Deadly Reunion (The Taci Andrews Deadly Series) (6 page)

BOOK: Deadly Reunion (The Taci Andrews Deadly Series)
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“Fine, if I have to go then you do too. I’ll be over at 6:00 tonight to pick you up,” Annie replied. I opened my mouth then snapped it shut. Damn, I kind of walked into that one.

“All righty then, fine by me. Just don’t be late, I don’t want all the hot men drunk and falling down by the time we get there,” I replied before snapping the phone shut. Maneuvering through traffic I eased into a parking spot in front of Pico’s Deli, one of my all time favorite places to eat.

Pico’s had been family owned and operated for several generations and was one of the few restaurants left in Riverdale after all the chain restaurants moved in and expanded the town. What used to be a town of about fifteen thousand people had somehow expanded to around thirty thousand almost over night. With more businesses and chains moving in, the population was steadily increasing in size and with it the hope of new and better news stories. At least where my job was concerned anyway.

Gathering my purse I slipped off my seatbelt and left the car, heading into Pico’s. It was crowded for an early lunch hour but not surprisingly so. Almost everyone in Riverdale knew where to get a good deli sandwich from, and it wasn’t from Subway across town. As I stood in line an odd sensation prickled the back of my neck. Pretending interest in my surroundings I turned to scan the crowd behind me. From what I could tell everyone appeared self absorbed in their own thoughts and I turned back around as the line moved forward. Must have been my imagination I thought, rubbing a hand across the back of my neck.

Finally I stepped up to the counter and ordered my usual; Turkey and Ham on a sweet Kaiser with the works. Not a fancy sandwich by any means, but you’d be surprised how many places have screwed it up. Paying for the sandwich and a coke I left Pico’s and headed towards my car, coming to an abrupt halt at the curb.

“Can I help you?” I asked tightly to the man leaning against the hood of my car. He was tall and lean, dark hair adorning the top of his head with a perfect face that belonged on a movie star or model. The words tall, dark and handsome fluttered through my mind and I made a mental note to call Annie.

The man pushed himself away from my car, approaching me with his hand outstretched. “I tried you at your office but you were already gone. Bryce said you’d probably be here.”

I eyed the hand suspiciously. Hmm, it didn’t look like it could bite me; then again I’d been wrong before.

“Gavyn Davis I presume. You’re late,” I replied indifferently, walking around him to the other side of my car. Juggling the sandwich bag and coke I dug around in my purse, hunting for the mysterious disappearing keys. Why was it that whenever your hands were full your keys were nowhere to be found? Gavyn stepped up and took the sandwich bag and coke from my hands, freeing me up to fish the keys from the bottom of my purse.

“Uh, thanks,” I said, holding out my hand to retrieve my things. He may be good looking but that didn’t entitle him to my sandwich. I’d waited in line too long for it.

Reluctantly he returned the items, flashing me a grin. “You’re welcome. If you’re heading back to the office I can follow. I’d like to get started on my assignments as soon as I can.”

I unlocked the car door, leaning down to set my things on the front seat. Straightening I turned back to Gavyn. “Actually I wasn’t planning on returning to the office for a couple of hours, I have some leads that I need to follow up on. You’re welcome to hang out in the newsroom today and get acquainted with people but I’m afraid I’ll have to put off showing you around until Monday.”

Gavyn frowned, digging his hands into the front pockets of designer jeans. I glanced down at my own wardrobe, sensible tan slacks with a long sleeved dark blue shirt. Nothing special, yet somehow next to Gavyn I felt dowdy. “Gee, sorry to hear that. I guess I’ll just have to tag along with you then until we can get started on things tomorrow morning. Bryce
tell you I was to stick with you, didn’t he?”

My teeth ground together at the cocky reminder. Now that I had the go ahead to do the McAllister case I was chomping at the bit to get started on it. Having a tag along didn’t exactly fit into my plans.

Giving him a dark look I gave a slow nod. “Actually yes, he did. He also mentioned that you would be in my office at 11:00 this morning for a briefing of your assignments but I guess being considerate of someone else’s schedule didn’t quite cross your mind.”

Gavyn grinned. “Are you always this pleasant or is it just me that you’ve reserved the venom for?”

Inwardly I cringed. He was right, I was being purposely rude for no good reason yet I couldn’t seem to stop the words from spewing out of my mouth. Blowing out a sigh I held out my hand. “I’m sorry, you’re right. Let’s start over. Hi, Taci Andrews with the Riverdale Times. Glad to meet you Mr. Davis.”

Gavyn took my hand in his, his large hand engulfing my much smaller one. “See, now that wasn’t so hard was it?”

“You have no idea,” I muttered, snatching my hand back.

“So, are we taking your car or would you rather I follow you?” he asked. A mischievous grin crossed my face before I could stop it.

“Actually, why don’t you follow me, I think that’d be much easier,” I replied sweetly. Gavyn nodded his head and headed towards a black beamer parked a few cars behind mine. He must be a helluva a reporter to afford a car like that I thought in disgust, giving my head a shake before sitting down in my little civic.

I cranked the engine over and watched the oncoming cars in my mirror. I knew Riverdale like the back of my hand, so losing Gavyn in town shouldn’t be too hard a feat to accomplish. I just needed the right entourage to accompany me. A few cars cruised by, not enough for a good cover.

Finally a delivery truck rounded the corner and a slow smile spread across my face. I waited until he was just alongside Gavyn before quickly pulling out, gunning the engine and heading towards the streetlight. I gave a laugh in triumph when I glanced back in my mirror, seeing that Gavyn’d had no choice but to pull out behind the delivery truck. Accelerating down I flew through the first stoplight, cruising down main avenue until I reached South Grape Street, then I did a sharp left. Glancing again in my mirror my mouth fell open at the site of Gavyn’s beamer following close on my tail. How the hell did he do that I wondered in annoyance. Knowing I didn’t stand a chance of losing him when he was so close I slowed my speed down and resignedly continued towards my destination. Parking in front of McAllister Law Firm I shut off the engine, gathering my purse from the passenger seat before leaving the car.

Gavyn was already waiting for me on the sidewalk, arms folded across his chest. His face was unreadable yet somehow I got the distinct impression he was irritated. Good; that made two of us.

“This is Jason McAllister’s law office. His daughter Samantha was reported as a missing person last week and I’m doing a follow up piece on the story. Richard Owens was originally assigned to the case but he’s somehow turned up missing as well,” I told him nonchalantly, bringing him up to speed. If he was determined to tag along he may as well know what was going on. Bryce was
going to owe me for this one.

Gavyn nodded his head. “Don’t worry about me, just do your thing. Just consider me your shadow for the day.”

I’d like to consider you gone for the day I thought before entering the law office building, Gavyn close to my heels.


“Oh my god, Taci? Taci Andrews? It’s been forever!” a familiar voice squeaked from behind the receptionist desk. I gave the woman a warm smile, reaching across the desk to shake her hand.

“Violet Stevens, I didn’t know you’d moved back into town. Last I heard you were up in New York doing some kind of acting thing. What brings you back?” I asked politely. Violet was one of the rare people in school who’d somehow managed to be friends with the entire class, a feat nearly impossible considering the large social gap between our classmates.

Violet sighed, giving a shrug. “Acting didn’t exactly pay off like I thought it would so I decided to move home and get back on my feet again. Jason was sweet enough to give me this job to help me out.”

“Yeah, Jason always was a nice guy like that,” I replied with a stiff smile. In truth Jason McAllister rarely did anything unless it benefited him, which made he and Valerie the perfect match. Probably his secretary’d had enough of his crap and quit just when Violet moved back into town and he gave her the job to make himself look good. Not a nice thing to think but it was more than likely the truth.

Violet’s eyes strayed towards a silent Gavyn, interest evident. I sighed. “Violet, this is Gavyn Davis; Gavyn, Violet Stevens. She’s an old friend from high school. Gavyn just started working for the Times and I told Bryce I’d show him around town.” Or something like that.

“Gavyn, it’s so nice to meet you! Welcome to Riverdale,” Violet gushed, blushing furiously to her light brown roots when Gavyn smiled and shook her hand. Oh brother.

“Likewise,” he replied lightly, stepping back to return to his somber position. I somehow had the feeling he wasn’t much of a talker.

Clearing my throat to draw Violet’s attention I pasted a smile on my face. “So anyway, I was wondering if maybe Jason was around? I was kind of hoping to chat with him about some things.”

Violet chewed her lower lip thoughtfully, glancing down at a book lying open on her desk. “It looks like he might have a few minutes before his next appointment comes in. Why don’t you two have a seat while I go check.”

Turning on my heel I walked casually over to one of the chairs in the elegant waiting room. Looks like life’s been good to Jason I surmised, taking in the expensive looking paintings lining the walls. I didn’t know much about art but I’d be willing to bet oil paintings were sold for a pretty penny. Gavyn took the seat next to me, propping his foot up on his ankle while leaning back.

“She seemed nice,” he commented. I nodded my head in agreement. There really wasn’t much about Violet to dislike; she was one of those truly genuinely nice people.

“Yeah, too bad her boss is who he is,” I replied. Gavyn shot me a questioning look which I avoided as Violet quickly returned to the waiting room, face flushed.

“He..he’ll be with you in a just a moment Taci,” she said softly, retaking her seat at the front desk without another word. Hmm, a silent Violet was never a good sign.

A door opened and Jason McAllister in all his glory walked into the room. He was still as good looking as high school, not all that surprising. Where Valerie had aptly been named Barbie Doll, Jason was definitely her Ken. He was as perfect as she was from his neatly polished shoes, the expensively tailored suit, the handsome playboy features of his face all the way to the perfectly styled blonde hair adorning the top of his head. It was disgusting; really.

“Jason! It’s so nice to see you again. Thank you so much for taking a moment to see me,” I said pleasantly, coming to my feet to offer my hand.
Jason smiled tightly in response, his eyes filtering toward Gavyn. “Taci it’s good to see you too. And this must be Mr. Davis?”

Gavyn rose to a slow stance, moving to stand at my side to offer Jason his hand. “Just call me Gavyn, please. Mr. Davis was my father.”

I tried not to do an eye roll. It was hard, but I somehow managed it.

“Please, won’t you come in,” Jason said grandly, sweeping an arm towards the open doorway. Following on his expensive heels we entered what obviously was Jason’s office. It was just as grandly decorated as the waiting room with the exception of a trophy case that seemed oddly out of place. Upon closer inspection I was surprised to see it was all of his high school trophy accomplishments. Jeez, and I thought I lived in the past. I’d gotten a few trophies myself in school but mine were tucked safely away in storage at my parent’s house.

Moving to sit behind his massive oak desk Jason motioned for us to sit as well. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?”

“Actually this isn’t much of a social visit I’m afraid. I’ve recently been assigned to work the story on your daughter’s disappearance. I just kind of wanted to touch bases with you and see if anything new has developed,” I began slowly.

Jason’s pearly white teeth flashed at me through a smile. Good lord, a person could go blind with those things! “So the great Taci Andrews has finally come to take me on with a story. I was wondering if our paths would ever cross in our professional lives.”

Call me crazy, but I wasn’t getting the impression he was feeling overly distraught over his daughter’s disappearance.

“Yeah well, it was bound to happen sometime I suppose. So, have you heard at all from Samantha since she disappeared?” I asked. Stories like these could sometimes get sticky. I usually liked to go in soft and at least appear to care about the other persons feelings, obviously there was no need to beat around the bush with this one. Now in all fairness I did actually care somewhat about the disappearance of Samantha McAllister. Sad to say it was beginning to look like I was the only one.

Jason sighed, giving a shake of his head. “No, we haven’t heard a thing and it’s been damned annoying. I have a lot of depositions scheduled this coming week and I can’t be kept tied up just because she decided to run away.”

“So you think she ran away then?” I asked, a frown on my face.

“Well of course she did. She’s thirteen years old, she’s a little boy crazy and to tell you the truth she was getting a bit out of control. Two months ago she started going out with Robbie Tompkins oldest boy Drew. She was a real pill while they were dating and drove me and her mother crazy. We were relieved when they broke up,” Jason bit out, looking as if he had a bad taste in his mouth at the mention of Robbie’s name.

Ugh, I suppressed a shudder. Robbie Tompkins was another all star kid from my high school days. Interestingly enough he and Jason used to be pretty good friends back then; I wondered what caused the falling out.

“So is Drew missing as well then? When did they break up?” I asked curiously.

BOOK: Deadly Reunion (The Taci Andrews Deadly Series)
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