Desire Part Three (The Desire Series Book 3) (6 page)

BOOK: Desire Part Three (The Desire Series Book 3)
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“Well, I am bushed. I think I’ll turn in,” Jaclyn said brightly. She looked at Matt. “It was great meeting you. You have a fabulous home.”

“Thank you, Jax,” he returned.

It seemed to Tess that he placed extra emphasis on her name Jax.

“Goodnight,” Jaclyn said.

“Goodnight,” Matt and Tess said simultaneously.

Jaclyn left the room and Tess made an attempt to do the same thing.

“I think I’ll go to bed as well,” she said.

She turned to leave but immediately felt an iron grip on her arm.

“Not so fast, Tess. You have some explaining to do,” Matt said.

“Explaining?’ Tess questioned.

She knew playing dumb would get her nowhere but it was worth a try.

“You deliberately led me to believe that Jax was a man,” he said softly.

His grip on her arm had loosened.

“No. I just didn’t say who Jax was,” she defended.

“It’s the same thing. You knew I thought she was a man and you didn’t clarify,” he said remonstrated.

Tess sighed.

“I guess I did. But you were being an arrogant bully and needed to be brought down a peg or two,” she said. “Thinking I was seeing another man popped your over inflated ego.”

“I wasn’t being a bully,” he argued.

“Oh yes you were. You wanted to dictate my every move; which was ridiculous since you barely knew me,” she retorted. “I wanted to strike back and I did.”

He looked down into her lovely cherry eyes and his vexation evaporated. All he wanted to do swim in the warm pool of her eyes. He hands began to glide along her smooth, supple arms.

“I’m sorry for deceiving you. I shouldn’t have done so,” she said apologetically.

“It doesn’t matter. I was being an egotistical jerk and I had it coming,” he murmured. “Right now all I want to do is hold you.” He pulled her into his embrace and held her close. His hands smoothed her back in gentle strokes. He felt her relax as she slid her arms about his waist. His heart flipped. This is where he needed to be; there was no place better in the world. “Have I told you how much I missed you?”

Tess smiled against his shoulder.

“No, and I’m beginning to feel neglected,” she teased.

“How remiss of me. I have missed you terribly and could not get here soon enough,” he responded. “I must have asked Mike a hundred times, why he couldn’t fly any faster.”

“He probably wanted to toss you out of the plane after the tenth time,” she grinned.

“I’m sure he did. But I pay him well to put up with me,” he laughed. “Come on. Let’s sit for a while.”

He led her out to the terrace and they sat on the sofa. Matt draped his arms about her as she rested her head on his shoulder. They stared at the glittering stars that lit up the sky.

“It’s so lovely here. I would never want to leave if I lived here,” she murmured.

“The first time I came to the Aruba Island I fell in love with it,” he said. “My trips here had become more frequent so I decided to lay down some roots. The island had become my home; it is where I wanted to be.”

“I can’t imagine a place more beautiful. This place is enchanting. Once you come you never want to leave,” she whispered.

“Could you see yourself living in these surroundings?” he asked.

She lifted her head to look at him incredulously.

“Are you kidding? Of course I could. I doubt if it will ever happen; but I can always fantasize,” she joked.

“It’s been known for dreams to come true,” he said softly.

She laid her head back on his shoulder.

“Only for a few,” she commented.

“And you don’t count yourself among the few?” he queried.

“Not always,” she said a bit sadly. “Sometimes my dreams seem so unobtainable. It’s like I’m spinning my wheels and going nowhere. My goals are so far away and I’m not getting any closer.”

He cupped her cheeks to lift her face. He stared into her dark somber eyes.

“Never lose hope, Tess. Just when you think all is lost is when the great I AM shows up in your life. Your triumphs will happen when you least expect them to,” he encouraged her.

“It’s easy for you to be so hopeful and confident. Look at what you have?” she whispered dejectedly.

“I didn’t always live this life. I grew up very poor and without any prospects,” he said. “But hard work and perseverance does pay off. Just keep the faith and your hope.”

Tess smiled weakly at his words. She knew what he was saying was right but it just gets hard to remain focused at times. But she was making progress; it would just take more time to achieve her goal.

“You’re right. I have a lot to be grateful for,” she said.

“And you’ll soon have a lot more to give thanks for,” he replied.

“You promise?” she asked.

“I promise,” he vowed.

Matt lowered his head and kissed her mouth gently. It was a feather light touch that sent electricity coursing through his body. He had planned to kiss her lightly and then pull back. But he couldn’t keep from deepening the kiss. Kissing Tess was like breathing. And he felt that he would suffocate if he didn’t take what her sweet lips were offering. He gathered her to him and laid her back on the cushions. He kissed her neck as his hand found her breast. He fingered her nipple through her shirt and Tess moaned in pleasure. She arched her back pushing her breast outward. Matt knew what she wanted. He pulled her t-shirt over her head and unsnapped the front closure of her bra. Her full breasts sprang free and he greedily suckled her rose tipped nipples.

“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured.

He increased the pace of his tongue on her breasts, moving from one to the other. Tess was losing herself in the erotic feelings he was creating. Desire was mounting and she didn’t want it to stop. She cupped his buttocks and squeezed. Matt responded with a passionate groan that made her want to please him even more.

“Matt,” she panted.

He froze and held his breath. He prayed that she wouldn’t tell him to stop. He didn’t think he had it in him to do so at this point.

“Take me to bed,” she whispered.

He exhaled and then grinned.

“Whatever you want, sweetheart,” he said.

He scooped her up in his arms and walked briskly through the salon to take the steps two at a time. He stopped in front of her bedroom door and she opened it. He kicked it shut with his heel then deposited her on the bed. He pulled off his shirt then lay atop of her to kiss every inch of her torso. Tess writhed beneath him in ecstasy wrapping her leg around his waist. She bucked against him and he cried out in carnal bliss. He felt her pants and immediately began to remove them. He unbuttoned her jeans and lowered the zipper slowly; causing her sexual torture.

“Matt! Please,” she cried.

She tried to push her pants downward but he smiled and brushed her hands aside.

“My way, babe,” he breathed.

“Damn you, Matt,” she moaned.

“You’ll be screaming my name in delight when I’m done,” he whispered.

He slowly removed her jeans then stared at her panty clad hips. He bent forward and kissed her legs, gliding up her thighs ever so leisurely. Tess wanted him to attack her private haven with ferocity. But he chose to cause her exquisite delight and anticipation with his measured steps. She thought she would explode into a million pieces if she didn’t feel his mouth on her heat that very moment. Tess tried to remove her panties but he wouldn’t let her. Instead, when he finally reached his objective he mouthed her through the black lace. The sensuality of his technique made her wild with craving. She writhed under his mouth as he held hips tightly. He couldn’t get enough of her damp sweetness and needed to taste her without the thin barrier. He sat up and ripped the panties then buried his head between her thighs. Tess nearly jumped from the bed when she felt his tongue on her exposed sanctity. Todd would never do this when they had sex and it drove her crazy. To receive what she had always craved sent wanton shockwaves through her entire body. She gripped the sheets and bucked against him wildly eventually flipping him onto his back. She then straddled him and quickly unbuckled his belt. If he thought she was going to play the same slow motion game of removing his clothes he was in for a rude awakening. She wanted him now not later. She stripped him of his pants and began to tease his nuts with her tongue.


She smiled and palmed his cock. It was thick, long and heavy in its full engorged state. She loved it. She couldn’t wait to feel it inside of her. She bent forward to take him into her mouth. She licked his head and then the length of him. This time it was Matt who couldn’t refrain from bucking. He flipped her onto her back, all the while remaining in her mouth and slowly thrust into her. It was sweet torture to move in her mouth as if in her hollow. He was careful not to go too deeply or too fast. It felt so good but he knew he wanted more. He pulled out of her mouth and positioned himself at the entrance of her desire. Need was surging through him and he couldn’t hold off any longer. He plunged into her. She cried out at the feel of him inside of her. She lifted her hips to receive more of him and they performed the age old dance of erotic yearning. Their sexual play was uninhibited and tempestuous; both needing the mad excitement only the other could fulfill. They climbed the mountain of desire until they both reached the summit of exploding fireworks. Tess had never felt so much pleasure in all of her life. Matt rolled off of her and pulled her close. Tess snuggled against him and knew she had never felt so much pleasure in all of her life. Matt kissed the top of her head and knew that he held the love of his life.

Tess awoke the next morning and sleepily reached out to touch Matt. He wasn’t there. She was instantly wide awake and sat up in the bed. Did last night really happen? She looked at the rumbled bed covers and knew it had. And if nothing else her sore muscles was proof that they had shared a wild night. Tess smiled at the memory. She’d had been totally satisfied with Matt and then some. That had never been the case with Todd. Her bedroom door opened and Matt walked in with a breakfast tray and a huge smile on his face. Again he kicked the door shut and approached the bed.

“Good morning. I thought you might be a little hungry after your activities of last night,” he grinned roguishly.

Tess modestly pulled the sheet up to her chin and smiled.

“I’m starved,” she answered.

Matt set the tray on the bed then yanked the sheet from her chin.


“I’ve already seen everything you’re trying to hide,” he grinned.

She snatched the sheet out of his hand and wrapped it around her.

“That doesn’t matter. I’m more comfortable with it around me,” she retorted.

He sighed deeply.

“If you insist. By the way I have something you may want,” he said.

“What?” she asked in perplexity.

He pushed his hand into his back pocket and pulled out her bra. He dangled it in front of her.

“It was on the terrace. You were a bit involved last night and forgot it,” he grinned.

She snatched it from his fingers.

“You were a big part of my preoccupation,” she said. She attempted to be stern but failed miserably. She laughed. “Thank God you found it before Ana. I would have been mortified had she found it and asked if it were mine.”

“And Jax would have been confounded had she asked if the garment were hers,” he laughed.

“Oh that sharp lady would have quickly put two and two together,” Tess grinned.

“And come up with all the right answers,” Matt grinned.

“It won’t take her long to do so anyway,” Tess smiled.

“Are you alright with that?” Matt asked seriously.

Tess smiled at him warmly.

“Yes I am,” she replied. “By the way, how did you know which bedroom was mine last night?”

“I remembered how very much you like this room. I told Ana to give you this bedroom when you arrived,” he explained.

“I see. That was very thoughtful of you. Thank you,” she smiled.

“You’re very welcome,” he replied softly.

Tess got off of the bed. “I’ll be right back.”

Tess went into the bathroom and Matt plucked a papaya from the tray and bit into it. He settled back against the pillows and stretched his long legs out on the bed. It felt good to wake up with Tess and share a breakfast with her. He could imagine this happening every morning and being perfectly content. He didn’t believe that it would take Tess long to warm to the idea either. She wasn’t going to hide their relationship and that was a step in the right direction. He just needed to bide his time and remain patient. Tess came out of the bathroom and got back onto the bed. They ate the meal amid talk and a lot of laughter. It was a great beginning to their day. After they ate neither of them could resist making love again. It was a fabulous display of passion and excitement that left them satiated and content. It was a wonderful beginning to the start of their day.

Jaclyn was sitting in the salon when Tess entered the room.

“Good morning,” Jaclyn greeted her.

“Good morning. Did you sleep well?” Tess asked cheerfully.

Jaclyn was arrested by Tess’s sunny disposition. She looked at her closely.

“Yes I did. You seem awfully chipper this morning. Does Matt have anything to do with your jovial mood?” Jaclyn asked shrewdly.

“Why would you jump to that conclusion, Jax?” Tess asked.

“Because I know you. Out with it. Did you have sex with him?” Jaclyn demanded. Jaclyn looked at Tess’s blushing face and had her answer. “You did! That’s fantastic.”

“Shh! You don’t have to tell the village,” Tess admonished her.

“And it’s nothing to be ashamed of,” Jaclyn countered.

“I’m not ashamed. But I would rather Ana not know,” Tess said in hushed tones.

“Not know what?” Ana asked as she entered the room.
She carried a breakfast tray and set it on the coffee table. Then waited expectantly for an answer.

Tess stared at Ana in guilty embarrassment. Jaclyn laughed.

“Oh nothing,” Tess muttered.

Ana shrugged.

“I believe there is an article of clothing on the terrace that belongs to you. The cup size looks too big for it to belong to Jaclyn,” Ana smiled benignly.

BOOK: Desire Part Three (The Desire Series Book 3)
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