Read Dangerous Liaisons Online

Authors: Tarah Scott,Evan Trevane

Dangerous Liaisons (27 page)

BOOK: Dangerous Liaisons
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Chapter Two

Liz stood stock still until Tanya’s attention caught on her. The model’s gaze flicked to Liz’s dress, then her eyes swung back to her face in wide-eyed surprise.

“She seems surprised to see you—or to see you wearing that dress,” Adam whispered.

So he’d noticed that, too. Liz, Richard, and Brenda had been so consumed with finding a replacement for Tanya that they automatically concluded she jilted them because Jorge offered her more money. Tanya’s reaction, however, suggested something else. She hadn’t expected to see the dress at all.

Disbelief turned to fury. Tanya hadn’t dumped them for a better offer. She had sabotaged them.

“She decided to play for another team at the last moment, didn’t she?” Adam said.

Liz snapped her gaze up to meet his. His attention shifted from the couple to her. She thought she discerned tension in his jaw, but it wasn’t there now and he lifted a brow.

“By the look on your face, I’d say I’m right. Who’s the competition?” he asked.

Liz hesitated, but realized the news of Tanya’s defection was likely scheduled for the next print run of every gossip column in Texas. “Jorge Designs.”

“Is that who she’s with?”

Liz shifted her attention to Tanya’s escort. He was tall, early forties, absolutely gorgeous, with jet black hair and honey brown eyes. The poster boy for the South American gigolo.

“Not Jorge Estonia,” she murmured aloud. “And he’s too old to be a model.”

“So are you.”

Liz cut Adam a narrow-eyed glance. “You really know how to sweet talk your boss.”

He shrugged. “I’m not the one who said a woman isn’t attractive after twenty-five.”

“You’ll likely think differently when you reach thirty.”

He smiled and her heart skipped a beat. His smile could stop traffic. Suddenly, she wondered if she’d been going about selling clothes the wrong way. This man was a dynamite package. His blue eyes smoldered—a stunning combination enhanced by his black tux. Six-foot-four of pure male. No contacts, no drug-induced biceps, just good old-fashioned Mother Nature at her ever-loving best. But despite his looks, it was his smile that truly set him apart from the other models. It didn’t matter who wore the dress, only that when a woman wore it, this man would smile at them.

“Why didn’t you smile like that for the photo shoot?” Liz asked.

Amusement lit his eyes. “Now that I know you like my smile, I’ll be sure to do it more often.”

Liz nodded. “You’re going to sell my dress for me.”

“That’s what I’m here for. But you don’t give yourself enough credit. You’re going to give Tanya a run for her money.” He leaned closer and his warm breath brushed her ear as he whispered, “What do you say we go on the offensive and say hello to her and her date?”

Liz imagined Adam’s full mouth pressed against her ear. She jarred from the thought. Good Lord, the man was sixteen years her junior—and she was his boss. And he was staring expectantly.

“What?” she blurted.

A very young female model on the arm of a high school graduate slowed as they passed, and Liz realized her outburst had caught their attention. Liz became aware she was squeezing Adam’s bicep and started to pull away. 

He covered her hand with his. “Nope,” he said. “We have to look like we can’t live without each other.”

Liz glanced down at his hand on hers. The light scratch of calluses against the top of her hand surprised her. Odd. Most male models were as big a prima donna as their female counterparts and seldom lifted a finger for fear a drop of sweat would spoil their looks. But Adam had a down-to-earth quality. Yet tonight, he exuded a dangerous edge that hadn’t been present during the photo shoot.

She glanced at Tanya, who had turned her back and was speaking with a group of people. Tanya clutched her date’s arm, and Liz knew she was sending a signal: I don’t need Nina Bruno Designs.

She would regret that decision.

A waiter passed in front of Liz. Adam released her and snagged two glasses of champagne. He handed one to Liz. She took a large swig. A woman at least sixty years of age raked her gaze down Adam’s body. He seemed not to notice and slipped an arm around Liz’s waist. Warmth spread through her stomach. Champagne did that to a person. Her second drink nearly emptied the glass.

Liz spotted Larissa Remmey just as the woman turned and met her gaze. The older woman’s eyes lit. Attention fixed on Liz, she said something to the man on her right, then started across the room.  

Liz smiled and kept her gaze on Larissa as she whispered to Adam, “You get me through this night and there’s a bonus in it for you.” 

“Is it the bonus we discussed earlier?”

“Earlier—” She jerked her gaze onto his face. “I told you, I don’t rob the cradle, nor do I mix business with pleasure. Understand?”

“Yes, ma’am,” he drawled. “No business with pleasure. I’ll be sure to keep them separate.” 

Liz blinked and wondered whether he had noticed her reaction to him a moment ago. Dammit, she had no one but herself to blame for that. Before she could say more, Larissa reached them and extended her arms.

“Darling,” she said with the barest hint of a Russian accent. 

Liz shot Adam a quelling look as Larissa pulled her into a cheek hug.

* * *

Ben kept his expression casual. He didn’t typically like surprises, but Liz Monahan as his date and Texas’ most wanted human traffics dealer showing up in El Paso tonight were two surprises he could live with. It looked like he wasn’t going to have to go snooping around the Remmey’s mansion, after all, to discover their connection to Carlos Sanchez. He could go straight to Sanchez. If he could get the man alone.

Liz slipped her hand through the crook of Ben’s arm. Before he could corner Sanchez, he’d have to slip away from Liz Monahan. He shifted his attention and found himself staring straight down her cleavage. He jerked his gaze up as Larissa said, “So this is the dress we’ve all been waiting to see.” The older woman nodded approval.

Liz laughed, low and sensual, and Ben’s groin surprised him by giving a hard salute. He hadn’t been this intensely affected when he’d met Laura five years ago. He’d been crazy about her, had even considered marriage. But after two years of dating, he still wasn’t home enough to ask her to marry into an empty house, and she simply fell out of love with him.

Staying closer to home won’t be a problem with Liz.

The thought brought him up short. He’d thought about her a lot these last two days, but when had he decided he wanted to spend more time at home with a woman? Liz released his arm and Ben resisted the impulse to grasp her hand and put it back. Tonight was about business—for both of them—and he couldn’t afford to let her get in his way.

“I doubt you’ve been waiting all season to see a Nina Bruno design,” she said to Larissa.

“On the contrary,” Larissa replied. “Your lineup last year was impressive. I’ve been watching you, as have others. I’m intrigued by the fact you chose to wear the debut dress yourself. Very bold. The leather top fits you to perfection—or I should say, you fill it out to perfection.”

Pink tinged Liz’s cheeks. “We use the gifts given us,” she said.  

“And why not?” Larissa said. She turned to Ben. “And who is this luscious thing?” 

“Mrs. Remmey, meet Adam Billings,” Liz said. “Adam—” 

“No introductions are necessary,” he cut in. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Remmey.” 

Larissa’s eyes lit with pleasure. “Ohh, a charmer.” She stepped closer and curved her fingers around his arm. “I think you’ll be my pet for the evening.”  

“Pet for the evening?” a female voice said.

Even as Ben registered the familiar voice, the speaker stepped into view. He froze. The last person he expected to see was Assistant DA Sheila Antonio. He couldn’t allow her to discover that Carlos Sanchez occupied the same room with her.

Ben snapped from a brain freeze and said, “You’re Sheila Antonio.” He extended a hand. “Adam Billings. I’m a big fan.” 

Her brows lifted in an expression of polite curiosity. She slid her hand into his and gave a hard squeeze, intended to remind him of their last encounter.

He felt the curious gazes of Liz and Mrs. Remmey and flashed his most charming grin. “You made big news last year when you prosecuted that drug dealer the Border Patrol caught with two kilos of cocaine. The guy put out a hit on you, but that didn’t stop you from putting him away for twenty years.” 

“Not Border Patrol,” Sheila said. “The Texas Rangers caught him.” 

“What’s the difference?” 

“There’s a world of difference.” A glint appeared in her eyes. “They didn’t catch the man contracted to kill me.”

They weren’t supposed to. He was the hitman, and she knew it.

“Isn’t he delicious?” Mrs. Remmey interjected.

Sheila nodded. “Yes, he is.”

“But he’s spoken for.” Mrs. Remmey glanced at Liz. “You don’t mind, do you, darling?” 

“My escort is your escort,” Liz replied. 

Ben glanced at Sanchez. The man laughed at something another guest said. Ben had to break free of the women. He couldn’t chance Sanchez leaving the party.  

“We’ll talk later, Sheila,” Mrs. Remmey said. “I have to show off Liz to my other guests.”  

“It was very nice to meet you, Ms. Antonio,” Ben said.

She inclined her head. “Perhaps we’ll have a chance to talk more later?” 

“I wouldn’t count on it,” Mrs. Remmey said. “I plan to keep him to myself.” She started away and Ben turned his attention to her. “Come along, Liz,” she said. “I believe tonight is going to be your lucky night.” 



BOOK: Dangerous Liaisons
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