Read Coletti Warlords: Reality Bites Online

Authors: Gail Koger

Tags: #Science Fiction & Space Opera; Fantasy

Coletti Warlords: Reality Bites (7 page)

BOOK: Coletti Warlords: Reality Bites
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“Shit!” I froze.

He began to snore. Loudly. A little too loudly.

He’d better not be playing possum. I scanned Jaylan’s mind and rolled my eyes in disgust. His dreams were full of all the naked women he had fucked. Quite energetically and often.

The urge to smack the living hell out of the man-whore was almost overwhelming. But if I did, he’d wake up. That I didn’t want. Time to get down to business. I eased his suit open and snorted. What a surprise. He went commando.

A big hand cupped my crotch, and my inner muscles quivered in anticipation.

Pushing Jaylan’s hand away, I carefully scanned him again and shook my head in disbelief. He was asleep, for God’s sake. How could he wreak havoc on my senses with a single touch? Was I that far gone?

If I was going to do the nasty with him, I needed to suck it up and look at his man parts. I opened his battle suit wider and gawked.

No pubic hair.

No sign of a penis.

I felt between his legs. I’ll be damned, Darcie was right. No balls. Weird. Where the hell was it?

Colettis peed like the rest of us. It had to be here. I stroked his flat, nicely muscled abdomen and felt a ridge. Gotcha! I pressed on it, and a slit opened.

The warlord shifted restlessly.

“Shhhh.” I quickly petted his chest. “It’s okay.”

“Need,” Jaylan grumbled.

“More blood?” I put my wrist to his mouth. “Here ya go.” When he didn’t bite, I asked, “Are you thirsty?”

His reply was a faint whisper. “Yes.”

I hopped up, grabbed my backpack, and pulled out a bottle of water. Twisting the cap off, I squatted down and poured a trickle into his mouth.

Jaylan swallowed obediently. His hand flopped between my legs. A long finger pressed against my clit.

I moved it away. “Give me a fucking break.”

Mumbling something unintelligible, Jaylan went back to sleep. His snoring increased in volume.

If I were a suspicious woman, I’d think I was being played. Couldn’t hurt to wait a few minutes to be sure, and if he didn’t come around, I could safely continue my exploration.

I finished off the bottle of water and surveyed Jaylan’s bloody face. Man, was he a mess. Since numb nuts had risked his life for me, the least I could do was clean him up.

Where had I put those disinfectant wipes? Oh yeah, right side pocket. I fished them out and carefully washed the blood off his face.

Much better and, to my relief, no scarring. I ran my thumb over his jaw. How would his lips feel on mine? With all the women he had boinked, he should be an expert at kissing.

I opened Jaylan’s mouth and examined his fangs. Those puppies were sharp. Kissing him might turn into a blood sport. I definitely wasn’t sticking my tongue in there.

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a flicker of movement. I turned and fell on my ass in surprise.

Holy Mary, Mother of God! There it was, sliding out of the slit. His penis was snakelike, all right, but Darcie had left out the part about the frill of tentacles that waved merrily at the top of his dick.

Tentacles, for Christ’s sake.

Jaylan rolled on his side, trapping my left leg under his body.

“Crap.” I tugged and tugged, but I couldn’t move three hundred pounds of pure muscle. “Get off me, you big ox.”

His snake shot up my left leg like a homing pigeon.

If it thought home was
pussy, it could think again. I pointed my finger at it. “No! Sit! Stay.”

To my utter surprise, the snake stopped. The inch-long, copper-colored tentacles undulated against my jeans. Horny little dudes.

My eyes widened in horror when the snake started growing in size. I shot Jaylan a wary look. Was this his morning woody?

The tentacles vibrated wildly.

Whoa! It kinda reminded me of one of those supersize sex toys. Bet it could get the job done and then some. I fanned my face. Was it getting hot in here?

The snake penis thingy shot out and grabbed the crotch of my jeans.

“Hey! Let go.”

It flexed, and the tentacles pulsated against my pussy. My inner muscles clenched and throbbed. “Wowzers. That’s…incredible.” The sensation grew stronger and stronger until I could feel myself getting wet. A gasp broke from me as the pressure built.

Who needed sex toys? Another pulse, and a vortex of pleasure exploded inside me. “God almighty. Whooee! You little guys can rock my world anytime.” A shiver shook me as they pulsed again. It was almost like they knew what I was saying. Nah.

Very cautiously, I reached down and wrapped a hand around Jaylan’s penis. It was velvety to touch, but I could feel a steellike hardness beneath the skin. I stroked it soothingly. “You’re definitely a keeper. Too bad you’re attached to fang boy.”

Jaylan’s body trembled, and with a moan, he rolled on his back.

Great. I was getting him off.

A tentacle slid sinuously against my hand. Up. Down. Up. Down.

Heat coiled in my belly. It was like the tentacle was stroking my clit. I sucked in a shuddering breath. The sensation was unbelievably hot. An aching need roared to life. I wanted it inside me. Now. Right now.

I pulled off my shirt and unzipped my jeans. Wait a minute. What the hell was I thinking? I knew I had to mate with him, but I wasn’t about to let the warlord and his magic wand turn me into a nymphomaniac. Getting on my knees, I adjusted my grip and gave his penis a firm yank. “Let go.”

It yanked back, sending me sprawling on top of Jaylan. That was when I realized it was trying to get into my pants. I had heard the mating drive for Colettis was strong, but seriously?

“Jaylan! Wake up, dammit.”

He nuzzled my neck. “Mine.”

“You’re gonna need a penis transplant if you don’t make your little buddy stop.”

“Why would I want to do that?”

One look at his wicked grin, and my hand curled into a fist. “You bastard. You’ve been playing me.”

“Just a bit.”

I swung at him.

Jaylan caught my hand easily and twisted it behind my back. “My turn.” His mouth closed over mine.

Every nerve in my body did the tango. Lordy, could he kiss. I stiffened when he pulled my jeans and panties down around my knees.
“Hey! I didn’t—”

The snake shot home. The shock of that powerful invasion made me cry out. The tentacles vibrated wildly, and my eyes rolled back in my head. It felt so damned good.

“Like that, do you?”
Jaylan purred in satisfaction.

Really. Really okay.

“Just okay?”
Jaylan flipped me on my back.
“Let me see if I can do better.”
He removed my bra and brushed his thumb over my nipples.

My body trembled with hunger.

“I love the way you respond to me.” Jaylan quickly pulled off my boots and jeans.

Dozens of phantom hands caressed every inch of my body, sending quivers of heat streaking through me. A phantom mouth closed over each breast and sucked them until I thought my senses would implode. Psychic sex was utterly mind-blowing, and my warlord played me like the expert he was.

“Every inch of you will know my possession.”
Jaylan’s incredibly long dick seesawed against my clit as he thrust into me.

My body caught fire. I couldn’t think. I couldn’t breathe. He was without mercy as the pulsating tentacles drove me over the edge again and again and again. Limp, boneless, and sated, I sagged against the cold metal floor.

Jaylan’s big body convulsed violently, and his hot semen spilled into me.

My coital bliss turned to horror.
“Are you messing with my DNA?”

“The sooner you are converted, the better.”

“Get off me.”

“Once you are converted, you will be stronger and harder to kill.”

“Whoop-de-fucking-do. Get off me!”

The warlord bared his teeth in a predator’s smile.
“Not until you surrender.”

“Never gonna happen.”

“Are you so sure? I can be very persuasive.”
His tentacles flexed rapidly, electrifying my womb. They vibrated faster and faster.

“I can’t. It’s too soon.”
My raw want was rapidly becoming unbearable.

“You can.”
His magic wand plunged in and out of me in deep, strong strokes.

I squirmed under his determined assault. Oh God. The freakin’ tentacles never quit.

“You will.”
He tweaked my nipples, and a scream tore from me as the mother of all orgasms claimed me.

Tremors shook my body, and I struggled to regain control of my swirling senses. “I hate you.”

“You need me and my
wand.” His penis slid out of me, leaving behind an aching sense of loss.

“I don’t.”

His muscles bunched tightly, Jaylan stared down at me with a merciless gleam in his amber eyes. “Liar. I’m in your head. I feel what you feel. You burn for me. Your body was made for mine.”

“That’s not true.” I tried to wiggle out from under him, but my abused body simply wouldn’t respond.

“Fight all you want, but you will surrender to me.” Jaylan’s wicked mouth traced a sensuous path down my stomach, and his head settled between my legs. He nibbled on my clit. His tongue savored and teased

My hips and legs moved restlessly as an agony of need grew stronger and stronger.

Jaylan was every inch the hunter, intent on taking absolute possession.
“I love the way you taste.”
His tongue lapped at my hot juices.

“Stop, please.” The more he licked, the stronger my arousal became.

“Warlords never stop until their prey has surrendered.”

My body screamed for relief. I heard my shallow, ragged breathing as I squirmed beneath him, wanting more. Desire blistered my senses. I couldn’t think. I could only feel. He was a fever in my blood. I ached for his possession. I wanted him inside me again.

“I surrender.” It came out as a shriek.

Jaylan’s mind pushed hard into mine, imprinting on my soul and branding me. “You are mine. Forever and always. Say it.”

“Yours. Forever.” His mouth was hot and dominant. I trembled as his thick penis plunged deep inside me in the ultimate act of ownership. His tentacles stroked my womb. Wild pleasure tore through me.

A low, guttural groan broke from Jaylan as his release took him over the edge.

Jaylan’s expression of utter bliss mirrored my own. Damn, the man was good.

“You belong to me now,” he said smugly.

I scowled. “No. I don’t.”

“The link has been forged, and nothing you do can break it.”

Crap. The mating bond shimmered brightly in my head. We were locked together for all eternity. Which sucked big-time. “The battle isn’t over.”

“My fierce little warrior, your defeat is inevitable.”

“God, you’re such a prick.” I drew my fist back.

Jaylan laughed, grabbed my hands, and pinned them over my head. “Taming you is proving to be most enjoyable.”

“You have to sleep sometime,” I said, smiling sweetly.

He bent his head until his mouth just brushed my lips. “Warlords do love a challenge.”

“Bite me.”

“I thought you would never ask.” Jaylan’s fangs sank into the tender flesh of my left breast, and he fed from me.

Me and my big mouth. There was a brief second of pain, and wowzers. The slow draw of my blood only increased my clawing need for Jaylan’s possession. Fuck! He had turned me into a nymphomaniac.

Jaylan bit his wrist and held it to my mouth. “Drink.”

I looked at the badly bleeding wound in horror. “No. No, and hell no. Taking your blood speeds up my conversion.”

“Blood exchanges are a necessary part of our mating,” he replied calmly.

“You must think I’m an idiot.”

Jaylan smiled down at me. One of those truly scary smiles. “Either you do as I command, or your father suffers.”

I reluctantly took his arm. “Zarek blabbed, didn’t he?”

“He did. Drink.”

With a grimace of distaste, I drank some of his warm, coppery blood. Yuck!


“I’ll hurl.”

“You won’t.”

I lapped at the dripping blood. The things I did for Pops. Huh? Jaylan’s blood was starting to taste pretty damned good. How fucked-up was that?

Chapter Six

Fireflies danced frantically in my head, yanking me out of a deep sleep. I groggily scanned the area around me. Whew! No Tai-Kok or Rodan. I frowned. God, it felt like I had been rode hard and put away wet. I ached everywhere. I rubbed my cheek against the warm muscles beneath me and smiled. Mine. Huh? Oh my God. Had I gotten drunk and brought someone home with me? Pops would fucking kill me.

My Siren senses shrieked louder. What? There was something wrong with the ship? Wait a minute, what ship? My eyes popped open, and I looked around in confusion at the old, rickety shuttle. Where the hell was I? Memory came rushing back, and I groaned. How could I forget the warlord and his relentless tongue? There wasn’t an inch of my skin he hadn’t tasted.

After a four-hour marathon of sex, I was sprawled across Jaylan’s chest like a war trophy. His massive arms were wrapped around me, holding me close. Did he think I was gonna make a run for it? And go where? I’d be lucky if I could walk.

The smell of burning rubber penetrated my dazed senses. That couldn’t be good. I tried to wriggle free.

His grip tightened.

I pinched Jaylan’s neck. “Honey bunny, we’ve got a problem. Get up.”

He patted my rump sleepily. “You are insatiable.”

Me? Jaylan was like that Energizer bunny. He kept going and going and going.

Smoke drifted from the vents.

“Wake up!” I shouted into his right ear. “I think the shuttle’s on fire.”

Jaylan bolted to his feet, dragging me up with him. “Fire?”

“See?” I pointed at the vent.

His alert gaze swept over the shuttle and fixed on the control console. “Get dressed.”

“Sir, yes, sir.” My gentle lover had been replaced by the merciless warlord.

A klaxon blared loudly.

“Oh shit!” Grabbing my clothes, I quickly dressed and slid into the copilot’s chair. Dozens of warning lights filled the console. “Zarek said this piece of crap would get us to Baylon.”

BOOK: Coletti Warlords: Reality Bites
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