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Authors: Charisma Knight

Claiming Julia (4 page)

BOOK: Claiming Julia
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Angus withdrew his face from her pussy. She loved seeing her juices coating his face. Ignoring her plea, he added a third finger inside and pumped faster in and out of her.

“Angus!” Julia rolled her head back and forth as her body reacted. The maddening sensations were threatening to consume her. She’d never experienced anything as intense as she was experiencing now.

He bent down, catching her clit between his teeth as he continued stroking the powerful digits in and out of her.

The gripping orgasm claimed Julia, causing her body to convulse. She needed him, and needed him now! She opened her eyes, and his hungry gaze met hers. “Make love to me,” she urged. She couldn’t tear her gaze away from his.

With ease, he slid his fingers out of her and quickly removed the remainder of his clothing. Slowly, he slid his cock inside her. Julia wailed like a banshee as another orgasm shot through her body.

Angus caressed her breasts as he fucked her with slow, steady strokes. He pulled out and thrust himself deep inside her cunt. His fingers tweaked and tugged at her nipples as his pace quickened.

Julia’s body burned with each maddening stroke. Increasing his thrusts, Angus buried his hands in her hair. Heightened passion sizzled through her body as she heard herself growl. His hands slid to her neck, then to her breasts before finding her clit and stroking the flesh into submission. With a throaty growl he squeezed it, making her almost jump out of her skin.

“Angus!” Her body and her reactions were out of control, and she shuddered beneath his. Her body felt like it would erupt, spiritually and mentally, as well as physically. His appearance wavered and changed right before her eyes. He looked like a mad animal. So sexy. So hot. This experience was better than the fantasy by a long shot.

“Mine!” Angus snarled. “So fucking sweet, so tight! I wanna fuck you all night long! Wanna suck the cream from your cunt and hear you moan, begging me for mercy—begging me to stop!” His nostrils flared with every word he spoke.

Julia whimpered before crying out. “Oh, dear God!” Her muscles tensed, then clamped down around his cock.

“Tell me how much you love my fucking cock buried deep inside your cunt!” His voice was harsh, and his body shook violently. Every muscle in his body rippled. “Show me—tell me you never want me to stop fucking you!”

“Unnhh!” she screamed, struggling against the silken ties as Angus thrust harder, deep inside her. Their bodies slapped together in unison as his dick hit her cervix, making her body vibrate.

“Oh, fuck! So fucking tight. So fucking wet. Hot!” Angus bit the side of Julia’s neck as he fucked her, until her head was hitting the arm of the sofa.

Julia’s cries echoed throughout her home, and it sounded like he was murdering her. With the rising orgasm and his brutal beast-fucking, she wished she could claw his back. She howled as the orgasm scorched through her body. This man or beast—her boss—she’d dreamed about for so long had just given her the best sex she’d ever had.

“Hrumpph!” The veins bulged in
neck as hot come squirted inside her pussy. She rode her orgasm until she collapsed on the sofa. “Julia!” His inhuman voice washed over her like molten lava as he collapsed on top of her.

“Oh, oh, my God,” she whispered, as a large surge of energy swept through her body. Every nerve ending tingled as her body shook when a strong euphoric feeling entered her.

“Angus,” she crooned as he untied her hands.

“Mine!” he growled, pulling her close to his body.

The declaration made her mad, knocking her off cloud nine. “What the hell do you mean,
?” Julia challenged as she pushed him away.
Dammit all to hell! Why did men always have to ruin a perfectly good moment?

“What’s with the caveman bullshit?”

“You belong with me.”

Julia placed distance between her boss and her own body while slipping into her robe. After tying the sash, she crossed her arms. “You need to leave—now.”

“I can’t do that,” Angus confessed after quickly getting dressed and edging closer to her. “I’ve come to claim you. Now you will accompany me to Pyreer.”

Julia flinched as his physical appearance wavered between human and something else.

“Claim? Pyreer? What the hell is a Pyreer? Right. Fix your lips to say
one more time, and it will be the last thing you speak,” she threatened, hoping to scare him off. “Now, please be so kind as to get the hell out of my house.”

She wanted nothing more than to place distance between her and the madman who used to be her boss.
That’s right. Used to be.
Making a spur-of-the-moment decision, she swore on her life she’d never set foot in Draguun Inc. again. Thank God tomorrow was Friday and she had the weekend to salvage some of her sanity.

“I’m quitting, Angus. I’ll write a formal letter tomorrow. I’ll give you only one week’s notice.”

face twisted in torment. “No, Julia. You don’t know what you’re saying. Please, if you’d only listen to reason. I . . . ”

In a fit of confusion and agitation, she held her hands on either side of her face and shook her head while massaging her temples. “Look, I need some time. I . . . can’t do this. Not sure what’s going on with you.” She looked at him and frowned even though images from the tapestry flitted through her mind. “Angus, I think you need some psychiatric help, or something.” She turned her back to him because at the moment she felt like she was the one in serious need of psychiatric treatment. “Please get out now.”

jaw tightened in determination to stay and have her hear him out. “I’m not leaving you. Not like this.”

With a loud exhale, she spun around and looked him dead in the eye to get her point across. “Get out now, or I’m calling the police!” Julia had had enough and realized she needed space now more than ever. This matter was too complicated.

She watched as he threw his hands up in disgust before thundering toward the door. “Fine. But you’re making a mistake. I’m not giving up on you. I’ll see you tomorrow,” he growled.

“No. My mistake was sleeping with your crazy ass.” She followed him to the door, and as soon as he was over the threshold, she slammed the door shut and secured the deadbolt. After closing her eyes, she rested her back against the door and slid down to the floor.

Since when had her life become so complicated? Angus had never appeared to suffer from any mental problems while at the office. Now, he was so different. It figured. After sex, why did men have to change all of a sudden?

There was something she was definitely missing, she thought to herself as she began experiencing a burning, vibrating sensation on her left hip where her birthmark rested. She rubbed at the thing as the burning sensation heightened and became painful. “Shit!” Julia jumped up and ran into her room. She rushed over to the mirror and pulled up her nightgown.

There in the light, the small, dragon-shaped birthmark began to take on a life all its own.

“Oh, my God,” Julia whispered. “Granny, this can’t be.” She looked up to the heavens and called out. “If there was ever a time I needed your guidance, it’s now,” she spoke out loud as she recalled her fourteenth birthday and thought that perhaps there was some truth to what Angus had said.


* * * *


“Grandma, this itches!”

“Oh, child, you make such a fuss over the smallest things. Stop rushing me! I told you I’d be up after I got off the phone with your uncle!” the little, barrel-shaped woman insisted as she strode into Julia’s room with rubbing alcohol. “This will take away the itch,” the woman insisted while pouring alcohol on a cotton swab and dabbing it on the afflicted area.

“What is this?” Julia asked, pointing to her birthmark. “It seems to change every now and again.”

“You know that you’re a very special child, don’t you, Julia?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“It’s no secret that your momma was unfaithful to her boyfriend.” The woman looked on as the girl nodded in agreement. “The man your momma saw was no ordinary man but a dragon lord that has been around for many centuries.”

“How do you know this?”

“Oh, child. Your mother confided in me about so many things. I knew you were very special before your mother’s boyfriend left. I’m just so sorry she wasn’t strong enough to stick around and see the beautiful woman you’ve transformed into.”

“Me, too, Granny.”

“This birthmark will tell you one day when you’ve found the one who you’re meant to be with for the rest of your existence. It will vibrate and burn when he is near; that is, once you’ve coupled for the first time. If you pay close attention, you’ll know in your heart he’s the one.”

“I don’t want a mate. Not after seeing how
omma and Bruce were.”

“Oh no, baby. Don’t you ever think your relationship will turn out to be like theirs. You can and will find happiness. I know you will one day. I promise.”

“Well, what about my father? The dragon?”

“Baby, he was a good man, or so I was told. He treated your mother very well.” The elderly woman held her head down in regret. “She sent him away, asked him never to return. I couldn’t tell you where he is to this day because I just don’t know, baby.”

“I’d like to meet him one day.”

“I know, my feisty little dragon, but that’s impossible. Now, remember what I said.”

Julia chimed in. “I know, never let anyone know my secret. I promise . . . ”


* * * *


Frozen, Julia continued staring in the mirror in astonishment at the dragon birthmark. She never paid attention when she and Angus crossed paths. She listened with her body, not her heart.

Hurt bubbled in her chest when she recalled the day her grandmother informed her of her mother’s passing. Julia thought it may have been of a broken heart. It had to have been.

Even though
behavior and words frightened her, the overwhelming feeling of loneliness loomed over her like a black cloud.

Realizing that she may have sent the one true love of her life away earlier caused Julia much regret as she sat down on the side of the bed. For the first time in her life, she realized just how lonely she really was.



Chapter Four


Angus arrived
at work
seven o’ clock to try and take his mind off
Julia. His senses were dulled from her rejection, so he hadn’t realized Bjorn was in the office.

“Hey, look what the cat dragged in,” Bjorn said with a chuckle as he stepped out of his office—until Angus turned and looked him in the eye.

“You okay, man?”

“I’m in no mood for jokes today. I feel like shit, so back off,” Angus muttered while unlocking his office door. He entered quickly. “No one else is here, right?”

Bjorn followed him, closing the door behind them. “No, I’m the only one.” He paused for a few moments to allow his old friend to speak his mind. “What’s happening?”

“I’m tired, old friend. For the first time in my existence, I don’t know what to do. Perhaps I should return to Pyreer by myself after I turn the company over to you.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea. You’ll be a miserable bastard. Worse off than you are now.” He crossed his arms. “What about Julia?”

Angus smiled flatly and shrugged. “What about her?”

“Don’t tell me you’re giving up. Not after all this time.”

“She’s like no other woman I’ve ever encountered. Oh yeah, and she threw me out of her house this morning.”

“The mighty Angus allowed a woman to throw him into the streets?” Bjorn chuckled before taking a swig of his coffee. “C’mon, man, I know you better than that. You come from a long line of powerful dragon lords. Where’s your fight? The dragons my ancestors accompanied would never take
for an answer.”

Angus snorted his disapproval before pounding his fist on his desk. “They never met Julia. She doesn’t appear to have a submissive bone in her body.”

Bjorn shoved a hand in his pants pocket while shifting his weight from one foot to another. “Ah, so that’s where the problem lies. You and Julia don’t see eye
eye. You wanted a feisty Fire Mate; now you’ve got her. Only thing is, you don’t know what to do with her.”

“Of course I know what to do with her, smart ass! We’re just not compatible like I thought we were.” In agitation, Angus whipped his laptop from a black
leather bag and attached it to the docking station. “There’s nothing between us—except sex.”

Bjorn sat down in the black
leather chair in front of
desk. “Are you quite certain?”

“I can get sex anywhere, anytime I want, only I choose not to,” Angus admitted while propping both elbows on his desk and holding his head in the palms of his hands. “She wanted me. She’s in heat, and I’ve caught glimpses of her thoughts.” He shook his head and glanced over at Bjorn. “I’m in her head, she’s in mine, and it’s driving me fucking crazy!”

Bjorn raked his hands through his hair. “I’m almost afraid to ask, but what else did you do?”

“I went to her house last night, extremely late.” Angus admitted with a scowl. “The urge—so strong. Couldn’t fight it any longer. Don’t know how I’ve gotten through all this time.”

“Uh-huh.” Bjorn crossed his arms. “How late was it? Did you bring her flowers?”

eyebrows furrowed. “What? Um, it was sometime after midnight, and, no, I didn’t bring flowers.”

“Dude, you just committed the ultimate sin. Has it ever occurred to you that while your mate is indeed a dragon, she was born and raised in the human realm her entire life?”

Angus blinked before staring at Bjorn like a deer caught in headlights. “Huh?”

Bjorn’s hand connected to his forehead. “Oh, bloody fucking hell, man! Really, Angus?”

“What? What the hell did I do now?”

“That’s my point. You did absolutely nothing. Have you tried asking her out to dinner?” Bjorn put his coffee cup down and paced back and forth. “You know, a little music and some candlelight always set the mood. Perhaps a dozen roses, a romantic letter, maybe even some chocolates? Perhaps a carriage ride in the park?” Bjorn held his arms out before shaking his head. “Good, old-fashioned romance. It’s what every red-blooded American woman craves.”

“Pfft!” Angus spat. “She’s my mate, Bjorn!”

His old friend laughed hard. “No wonder she kicked your ass out! You both struggle for dominance. It’s not all on you, but perhaps if you showed her a little tenderness, a little genuine interest, she’d wouldn’t be such a hard-ass. Court the woman, for God’s sake!”

“Tenderness?” Angus rose and growled. “I’ve shown her tenderness! I’ve bought her lunch in the past. I, I . . . ”

“You’ve bought the entire office lunch. What the hell is that?”

He thought to himself for a few seconds and smiled. “I made the first move today, right here in my office.”

Bjorn’s look was questioning. “What did you do, man? You came onto her?”

“Well, yeah.”

“What happened?”

“She was against my desk, facing the wall. I stroked her arm and pressed myself against her backside. She spun around, grabbed my dick, and told me to kneel before her.” Angus crossed his arms. “I insisted it was she who should have dropped to her knees.”

Bjorn’s hand connected with his forehead, and he whistled. “Yeah, you fucked up big time.”

“I allowed my libido to control my thinking. Yeah, I know.”

He looked at Bjorn, who was holding his hand to his ear. “Okay, um-hmm, tell me more, oh Master of Romance and Seduction. Tell me what would possibly make Julia fall head over heels for you, especially with the way you’ve been treating her in this deadly dance for dominance.”

Angus blinked for a few moments and leaned back in his leather chair while recalling how hostile Julia had become when he spoke of claiming her. He knew he’d messed things up earlier today in the office, but he simply couldn’t help himself. The determination to dominate her was apparently winning.

“Oh yeah, and you definitely need to stop with the twisting of the face. It doesn’t suit you. My friend, you need to change.”

“Okay, how do I begin? Where do I begin?”

“Women love poetry. Oh, and from now on, choose your words wisely. Instead of
claiming Julia,
you need to—come on, say it with me—”

“I have no clue of what you’re talking about,” Angus admitted.

“Oh, God, man. Once again! Court! You need to court the woman. Romance her! Make her want to spend the rest of eternity with you. In other words, turn over a new leaf.”

“Okay.” Angus rose to his feet, heavy in thought. “Perhaps I can do this.”

Bjorn patted him on the back. “Of course you can. You can do anything you put your mind to; you know it.”

“Poetry, maybe even a nice song. I heard an interesting love song on the radio this morning. Perhaps I could sing it to her?”

Bjorn rolled his eyes before interrupting. “Don’t do that. Please, scratch poetry and singing off the list or you’ll be spending eternity by yourself for sure. Trust me.”

Angus shrugged. “You know I’m no good at this kind of thing.”

“That’s okay; this is why I’m your Protector. Times have changed since the days of your father, and his father before him. Fire Mates raised in this world are different from those existing in Pyreer.”

Angus frowned as he gave Bjorn’s advice some thought. “I’m beginning to think you’re right. I thought I had all the answers on how to woo my mate, but apparently I don’t. She hates me now, I think.”

Bjorn shook his head and smiled. “No, she doesn’t. You just need to be a little gentle where she’s concerned. Now, today when she
to her. Ask her how her day is going. Also ask her if she needs any help with anything. Ask her to lunch. Go out, sit down, and talk to her for a change. No demands, no expectations. Just enjoy her company.”

Angus nodded. “I’ve always enjoyed her company.”

“Work doesn’t count. While you both have worked on projects closely, there hasn’t been any time for small talk.”

“You’re absolutely correct. We’ve worked so hard on meeting deadlines that I’ve paid little to no attention to her at all.”

“Perhaps give her a nice, inexpensive, simple gift of appreciation. Once you two are an item, shower her with all the diamonds, pearls, and rubies you want. Don’t thrust Pyreer down her throat. Wait until she approaches you for answers. She will
you know it. If you continue to be overbearing, she’ll discover her inner dragon and toast your balls. You need to stop being such a prick.”

eyes narrowed, and he hissed at Bjorn.

“Sometimes you’re a prick.” Bjorn corrected himself. “Okay, not letting you bully me with the dragon eyes. You’re a prick, plain and simple, because you’re lonely and unhappiness is poisoning your soul. Keep it up, and you’ll die alone and brokenhearted. Is that what you want?”


Bjorn shook his head slowly. “If you want to fight for Julia, you need to do it now, before it’s too late for the both of you.” Bjorn patted Angus on the shoulder before leaving the office. “You gonna be okay?”

“Yeah, I’ll be just fine.” A bit of impatience swept over his body at the thought of courting his mate. Did he really have the time to do all of this? The dragon within him resisted, making him realize just how hard it would be to follow the advice Bjorn had given him.


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