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Authors: J.J. Ranger

Dane's Restraint (5 page)

BOOK: Dane's Restraint
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Cucumber? Why not vegetable soup? Instead of making the smartass remark, she nodded. “If I think you’re getting out of hand, I’ll use the safeword.”

Satisfaction lit his eyes.

The next slap was lighter, his hand landing and then cupping her ass cheek. If he’d moved just a little further down, his fingers would be at her pussy. Stings of pleasure waves soared straight to her clit. Her hips jutted back, and she spread her legs more, giving him a better target. Since when was she into spanking?

Since now, apparently.

He delivered another light smack, and she moaned in ecstasy, arching toward him.

“Is this what you had in mind for your fling?”
“You want to play with the big boys, you better be ready for the consequences.”

Consequences? What was he going to do? Break out a leather whip or a dog collar? Her nipples pebbled, and she pushed back against his thighs. “Turnabout is fair play.”

Instead of paddling her again, he slid lower and kissed each ass cheek, smoothing his palm over the globes. Using his thumb, he spread them.

Doubt filled her. What was he doing?

Something hot and moist touched her anus, and her hips jerked in response. “Wh—”

He smacked her ass again, and she forced herself to be still as his tongue rimmed her rosette, then licked toward her pussy. Her nipples beaded into hard little points, digging into the sheets, and her stomach clenched in anticipation. God, he had a talented tongue.

Her stomach spiraled and her ass wiggled closer toward him.

“Get up on your knees.”

Sara didn’t question. She just got into position. If he didn’t fuck her now, she’d spontaneously combust. She kept her gaze glued to the reflection. Her breasts hung down, nipples erect and eager. Desire glistened in her hazel eyes.

She expected him to take her from behind. But to her surprise, he maneuvered his large frame underneath her in a sixty-nine position, his cock standing at the ready. The reflection no longer held her interest. Not when the most beautiful cock waited for her.

Dane gripped her hips and guided her down so her pussy was right at mouth level. He licked her clit, nipped it with his teeth, and sucked it into his mouth. Her body jerked in pleasure. His tongue circled her slit, making her hotter, wetter. Spirals of desire swirled in her core. She wanted to give him as much pleasure as he was giving her.

Sara lowered her mouth over his shaft, tracing the ropey vein with her tongue. She moaned in satisfaction while Dane fucked her with his tongue, pistoning in and out. Heat built in her belly, and her breaths came in fast pants. She was so close to coming.

She sucked his cock hard. He groaned, then pulled out of her mouth and rolled to the side.

She fell onto her back. “Hey, I was enjoying myself.”

He gave her a sexy grin. She arched into him and cupped his balls. He pressed into her hand for a minute, then tore away. He leaned over the side of the bed and fumbled in the box. She heard the tear of the foil packet and watched from lowered lids as he fit the condom over his length. Once sheathed, he latched onto her ankles and hooked them over his shoulders.

The head of his cock slid into her pussy, gliding inch by inch. Her inner walls expanded to accommodate his girth, stretching, accepting, filling her to completeness. Her muscles clenched around him, holding him close.

Keeping eye contact, he withdrew and thrust into her, hard and fast. Skin slapped against skin, her breasts jiggled almost painfully with each move. Sara cupped her breasts, her nipples peaking out between her fingers. Dane’s gaze travelled to her hands, and he licked his lips.

So he liked to watch as well? She parted her thighs and eased her fingers between them to play with her clit as the other pinched her nipple. He groaned and pounded into her harder. Her finger flicked the bud in time with his hips, her head craned against the mattress.

Spirals of desire tumbled through her stomach muscles. “Oh, God…Dane…”

He released his hold on her ankles and gripped her ass, holding her off the mattress in a pelvic thrust. Her breaths came in faster, harder pants. Pinching her nipples, she rolled her head to the side. The walls of her pussy contracted, and she came with a squeal.

He followed a few seconds later with a cry of his own, and Sara collapsed onto the mattress, dragging Dane on top of her. Panting, they rested, foreheads touching.

Finally, when she could breathe normally again, she brushed the hair off his forehead.

He grinned and kissed her wrist. “Hi.”

A chuckled bubbled from her throat. “If that’s how you say hi, I can’t wait to see how you say thanks.”

Dane disposed of the condom then laid back, propped on the bed pillows. The cream-colored sheet fell to his waist, leaving his chiseled torso open to her view. She trailed a lazy finger down the middle of his chest and peeked at the clock. It was a little after eight. Funny, it didn’t feel like they’d been together for an hour.

“Is it off limits to ask you about your family?” She watched his face for any sign of withdrawal, but he remained relaxed.

He huffed a heavy sigh. “We
discuss my family, but then I’d have to kill you.”

“Ha, ha.” She snuggled against his side, tucking her arms around his waist. “I’m not asking for familial dirty laundry.” She pressed a kiss to his pectoral. “Do you get along with your brothers?”

He toyed with her hair, lifting the strands and letting them fall through his fingers. “Hmm. Sure. The whole family is close. I don’t think we could have stayed on the same property for so long if we weren’t.”

She let that sink in. She loved her family, but they were all so different from her that she needed the separation.

Sara swirled a finger around his belly button, reveling in the course hair of his treasure trail. Once this weekend was over, he was someone she could definitely see as a friend. His charm and gorgeous smile drew her in and, other than the intense sexual tension, he made her feel comfortable. And as a friend, she wanted to know as much about him as she could find out.

“Have you ever been married?” Her breath hitched in anticipation. For some reason, it bothered her to think he’d truly belonged to another woman. Not that he belonged to her, of course, but lying securely in his arms she could imagine what it would be like to have this man to herself forever.
She did not want to continue with that train of thought.

“Never married, but I was engaged briefly.” His chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm as he continued stroking her hair. “I met Erica in college and it was love at first sight. Well, lust at first sight anyway.”

“But you didn’t marry her.”

“Nah. We were hot and heavy pretty fast, then she got pregnant.”

Dane had a kid?

“She didn’t want a family, so without telling me, she got an abortion.”

“I’m so sorry.”

He huffed against her temple. “Yeah, well, turns out it wasn’t my baby. She was so against settling down that as soon as she got my ring she started sleeping her way through the dorm.”

Sara pushed on her elbow and looked him in the eye. “Her loss.”

“Hmm.” He rolled off the bed and plucked the wine bottle from the nightstand. “Want some wine? It’s a sweet red.”

She gave him a crooked grin. “Absolutely.”

In all his naked glory, he climbed out of bed and crossed the room, filled two plastic cups with the burgundy liquid, then carried them back to the bed. Her gaze was drawn to the way his lips curled around the rim of the plastic, drawing in the wine. She’d never thought of drinking as erotic but, while watching him lick the wine from his upper lip, her clit ached for his touch.

He caught her gaze and winked. Damn he was sexy.

By silent mutual agreement they set the cups to the side. Their lips met and he curled her into his arms. When they broke apart, she slid back into her position at his side.

He pressed a kiss to her temple. “Why did you decide to move to Bandera?”

She shrugged. “I needed to get away.”

“Family too meddlesome? Stalker boyfriend?”

She swirled her fingertip around his nipple. “A little of both actually. Mom and Dad couldn’t understand why I wanted to be a teacher instead of working in the family business. Teachers make no money, but strip club owners can make millions if they play their cards right.”

“Wow, a strip club? What was that like growing up?”

A smile touched her mouth. “When I was younger, I thought it was great. I watched my mom practice pole dancing. Of course, I didn’t realize what it meant at the age of six, I just thought my mom was beautiful and the most talented woman around.” She snuggled closer. “As I grew older and my friends learned what she did, I was tormented. The boys all wanted me to dance for them.”

“You don’t think they just wanted you to dance because they thought you were hot?”

“I guess there could have been some of that, too. Anyway, they wanted me take over and I just couldn’t do it. I needed my own identity away from them.”

His thumb stroked her temple. “And so you became a teacher? Talk about from one extreme to the other.”

Sara laughed. “I wanted to pick something so far from their business and why not be a teacher? It’s an honorable profession. And turns out, I actually do enjoy being around the children.”

“Why not, indeed?” he murmured, his hand sliding up her arm to toy with her nipple. Goosebumps broke out over her flesh. “What about the stalker boyfriend?”

“Ah, Ben.” That subject embarrassed her more than talking about her parents. “We were engaged for a year. He thought that, with my background, I would be some kind of sex goddess. I thought the sex was pretty good, but when I refused to participate in threesomes and orgies, he accused me of being a cold fish. Then he cheated on me with one of my girlfriends.”

She swallowed hard against the remembered pain. “I figured he wasn’t the right guy for me. His cheating just sealed the deal. If he had asked me to do anything other than share him, I would have done it. I refuse to think it is my fault he needs sex with multiple people to get it up.”

Dane looked down at her and frowned. “He obviously never saw the side of you I’ve seen this weekend.” He lifted her so she was straddling him, his cock nestled in the folds of her pussy. “A woman who can get me hard with one shy smile cannot be cold in any way, shape, or form.”

She wrapped her hand around his cock and squeezed. With slow movements, she pumped her hand up and down, closing her grip on the upstroke. His cock swelled and hardened under the manipulation. He leaned his head against the headboard and closed his eyes.

He gripped her thighs, kneading the smooth flesh. Calloused palms scraped over her skin until his thumbs were at the apex of her thighs. She thrust her hips into his touch, sighing in ecstasy as his finger entered her slit and stroked her inner walls.

Sara plucked another condom off the nightstand and slipped it over his length, then lifted her hips and fit herself over the tip of his cock. Slowly, she lowered herself, taking every inch of his thick shaft.

“Truth is, I never wanted to show him this side of me. That’s how I knew he wasn’t the right guy for me.” She gripped his shoulders and urged him to sit up. Then she locked her ankles around his waist. “I’ve always wanted to try this position.” She wriggled in his lap, circling her hips. “Teach me.”

“How can I resist a request like that?” Dane leaned forward and nipped at her lower lip, sucking it into his mouth.

Her pussy clenched around his cock. She threaded her fingers through his hair and held his head in place. His mouth left a wet trail across her chest as he abandoned one breast for the other.

Her head dropped back in bliss. Not only was he sexier than hell, and a damn fine lover, he was warm and loving. He seemed genuinely interested in her thoughts and opinions, wants and desires. And she was dangerously close to not wanting this fling to end.

That knowledge scared the hell out of her. Oh, God, she couldn’t do this, they couldn’t do this. The pad of his thumb massage her clit, each circle sending her closer to orgasm. Ecstasy overrode the need to flee. She reached back under her ass to stroke his sac. He responded by surging into her.

Frenzied with need, she bounced and rocked. Heat curled in her stomach, building, fueled into a full orgasm. Stars exploded behind her eyes, and she came, screaming his name. Her fingers squeezed his balls, and he came with a guttural grunt.

Exhausted, Sara collapsed against Dane’s chest. He wrapped his arms around her and leaned back into the pillows while she trembled in his embrace.

He brushed the hair from her sweat dampened face. “You okay?”

She reached up and kissed his chin. “Mmm. Just fine.”

Now if she could only stick to her word about this only being a weekend fling.

Chapter Five

Sunlight streamed through the gap in the curtain, hitting Sara squarely in the face. She shielded her eyes and blinked against the bright light. Her free hand searched for Dane, but the other side of the bed was empty.

She groaned and lifted her head from the pillow. A check of the clock showed it was almost eight. They’d slept the night away? That was the best night’s sleep she’d had in a while because she didn’t remember anything after falling asleep in Dane’s arms.

Her heart melted at the memory. He made her feel so cherished, precious, like a gift he’d waited all year to unwrap. Ah, hell. There she went again, stringing poetic prose. How did she expect to stay unattached if she kept thinking with her heart? How did others do it? The one-night stands, the no strings attached. Maybe she was incapable of detachment.

On the pillow beside her was a piece of paper—a note written in a masculine scrawl. She picked it up and read,
Sorry I had to leave so early. Have a great morning. I’ll see you after lunch.

Again her heart thu-thumped. She couldn’t help the excited thrill she got at knowing she’d see him in just a few short hours. What did he have planned for later? She was excited to think his plan would most likely center around sex.

BOOK: Dane's Restraint
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