Dallas [Wolfe Brothers 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) (8 page)

BOOK: Dallas [Wolfe Brothers 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“So it’s his ass that I need to kick?”

“No. He was only looking out for you because he loves you.” He lifted her as he stood up. He held her close to him as he took her to the bedroom. “I didn’t think you would have been able to handle what I needed from you then.”

“I don’t like it, but I guess I do understand it. However, if you ever do that to me again, I’ll have your testicles for garters.”

“Point taken, CC.” He set her down in front of the bed. “Why don’t you go take a hot bath and relax while I fix us some dinner?” He pressed a kiss onto her cheek then swatted her on the ass. “Go.”

Cristal found some clothes in her bag while he went and started a bath for her. She really couldn’t figure out this change in him. Should she believe all that he said, or was it just a ploy to get her to do what he wanted? While she contemplated her next move, she climbed into the steaming hot water. She stared at the small wall-mounted box on the wall beside her. She touched a button and jets began to soothe her aching muscles, leaving her to figure out what to do about this situation.

For once in her life, did she follow her heart, or should she follow her head? Her heart told her to enjoy it while she could. Nothing in life was a guarantee, and while she might be hurt in the long run, she’d get to love him while she could. Her head told her that he could never love her and that she would just be left with a broken heart and memories of what could have been. But wouldn’t it be better, she thought, to have loved and lost?

She knew, deep down, that she’d follow her heart—her mind could deal out the biting punishments later. She’d waited the better part of her life to love him. She couldn’t give up the chance to be with him.

“You’re going to look like a wrinkled prune if you don’t get out of there soon, Cristal.” He smiled down at her tenderly while holding open a towel for her. “And we don’t want your dinner to get cold. You still eat your steak rare?”

“Yes, sir.” She flipped the lever to release the water then stood naked before him. She could feel his eyes tracing over every inch of her. Her breath quickened.

“Quit teasing me, you little minx.” His voice was deeper, sexier than normal and sent shivers down her spine as he dried her off. “You don’t need all those clothes either.” He handed her an old shirt of his. The soft cotton clung to her hard nipples as she put it on. The shirt fell almost to her knees. “Come on. Let’s eat so I can have dessert.”

“You made dessert, too?”

He popped a hand on her ass. “Nope, you’re dessert! I couldn’t make anything that would taste as good as you do.” Giggling, she went to the kitchen, and he watched the sway of her ass as he followed her.

He’d been busy. The table was set with a couple of beers, candles, and dinner. He held her chair out for her. “Sorry, I don’t have any wine.”

“It’s okay. I don’t like wine.” She watched as he sat down in front of her. With the touch of a remote, soft, romantic music filled the condo. “You’ve really got this place set up.” All for seducing women, she thought but kept it to herself.

“This is Yuma’s place. He let me stay here so I could distance myself from the bar. When I lived there, that’s all I focused on morning, noon, and night. Now, I can come home and relax. He set this place up before he married Madison. He took the St. Andrew’s cross with him when he moved into her lake house.” He wiggled those sexy eyebrows at her.

“Oh damn! Guess we can’t have fun then.” She took a bite of her delicious steak. He had cooked it perfectly.

“I have my own tools and toys, Sweetness. We’ll have fun.” He smiled as they ate, feeling comfortable and at ease with her.

“You’re really a good cook,” she informed him as she stood. She took her plate and his empty one to the sink.

“What are you doing?”

“Cleaning the kitchen up. Don’t you remember the house rules? If you cooked it, you don’t clean up. If you didn’t cook, get your happy ass into the kitchen and start scrubbing.”

“Yeah, I remember, but you’re a guest in my house, and I don’t want you to clean up. Just set them in the sink and come with me.” He pushed his chair under the table and motioned for her to follow him.

Cristal took her time. When she walked into the room, he was making adjustments to something hanging from the ceiling. She sat on the bed as she watched him. She loved that he obviously thought outside of the box when it came to sex, but she was a bit nervous. What the hell was he going to do to her with that?

“Take my shirt off and come here, pet.” He stood next to the hanging contraption while he waited for her to follow his directions.

“What is that for?” she questioned as she slid the shirt over her head and tossed it onto the bed. She came to stand before him.

“It’s a swing, pet, a sex swing. Let me help you.” With some quick maneuvering, she found herself floating in the air. The arm restraints kept her hands up in the air, and the leg restraints were moveable. He could spread her out as far as he wanted. He loved it. “Cristal, you’re so fucking pretty.” His eyes traced over every inch of her.

“What are you going to do to me, sir?”

He gave her a wicked smile. “Whatever I want to do, my dear. I love having you at my mercy, my will.” He brushed his lips across hers. “Do you trust me, CC?”

“Yes, sir.”

He left her in the swing and went to the dresser. She could hear him rummaging through the drawer, but couldn’t see what he was looking for. When he came back, he held a pinwheel metal device in one hand and carried a box in another. After carefully setting the box down, he stripped until he was wearing just his boxer briefs.

“Are you ready to have fun?”

“Yes, sir. I’ve been waiting so patiently…” Her breath caught as he brought the wheel down her arm lightly. “Sir!” she gasped as he moved the device up her other arm. She never knew her arms had erotic feelings, but they did.

“What, pet? Don’t you like the way it feels?” He traced the tool across her breast, encircling her nipple with the tantalizing touch.

“Dallas!” Her breathing hitched. “Please, Dallas, I need.”

“What do you need, baby?”


He slid the fingers of his other hand between her splayed legs. His fingers trailed through her wet, satiny folds. “I have something I think you’ll like even better.” He knelt down and pulled out a new toy. After putting in some kind of attachment, he returned to her. “This is a neon wand. It will give you electrical impulses as I move it over your skin.”

At first, he kept the wand on her neck and shoulders. The sensations were sweet, and she loved the tingle it left on her skin. Soon, he was moving it lower. He slid the tool across her breasts, encircled her nipple, and she was near orgasm. He slid the device lower and spread her thighs further apart. As Dallas moved the device over her labia, she began to moan and try to arch against him. He encircled her clit, and she shattered into a major orgasm.

He turned the wand off and stroked his cock. He slid both his testicles and penis out of his boxers but left the boxers on. He removed the attachment and plugged a wired box into it. He tucked the small wired box into the waist band of his boxers, flipped it on, and returned to her. As his fingers moved to touch her, she felt the same electrical impulses. He’d turned himself into a neon wand.

“Dallas?” The sensations were building. He touched her everywhere. With each slow caress of his body, she felt pleasure and electricity. The electricity spiked her arousal up by a hundred degrees. She couldn’t handle the way he was making her feel. She needed to come again! “Dallas, please!”

He pulled away from her and didn’t allow any part of his body to touch her for a moment or two. Not only was he giving her a chance to calm down, but himself as well. When he judged that she was a little further from her next orgasm, he began again.

This time, he sent his tongue coursing over her body. He flicked his tongue across her nipples, licked his way down until he was kneeling between her legs, and sucked her clit between his teeth. She screamed as pleasure washed over her body but was screaming again as he pushed two energized fingers deep into her pussy.

She couldn’t catch her breath. Each time that she thought she was going to come, he sent her up to a higher level of arousal without an orgasm. She was shaking against him, pleading for him to allow her to explode.

He pulled his wet fingers out of her cunt and pushed them into her ass. He lined his cock up with her cunt and pushed into her. Her eyes closed as she tried to fight off her orgasm.

“Look at me!” Her eyes flew open to focus on him, but only briefly. His lips were pulled back over his teeth, and his cheeks were ruddy with arousal. He was using the swing to slam her body down onto his cock. “Come, baby. Come for me now!”

He squeezed down on the base of his cock, not allowing himself to come with her. When she stirred against him, he began thrusting again. His hands settled on her hips as he guided her. “Do you belong to me?” He held his cock at the edge of her portal as he waited for her reply.

“Yes, Dallas, I’ve always belonged to you!” she wailed as she waited for him. Instead of pushing into her cunt, he slid his cock down until he was resting at her anus. With each rocking motion of the swing, he pushed at the sensitive rosette. “Dallas?”

“Relax for me, baby.” Slowly, he was gaining entrance. “Push out for me, pet.” As she did, she screamed as he pushed the head of his cock into her. The pain was rather intense. Tears pooled in the corner of her eye. “Do you want me to stop?”

She couldn’t speak. She shook her head as she arched against him. More of his cock managed to slip inside, and he released one of her hips. He brought the palm of his hand down onto her clit with a firm slap. Each plunge of his cock sent him deeper into her ass, and with each thrust, he smacked her clitoris.

“Your ass is so tight, CC,” he groaned. He adjusted the swing so that her legs were up and out. “I want to feel you coming on my cock, baby.” He slammed into her ass as she began to shudder. “Come for me.” With a moan, they both climaxed.

Chapter 10


Dallas had kept her up most of the night. His stamina never failed. They made love on the swing, in the bed, on the floor, and finally back in the bed a couple more times. She’d never known men could go all night like that, but he did.

When they woke the next morning, she gingerly climbed out of the bed and into the shower. The alarm clock kept her from sleeping too late, but she wasn’t looking forward to going to work either. She would be in the field by herself today, and there was no way to get out of it. She couldn’t call in a vacation day.

Dallas had coffee waiting for her. “What do you want to eat for breakfast?” he asked as he drank his second cup of coffee. “Eggs? Toast?”

“Thanks, but coffee is all I usually have for breakfast. Can you drive me to my house on your way in? I’ve got to have my car for work.”

“I don’t feel good about this, CC.” He ran a big hand through his hair. “Is there anyway he’ll know where you are?”

She shrugged. They were notified a day or two in advance of where they were going to have to work. Did she want Dallas to know about it? No, he’d just worry, or worse yet, not let her go to work, which might get her fired. “I should be okay.” She couldn’t meet his eyes so she dug in her pocketbook for her keys.

“You don’t lie well, Cristal McGuire.”

“Well, I try not to do it often so just pretend I’m great at it!” She smiled at him.

He let it slide. “Keep your cell phone on you at all times. Do you have a gun?”

“Yes, and a concealed carry permit.” Of course, she would be fired on the spot if she stepped on company property with even a small handgun, but he didn’t need to know that either. After lacing up her work boots, she tried to go back and get her stuff, but he refused to let her.

“You’re coming back here tonight.”

“I am?” It was news to her. She was under the impression that, after his conversation with Craig, he felt she would be okay to go home.

“I have more toys here, but if you’d rather, I can meet you at your house tonight. The bar isn’t as packed on Mondays, but I still won’t get home till after midnight.” He used the hand at her back to usher her out of the house.

Even with traffic, the trip didn’t take too long. He pulled up to her car and waited for her to get inside and crank it up before he followed the gravel circular drive to leave. She waved as they went in opposite directions.

When she arrived at “base camp,” which was what she called the main government building that housed the environmental engineers, she was met by several of her coworkers. All were worried about her, but not as worried as she was when she was called into the HR office.

Her boss, an African American woman who didn’t take crap off of anyone, was waiting on her when she arrived in the HR office. “Angela? What’s going on?”

“I heard about what Ledbetter did this weekend. More than one person told me of the threats that were made against you.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“What happened when you brought the issue up to Shawna McMillin?” Angela pointed to the head of the human resources department.

“I was told that she would take care of it, and she said that he would be written up, and that I didn’t need to take it any further. Why?”

BOOK: Dallas [Wolfe Brothers 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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