Read Dazzled by Silver Online

Authors: Lacey Silks

Tags: #desire, #lust, #love, #romantic suspense, #el james, #sylvia day, #adult, #love story, #erotic novel, #sex, #romance, #fiction, #erotic romance, #contemporary romance, #couples erotica, #Erotica, #new adult, #fifty shades, #sensual, #women's fiction

Dazzled by Silver (17 page)

BOOK: Dazzled by Silver
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I lowered my body forward, on top of Kendra’s, spreading my legs above her face. Her flavorsome arousal drifted around me as I sunk my head between her thighs. I parted the swollen flesh and pulled my tongue along the flowing juices, from the top down.

Kendra released a loud moan and closed her mouth around my needy clit.

Behind me, Gabe kissed my ass, the same way he had the night before. His palms spread my cheeks. Each time his mouth came closer to the smaller opening, my lips worked harder on Kendra.

Gabe’s tongue found my tight entrance. He moistened the rim and gently pushed his finger in. While I was sure it was just his pinky, it felt deliciously big. He pushed it a bit more deeply. My hole burned, but the pain quickly transformed to a pulsing bliss. At its deepest, he pulled the finger out, thrusting his cock inside my pussy.

A shock wave flew to where Kendra had been licking me, and I sucked harder on her.

Gabe stretched me, pushing his full length inside me until I felt his tip nudge the very deepest part of me.

I cried out with my mouth full of Kendra’s soft flesh. I nibbled her, and she squeezed her thighs around my head, shaking in spasms while she screamed. Sweet cum flowed out of her
as I lifted my head to breathe.

The echo of Kendra’s shouts bounced off the house, and she bit into me again, this time fully assaulting me.

Gabe kept his hands on my hips, pushing me onto him even more.

I pressed myself harder onto Kendra’s mouth as the sensation of her savage licks became unbearable and I found my release, trapping Kendra’s head between my knees with Gabe still inside me.

He curved around my body, holding me and kissing my shoulders and neck, and back until the waves passed through once, twice, and finally left my body.

“Are you all right?” Gabe asked.


Kendra lay back on the pillows, snuggling a blanket.

“Well, that’s something I can cross off my bucket list,” she sighed.

I straightened my back for a moment, but had no strength to stay up. Gabe cocooned around me from the back.

“You mean you’ve never done this?” I asked.

“No. Whatever gave you the idea that I had?” She supported herself on an elbow.

“I just assumed, with all the guys always around you...and I’ve seen you make out with other women,” I said.

“Sam, just because I frolic around doesn’t mean I sleep around.”

My body tensed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to insinuate anything.”

Gabe pulled a blanket around us and lifted me into his arms. He carried me to the lounge chair on the patio, close to where Kendra was and sat down.

“You had every right to. I know how I behave. You have nothing to apologize for, especially after tonight.” She stared up at the sky. “That was the fastest orgasm I’d ever had.”

“Well, for what it’s worth, I’m glad to have helped you with your list.”

“Me too.” Her voice trailed off, and Kendra closed her eyes. A satisfied smile stretched across her face.

“Was it everything you expected?” Gabe whispered into my ear.

“Yes and no.”

“I knew you’d say that.” He chuckled.


“Because you’re like a kid who’s allowed to roam a candy store yet she settles on the same favorite chocolate bar.”

“And you are my chocolate bar.” I squeezed my arms around him. “It was wonderful and exquisite. But with you, Gabe, I don’t know—it’s like I’m meant to be yours and only yours.”

“Because you are.” Gabe held me tight. “From now on, you will be mine only.”

I wished that were true.




The next morning I lounged by the pool soaking up the sun. Kendra hadn’t woken. Gabe worked from his office by the family room. I hoped the meeting he had planned for later today would allow me to dispose of Kendra’s secret.

The swoosh of flip flops sounded across the patio. Kendra swayed her hips left and right as if she owned every piece of this place. “Good morning!” she chirped.

“Hi. You slept late.” I shaded my eyes with my hand. I thought I saw a hint of pink in Kendra’s eyes, but the sun blinded me.

“I’ve been awake for hours. We have a change of plans,” Kendra whispered before she sat down next to me. Cautiously, she looked back toward the house.

“What do you mean?”

“Gabe’s digging around too much. If he keeps it up, he’ll ruin my plan. The money needs to be delivered today.”

“Can’t we wait until tomorrow? I thought it hasn’t cleared.” I lowered my sunglasses to see her better.

Kendra shook her head. “I called in a favor. It’s cleared. Sam, trust me. Where work is concerned, Gabe doesn’t know how to cut corners. Just make the withdrawal today and drop it off there.” She handed me a piece of paper with an address.

“Punch it into the GPS in Gabe’s car once you get away from the house.” She dangled a set of keys on her finger.


“It shouldn’t take you more than an hour. I’ll tell Gabe you needed some space to think about last night.”

“He’ll freak, Kendra.”

“It’s better than taking a chance of him facing off against Martinez, isn’t it?” She paused. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of Gabe.”

I didn’t like the way Kendra spoke about Gabe, nor did I want her to take care of Gabe in any way. But I also didn’t want Gabe near Martinez.

“Sam, deliver the money. Once you’re back, I’ll let them know where to pick it up, and the debt will be paid. We can tell Gabe the truth and go back home with no harm done.”

Uneasiness tightened my chest. That feeling you have when you know you’re about to betray your instinct was shaking me by the shoulders. But I wanted the ordeal to be over, and Kendra’s plan appeared harmless. Still, could I really deceive Gabe like this?

“Look, he probably won’t even notice you’re gone.”

I doubted my P.I. wouldn’t notice, and I was sure Kendra knew it too.

“Fine, but when I come back, we tell him the truth about everything.” I pulled a tube top on and squeezed into my shorts.

“The Miata’s in the front. Gabe took it out this morning. I think he has plans for tonight.”

“You’re as good a spy as he is.” Nerves twisted in the pit of my stomach.


Somehow, I believed her.

Peeking back toward the house, I grabbed the keys out of Kendra’s hand and casually strolled to the parking lot. I wouldn’t have much time to get away. Gabe’s instinct had been right to put the anklet on Kendra, but he hadn’t expected me to play Judas. I wondered how upset he’d be and what I’d have to do to make him happy again.

Once in the driveway, I clicked the unlock button on the car keys. The headlights of the convertible Miata flashed, and I climbed inside. As soon as the engine purred, I pressed the gas pedal. The tires spun on the gravel before taking hold. I gripped the steering wheel and looked in the rear view mirror. Gabe’s alarmed face froze in the reflection, and I shut my eyes for a moment to make the painful image disappear.

Forgive me.

He waved his arms from behind the cloud of dust I left.

I focused on the road ahead and sped toward the exit.

“Please let this work.” I pushed a button on the dashboard which resembled a garage door opener, and the front gate slid open. With a deep breath I drove through and didn’t look back.

Within ten minutes, the lushness of the green trees faded, and the horizon turned into rolling hills. Beyond, low-lying buildings with red rooftops spread out in even lines. A sign at the side of the road posted the name of a town. The sun shone directly above me, scorching the top of my head, and I wished I’d worn a hat. I pulled over and punched the address Kendra had given me into the GPS. A point flashed on the screen, and I followed the route.

Fifteen minutes later the town appeared behind the rolling hills. I weaved through the streets and finally found a parking lot in the town square. The bank was only three blocks away. Kendra’s detailed instructions told me to speak to Mr. Holler, the bank manager. Looking down at my tube top, I wished I’d worn something more appropriate; after all, I was on my way to the bank to withdraw a large sum of money. How much exactly was it?

I yawned, and the smell of coffee floated toward me as if someone had read my mind. I rummaged through the glove compartment, searching for spare change. Instead, I found five one hundred dollar bills in New Zealand’s currency.

“Figures.” I reached for the money, promising to pay Gabe back. The diamonds on my charms sparkled in the sun, fueling more guilt. “He’s going to hate me for this.”

The pavement pushed the heat upward. I pulled up my top and joined the peaceful crowd on the street. The smell of fresh pastries, fruits, and vegetables wafted from the jammed stores. A few clothing racks decorated the sidewalk in front of a boutique.

“Perfect.” I stepped inside. A fan at the entrance blew my sticky hair, and I tied it into a bun. On one of the racks, a sundress with a daisy print fluttered in the draft.

“Would you like to try it on?” the store clerk asked.

“Yes, please.”

When I stepped out of the fitting room the dress hugged my body as if it were made for me. “May I leave this on?” I asked the lady behind the cash register.

“Of course, miss. Anything else I can help you find?”

“Sandals. And a purse.”

“You’re not from around here, are you?” she asked. I found her accent very sexy.

“No, am I that obvious?”

“No tan.” She pointed to my arms. “You should get a sun hat and protect your fair skin.” She held a tube of sunscreen in her hand.

“Thank you.” I picked up a hat with a matching daisy on its top and fit it on my head.

I packed my shorts and tube top in the shopping bag and paid for my purchases.

Being away from the havoc at Gabe’s house was a relief. Finally, the getaway from New York was starting to feel like a vacation—a guilty vacation. The stress seemed to roll off my shoulders more with each passing minute and I cracked my neck to the side, releasing built up tension. Some time alone was exactly what I needed, although I wasn’t looking forward to seeing Gabe’s disappointed eyes.

The coffee shop had no carry-out cups like in the States. Forced to sit down, I sipped my latte and read over Kendra’s detailed instructions. The fresh croissant melted in my mouth. The sun beamed from above, heating my bare arms where the shade from the umbrella missed me. I truly was the palest person in town and made a mental note to stay by the pool a little more than I had.

Was there any way I could call work? Should I? Could Martinez trace my calls? Perhaps I should ask Gabe first? Guilt returned at the thought of my P.I. worrying about me. I wished he was here. My heart ached when I remembered his sunken face. I should have told him the truth. The urge to comply with Kendra’s instructions and return to the house as fast as possible intensified. I gulped the remaining coffee and left a nice tip on the table.

Across the rotunda, on the other side of the fountain, someone glared at me. I placed my hand against my forehead to shade the bright sun. As soon as I did, the man began walking my way. His aggressive pace increased with each step.

By the time I recognized the furry eyebrows, Martinez was running. I shot off my seat and fled the other way, looking behind me.

He pulled his arm up to his mouth talking to the side of his cuff.

For a moment, he looked like a stereotypical FBI agent, but I knew better than that. He focused his gaze on his target—me—and ran like his life depended on it.

My head spun as he closed in. I pushed my feet harder, and wished I had kept my shorts on. The dress fluttered with the blowing wind, putting my ass cheeks on display every few steps. As I bumped into people, excusing myself, Martinez got closer. Could I outrun him? What if I didn’t?

The streets narrowed, and some became dead-end alleys. One wrong turn and I would be stuck. I veered to the right. Someone grabbed me. A large hand covered my mouth and nose. The stench of cigarettes burned my nostrils. I tried to wiggle out of the grip, but my movements only forced a tighter hold.

“You try to run, and I’ll slice your throat.”

His threat held a gruesome promise.

My pulse raced. I gasped for air between his smelly fingers.

“Where is your friend hiding?” he growled. “I’m going to let go of your mouth, but one sound and you’ll be sent back home in a small package.”

He slowly released the grip over my mouth.

“Let me go.” I took a big inhale. The smell of his sweat made me gag, and I wished I’d kept my mouth shut.

He still held me from behind in a chokehold, his ten-inch blade glistening in the sun. “Where?” he gritted through his teeth.

Whether I told him or not, he’d kill me. Martinez had no conscience.

I shut my eyes, remembering my days in college and the self-defense classes offered by campus security. In one move, I elbowed Martinez in the gut and forced my foot up behind me, kicking him in his groin.

His knife dropped to the ground and echoed in the alley. Martinez yelped in pain.

I didn’t look back and hoped I’d bought myself a few seconds to flee. I weaved onto the busy street, losing myself in the crowd. Unfortunately, my white skin stood out like a drop of milk on a black counter top.

When I looked back, Martinez was out of the alley scanning the street. I rushed forward, to where I’d parked Gabe’s Miata. When I finally saw the car, I froze.

Two men stood by its side, waiting. They were the only people wearing jeans and long-sleeved sweatshirts. Their wary gazes moved from one person to another. One of them was talking on a cell phone, and his expression wasn’t pleased.

Behind me, although he hadn’t seen me yet, Martinez was closer than before.

I got sucked into another alley in a swift pull and a softer hand covered my mouth and nose. “Shh,” Gabe whispered in my ear.

Relief washed over me, and I slouched in his hold.

He took away his hand.

“He’s here,” I said, my chest heaving. “He caught me.”

BOOK: Dazzled by Silver
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