Read CoyoteWhispers Online

Authors: Rhian Cahill

CoyoteWhispers (8 page)

BOOK: CoyoteWhispers
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* * * * *

Warm arms slipped around her waist and Gordie snuggled back
against the hard chest pressing in behind her. Soft lips traveled over her
exposed neck, sending shivers down her spine.

“Mmm… What time is it?”

“Early. Everyone’s gone to bed.”


Steve sighed, his hot breath bathing her ear. “Yeah,
tomorrow’s expected snowstorm blew in early. We’re stuck with them until


“Don’t worry. The minute the snow stops I’ll get the plow
out and clear the road into town. I guess all that food your sister brought
with her will come in handy now.”

“Good thing she did bring it, you don’t have much in your

“There’s plenty in the chest freezer downstairs.” Steve
grazed his teeth along her shoulder. “But enough about food. I have a different
appetite I want to satisfy.”

He trailed his tongue along the shell of her ear before
sucking the lobe between his lips and nipping with his teeth. She arched into
him and her bottom cradled his erection, the hard length pressing into the
crease between her cheeks. Heat pooled in her abdomen and moisture coated her
folds. Gordie wriggled around until she faced him. Reaching up, she ran her
fingers through his hair.


“Hi, yourself.”

She smiled. “Did I miss anything important?”

“Yeah. This.” Steve lowered his head and kissed her.

At first he kept the kiss slow and easy but it soon wasn’t
enough for either of them and he thrust his tongue between her lips to probe
inside. She met him stroke for stroke, demand for demand. Sucking hard, Gordie
pulled his tongue deeper, used her teeth to scrape the sides as she let go.
Steve groaned into her mouth and angled his head for a better fit.

Gordie splayed her fingers on his chest, the hot muscles
rippled as she explored his body. Moving her hands lower, she toyed with the
washboard abs he’d earned from honest work. She detoured farther south, to his
narrow hips and the delicious valleys leading the way to the prize hidden
between his legs.

Steve’s mouth left hers to graze over her chin and down her
throat. He nipped at her collarbone, licked to soothe the slight sting before
moving to the other side and repeating his actions, making her gasp. Her
fingers curled around his hips, her nails digging in and his pelvis bucked
toward her. His cock rubbed over her clit, the material of her shirt abrading
the sensitive nub setting off sparks of delight.

She moaned and moved with him, rocked to find the friction
she needed. Her pussy clenched and spasmed with longing and Gordie increased
the pace. Steve tugged at her shirt with his teeth, pulled it off her shoulder
to lick the skin beneath. Frustrated by the barrier between them, she shoved him
away and turned to wiggle out of the top. He helped and in their haste the
cloth tore apart at the seam.

He wrenched her free and tossed the shirt over his shoulder.
In a second he rolled her under him, slipped his knee between hers and spread
her legs wide. His thighs brushed hers, the rough hair tickling her soft skin.
Gordie lifted her pelvis to bring her sex in direct contact with his shaft. Hot
and hard, the silky length slid along her slick folds, bumping her pulsing
clit. She cried out and he covered her mouth with his hand.

“Shh. They’ll hear you.”

Gordie sucked her lips between her teeth, bit down to hold
them in place and nodded. Steve removed his hand and gripped her chin.

“I want to hear you scream. Want to hear my name on your
lips when I make you come, but I don’t want anyone else hearing that cry of
pleasure. That’s mine and mine alone.”

Steve didn’t give her a chance to answer. His mouth covered
hers in a punishing kiss meant to claim. He flexed his hips and brought his
cock to her opening. Pressing forward, he entered her, breaching her body
slowly. She wanted more—all of him. Gordie thrust up and drove his shaft
deeper, wrenching a moan from each of them. They moved together, built a rhythm
of give and take that quickly grew in speed and strength.

She gnawed on her lips, held them tight between her teeth to
muffle the cries of pleasure she couldn’t control. Steve’s hands circled her
hips, his fingers spread over her ass cheeks. He held her still, pinned to the
bed, and drove in hard, his length dragging over her swollen clit with every
stroke. Her head tossed on the pillow and her nails dug into his shoulders as
her orgasm built inside her, tightening with each plunge, every retreat of his

“Please.” Gordie hooked her legs over his hips. “Steve.”

Her words spurred him on. He pounded into her, pushed them
both to the edge as their bodies slammed together—strived for release.

“Touch yourself.” His hoarse demand sent a bolt of fire into
her core. “Do it.”

Gordie slipped her hand between them, her fingers searching
for the spot that would bring her relief. She encountered wet heat and probed
farther. Cream coated her fingertips as she circled them over her clit, applied
a little pressure and brought herself closer to the peak.

Steve leaned on his elbows and lifted up to look at where
their bodies were joined. “God, that’s so hot. Watching you get yourself off is
a huge turn-on, Doc.”

He pulled back and Gordie reached lower to graze her
fingernails along his length as he withdrew.

“Fuck!” He slammed forward, trapping her hand between them.
“Do that again,” he growled.

She twisted her hand slightly, used her fingers on his cock
and her thumb on her clit, and drove them both insane. Steve jerked, his rhythm
erratic for a couple of strokes before he returned to the beat, this time
faster. Harder. The first contraction rolled into the second and onto the
third, her whole body flowing with the waves of her orgasm as they took her
under and dragged him with her.


He continued to drive into her, pushing deeper with each
splash of warmth filling her core. Burying his face in the curve of her neck he
called her name, the sound more groan than word. Gasping for breath, Gordie
held onto him, his weight pressing her into the bedding. Her limbs tingled, whether
from lack of circulation or oxygen it didn’t matter and she didn’t care.

“Too heavy,” he murmured against her skin, sending ripples
of goose bumps skittering down her neck.

“No. I like feeling your weight crush me.”

“Gee, Doc, you say the sweetest things.” He grinned against
her throat.

“You know what I mean,” she sighed.

“Yes I do but you’re so fun to tease.”

“Really? Well just as long as you can take it as well as
dish it.”

“Bring it, Doc. I’ll take all you’ve got.”

He bucked his hips, his cock, still buried inside her,
scraped over tender tissues. Her pussy throbbed, clamped around him.

“Ooh.” Steve lifted his head and met her gaze. “Again?”

She arched a brow. “Now?”

His hips rocked, his hardening length pumping in and out.
“Yeah. Now.”

“Okay, but I’m on top this time.” Gordie tried to roll them
but he held her beneath him easily.

“You gonna ride me, Doc?”

“Not from dow—”

Her head spun and hair flopped in front of her face. She
shoved the strands aside with one hand, gripped his biceps to steady herself
with the other and stared down at him. “How the hell did you do that?”

“Be a good girl and I might show you.”

“I’m not being a good girl
you show me.”

“Fine, be a bad one then.” Steve grabbed her waist and
lifted her. “Ride me.” He brought her down.

The new position altered the angle, allowed for deeper
penetration. Sensations unfolded, floated out to cover every part of her.
Gordie leaned forward, braced her hands on his shoulders and her knees on the
bed beside him. She flexed her leg muscles, used them to raise and lower her
body on his. On the downward plunge she rotated her hips and ground her clit on
his pubic bone.

Gordie took her time. Learned what made him squirm beneath
her, what made her gasp above him. There was no frantic rush to reach the top,
only a slow, sensual stroll. His hands left her waist, slid up her ribs to cup
her breasts. He pinched her nipples between thumb and forefinger and she leaned
into the biting touch. Her blood hummed with arousal, rushed to fill tender
tissue with molten fire and set her body alight.

Steve used the pressure of his hands to urge her upright and
Gordie gasped as his cock slid over new terrain, making her pussy clench and
weep. She cupped his hands with hers and together they squeezed her breasts, played
with the tips until they were hard knots of need. He tugged his hands from
under hers and dragged his fingers over her belly. Her breath caught and her
stomach fluttered. Warmth pooled and dripped lower to her sex.

“Don’t stop. Keep playing with your breasts. Show me what
brings you pleasure.”

His words sent a shiver of delight through her and Gordie
granted his wish. She tweaked her nipples, pulled them away from her body and
twisted. A moan slipped from her throat, the sound deep and gravelly as it vibrated
in her ears. She jolted as Steve’s finger brushed her clit. The contact sent a
dart of fire from the tight bundle of nerves to her core, delivering heat and

Her hips rocked, rode his cock in small, sharp thrusts as
she concentrated on the wicked swirl of desire skyrocketing inside. Steve
continued to ply her clit with skilled fingers. He took her to the edge and
backed off only to push her up again. His other hand cupped her ass, his
fingers delving between her cheeks to tease the puckered flesh of her anus. She
bucked wildly, thrashed back and forth as he pressed harder on the delicate

He touched her in a way no one ever had. Inside and out he
knew just what she needed for maximum pleasure. His touch quickened, slowed,
sped up again. The varied pace drove her mad. She tried to catch his rhythm but
every time she caught on he changed the beat.

“Steve.” Gordie gasped for air. “Please. I need.”

“Then you shall have.” He breached the tight ring of muscle
to her back entrance at the same time he applied pressure to her clit and drove
his cock up into her. Gordie disintegrated. Stars burst before her eyes as the
climax roared through her, dragging every last breath from her lungs and every
thought from her mind.

Chapter Four


Gordie woke to sunshine streaming through the skylight above
her. Crystal-clear, blue sky without a cloud in sight filled the large,
circular glass roof section. Steve stirred next to her and she turned her head
to look at him. Dark stubble covered his chin and cheeks, soot-black eyelashes
fanned out over his tan skin and the thick slash of his eyebrows curved over
his closed eyes.

She wouldn’t call him beautiful, he was too rugged, too
large for that. But the very thing that kept him from being handsome made him
striking. There was an edge to his attraction, a hard one. Gordie had always
found him gorgeous. In high school he’d been the one she wanted to date. All
the other girls wanted Brogan or Quinn, even Marcus had pulled his share of
clamoring females, but Steve was different.

He dated but not like the others. Rarely did she see him out
with a girl more than a few times. In fact she couldn’t remember him ever
having a serious girlfriend. She certainly hadn’t seen him date anyone since
she’d come home from medical school. It struck her as strange that a man as
appealing and manly as Steve wouldn’t date.

“You think too hard, Doc.”

Her gaze darted to his, those deep-brown orbs studying her.
“I didn’t know you were awake.”

“I noticed. You wouldn’t have been checking me out so
thoroughly if you’d known I was.”

“I wasn’t—”

“Uh-uh.” He pressed a finger to her mouth. “No more hiding,

Gordie sighed. “Fine, I was checking you out.” She spoke
against his skin, the rough texture catching on her lips as they moved.

“And what did you find that was so distasteful?”

“What? Nothing. Why do you ask that?”

“Your nose was all scrunched up and your lips were puckered
as though you’d eaten something sour.”

“Oh.” She tried to think of something to tell him, anything
but what she’d actually been thinking.

“Well? And stop trying to come up with a plausible answer.”

“Hey. I wasn’t.”

“Gordie, what were you thinking about?”

She huffed out a breath. “If you really must know, I was
thinking how I hadn’t seen you date anyone since I came home and that’s not

“Ah. So that wonderful mind of yours was about to come up
with reasons why you haven’t seen me with anyone.”

“Well, no. I hadn’t gotten that far yet.” She smiled
sheepishly. He was right. It would have been the next logical step.

“I’m not sure you’re ready for the answer to that, Gordie.”


Steve brushed his fingers over her temple, pushed a few
strands of hair back from her face. “You.”

“Me? I don’t understand.”

“I know you don’t.” He cupped her chin and tilted her mouth
toward his for a quick kiss. “Come on. Let’s get going. We’ll round up the
troops and get them out of here so we can have this conversation in private.”

“We are in private, why can’t you tell me what you mean

“Because I don’t want to explain myself right now.” Steve
rolled over and climbed out of bed.

“What? Just like that, Steve doesn’t want to talk so he gets
to stay silent but Gordie can’t have the same privilege?”


“No. No more hiding goes both ways. I want to know now.”

“Fine.” He stomped around the bed until he towered over her.
“You want to know why I don’t date, I’ll tell you. From before you married
Anthony I wanted you. No one else. But it scared the shit out of me knowing I’d
have to turn you. You were human, Doc, and I wasn’t even out of my teens. I
never touched you because I knew if I did I wouldn’t stop and I wasn’t sure
either of us could handle that back then.”

BOOK: CoyoteWhispers
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