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Authors: Culine Ramsden

Define Me (8 page)

BOOK: Define Me
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Vincent ran full speed into the ocean submerging us both in the cold water.  He pulled me tight against his chest and then pulled me under the water with him.  It was freezing; I swear my lips were turning blue, who goes for a swim and 6 in the morning?

After coming up for air, we stood for a few minutes looking at each other before either of us


"You are beautiful, you know that?"


"And you…  You’re a Neanderthal, how can you take me in to the cold ocean, we will get sick"


"That was the only way to cool you down, I thought you were going to ravish me, I can’t have that you know, I need a girl to get to know me first before she takes me to first base"


"W H A T, me you’re the one who growled at me"


"Yeah… well you’re the one who was rubbing up against me, how could a guy resist?"


"Whatever. We need to get out of here it is cold"


"Come here, I will warm you up"


Vincent wrapped me up in his arms, heat radiating from his rock hard bod. We kissed; I could feel myself warming up in all the right places and him getting harder in all the wrong places.  He placed both hands on the back of my thighs and lifted me up so I could wrap my legs around him.  We were lost in each other until a wave hit us, nearly knocked us over. I still had my legs wrapped around Vincent’s body when he started walking out of the water. 


"I think I better get you back home, before you land up with pneumonia" 


"Very good idea, thank you sir" 


He only lowered me to the ground when we got to where our shoes were.  I leaned down to pick up my shoes, when I stood up he was smirking at me again, his eyes were dancing between my face and my chest.  When I looked down I realized I was wearing a white top, perhaps not the best idea of the morning.  I crossed my one arm over my breast and stuck my tongue out at Vincent. 


"Mm nice guy you are, letting a girl get cold like that" 


"Sorry that was not the plan, it worked in my favour though, let’s get you home''


"Yes, I don't want to be in your shoes when we do, Heather is going to have you for breakfast" 


"I'm not scared of her; I have you to protect me. You wouldn't want any harm to come to me now would you?" 


I walked to where he was standing and gave him a kiss. 


I really liked this guy and hoped that what I felt was real; I didn’t want that moment to end.


Chapter 10


As I walked up the stairs towards the house Heather was waiting for me, arms crossed over her chest.  


“Now that looked like fun!"


I tried to play it cool but failed miserably at it.  I ran and jumped into her arms.  Only she would understand the happiness I felt. 


"Can I say it? Please let me say it ... I told you so! Now let’s get your ready for your date.  He said he will be back soon but I think we will make him wait just a little"


"I'm so happy, I didn't know I could fall for a guy as quickly as what I am falling for this hunk. He is everything I could ever have asked for and more.  Did
you see the body on him? Oh my word it feels so good to be in his arms, I feel so safe, so protected.”

"I know, I can see the sparkle is back in your eyes, it makes me want to cry"


"Cry, why cry?


"For so very long you were in a dark place, a place I didn't know how to get you out of. Now in two days this man has walked into your life and he has changed all of that" 


Heather and I stood looking at each other, tears rolling down our faces.  I really loved her; I would have been lost without her. 


"Yes, he gave me a reason to laugh again, let’s
go; I can’t wait to see what he has planned for today"


The rest of the girls had left, it was just Heather and I left, like it was supposed to be right from the beginning. 


While I was taking a hot bath, Heather moved her stuff into one of the bedrooms on the top level.  She made herself at home, she knew where the bedding was kept and made herself at home before coming back to my room to help me. 


When I got back to my bedroom Heather had my clothes set out. A black leather jacket, I almost forgot I had pair of stonewash skinny jeans, white T-shirt and my pair black converse sneakers.  It looked good I wished I knew what Vincent had planned. While I was getting ready, Heather got a text; it must have been good because she hadn’t smiled like that before. 


"What you so happy about?"


"That was Cole, he said he will see me in 15min, apparently we are all spending the day together"


Heather and I were jumping around like two school girls. 


"Whoo hooo, that is great. I wonder where we are going. Oh shit, he said 15min, we’re not ready, you better get dressed and I still need to do my hair" 


"All I will tell you is, don't bother with the hair, just put it up, it is going to get messed up anyway"


"You know where we are going, don't you?" 


"No I don't, but I know what transport we will be using.  You better just change your sneakers to some boots as well'




Before I could get an answer she was in the bathroom.  In record time we were both ready and waiting before the guys even got to us. 


We were sitting in the kitchen chatting when I heard a rumble coming from the street.  I would know that sound a mile away. It was a Harley Davidson.  OMG!  I looked at Heather and she had the biggest smile on her face. She knew how crazy I was over Harley's it had always been my dream to ride one of my own. My Dad put his foot down and would not allow me to have one while I lived under his roof.  I ran to the front of the house, I flung the door open, at that moment when Vincent lifted his leg off the bike and took his helmet off.  He was wearing a pair of jeans, some boots a T-shirt and Vintage biker jacket. For the second time that day he took my breath away, how could I be so lucky to find a guy like this?  I wasted no time, ran towards where he was standing and jumped into his arms.  I think he knew I liked my surprise. 


"Hello gorgeous, you look beautiful" 




He placed his one hand on the small of my back and pulled me tight against him.  His other hand travelled down my back and came to rest on my backside; he gave it a little squeeze. 


He smelled so fresh; I wished I knew what cologne he wore it was really good.  He looked into my eyes for a second and then bowed his head and kissed me. 


"Oh get a room you two"


Vincent broke our kiss and glared at Cole


"Oh whatever, douchebag.”


"Ok now boys, no name calling here." Heather was standing next to Cole admiring his bike. 


"You score 10 more point in my book mister; I love your bike Vincent" 


"So let’s see, you like my Corvette that is some points. Now my bike, oh and let’s not forget my tattoo.  What did you say you wanted to do with that again?"


I put my head on his chest hiding my red face.

Everyone started laughing even
Heather; she didn’t even know the story about the tattoo.   


"I don't even have to ask what that comment is about, I can just imagine".


Vincent placed his finger under my chin and lifted my head so that he could look in my eyes.  (Oh how I love looking into his eyes, the eyes are the windows to your soul)  From what I could see they are good, pure and honest with a little bit of mischief.  He bent down our lips almost touching but not quite and then he whispered to me. 


"I can’t wait for you to run your tongue along the full length of my tattoo" 


He kissed me.  This time it was full of passion and lust.  He held me so tight, his one hand coming up from my ass running it so very slowly up the side of my body, under my jacket, over my hips, applying just the right amount a pressure to make my sex jump to attention. He traced my ribs with his finger and then cupped my breast with his hand.  His hand fit over it perfectly almost covering it completely, he ran his thumb over my already hard nipple pinching and pulling it just right.  I had to squeeze my legs even tighter together, by now my panties were soaked, this man was killing me. 


"Ok enough dry humping my friend. Can we go have some coffee first before we head out? I think you to both need a cold shower first or maybe another swim in the cold ocean"


I pulled away from Vincent, just enough to look up into his eyes.  What I saw was pure lust and wants that unspoken need to be together.  I was so lost in this man that forgot about Heather and Cole. Vincent smiled at me and then looked up towards Cole and Heather; they had already started walking towards the house. 


"I think we should go have some coffee and get the day started.  We can finish it the right way, with you in my arms like this again"


I could not speak, I just nodded, he lowered me to the ground, and we walked hand in hand into the house. 


Heather had the coffee machine already set up.  We all sat in the lounge I was tugged next to Vincent resting my head on his shoulder with his arm around my back. He twirled my hair between his fingers while we were talking.  Although he was having a conversation with Cole about the photo shoot they had planned for Simplicity he never stopped touching me.  Heather and I had our own chat about the girls that had spent the last few weeks with me.  From her comments I could see that she didn't like Sam, don't know if it was because her and I got so close or if there was something else behind it.  After a while you could smell the aroma from the kitchen. 


I waited for Heather to get up and make the coffee. I really did not feel like getting up.  Heather kept looking at me and Vincent with a smile on her face.  I could tell she liked what she saw. 


I was not listening to the story Cole was telling. Vincent’s body was so close to mine; he adjusted himself and leaned a little closer to me.  I could feel his breath on the back of my neck; it sent shivers down my spine.  He moved my hair out of the way and then I felt his lips kiss me softly along my neck, until just behind my ear.  (God I love it when this man starts kissing me, it always starts gentle and land up full on glass breaking wild passion.) 


"Do you need me to get you some ice cold water Vincent? It looks like you need some cooling off, bro"

"Leave them alone Cole, rather come and help me in the kitchen"


Heather and Cole disappeared and left me all alone with my very own walking piece of sexiness.  I needed
to cool the passion between us; if we continued on that trend I would be spread beneath this Hunk of a man before the day was over. 


I turned and looked at Vincent.


"Hey, we need to slow this down; I'm new at all this."


Vincent lifted his hand and held my face while rubbing his thumb back and forth over my bottom lip.


“I can’t stop touching you, you feel so amazing. To be honest I can't wait to touch every part of your body."


"Vincent, this is not helping"


"I know, I'm counting on it"


"Ok break it up you two, let’s have come coffee and then get out of here"


"Yes please let’s have some coffee. So where are we going today"


"That is the surprise.  Wait and see" 


After we finished our coffee Heather and I went upstairs to finish up, I will needed to change my underwear after the morning I spent with Vincent and it was only 9am.  As we got to the top of the stairs Heather pulled me into my room with big round eyes. 


"Geez, the two of you are really hot and sizzling. I hope you are prepared for what is coming. Are you on the pill?"


"Firstly, yes I'm on the pill!  I have been since I moved here. Secondly I don't plan for us to take it that far so soon.  We've only known each other a few days; I need him to know me better before I go there.  I don't want my inexperience to spook him. To be honest I want him to work for it, I don't want to just fall into his bed.  When it happens I want it to mean something for both of us."


"I don't know if you are going to be able to resist this one, this man can’t stop looking at you.  I wish you could have seen what I saw, when you guys were sitting on the couch.  He did not take his eyes off you for one second and the way he looked at you darling, it was as if he had just found his “precious”.  This guy has it bad for you.  All I'm saying is, he is Mr Right, and you deserve to be with someone like him. He is a true gentleman and hot as hell, he will treat you like no man will and you might just learn a few new tricks from him.  I think he knows his way around a woman's body, just watching him with you this morning, I think he already knows all the right buttons on yours."


"Thank you for all that, but enough said. The guys are going to wonder where we are! Don't say anything or I will kill you, but I need to go change my underwear after all the “touchy feely” this morning.  See you downstairs."


I quickly jumped in the shower and freshened with new underwear. (Ok if I have to admit I chose the white lace set with the thought that things might just go further than what I intended.  I would like to believe I have more self-control when it comes to things like this.) 


When I walked down the stair, Heather was sitting on Cole's lap in the kitchen.  Vincent was standing behind the counter facing me when I walked in.  Something told me that Heather blabbed about me needing to change to the boys.  I pretended like nothing happened and walked towards Vincent.  I put my arm around his waist and gave him a kiss on the cheek. 


"So are we going to spend the day at my house drinking coffee? Or are you going to take me for a ride on that monster of yours?" 


"You don't have to ask me twice, let’s get out of here"


It was a stunning day outside; the boys decided we were going to an ocean side pub up the coast about a two hours ride from home.   


I watched as Vincent lifted his leg over the side of the bike, the way his jeans pulled tightly over the rock hard ass, doesn't help me to keep my lust under control.  The sexual tension between the two of us was something I had never thought possible.  I thought that type of passion was something that happened in sassy romance novels.  Never in a million years did I think I would find one of those super, sexy, hot Alpha Males. 

BOOK: Define Me
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