a chance in hell with her, I’d even encourage him. Lake is solid and reliable and tough. Tough enough to take on Mercy, which is saying something, and exactly why she won’t get involved with him.

It takes me a minute to register the sudden silence in my men. I look up to see Honor has entered and is walking towards us. I’d stop the fight but this is a part of my life she needs to start getting used. Then she draws close and I get a good look at her. She’s pale. Trembling. She shakes her head when I start to climb out of the ring.

“No. Finish here.”

She’s already calming down, her eyes brightening, and I realize with a jolt of shock she isn’t bothered by the fighting. She’s turned on by it. Hell, I wish I’d known this before. I would have used it to my advantage. No time like the present, right? Lake and I go at each other again and this time I’m pumped for a very different reason. I want to impress her. When was the last time I wanted to impress anyone much less a woman? I don’t know. I don’t care.

I just want to feed that flushed look on her face, the feverishness in her eyes. So later she’ll let me strip her slowly and learn every inch of her beautiful body. Bury my cock in her hard and fast enough she’ll stop denying this thing between us. I’m crazy for her. There’s nothing I won’t do to have her. Unfortunately, if I don’t get my head back in the game I won’t be much use to her. I swivel just in time to miss Lake’s punch and it glances off my kidney. He and Ryder are both smirking. That just ain’t right. They’re making me look bad in front of my woman.

I don’t think so. I grin at Lake and he has the good sense to look a little worried. I’m not much interested in just whaling on something anymore. I want to finish this fast, grab Honor, and go home. I go for Lake’s pretty face. He won’t like it and he’ll get sloppy. I’m right. Once I bust his lip he gets too close. It’s easy to trip him. I could go in for the knock out, in a real fight I would, but this is one of my best men. I’m not damaging him if I don’t have. I reach for his hand, pull him up and together we climb out of the ring.

Where Honor is waiting. This beautiful, brilliant woman. Mine. I don’t even try to fight that primitive inner claim anymore. She owns a piece of my soul and I’ve accepted it. But her showing up now is not a sign of the capitulation I long for and that concerns me.

“What’s wrong, sweetheart? Did something happen?”

There’s a scared look in her eye that makes me shake and clench my fists. If anyone’s hurt her, I’ll kill ‘em.

“Not here,” she says, looking around.

It’s about three in the afternoon and the gym is packed. That look on her face is killing me. I want to pull her into my arms but she’s wearing a pretty blue dress I’m guessing is silk. She wouldn’t appreciate me ruining it. I take her hand instead.

“In the office,” I say, motioning Ryder and Lake to follow. I have a feeling I’m going to need them.

I push her into my chair and sit on the edge of the desk.

“Talk to me, Honor.”

She looks shaken now and I hate that. It makes me want to rage but she doesn’t need to see that.

“I got home. Got something to eat.”

This close after lunch? I know what that means and I look over my shoulder to glare at Ryder who just shrugs.

“Then I wanted to change and I went to my bedroom.”

Her voice drops so low I’m actually afraid to hear the rest and look her over carefully. No bruises. No cuts. But something has scared her badly.

“Someone ripped up a bunch of my clothes and left red and black roses all over the place." She looks frightened and I don’t blame her. I’ve gone cold.

“What did the police say?” I ask.

She shakes her head. “I didn’t call them. I locked the door behind me and came straight here.”

I can’t begin to say how much that relieves me. She’s coming to me. Finally. This song and dance between us can end and our lives can get real. I’ve never wanted anything in my life as much as I want Honor. But I don’t want to scare her off before it’s a done deal either.

“Give Ryder your keys. He’ll call the cops and we’ll meet them after I get cleaned up.”

She opens her mouth and I know it’s to protest. I give her my take no shit glare and shake my head. She isn’t winning this time. Sighing, she pulls her keys out and tosses them to Ryder. He waits for my nod before leaving.

“On the door,” I tell Lake.

He’ll stick close by until this is taken care of. I’m not taking any risks with Honor’s safety. Lake walks out and closes the door behind him. I’m alone. With Honor. It’s about damned time. I turn back to look at her and see the nervousness on her face. She’s afraid of giving into the chemistry between us and maybe she should be. I’m looking forward to drawing this out, building the anticipation. I trail my fingers down the side of her face. Heat grows in her eyes as a tremor wracks her body.

I want to wait this first time. I want to make her feel incredible. Cherished. I absolutely should not fuck her in my dingy gym office. Or in the shower in the adjoining bathroom. I take her hands and tug her to her feet, but when I bend my head to kiss her she stops me with a hand over my mouth.

“Not like this,” she whispers. “Not here.”

“A kiss, sweetheart. I just want one little kiss.”

We both know that’s not true and she actually smiles. 

“Liar,” she teases, as she steps away from me.

I consider her words for half a second, consider the unspoken request to let her take the lead, but…I’m a dominant man. I don’t deny it. I expect obedience from everyone around me. I'll try to temper that instinct with her, but it'll still be there and the sooner she realizes that the better. I don’t bother trying to explain to her. I just pick her up and carry her into the bathroom. Shower sex it is. I’m burning up just thinking about it. When I set her down, she looks shocked, then maybe a little pissed. But she’s also flushed. Her eyes are bright and dazed. I wonder how far I can push her.

“I want you naked,” I whisper. “On your knees. Sucking my cock.”

Fuck me. The look on her face. It’s one I know well. I like my women submissive, under my control sexually. Not all the time, but a lot of it. I’d worried that is something I need to ease Honor into, but I don’t think so.

“Strip,” I order her.

Her eyes get wide and for a minute I think she’s going to refuse. Then she grabs the hem of that very pretty dress and pulls it over her head. I groan when I see her in a lacy white bra and panty set. She looks downright virginal. I hope like hell that isn’t the case. I’ve waited too damned long for her. This is not going to be slow and easy, that will come tonight when I have her in my home. I tip my chin at her.

“The rest.”

She catches her breath and now I’m a little worried. I need her to submit to me, but I’m not into force or coercion.

“Honor. If you’re not ready for this…”

It kills me to offer a reprieve and thank fucking God, she doesn’t take it. She looks me dead in the eye while she reaches around her back to unhook her bra. My jaw damn near hits the floor when she slips it off. Her tits are a perfect handful and her nipples are pierced. I never would have guessed that. She seems so pure and innocent. Obviously, I don’t know her as well as I thought. She shimmies out of her underwear and I circle my finger in the air. She twirls around for me. When she faces me again I motion her forward.

“Come here, baby.”

She frowns a little as she steps forward. “Why am I the only one naked?”

“Because as soon as take my jeans off, I’ll be inside you. Are you ready for that?”

All thoughts of her sucking my cock fly right out the window at that statement. I want inside her as soon as possible. Minutes ago would be great.

“You on the pill, sweetheart?”

Her eyes grow wide. I curse silently, expecting a negative, but she nods.

“Well, the shot,” she says.

I groan. Jesus God. After we compare lab tests, I can come in her bareback. And that makes me think about things I shouldn’t. Not yet. I’m keeping Honor. She’s mine. I may need to give her some incentive though. Get her pregnant and I have the perfect excuse, don’t I? If it was any other woman I’d be horrified at the thought, but I’ve already considered this. I know one day she’ll want kids. I know I look like lousy father material, but I also know I’ll be a damned sight better than my old man was. Or hers.

“How long?” I ask, eager to get this show on the road.

She gives me a confused look. “Till what?”

“Until the shot…expires or whatever it does,” I say.

“A couple weeks,” she whispers.

That's not a long time to convince her to stay with me, no matter how far I decide I'm willing to go, but I’ll worry about that later. I set one hand on her hip and move the other between her legs. She’s neatly trimmed but I hope I can talk her into going bare. When I spread the lips on her pussy, I find another surprise. Her clit is pierced.

“You’re killing me, Honor,” I whisper.

Just how kinky is she? A lot I hope. I don’t want to share her, but under the right circumstances I might. And watching? I have no problem with people watching us. It’s a turn on.

“I’m killing you?” she pants. “You’ve been after me forever. What the hell are you waiting for?”

I like the need I hear in her voice and I can’t deny it. I get out of my jeans, grab a condom, and step to the shower, putting the rubber on a high shelf where it won't get wet. When the water is warm enough for her delicate skin, I pull her in with me. She presses up against me and it takes every ounce of control I have not to slam into her. She’s hot but she can’t be ready for me yet. I’ve been dying to kiss her again. That one little taste last week haunts me, chases me into the night and won’t let me go.

I cup the back of her head and kiss her. Fuck. Me. She’s so damn sweet, eager, and she meets my tongue stroke for stroke rubbing those gorgeous tits against my chest as she does. I slip my thigh between her legs, rub against her pussy, and she jerks. Her head falls back as she shakes and an expression of pure bliss comes over her face.

Who knew she’d get off so quickly? So easily. Though, fuck, we have basically been in an extended state of foreplay the last few months. I hold her steady as I step back enough to check her readinesss just to be sure. She’s wet and clenches around my fingers as I thrust two in her pussy. Thank fucking God. My hands actually shake as I put on the condom. Then I lift her, turn her back to the tile wall and she meets my gaze, eyes wide.

“I’m too heavy,” she whispers and I have to laugh. She’s light as air.

“No you aren’t. Get ready, sweetheart.”

I fit the head of my cock to her entrance and push in slowly. She’s so damned tight I have no idea how I’m gonna last long enough to make her come again, which I really want to do. I want her with me for every feeling, every sensation.

“Hold your tits for me, baby. Offer your pretty nipples to me.”

Her eyes get hazy and she lifts her hands, cupping her breasts and holding them up for my mouth. That is so fucking hot. I bend my head, lick over one before moving to the other and sucking it into my mouth. Her cunt squeezes my cock.


BOOK: Claiming Honor (Bad Boys of River City Book 3)
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