Consume Me (Devoured Club Series)

BOOK: Consume Me (Devoured Club Series)
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Consume Me




Paige Matthews























Paige Matthews

Consume Me


© 2013, Paige Matthews



ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.







Chapter 1-Marcus




I sat and watched her next to me. I wondered what had really brought her here to Devoured. It surely wasn’t just the new training program that we had started at the club. She stared into her soda, attempting to formulate an answer to the question I had just asked.

She was beautiful in
her own Plain Jane way, though she was far from plain. She was about five-foot-five, with a great body, perky tits, and a nice round ass. As she sat on a bar stool next to me, I couldn’t help but notice her green eyes, outlined in black eyeliner, and the way her brunette hair fell onto her shoulders. I couldn’t say that she was dressed to overly impress us, as most of the applicants were. No, she had on a black skirt that landed about three inches above her knee, a green tank top that accentuated the color of her eyes, and a simple pair of heeled sandals.

Ms. O’Conner, you haven’t answered the question.”

I waited for her to
lift her gaze from the glass her eyes were boring into.  I’d been doing this long enough to notice the subtle tension in her shoulders, the way she diverted her eyes to specific places in and around her glass. She was contemplating her feelings, her desires, and what exactly it was that had brought her here.

“If you are not ready to answer the questions, then
you’re not ready to enter this lifestyle. You need to be able to communicate what you need, what you want, in order to get that, and to be safe.” I paused again and waited for her to answer. “Now, why do you want to be a member?”

She looked up from the soda,
probably flat from her deadly stare, and gazed around the bar area. I watched as her eyes danced over the length of the counter and out toward the door. 
Was she plotting her escape?

Her eyes
moved, and she turned to look at the dungeon floor. Something grabbed her attention, her pupils dilating, and she shifted uncomfortably in her chair.

“Something catch your fancy?” I asked
, my eyes following her gaze toward the area that hosted one of our St. Andrew’s Crosses, mounted on the wall.

It was bigger than most
of the crosses we had on the floor.  The X was wrapped in black leather, and was adorned with a shelf to stand on and couple of different attachment options; the ability to not only utilize cuffs, but rope and chain bondage as well. Lucas had had it custom made to be the focal point of the floor.

I stood up and moved behind her
, brought my lips close to her ear and whispered. “The sight of the cross has you turned on. Your pupils have dilated; you are uncomfortable and aching for release; your breathing is shallow and quick. Now, I think we are on to something.” She smelled of lavender and coconut, the aroma making my dick twitch in need.
Down boy, not now!

Her body shuddered at the close contact, and without moving her gaze, she replied to the question I
has asked fifteen minutes earlier. “That!” Pointing to the cross. “That is what has been in my fantasies, my dreams. That is the basis of what I’m here for. I can’t explain it. Or maybe I’m a bit embarrassed by it. I just want that and what it represents.”

Still behind her, I whispered again in her ear, “the freedom, the submission required to be free. Is that what you want? Are you willing to trust another person to give that to you?”

She turned from the view of the floor and came face to face with me. Her plump tits were pushed up against my chest, and her body molded itself to me. My cock was rock hard and making itself known as she rubbed against it. It took every ounce of self-control that I possessed to take a step back when all I wanted to do was bend her over the back of the stool she had just vacated, and pump my dick into her sweet pussy, her tightness wrapped around me, milking my cock until I came…

“Yes, more than you know. I am ready to submit to my desires.”

“Let’s finish the interview, and I’ll show you around the club.” She returned to her seat, and I sat down opposite her. 

I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Don’t get me wrong, I have a solid flow of women wanting to play, serve and please me to ecstasy almost every night, but there was something about this one that had my cock in an uproar, literally.

“Okay.” The response was quick, short, and I almost missed it. “What else do you want to know?”

“Let’s just talk for a few minute
s about your past experiences. I am going to give you a questionnaire to take home with you as homework to fill out before you come in the next time. That will help me assess your desires, needs and wants; and I’ll be able to place you with the correct Dom after your training. But, for now, tell me about yourself.”

Normally, I didn’t care much about the personal lives of the members beyond knowing enough information to keep them safe, but with he
r I wanted to know everything. And the thought was unnerving.

“Well, you know my name, where I live
, and I’m sure you’ve run a background check and know that I am not a mass murderer or convicted felon.” She played innocently with the hem on her skirt, not realizing that the simple gesture was making my cock rise to attention again.

“Yes, I know that
, Emma.” Her name rolled off my lips and sounded divine.
Fuck! When did I start becoming a damn pussy?
“Please tell me something about yourself, your past experiences, perhaps?”

Emma shifted a
little on the stool and looked back up at me. “I own a bakery in Quincy Market. I enjoy the outdoors.  Hiking, walking, and boating. You name it; I’m usually up for it – when I have the time. I love sports and love to read, but baking is my favorite past time. My past experiences are limited, you could say. I’ve had only one serious relationship, and that was during college, but he turned out to be a complete asshole, so let’s leave it at that.”

She paused and rolled her head in a circle before continuing. “Sexually speaking, and I don’t know why I am telling you this, I’ve had
a few partners, none serious. I tend to just fuck and move on with the night.”

The decla
ration stunned me for a moment. She didn’t seem to be the type of woman that would be okay with, and only want, casual fucking. Clearing my throat, I said, “As common as that can be for a submissive to, as you put it, fuck and move on, it doesn’t seem to fit your character.”

“How would you know what fits my character
? You don’t know me.” Her green eyes bored into mine, and her demeanor changed.

“You just don’t seem like the type of woman that would enjoy that sort of thing.
I’m sorry. I meant that you don’t seem to be the type of person only content on having one night stands, so to say. I’ve been doing this a long time. I know how to read people.” I stayed matter of fact with her, and didn’t want to show her that I was actually upset that I had upset her.
Jesus, this woman is playing a mind fuck on me!

“If you were actually content with that lifestyle
, you wouldn’t be applying for a training program that pairs you with a Dominant. This training program is more about building a Dominant/submissive relationship than just play partners.” I watched her shift in her seat.

, well, you don’t know anything about me besides what I’ve told you. And honestly, that side of me isn’t up for discussion. Now, can we continue with the interview?”

The change in her attitude was
welcome, as I was able to see her truly now. I knew there was a part of her that wasn’t shy or timid, and I could see the passion in her eyes. What the fuck happened to her?

“Yes.  Just a few more questions
, then I’ll show you around.” I looked down at the clipboard I had been holding in my hand. “Sexual preferences? Traditional, anal, oral? Soft limits, hard limits?”

“Sexual preference is straight. Yes. Yes. Yes. Not sure about my limits as I ha
ven’t done much in this realm. The only things I know are: no needles, no scat, and no blood play.” She maintained the new demeanor and attitude.  Little did she know that this attitude had me again, for the eighth time today, hard as a rock.
Fuck I am going to need to have a release.

“Alright then.
Let’s show you around and get you the paperwork.” I stood and offered up my hand to help her down. When she placed her hand in mine, there was a surge of energy that we both noticed. Emma quickly removed her hand, seeming uncomfortable again.

I le
d her from the bar and showed her the more informal lounge and the locker rooms at the front of the building. I proceeded to show her around the dungeon floor, and watched her as the sense of arousal rose within her again. She would be fun on the floor. Finally, I showed her the upstairs, where all the private rooms were. The tour was brief, but, honestly, if I had to watch her ass sachet back and forth anymore, I’d end up taking her into my dungeon.

On the way back to the lounge, I left Emma in the hall while I grabbed the questionnaire I wanted her to fill out, from the office.
This would make her think about her wants and fantasies, and would also allow us to match her with the right Dom when the time came. Lucas was sitting in the office going over some paperwork.

“Hey Luc, when did you get in?
” I asked as I located the form I was looking for.

Lucas looked up from the d
esk. “About a half an hour ago. You were busy. How’s the interview going?”

“There’s something about her
, Lucas. I can’t put my finger on it, but she might just kill me.” I chuckled a little.

“If anyone can train subs
, Marcus, it’s you. You know that. Where is she? I think I want to meet her.” Lucas rose from the desk. He was in his black leathers and his black t-shirt. The tattoo on his left arm was slightly visible, as was mine, I suppose. We had gotten the same tattoo when we opened Devoured, although I had continued mine down both the front of my chest and my back.

“She’s outside the door.”

“Let’s meet her.” I followed Lucas as he walked to the door. We might be business partners and best friends, but within the confines of Devoured, he was in charge.

was looking down the hall toward the dungeon floor again, and had her back turned toward the door as it opened. “Emma?”

Startled, she turned and faced us.
Lucas held his hand out toward her. “Ms. O’Conner, a pleasure to meet you. Welcome to Devoured. I’m sure Marcus is taking good care of you?”

She shook Lucas’s hand
in awe. He commanded that sort of presence. “Yes, it has been a wonderful time. I am thankful to have been accepted.”

Believe me, the pleasure is all ours. I hope you don’t mind,” he said, “but I have some work I need to attend to, so I will leave you in Marcus’s very capable hands. Have a great day.” He turned and walked back into the office, closing the door behind him.

Emma turned and looked at me
. “And he is?”

“That would be Lucas Walker, co-owner and my business partner. You will
be seeing a lot of him and his better half when you are here.”
I made sure I alluded to Chloe. Jealousy had surfaced in me when I saw her look at Lucas. Seriously, what the fuck was going on with me?

We walked
back to the lounge, and I handed her the questionnaire. “Fill this out and bring it back with you on Saturday night. The last page has a list of rules and a dress code for you to follow. Make sure rule number one is followed to a tee.” I winked at her and walked her to the door. “Until we meet again, Ms. O’Conner.”

“Until next time,
sir,” she replied dryly. My dick, again, was at attention.
Fuck! This girl is seriously fucking with my mind, and my dick!

“You’re fucked, aren’t you?” Lucas
’s voice penetrated through my thoughts.

“Yeah, I think I am.”

BOOK: Consume Me (Devoured Club Series)
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