Read Demon's Triad Online

Authors: Anna J. Evans,December Quinn

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #Romance, #Fantasy

Demon's Triad (6 page)

BOOK: Demon's Triad
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It was almost as if the bastard knew.

“Do we have a deal?” His eyes bored into hers. He removed his finger and shifted forward so the tip of his cock just slid into her. This time there was no pain, only the hungry roar of the awakened beast inside her. She wanted him. Oh, she wanted him so badly.

His thumb rubbed her clit in slow circles. “You’re not answering,” he said. “I can wait all night.”

“If you don’t let me come…how will you?”

“Oh, I wouldn’t worry about that. And if you tell me what I want to know, you won’t have to.”

For years Aleeza had used her sexuality to manipulate men, to get them to talk.

Now she was getting a taste of her own medicine. Boy, did it suck.


Anna J. Evans & December Quinn

Her hips moved again as his thumb increased its pace. Pressure built in her pelvis again. Oh, she was going to come—she was going to come all over his hand, and it would be glorious. Even better than doing it herself. Her back arched.

He pulled his hand away. “You play it pretty tough,” he said. “But do you really think you can take a whole night of that?”

Part of being a bounty hunter, a warrior, was knowing when you were defeated.

Aleeza sighed. “It was a sex spell to free myself of an old boyfriend’s curse,” she said, glaring at him. “And to find a man who could finally satisfy me. Think you’re up to it?”

He grinned and thrust the entire thick length of himself into her. “Oh, honey,” he said. “I know I am.”


Demon’s Triad

Chapter Four

Ferrin stood at the edge of the trees, watching Dorand’s buttocks contract as he shoved his thick cock into the woman beneath him. She cried out, a sound of passion that made Ferrin’s own erection twitch painfully, and began to buck into Dorand’s swift thrusts with wild abandon.

His large hands pinned her smaller ones to the ground above her head while his mouth attended to her full breasts, sucking, laving, nipping at them with his teeth.

Ferrin’s mouth watered as he imagined the taste of her skin—sweet, salty and something else, something so magnificent he knew he would never want to let her go.

The smell of her wet sex drifted to him though he stood some ten feet away, intoxicating him, making his cock ache, burn with the wild need to go to her, to rip Dorand away from her body and bury his own shaft deep in her pussy.

He wanted to fuck her, to shove his rampant erection between her legs until he exploded, shooting his seed deep into her womb. Then he would stay buried inside her until he was hard once more, until he could ride her again, come inside her again, until their magic achieved the ultimate union and a child was conceived.

What the hell? A child? The idea was ludicrous and clearly not the product of his own mind.

“By the gods, I call…” Ferrin swallowed with difficulty and struggled to remember the rest of the words to the liberty spell, but his mind failed him.

His feet suddenly began to move of their own accord, but he wrapped his arms around the nearest tree, holding on tight to keep from running to join the couple still furiously mating in the glen. The rough bark scraped his skin but did nothing to banish the all-consuming lust that raged through his body. The sounds Dorand and the woman were making didn’t help either. Moans, grunts, cries of ecstasy and the slap of skin against skin as Dorand fucked her with a rough passion unlike anything Ferrin had seen in five years as his lover.

If you’d asked him ten minutes ago if Dorand was even capable of that level of abandon, even in the midst of the greatest fuck of his life, Ferrin would have said no.

Dorand was strong, steady, downright boring at times. Even when in the grip of high temper, he wasn’t the type to give up his infamous control. Not like Ferrin…

That’s why Carantha had called Ferrin to her bed when there was no magic involved. She loved to feel him ramming away inside her, lost to everything but the need to take his pleasure. She liked for him to hurt her, bruise her delicate tissue with the force of his desire, and he enjoyed the same. He had never come as hard as when Carantha scraped her nails down his back until he bled, breaking the skin on his shoulder as she bit him in the midst of her passion.


Anna J. Evans & December Quinn

But he had an instinctive feeling that this raven-haired woman could make him come even harder. Just the touch of their lips would be electric, a wickedly sensual promise of how addictive the sex could be between them. Once they were skin to skin, his cock sliding into the velvet sheath of her pussy, there would be nothing that could separate them. They would meld together, a tangle of sweaty flesh, mating so furiously that they would both fear they would die from it—and know that they would welcome that sweet death when it came.

Get it together, man! You’ve got to stop this, got to stop Dorand before—

Before what? There was no danger out there in the mix of white and blue light that shone around the couple. There was only magic sharing, Dorand lapping up the azure power of the woman beneath him even as she glowed brighter and brighter with white Amiantos power.

No, the danger was here, inside his own body, pulsing through his veins. Whatever he was, whatever evil had spawned him and abandoned him in the Amiantos woods so many years past raised its horned head within him.

“No,” Ferrin muttered, licking away the sweat that beaded on his lip. “Be gone from me by the gods of the grove. By the gods of the fathers and their sons, by the gods of those who would welcome man into the Otherworld, be gone from me. Let me see with the eyes of the common man, speak the words of the common tongue, and know the—”

Fuck! What was the last part of the spell? He’d chanted the damn thing a hundred times, a thousand. The seed of blackness had always been a part of him, of his magic, but it had been a part he could control. Don’t give the damn thing water, don’t give it food, and it will stay a seed. That had been his motto, and the only thing that had eased his mind when he realized how different he truly was from his adopted coven members.

He wasn’t Amiantos by blood, but he had learned to be by magic. He was a deathspeaker, a witch who raised the energy to call the dead with a strength that rivaled any other in the known world. If he could learn to work a magic most could only claim through birthright, he could control the monster inside him, always so ready to come out and play.

“Yes, oh goddess, yes!” The woman screamed and arched into Dorand’s body, the look of primal bliss on her face drawing a growl from Ferrin’s throat. His fingernails dug into the tree bark until they tore and began to bleed. At that moment he knew that he would gladly kill his brother, his lover, the man he was closest to in all the world, if it meant he could take Dorand’s place, feel Aleeza’s pussy pulsing around him, drawing him into her, triggering his own release.

Aleeza…her name was Aleeza. It was almost as if someone had whispered the knowledge in his ear…someone with a forked tongue.


Demon’s Triad

“Please, by the gods.” Ferrin closed his eyes and sucked in a deep breath, groaning as the scent of Aleeza’s pussy invaded once more. She was so sweet, so purely, amazingly what he’d been waiting for.

What you’ve been waiting for? What the fuck are you thinking!

Beads of sweat rolled down his face, despite the cold autumn night. This was it, as close as he had ever come to letting that “other” voice in. It was always there, offering up knowledge that Ferrin himself could have no way of knowing, promising power beyond his wildest dreams. But he’d always been able to ignore that quiet whisper, never been tempted to let down his shields and welcome the beast within. It was the woman who made him vulnerable, something about her, something that only the darkness could recognize.

“Ahh!” Dorand’s cry broke through to his right mind, and Ferrin opened his eyes to see his brother coming with a magnificence that took his breath away. Dorand’s hips were arched so powerfully that Aleeza’s ass scooted across the dirt. His face was twisted with wonder and passion, edged by just the hint of that sweet, sensual pain that Ferrin had always thought him too closed-minded to appreciate.

The white light glowing around Aleeza suddenly transformed into a white mist as she came again, a mist that Dorand inhaled into his body with his next deep breath. A small ember of that pure brilliance still burned in Aleeza’s aura, just as a small coal of blue burned in Dorand’s, but the magic sharing had ended. In a few more seconds, both shades of magic faded until only the moon lit the nude bodies of the man and woman who lay panting in the glen.

“And know the truth of my senses to be the truth of the gods.” The last part of the spell came to him, and immediately Ferrin felt his mind clear.

Whether it was the spell or the fact that he suddenly couldn’t catch the musky smell of Aleeza’s arousal anymore, he couldn’t say. But he was more than grateful to be in control of himself. Now if he could get control of Dorand, maybe they could find out exactly who this Aleeza was, and why she called to the blackness within him so strongly.

* * * * *

“Goddess,” Aleeza panted, running shaky hands down the strong, sweat-dampened skin of her lover’s back. It was getting colder by the second, but somehow they’d made each other sweat as they’d mated with a furious passion that had turned her bones to jelly.

Sex. She’d finally had sex. With another person. And it had been…unbelievable.

“Am I a man of my word?” He breathed the words against the skin of her neck, his warm breath sending a shiver through her body and renewing the tingling between her legs. “Are you satisfied?”


Anna J. Evans & December Quinn

“You were amazing, but I don’t know if I’ll ever be satisfied.” Aleeza stiffened as soon as the words were out of her mouth. They were true, but she hadn’t meant to speak so frankly. What was wrong with her? It was as if some wall had been broken down between them. She felt close to this man and strangely vulnerable as he pulled away to look down at her with smiling eyes.

“It’s like any other new toy, addictive at first, but eventually the new wears off.”

“You really looked like the new had worn off, big guy.” Aleeza couldn’t help but smile as his laughter filled the glen, a low, rumbling sound that made her wish it was tangible so she could rub up against it like a cat. But then, almost everything about this man made her want to rub some part of her against some part of him. He was undeniably magnetic, though his strong-arm tactics earlier left a lot to be desired.

“My name’s Dorand Tedder, of the Amiantos coven.”

“Who said I wanted to know your name? Maybe I like my one-night stands anonymous,” she said, wrapping her legs around his waist and lifting her hips. The part of him still buried inside her began to thicken, pressing against the highly sensitized walls of her pussy.

“This isn’t going to be a one-night stand.” Dorand’s smile faded as heat began to burn in his eyes once more. When he moved his hands to cup her breasts, rolling her nipples softly between fingers and thumbs, Aleeza was nearly ready to agree with him.

Sure, she hated the Amiantos, but the way he worked her body, the way he coaxed her into a state of desperate arousal again in seconds was surely worth making a friend out of the enemy. At least for a little while.

“Don’t speak too quickly, brother.”

Aleeza yelped and jumped in Dorand’s arms as a second man emerged from the shadows. Two times in one night she’d been taken by surprise. It wasn’t like her to let her guard down so easily, especially when she knew she wasn’t in safe territory. She’d known the risks when she invaded Amiantos lands, and Dorand could still decide to punish her for that invasion. She still had her magic, she could feel it vibrating within her with even more potency than usual, but she wasn’t out of the woods until she was out of these woods.

“This witch has a few questions to answer before you set about fucking her again.”

The new guy had dark brown hair that fell to his shoulders and a wicked smile on his face that simultaneously softened his hard words and made them even more threatening.

He was shorter than Dorand but no less attractive. Though his was a rough-around-the-edges kind of sexiness. He looked like the type who liked to party too late and skip a shave the morning after, the kind of man who would concentrate every ounce of energy on a woman while he was making love but forget her name seconds after orgasm. He was…trouble. Something within her sensed it intuitively even as another, less reasonable part of her insisted that she meet his wicked smile with one of her own and invite him down to play in the dirt. He certainly looked ready to play.


Demon’s Triad

“Now, now, Aleeza, don’t look at me like that,” Trouble said, his smile fading away. “I just might take you up on that offer, and the gods only know what we three would be in for then.”

The words sent a spasm of pure passion through her. Was this normal? She’d never even considered such a thing before. It hadn’t been possible for her to be with more than one man, but even if it was, Aleeza never thought she was that kind of woman.

Now…she could picture them both touching her, teasing her. Two thick cocks to play with, two mouths and tongues to caress her body. She saw the two of them kissing, touching each other while she watched, Ferrin’s mouth taking Dorand’s cock while Dorand’s tongue carried her into a place she’d never been. Involuntarily, she shifted forward, taking Dorand’s erection deeper into her. He gasped and tightened his hands around her waist.

Wait. How did she know his name was Ferrin?
his name Ferrin?

For that matter, how the fuck did he know

He smiled. “I can read your thoughts,” he said. “It’s not a talent of mine, but your desire is so plain on your face you may as well speak it out loud.”

Good try, bucko, and I suppose you can read my name on my face, as well?

“You don’t need to say anything either.” She gave his cock a pointed look just as a bead of moisture fell from the tip, deciding to keep his little slip to herself. Quickly she firmed up her mental shields. Her oldest brother, Simon, had some telepathic ability so she’d learned to shield before she could read. This guy didn’t want to lay down all his cards. That was fine—she didn’t like to give away her hand at the first meeting either, but it confirmed her hunch that she couldn’t trust him as far as she could throw him.

BOOK: Demon's Triad
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