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Authors: Cate Ellink

Deep Diving (8 page)

BOOK: Deep Diving
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He tugs me while he sprawls, until his body shapes around mine, his front plastered against my rear. I wrap a foot behind his leg and rub the top along the back of his calf. Then using my leg as leverage, I heave myself on top. He twists, grabs at me, and I wrestle back until we’re sprawling across each other, laughing like five-year-olds.

A bubbly high fills my bloodstream, like I’ve knocked back a few glasses of champagne. My heart sprouts wings that are flapping hard. Muscles writhe, skin against skin. I’m rolling with a naked, gorgeous, muscled hunk of manhood who’s caring, kind, and fun. He’s making a huge impression on me. And my impression on him? I’m a 38-year-old retired athlete who’s never seen an unskinned man and who laughs like a child in the middle of sex. Not so good…but memorable.

Ending up on top, I press a thousand kisses on his body. Slow, wet, sucking kisses. Exploring each muscular bump and dip. Tiny nips, followed by a darting tongue. A slow lap. Lips pressed tightly around nipples, sucking. While I’m lost in the shape of his chest, luxuriating in the taste of him, he grabs me and flips me onto my back.

Holding my ankles, he bends my knees and places my feet flat against his chest. He leans down and runs his tongue from my left instep up to the inside of my leg. My breath is held. His mouth trails over the swell of my calf, into the dip at the inside of my knee. I expect him to traverse my thigh and suckle me when he nips the swell at the junction of thigh and knee.

‘Yow!’ I arch and my body jerks. My reaction is intense. My cunt fills. Shivers flood me. My flesh runs with electricity.

He licks at the nipped flesh. With a huge grin, he lets my legs go and straddles me on the bed. ‘Don’t you like being bitten?’

I trace the edge of his lower lip with my fingertip. ‘I didn’t dislike it. The shock made me jump.’

‘So I could bite you again?’ His words are laced with suggestion.

‘Maybe.’ I grin.

Cooper, kneeling, runs his hands down the outer edge of my body before grasping my hips and leaning onto them. He’s heavy but most of his weight must be on his knees. His gaze drills me. ‘What else can I do?’

I laugh. ‘I signed up for sex, not 20 questions.’

After a brief grimace and a little frown, he says, ‘I don’t want to do something and end up on a television program because of it.’

Visions of news coverage about football players being lambasted for sexual exploits pop into my mind. I haven’t paid a lot of attention but even I’m aware of what he’s talking about. ‘I’m not a media girl. For me, what happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom.’

‘And if we’re not in the bedroom?’ A wicked gleam comes to his eye.

I laugh before slipping my hands over his jaw and cheeks. ‘Whatever happens between us, stays between us. I promise. So long as we have condoms and consent, I’ll be fine.’

He slides against my body until his lips meet mine. His weight settles on me but again, mostly on the bed. His lips nibble so lightly it’s almost as if they’re not moving.

I open my mouth but instead of accepting my invitation and pushing the kiss further, Cooper pulls back and drops tiny butterfly kisses along my nose to my forehead.

Our gazes meet, lock and challenge before our mouths follow the same course. There’s nothing gentle about this coming together. The merge is desperate and wild. He fills me, his tongue against mine, against my lips, in my mouth. His scent in my nostrils. I can’t get enough. I writhe beneath his weight, trying to arch and rub my nipples against his chest, feel his cock against my thighs, but I’m as good as pinned down. It’s exhilarating.

My breathing accelerates as the excitement grows. My body is aching for his touch but the kiss is so intoxicating that I never want it to end. I meet every one of his tongue’s thrusts and parries with my own.

Great kissing means great chemistry. You can’t kiss someone for any length of time if there isn’t good chemistry between you.

When our kiss heats to boiling, he tones it down to deep motionless kisses. He nibbles across then slowly sucks on my bottom lip until I’m aching. Then we kiss again, building up, and he slows. All the while his gaze hardly leaves mine.

When I’m completely kiss-drunk and can’t think of my own name, he lifts and cool air slips between us. He holds himself up on his hands and knees and stares at me, panting.

‘Wow.’ I breathe the word but he hears, or reads my lips.

‘Hot, huh?’ He gives his cute one-dimple smile, which has my stomach lurching happily.

After a few moments of staring mindlessly, my senses come back to me. Cooper comes into focus, his eyes sparkling. His breath is a sweet whisper across my lips. His body a warm blanket over me. My mind kicks into gear. ‘It’ll be hotter if you let me on top.’ Grinning what I hope is a tempting smile, I squirm beneath him.

‘Why’s that hotter than having you trapped beneath me?’ His hips thrust against mine, emphasising words and punctuating his question, almost stalling my brain function.

I grin to make sure he knows I’m joking. ‘I won’t have to worry about you falling and squashing me.’ He chuckles and I continue pushing my claim. ‘You’d be able to use your hands on me instead of holding yourself up.’ My body’s desperate for his touch.

His lips twist and his eyebrow raises. ‘And that’s beneficial to me?’

‘Oh, umm…’ Damn, I can’t think of any reason it would benefit him.
Oh, hang on
. ‘If I’m on top, you’ll get deeper penetration. That’ll be better for you.’

‘And you’re telling me that won’t be good for you?’ His stomach-flipping grin causes mine to do just that.

‘Oh, hey, mutually beneficial. Isn’t that what we’re looking for?’

He flips me faster than a blink. I’m now perched over him while his legs hang off the bed.

‘I don’t know what you’re looking for,’ he says, ‘but I’m sick of talking. Condoms are in the top drawer. If you want to fuck, I was ready last night.’

I laugh, loudly, and reach for the top drawer. If I’m completely honest, I was ready the moment we surfaced on the first dive, before I even saw all those muscles.

His hands clasp my hips while I twist and reach for the drawer. This innocent touch makes my nipples tighten painfully. I want his hands on them, not my hips. But as he pointed out, it’s not all about me and I’ve tormented him long enough, probably too long.

Grasping a condom, I wriggle to settle myself straddling his thighs. His cock stands tall, waiting as impatiently as its owner for my attention. My mouth moistens thinking about taking his cock inside but an impatient growl has my focus back on the condom.

I have the rubber mostly on when Cooper’s hands slide from my hips to the inside of my thighs and his fingers slip against my slick labia. ‘Oh, God, yes.’ I finish with the condom even while my hands shake. Before I can move, his finger slides inside me. My head drops back and a groan escapes. My fingers curl tightly around the base of his cock and I squirm, pushing downwards against his hand. ‘Fuck me, Cooper.’ In response, both his hands move to my hips.

His fingers still. When I look pointedly at him, he smirks. ‘I thought you were going to do all the work.’

Chuckling, I position myself over his cock and angle the head towards me. Rocking my hips I feel the latex-covered cock head before pushing down for a perfect body invasion. Muscles stretch. It’s heaven. He’s large but not uncomfortably so. I take my time, feeling muscles work not only in my cunt as it stretches but in my thighs as I hold myself over him. I can’t draw my gaze from his face. His head’s thrown back as if he’s holding tight to his need. The hard line of his jaw is tantalising. I want to bite that jaw and lick at the soft flesh beneath before sucking and biting my way down his neck.

I can’t continue this slow invasion. I sink onto him, gasping from the sudden fullness.

Cooper sits up on an exhalation. His scrunched abdomen catches my attention before his lips close over my left nipple. Wet heat fills my mind, blinding my memory. I press my breast further into his mouth. It’s bliss. And then his fingers capture my right nipple and it’s a bliss I’ve never known. I lift my hips, his cock moves, pushing against inner walls. Waves of pleasure surge through me. He sucks, nibbles, bites, licks and breathes on my nipple. I squirm for all I’m worth, rocking my hips so his cock slides within.

I need to move. I need his cock thrusting into me. I can’t stand this restricted movement. But I need him to suckle. I can’t have both. ‘Argh.’ Frustration bursts from me. Cooper lifts his head, his fingers on both nipples now. Needing nothing more, my hips lift, rising and falling on his shaft, faster and faster. He tugs my nipples, they stretch away from my body further than they should. I thrust down, a guttural scream locked in my throat. He releases my nipples, clasps my hips and joins my rhythm.

I can’t hold back. Arching, my lower body slamming against his, I cry out. Wave after wave of pleasure surges. My nipples buzz, sting, throb. A wave of cool air washes over them and my body convulses. Hips slam hard, my cunt tightens around Cooper’s cock, walls contract, moisture explodes and I’m swamped. Colours, sound and waves of endorphins fill me. I’ve never buzzed like this. I’m on a plane above the earth, somewhere I can’t think, can’t move, can only feel.

A guttural ‘Fuck,’ fills the air and Cooper peaks with me. We’re suspended. Gazes locked. Unable to move. The air between us alive and screaming.

The intensity weakens. Slowly, so slowly, we drift back to earth. My thighs grip his legs like a jockey suspended above a thoroughbred. A burning ache rips along my quads, forcing me to release Cooper’s legs. I ease down so my knees are on the bed, holding my weight, but I’m still pinned by his cock.

I stretch out the knots in my back. Muscles soothed by orgasmic release move easily and make me happily languid. I hold myself upright although I’d like to sprawl across his chest.

‘You’re right,’ Cooper says with slurring words. ‘It was better for waiting.’

I grin. ‘How do you know it wasn’t going to be that good without waiting?’

He lifts my hips from him. The loss of the warmth and fullness sends a lance of disappointment through my chest. ‘It’s never that good first up.’ He smiles and indicates the condom. ‘I’ll just get rid of this.’

I lie on my side, watching as he saunters into the bathroom. He has a bloody fantastic butt. Tight and round, it hollows at the base when he walks. Lord, I want to grab hold of him and fuck him again.

He heads back, a grin on his face as if he knows exactly what I’m thinking. ‘I need a rest. Sorry, much as I’ve tried, I haven’t been able to improve the stamina of my cock.’

I laugh. He knows he’s a package any woman would drool over, yet he laughs about it. I love it.

‘You rest, muscle-boy. I’m sure I’ll be able to amuse myself for a while,’ I leer.

He lies beside me. ‘Just let me rest for a bit and I’ll be all yours again. Up for round two.’

I trace my index finger across his hand and work my way along his arm and over his shoulder. I’ve never had the opportunity to study muscles this well-developed. I’ve always been with fit men, but none so heavily muscled. His biceps and triceps are like mini-mountains, even in semi-repose. The hills and valleys are more exciting than a Sunday run through the Adelaide hills. The muscles of his neck are thick and hard, an extension of his shoulders. Touring his chest is thrilling. The smooth dome across his pectorals is like a super-large version of his cock head, although nipples are tight dark nubs, not a single slit. I lick them the same as I would the slit, probing with the tip of my tongue. He moans softly, his eyes half-closed as he watches.

‘I thought you were resting?’

He makes a tiny snort before speaking. ‘You think I can rest with your fingers dancing around like that?’

‘Do you want me to stop?’

‘God, no. Just don’t expect me to perform.’ He gives a lazy smile full of self-satisfied confidence.

My left hand traces the musculature of his stomach. A six pack with more than six packed in. I let my fingers explore dips and hills, evenly spaced across the wide expanse. Each ripple receives my touch. Each groove the sweep of my thumb. And when my fingers have finished exploring, I take my tongue on the journey. Pockets of sweat strengthen the taste of Cooper. A stretch of warm, tight muscle and I slick across as if skating. His flesh is a feast for the famished. I can’t slake my need.

Once his stomach is thoroughly examined, it’s the perfect opportunity to move on. My fingers curl lightly around his semi-flaccid cock, and I stroke the loose flesh so it moves along the shaft freely. I slip the skin back from the head, holding it as I examine the smooth rounded top. Leaning forward I slide the flat of my tongue across the dome. With only a hint of latex, a salty tang tingles over my tongue. A stronger concentration of whatever lies on Cooper’s skin. I need more.

My lips close over the head, my tongue runs along the join of cock and foreskin. So much tang, my eyes roll back in my head. All I can think of is smooth skin, solid strength, salty tang.

The baby-softness of the outer flesh hides the strength beneath. The taste of ocean is on his skin, with the slightest hint of neoprene. His thighs contract and release. I close my mouth over his cock and suck.

My mouth moves lower as I take him deep. An ecstatic high hums through me. My body feels light, filled with air, like a post-triathlon buzz. I’m slick between my thighs. I watch him watching his cock, and work on my rhythm.

The head touches the back of my throat and I breathe through it. Saliva runs, fills my mouth and slips down my lips and chin. My throat relaxes, anticipating the brush of his cock. I glance up and his eyes shut briefly before he meets my gaze. His eyes are almost inky black.

‘Fuck. Keep going…if you want…but I’m going to lose it.’ The gritty edge to his voice sends ripples of pleasure streaking through me.

I concentrate on suction, continuing the rhythm, taking him deep each time. Over the taste of my saliva and his flesh, a sweet salty flavour coats the back of my throat. My eyes wide, I glance at him but his head’s thrown back, his Adam’s apple bobbing.

BOOK: Deep Diving
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