Read Cowboys Know Best Online

Authors: Breanna Hayse

Tags: #cookie429, #Kat, #Extratorrents

Cowboys Know Best (13 page)

BOOK: Cowboys Know Best
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Perl smiled through her tears. “It sounds like that trait runs in the family. She did the same to him when she was tired of him bothering her.”

Dennis hugged her gently. “You’re a good girl. Now, I noticed that you occasionally call Hank ‘papa’…”

“He had me do that when we were traveling together to protect my reputation,” Perl whispered. “He really seemed to like me calling him that.”

“There are a lot of gals who call their men papa in these parts, it’s just a sweet way of addressing them. Since we’re close family here, I’ve decided that you need to start calling me Grampa, got it? It will get me in the mood for when you start giving me babies to play with. What’s wrong? Did I say something?” he asked with concern as her eyes grew misty.

“I’ve never had a grandfather. We left Italy when I was a baby so I never saw any of my grandparents before they died. And my father and uncle always wanted me to have babies for them to play with.” Sadness washed over her face as she recalled her loss. “You really want me to be a granddaughter to you?”

“Punkin’, I raised Hank like he was one of my own. I never had kids, so he got my undivided attention. I’m smart enough to know when a child needs some loving and you, my girl, need a lot. How’s the behind?”

“Terribly sore. But,” she blushed, “I did deserve it.”

“Yes, ma’am, you did. But it’s over now and hopefully not to be repeated. Can I offer you a suggestion? Clean yourself up and get all pretty, then start moving in on my old friend. He won’t be able to resist you forever. Trust me.”

“I would never hurt him, Dennis. Not on purpose.”

“I know that and I think he does too. You just need to break through that thick head of his.”

“I’ll try. Thanks, Grampa.”

Dennis smiled and, with a kiss, sent her up to her room to clean herself up.


* * *


“Where did you say you got this?” Don Piccoli roared, tossing down the flyer with Perl’s picture plastered on the front.

“Found it at a movie theater down in Virginia, Boss. There were a bunch of them. I asked the owner and he said that she’s a popular dame in Texas. They gave her the title of
The Songbird
. He was talking about trying to get her to come up for a fancy concert.”

“Texas? Yeah, I heard some cowboy brought down my boys with an old six-shooter. Tony!” the red-faced man bellowed, “go with Val here and find out where Miss Moretti is hiding out. As soon as you find her, I want to know. I’ll be coming to personally bring that broad to her knees and make her wish she never refused my Joey’s offer to join the family.”

“On it, Boss.”


* * *


Perl slipped on a cotton night dress and brushed her waist-length, raven-black hair until it gleamed. Of course, she performed these tasks standing up; her backside was still far too tender to attempt sitting. She had said goodnight to Dennis and then gone upstairs as the man left to find his old friend.

The sound of Dennis’ squad car driving off, coupled with the slamming of the front door, was her cue. Taking a deep breath, she tiptoed barefoot down the stairs and into the sitting room. Hank was on the end on the long couch, face buried in a book. A roaring fire in the hearth sent flickers of light bouncing off his handsome, furrowed brow. Perl stood to watch him for a moment, her heart pounding with something between fear and excitement. Taking a deep breath, she approached him.

“What are you doing out of your room, young lady?” Hank barked, startled.

“I came down to tell you I was sorry for being so naughty and disobedient,” she answered in a quiet, timid voice. “I also wanted to thank you for… caring so much about me. I didn’t know how much I worry you.”

“Yes… well… off to bed with you, now.” He sounded uncomfortable and uncertain, a state of being that the self-assured, confident man was not accustomed to experiencing.

“Please forgive me. I don’t like making you unhappy with me. I promise to try to be a good girl for now on,” Perl whispered, blinking her long, dark lashes slowly. Her wide-eyed, dark gaze started to melt his heart, but he fought back the urge to soften.
No, it just wouldn’t do
, he thought,
I don’t care what Dennis thinks, either.

He cleared his throat. “It’s good to know you learned something. It’s late and you need to get to sleep.”

Perl was frustrated. Dennis had warned her about the man’s stubbornness and encouraged her to work through it. She tugged his sleeve, swallowing as he looked back up at her from his book.

“I can’t sleep. My bottom hurts terribly and so does my heart. Please? May I stay up with you for just a little while? I need my papa…”

There! She caught the softening of his face in the fire light. She continued, kneeling by the edge of the couch and putting her cheek on his knee, “I want to make you proud of me. You’ve given me something that all the money and power in the world can’t buy. A sense of value and self-worth. I know you won’t believe me, but…” she took a deep breath, praying that Dennis had been correct, “I love you. I don’t want to ever leave here. Or you.”

“Perl, I am old enough to be your father…” Hank started to offer an excuse.

“Not quite, but the man that my father had tried to pair me with was over forty. And completely disgusting. I’ve never felt this way for anyone, Hank. Please, don’t make me beg. Tell me you love me too.”

She watched the silent struggle as Hank looked for a reason to deny her bold request. She knew she had stepped out of the confines of propriety and etiquette, and she did not care. She was a modern woman, after all, and he would just have to get used to it! With her chin on his knee, she looked up into his face. He was staring at her. Slowly, his large hand crept to touch the top of her head and then started to gently stroke her hair. She knew she had won, and a happy smile lit her face.

“I love you, too. I just…”

Perl carefully climbed onto his lap, wrapping her small arms around his neck. “I won’t hurt you. I promise. I’ll learn how to be the perfect wife, if you’ll have me.”

Hank frowned. “It’s the man’s job to propose marriage, young lady. It’s not comely for a woman to take such liberties,” he scolded, half serious and half amused.

Perl shrugged with a mischievous flicker in her eyes. “If I waited for you to make a move, Mr. Billings, then we would never get anywhere. Besides, it’s 1947. It’s time to step into the modern world. Now kiss me.”


Chapter Nine



Four days later, before a ‘small’ group of witnesses (nearly the entire town of Great Price, Texas), Hank and Perl were married by the local preacher. News had spread quickly and the town had joined together to decorate the little church courtyard with ribbons and evergreen branches, making the little yard look like a fairy wonderland just in time for the two o’clock ceremony. Several women took a trip all the way to San Antonio to find a proper dress for the new bride, while the men grouped together to finish the ranch chores and free up Hank’s crew to attend the ceremony. Dennis demanded the position of handing Perl off to Hank as her ‘proxy grandfather’ before the man retreated behind some trees to blow his nose in a kerchief.

Perl rolled her eyes… what was it with men and weddings? It came as a surprise to her that this emotional response wasn’t limited to Italians, either! She was further amused by Hank’s protests about a reception, and watched in delight as the community blatantly ignored him and showed up at the ranch right after the ceremony in order to flood the new couple with gifts and food, and admire Perl in her snowy white ‘modern’ dress which showed off her shapely calves and some ample cleavage. She laughed at Hank’s blush upon seeing the soft swells that were pressed together by the open keyhole-cut of the dress, and brushed his hand away as he attempted to hide the site from onlookers. She kissed his cheek and promised him a better look later on in the day. He responded with a grin and then attempted to tuck a lacy napkin over her bosom, causing her to snicker and tease him even more.

Boisterous laughter accompanied the festivities as a makeshift band was put together and people started to dance. Food and drink flowed in all directions, along with excited conversation and well-wishing, marital advice, and offers to teach Perl whatever skills she desired to learn to make her new husband happy and content at home.

In return for their support and the wonderful, spontaneous party, Perl sang for the crowd, all the while keeping her eyes glued to her new husband, the man who had brought love and meaning to her existence. Cherry, always close to her mistress’ heels, ended the song with a plaintive howl, making the crowd break into laughter.

It was dark outside when the last guest finally departed (Dennis, of course) and left the newlyweds to themselves. Hank plopped on a bench on the front porch and held his arms out for his new bride. “You’ve made me the happiest man in the world, Mrs. Billings. Come sit on my lap.”

“I would love too, Mr. Billings, but I am still dealing with some post-judicial tenderness,” Perl commented, easing herself onto his hard thighs. “It’s an awfully cold night, don’t you think?”

“True. Would you be interested in maybe warming ourselves by the fire, wife?”

“I would consider that, husband, under one condition.” Perl kissed his neck, just behind his ear. “You must do some soothing of my tender regions.”

“Hmm, I think I can be persuaded,” Hank smiled, lifting her into his arms and carrying her into their home. He gently placed her on the couch and covered her with an afghan before pulling out a large sheepskin throw which he laid in front of the crackling fire. Perl watched as he added more wood and then poured them both a glass of brandy.

“What’s this?” she asked delightfully. Hank sat next to her, placing his arm around her shoulders and snuggling her into his side.

“A gift or two from Grampa Dennis. He thinks that the sheepskin and brandy are the perfect formula to make a baby.”

Perl giggled, sipping the rich, smooth liquor that spread warmth all the way down to her toes. “Mmmm, he might be right. But I think there’s more to it than that, don’t you? That’s what I’ve been told, anyway.”

“Believe me, my darling, there is much more. Have you…?”

“I’m a modern woman, Hank, but not
modern,” Perl blushed.

“Then, allow me to teach you.”

Hank took her brandy from her hand and set it on the floor. Gently, he pulled her into his arms, his lips gently caressing her soft mouth before drawing it harder against his. His tongue probed her sweetness, still laced with the brandy. Perl shyly mimicked his actions and was pleased to see him respond, crushing her against him with greater intent. His warm, fresh scent made her dizzy with longing and she inhaled deeply as she lifted her chin to allow him to trace her throat with his lips. A groan escaped her mouth as he found the pulse point behind her ear.

Slowly and deliberately, Hank ran his hands along the length of her body, feeling her shiver against him. He pulled her against his chest and began to unbutton the back of her dress as he continued to smother her with hungry kisses.

Perl responded, reaching to his chest and unbuttoning his starched white shirt, shivering with excitement as she touched his hard, hot flesh with the tips of her fingers. He allowed her to explore his muscles for a few moments before peeling the dress to her shoulders. His hands caressed the very tops of the soft skin before, once again, cupping her face between his warm palms and drawing her into another deep kiss with gentle probing of his tongue.

“I love you,” he whispered, pausing to stare into her deep, dark eyes.

“I love you, too. You saved my life, Hank. Not just from Don Piccoli, but from myself and my future.”

“And you saved mine, my love. You brought my heart back to life,” Hank stated huskily, gently pulling the dress down to her waist, exposing her pert breasts, which she had left unbound by a brassier. His mouth watered as his lips found one hard, dark nipple. The contrast of the color against her pale olive skin made his cock jut forward, and he gently brought the small nub between his lips, smiling as she released a gasp of delight.

“That feels… so… good…” Perl moaned, arching her back as he suckled gently. He traced a path to the other side and received another sharp gasp and a groan. Perl started to instinctively grind her pelvis towards him, wanting his attention directed downward.

Hank easily slid the dress from her body, tossing it on the floor as he lifted her from the couch and placed her gently on the sheepskin throw on the floor. He peeled away her stockings, and gently ran his hand along the length of her legs, pausing to kiss her ankle as he removed her heeled shoes. Nestled with her back against the soft, fuzzy hide, Perl felt every inch of her skin being stimulated. She wanted more and pulled him forcefully against her, wrapping her right leg on his left hip.

Hank grinned at her eagerness. He pushed the memory of Laura’s frigidness forever from his mind as he released himself to the newly found passion of his sweet, exotic wife. His fingers found the waistband of her panties and, without losing eye contact, he slid them from her body and left her completely naked for him to view.

And what a view it was. True to her origins, her young, ripe body was graced with luscious curves. She possessed no hard angles and was every bit a woman designed for loving. His hand shook slightly as he stroked her flat abdomen and the swells of her hips.

“You are even more beautiful than I imagined,” he praised, replacing his finger with his tongue. Perl purred, wiggling seductively beneath his touch, her eyes partly closed in the glimmer of the fire. Hank sat up, slowly removing the rest of his clothing and taking a long moment to again drink in her beauty. Her long dark hair and the natural bronze of her skin contrasted with the bright white of the sheepskin that cushioned her. Again her pebbled nipples beckoned to him, and he honored their request by running his rough palms over them before venturing down to the dark apex between her legs. He hid his surprise and delight when he discovered that Perl’s adoption of the new trend of having smooth limbs extended to trimming her soft pubes. She trembled as he touched the lightly furred lips of her womanhood.

BOOK: Cowboys Know Best
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