Cowboy Got Me Shook (BWWM Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: Cowboy Got Me Shook (BWWM Romance)
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Panting, she broke through the trees. She looked behind her, chuckling to herself, seeing the farm as another shadow on the horizon. Angel was long gone. There wouldn’t be another day on the farm for her. Not ever.

She heard a crack, something snatching her waist, and continuing on, it tightened around her ankles. She tripped, tumbling to the grass.

Angel’s side thudded against the ground. She wrestled, trying to crawl to the car, screaming and gasping because she didn’t understand what was wrong. If she got to the car, she knew she would be safe.

But another force pulled her back. She reached out, grasping for the handle, but Angel was pulled away.

She spun around. Grant strode toward her, wrapping the end of the rope in his hands. Lassoed. It figured. She thrashed at him, but it only took him seconds to secure the knot. Angel grasped at the grass again, grabbing handfuls and cursing.

And there stood Grant, smirking. He leaned over, surveying his prize. She couldn’t thrash her way free, or squirm out of the knot, she was completely his.

All of that excitement, running from Grant, being chased, it was a lot of fun. And seeing him take control, she begged for her arousal to stay away. A girl like her would dream of a romance like it, a sexy, rugged cowboy capturing her. It was the perfect fantasy.

But Angel didn’t like to be trapped. Too bad for Grant...if he allowed her to go to the party, maybe they would have been friends, but he didn’t, and Angel knew how she could handle him.

“Back to the bunk with you,” he said.

She wasn’t going anywhere.

Angel caught his glances when she was working. She knew the old cowboy wasn’t immune to being seduced. Although he seemed not to have any interest in women, those brief flashes of his primal nature were enough that she felt confident in her plan.

Besides, toying with him could be fun.

It didn’t bother her at all. Of course, Angel rarely ever did something like she was about to do, so it should have bothered her, but it didn’t. Why? She had no clue. Maybe because those brief glances Grant granted her had been intense, had shown just how deeply he wanted her.

“Grant,” she whispered to him. He perked up.

Her voice was sultry and soft, like a gentle wind. She knew it traveled right through him.

“You caught me. Now come and get me.”

Angel moaned, running her fingers lower to the edge of her shirt. She raised it, swaying it back and forth over her stomach. Turning him on was turning her on. Angel let one finger touch her lips, trailing it over her tongue.

So naughty...something possessed her. He wanted to see more.

Angel, on her knees, continued her seduction, raising her shirt right below her cleavage. Grant grunted. His feet spun to turn, but his eyes remained on Angel. How could he say no?

The battle for him aroused her, and when Angel brushed her breasts, she gasped at how hard and perky her nipples were. She rubbed her thighs together, the sensation driving her show on.

“You like that?”

He let a smile slip.

That was all Angel needed.

She threw off her shirt, crawling to Grant with only her see through bra on. He stood, frozen in place.
Good. Let him be stunned. Let him be speechless. That’s even better. Don’t speak. Don’t say anything. You’ve already told me everything. You want me, cowboy.

Still bound by her ankles, she reached, her hands naturally falling on his crotch. He grunted and she thought he would throw her off for a moment.

But he didn’t. She kept her fingers curled against his bulge, growing despite his efforts. Angel moaned, nuzzling against his warmth. She could feel him harden underneath her fingertips. It felt incredible. Incredible, and scary. Despite her seductiveness at that moment, Angel wasn’t very experienced. She was more of a tease than anything. She liked the attention, but not to the point where she was pulling heart strings. She wasn’t cruel. Not usually.

But Grant had been cruel to her, and she could be cruel to him as well. She rubbed back and forth against the outline of his cock, checking out its girth and length in his jeans. Just how cruel was she being really?

Grant seemed to like it. Even though he battled his demons, knowing he shouldn’t allow the young girl under his protection to seduce him, his cock told her the truth.

Grant wanted her. He wanted her badly.

She reached for his zipper.

“Take it out,” he groaned, wrapping his fingers in her hair, claiming her.

Angel didn’t even need to reach inside to take out her prize. Grant was so big that he simply pushed out from his fly.

He wasn’t wearing any underwear. He must have slept nude, then thrown his jeans on when he heard Angel slipping out. His hard, straight cock pointed at her, begging for her soft lips. His fingers reached into her hair, wrapping her snugly, and pulling her closer. Her arousal overwhelmed her. Under the cowboy’s spell, she looked up at him and knew that she needed to continue.

Angel’s plan only went so far. She was only going to seduce him into letting her go to the party, but seeing his hard cock, pumped full, begging for more, she couldn’t let herself stop.

She brushed his thick tip over her lips. There was already precum, and it slipped onto her tongue. He tasted sweet. He smelled like hard work, leather, and a fresh shave. She opened her lips wider, inviting him in.

Grant’s muscles tightened as she swallowed his cock head. She laid it on her tongue, then swirled it around in her mouth, getting used to his size. As she pleasured him, he ran his fingers through her hair, tightening his grip.

“Yeah,” he groaned. “That’s good, Angel.”

With his demand for more, she opened her mouth wider. Angel held her breath as she slid her mouth farther along his shaft. He bulged at her sides he was so big.

He pulled out of her. Grant allowed her a moment to catch her breath. She hadn’t realized how long he had been inside, and the rush hit her head, leaving her horny and weary. As she regained her composure, Grant reached over, unstrapping her bra with a flick of his skilled fingers.

The cowboy knew what he was doing. He knew what he was doing so well that it frightened her. He was much more experienced than her. Would he like the way she pleasured him?

Grant grinned. He feasted on the sight of her voluptuous, tender breasts. It seemed like he was having a good time. She had to be positive. Angel forced herself to take his waiting cock again, opening wider so she could fit more the second time.

As she swallowed him deeper, he massaged her breasts. Grant felt how full and heavy her breasts were, groaning as he went.

“You’re so sensitive,” he said. “Hell...” He couldn’t get over the ripples of excitement that passed over Angel’s body each time he ran over her nipples.

She took him all the way until he touched the back of her throat. Angel held him there. She only thought about how great it must have felt for Grant, and that turned her on even more. His grip tightened on her hair as she deepthroated him. She allowed him to use her. As he thrust into her, her sex throbbed, swollen and sore, ready to be taken.

Grant continued to tease her tits. Angel moaned, looking up at him with doe eyes.

He tilted her head back.

“Look at me. Keep looking at me. That’s it, babe.”

He gasped, muscles flexing as he slowly, sensually used her mouth. Angel helped him, sucking him deeper in unison with his thrusting. They worked to the same beat. She listened to his breath growing increasingly rapt and loud.

She couldn’t wait to feel his seed splash against her tongue.

Finally, with Grant teasing her nipples, turned on by their tenderness, he burst in her mouth. He came, pushing deeper.

Angel thrust her hands on his thighs to try to contain herself as he unloaded onto her tongue. She took him completely, allowing herself to drink his sweet and salty cum until he was drained.

He pumped her full. Angel, reeling from the excitement, pulled away. She wiped the remainder from her lips. It tasted wonderful, intoxicating. She wished they could continue. She wished he could guide her into bliss.

She needed nurturing. Her sex panged, demanding that Grant continue. She wanted to silence it. Instead, shy, and succumbing to the cowboy’s strength, she looked up at him complacently.

“Does this mean I get to leave?”

Grant laughed. Then he pulled his cock, already growing again, into his jeans. He zipped it back up.

“Hell no. It means you’re definitely staying.”

Grant grabbed her by the end of the rope, dragging her to her feet. He tugged at her to follow him back to the ranch.

Angel, too confused not to, obeyed.



Grant was up before the sun. He cursed while kicking out of bed. How in the hell did he allow the girl to do that to him? He could still feel her mouth, could still smell their sweet sex, the phantom taste of her sultry tongue followed closely by the pangs of regret.

As the day dawned, he showered, scrubbing off the lingering sex. He could still smell her on him no matter how hard he brushed. He sighed, forgetting it, and wiped himself off with the towel. That’s when Grant realized that he never locked the door to the bathroom.

He sprang for it at once. He locked it, gasping, mumbling over his foolishness. What on Earth was he thinking? He was out of his mind.

Just like you fell into her trap. She had one card over you, Grant, and that was sex.

And you let her do it. You let her do it, you stupid bastard.

He tossed his hair with the towel, wishing he could rub the thoughts away. Grant needed coffee and some breakfast. Anything to get his mind off her. He threw on fresh jeans and a clean shirt, then crept through the hall, trying not to wake her.

It would’ve been embarrassing to find her waiting there. He wouldn’t know what to say. He still hadn’t thought properly about it. Obviously, the girl was too young to know what she was doing.

Too young to know what she was doing? She’s college age. She’s damn well old enough, and you know it. You’re only arguing with yourself because you liked it.

You haven’t had that much fun in a long time.

He grunted, falling into his chair and waiting for the coffee to brew. Grant kept his sights on the sun rising over his ranch. There would be a lot more work to do today, luckily for him, it would keep the evil thoughts at bay.

Devil finds work for idle hands, and all that nonsense. It didn’t make much sense, since Grant had the roughest hands he knew, and yet he still allowed himself to be seduced like that by the girl who he was supposed to be watching.

The coffee finished. He poured himself a tall cup and went right to it.

Caffeine would set his mind right. He didn’t like to admit it, but Grant was quite addicted to it, and needed it to function properly. As he simmered over the cup, the cloudiness drifted away. The constant battle in his mind departed, and in came a focused strength.

Sure, there was a lot of frustration involved in the idea he stormed up, but it felt right. Grant felt slighted from letting Angel get the better of him. If she wanted to play like that, he could too.

He admitted to himself he liked the girl. He liked her a lot. Hell, what happened last night was plenty proof of that.

But while he liked her, he knew that she needed discipline. She was unruly. And he didn’t like being tricked, so Grant came to a dire conclusion.

The girl would be punished.

Hard discipline was in order.

She was coddled by her parents for too long. He had enough balls to put her in her place, and he would do it according to his method, the no bullshit method.

If she thought she had it hard the day before, she was in for a surprise.

Grant smirked, finishing the rest of the coffee. He would drink the rest of the pot, loving how devilish yet honest his mind worked.



“Up,” she heard as she struggled in the sheets.

She pushed whoever it was away. Angel rolled over, hoping that they would get the hint.

They threw the blankets off. She was still in her clothes from the night before, and she brushed the hair away from her eyes, shocked over the light shining through the window. Someone had pulled the shade apart.


“Up,” he said again.

Angel realized where she was. Back on ranch hell. Another day of hard labor under the cowboy’s guidance. She threw the covers over herself again, but then Grant snatched them from her, tossing them off the bed.

“Breakfast is on the table. Hurry up and eat. We’ve got work to do.”

“Why didn’t you mention breakfast in the first place? That should’ve been the first thing you said.” Angel woke, rubbing her eyes, and then got out bed. She staggered, her legs still sleepy. She headed to the bathroom instead.

“Where are you going?”

“Shower,” she grumbled. Grant backed off, pacing away.

“Come outside when you’re done, and hurry up. I’m not kidding about the work.”

Jesus, you’d think a guy who just got sucked off would be a little happier. She slammed the bathroom door close and undressed. Angel hopped into the shower, took a little to figure out the new handles, and then turned on the steaming water.

BOOK: Cowboy Got Me Shook (BWWM Romance)
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