Destiny Revealed (There's Always Tomorrow Book 2) (4 page)

BOOK: Destiny Revealed (There's Always Tomorrow Book 2)
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The wine calms her nerves slightly, but she’s still wound up tightly. Melina jumps when she feels a pair of large hands on her shoulders.

“Easy, it's just me,” Vance murmurs, his mouth next to her ear. “How about we take a walk on the beach?”

“Can I bring my wine?” Melina whispers.

“Sure,” Vance says and comes around her chair to stand in front of her.

He holds out his hand to her and Melina slips her much smaller hand into his larger one, letting him lead her out the back door, across the patio, and onto the path that leads to the beach. They have to walk over a dune to reach the waterline.

Vance is wearing his gym shorts from earlier and the t-shirt he threw on before dinner. He still looks sexy as hell. The image of him walking out of the bathroom naked pops into her mind. Melina can't remember ever seeing a man so perfectly built. And Hello! The man is hung like a freaking stallion. A shiver of pleasure races down her spine at the thought of how big he would be when aroused.

“You cold?” Vance asks, bringing her out of her dirty thoughts.

“, I'm fine,” Melina flushes and takes a sip of her wine to hide it.

Vance laces his fingers in hers. “Wanna tell me what that call was all about?” he asks softly.

“Damien's been released on bail.” She sighs.

Vance bites out a nasty curse and shakes his head. “Ya know, some judges are real fucking idiots,” he growls.

Melina looks up at Vance. Lord, he’s gorgeous when he’s angry. His jaw is clenched tight, his blue eyes are narrowed and staring out at the ocean, and his normally full lips are now a tense line. Melina tugs him to a stop. When he turns to face her, his expression questions why they’ve stopped walking.

“He's gonna try to kill me, Vance. He’s insanely jealous, and as soon as he sees the picture of us, he's gonna lose it completely. He’s gonna try to kill me, and I wouldn’t put it past him to come after you, too,” Melina whispers, her eyes lock on his.

Vance's expression softens and his eyes mirror her worry and concern. He cups her face in his hands, brushing his thumbs over her cheeks.

“Listen to me, Melina. I will do everything I possibly can to protect you, I promise,” Vance says, his voice low and husky, his eyes holding some kind of emotion that Melina can't place.

“I don't want you to be in the middle of this, I don't want you to get hurt because of me. Damien is crazy and he won't care who he has to hurt to get to me,” Melina whispers, not trusting her voice. The tears have already started and she knows her voice will be shaky.

Vance brushes the tears away with his thumbs and leans down until his mouth hovers over hers. Melina closes her eyes and grips the front of his t-shirt with her free hand. “I'm not going to let him hurt you ever again, Melina. Besides, I’m not in the middle of anything. Damien has had it out for me since we were kids. He’s always been jealous of my relationship with Tripp.  He doesn’t need you as an excuse to come after me,” Vance murmurs just before his lips touch hers.

Melina drops the glass of wine and wraps her arms around his neck, lacing her fingers into his hair. Vance groans and changes his hold on her so that his arms are wrapped around her, one hand splayed between her shoulder blades, and the other on the small of her back, just above her ass. He pulls her tight against him as his kiss becomes more passionate. Melina has no idea what’s going on between them, but whatever it is, it’s happening really fast.

Vance pulls back but leans his forehead against hers. “What are you doing to me?” he breathes.

“I can ask you the same thing,” Melina replies, running her thumb lightly over his bottom lip before nipping at it.

Vance moans softly then kisses her hard, pulling her hips tightly against his. She can feel his very large, very hard erection pressing against her lower belly. Melina’s body responds as her inner muscles clench deliciously and her stomach flutters with anticipation. Melina wants Vance now. So badly, that she would let him take her right there on the beach not caring who sees. And that’s so not like her.

Vance must be feeling the same way because he abruptly tears himself away from her. She catches his tortured expression before he turns his back on her and faces the ocean. His shoulders are heaving with the force of his breaths. He plants his hands on his hips, trying to regulate himself. After a moment, he adjusts himself in his shorts then turns to face her. His lips are slightly swollen and pink from kissing her and his eyes are darker than normal and heavy-lidded with desire.

“Let’s head back,” he says roughly. He takes her hand, picks up the empty wine glass, and then leads her back to the house.


Chapter 3


“That fucking bitch!” Damien roars as he tears apart the magazine with the picture of her kissing that asshole cop. “Goddamn cocksucking Vance. Always going after what’s mine,” he mumbles to himself.

Damien paces furiously back and forth in his living room. He cannot believe that fucking cunt would cheat on him like this. In the public eye, no less. She’s flaunting it right in front of his face! Melina is
, no matter if she thinks so or not, she is
. And he isn't going to let some motherfucking two-bit cop embarrass him like that! Doesn’t matter that Vance is his brother’s best friend. In fact, that’s even more incentive to get rid of the prick.

He is so dead. He doesn't know it yet, but he is. And Melina, too. Damien had already gotten to her once, and if that stupid housekeeper hadn't called the cops, Melina would have been his forever. He has plans for Melina once they’re living in eternity together. He has plans for that sexy little body of hers. He might just have to have her before he kills her, just to reminisce.

Damien's blood boils at the thought of another man with his hands all over his woman. And that fucking whore lets him. Then she rubs salt in the wound by doing it with his childhood nemesis. How dare she do this to him! Humiliate him like this! They had something special together and she ruined it. Soiled it with her adultery.

Damien just got out of jail on bail, thanks to his fabulous lawyers who can pretty much get him out of any jam. Shit, are they going to have their hands full when he murders Vance and Melina. Damien laughs. No, they won't have to do anything because he'll be dead, too. There’s no way he’d be able to be with Melina if he were rotting away in prison.

He will bide his time, though. He can't do anything right away, he needs to have a plan. He also needs a weapon, and he needs money to get a weapon. He can't go back to his old job as a photographer; no one will hire him after that incident with Melina two weeks ago. Everyone loves Melina, God forbid she gets attacked. Boo fucking hoo! Whatever, he can flip burgers or something in the meantime. He'll save up his money to buy a gun, formulate a plan, then blow Melina and her goddamn cop boyfriend away.

“Oh Melina, you have no idea what you're in for.” Damien laughs to himself as he looks down at the torn picture of her and Vance on the floor at his feet.

“So is Melina Higgins your girlfriend?” Vance's mother, Maggie, asks him at dinner on Sunday night. Vance spends every Sunday at his parents’ house. It has been a family tradition for as long as he can remember, even as a child.  They are all still very close and it probably has a lot to do with the time they spend together.

“What? No, she's not my girlfriend.” Vance sighs. He really doesn’t want to have this conversation.

“She's not?” Maggie says, eyebrow raises.

“No, she's not,” Vance says shortly.

“But you've kissed her?” Maggie smiles.

Vance glares at his mom. “Just because I kiss someone doesn't mean we're together,” he mutters.

“Okay, are you seeing her then?” Maggie asks, her amusement clear in her bright blue eyes; the exact same shade of blue as Vance’s.


“Jesus, Vance, then what are you two?” Maggie asks, throwing her arms up in exasperation.

“We're nothing,” Vance says quietly, looking down at his food.

Their little walk on the beach was a week ago and Vance has made a point of staying away from Melina on a social level. He's kept in touch with her to make sure that Damien hasn't tried anything funny, but he has refused to meet up with her despite her many attempts. He's never had a woman pursue him like this. She hasn't called today, so he is hoping that she got the hint that they would never work out.

“Why the hell not?” his father, Val, chimes in around a mouth full of steak.

Vance sighs. “I met her on the job. Plus, we come from two different worlds.  I don't see how it can ever work out.”

“Who the hell cares? Melina Higgins is gorgeous,” Xander, Vance's brother says.

“Says the gay guy.” Vance smirks.

Xander snorts. “Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I don't know a gorgeous woman when I see one.”

Vance chuckles.

“Really, Vance. If you want it to work, I'm sure you can do it,” Maggie says.

“Listen, I already got into trouble at work because of that picture. Imagine if we start dating for real, I'd be fired in no time. I can't be in the public eye like that. It'd make me a walking target,” Vance replies wearily. He’s tired of this conversation already.

“You just want to be alone for the rest of your life, don't you? And God forbid your friends don't approve, is that what the problem is? They don't like Melina?” Maggie snaps. His mom loves the guys, but sometimes they get on her nerves.

“No, the guys love Melina, surprisingly. Dayne is especially fond of her.”

“Wow, and he's the hardest to win over, good for her,” Xander says in awe.

“I just don't see...” Maggie starts.

“Mom, just stop, please, you're beating a dead horse.” Vance sighs, his eyes pleading for her to just let it go.

Maggie huffs but doesn't say anything else, thank God. Vance finishes his food in silence while his parents and brother engage in another conversation.

Vance and Xander are cleaning up after dinner as usual when the doorbell rings. Vance and Xander exchange a bewildered look because they aren't expecting anyone else. Val answers the door and Vance can hear excited chatter but can't make out who it is. Maggie then walks into the kitchen with a stupid grin on her face.

“Vance, honey, you have a visitor,” she chirps excitedly.

Vance frowns, having no idea who showed up at his parents’ house looking for him. His friends all know where he is, and if they need him, they would just call. Vance dries his hands on a dishtowel then heads out into the living room.

The sight before him nearly stops his heart. Melina is standing in the foyer, her hands clasped together and hanging down in front of her, her long dark hair is down and loosely curled. She has a genuine smile on her face and her bright green eyes dance with excitement as she speaks to his father. And she looks so normal - totally not famous - in her jean shorts, tank top, and flip-flops. But there is a subtle tightness in her face that makes him uneasy.

Vance shakes his head to clear it. What the hell is she doing here, at his parents’ house, talking to his dad? This is totally unacceptable.

Melina's eyes flick to his and her smile widens. “Vance!” she says brightly and starts for him. As she gets closer, he can tell that her cheerfulness is a complete front.

She also seems completely oblivious to the fact that he is pissed at her because when she stops in front of him, she grabs his face and places a soft kiss on his mouth. Vance has to stifle a groan, damn he’s missed her kisses. His mind suddenly flashes back to Melina doing a dance routine with his nieces in his parents’ living room and his heart begins to race.

No. That never happened, he reminds himself.

Vance quickly takes her by the arm and leads her out the front door before anyone can say anything. When he spins her around to look at him, she is frowning. Good, maybe now she understands that he isn't at all happy that she is here.

“What are you doing here, Melina?” Vance snaps.

Melina gapes at him for a moment before answering, “You haven’t been taking my calls.”

“So that means what? You show up at my parents’ house? You know I can’t see you! My reputation at work has been damaged enough.  Don’t you get it?” Vance yells, not really expecting any answers. “Who told you where I was anyway?” he starts asking again. This time he waits for a response, but he has a feeling he already knows.

“Dayne. He said that you'd be here most of the night and that I should be able to catch you,” Melina replies softly.

“That motherfucker,” Vance bites out through clenched teeth as he rakes a hand through his hair. “I can’t believe you tracked me down at my parents’.  Isn’t that a little stalkerish?” he asks snidely. 

When he looks back at Melina, her eyes are glittering with unshed tears and she looks utterly devastated. “Maybe I shouldn’t have come. Sorry to have interrupted your family dinner,” she croaks.

Oh fuck...not the tears, he can't handle the tears!

Vance sighs and rubs his face roughly. “Well, you’re here now.  What was so urgent?”

“Nothing, Vance, just forget it,” Melina rasps, spins on her heels and takes off toward her car, where it’s parked in the driveway.

Why does he feel like his heart is being ripped out and stomped on…again? Isn't this what he wants? For her to leave him alone? They can never work, right? Before he can think to do otherwise, Vance runs after her. He gets to her just as she reaches for her car door handle. He spins her around and presses her up against the car with his body, his mouth immediately taking hers, his hands roughly cupping her face. They both moan as their tongues fight for dominance. Melina wraps her arms around his waist, her hands splaying out across his lower back.

Oh God, yes!

Vance wants her so badly. Maybe they can make things work. Maybe their differences aren't as big as he thought. Her kisses are addictive; he isn't going to be able to walk away from her now. Not again.  Because the more he kisses her, the more the memories flood his brain. He needs to be with her. He wants to have fun with her, talk to her, laugh with her and so much more. He wants more. Needs more. More Melina.

Vance pulls back, both of them trying to catch their breath. Once he’s calmed down, he tries again.

“Okay, let’s try this again.  What’s going on?” he ask, genuinely wanting to know.

Melina’s face changes instantly from turned on blushing to full out panic.

He steps closer and holds on to her shoulders.  “Melina? Talk to me.”

“I…uh…I think Damien has been following me all day. I’m pretty sure I saw him earlier at the supermarket, and then when I went to your townhouse, I saw the same car parked down the block.”

“Son of a bitch!” Vance takes a few steps backward, his fists clenching in anger.

Melina wraps her arms around her waist defensively. “I’m sorry,” she whispers.

Vance realizes that she must think that he is angry with her and immediately unclenches his fists. He steps back into her and takes her into his arms. 

“You have nothing to be sorry about, Melina.  I’m the one who should be sorry. I promised to keep you safe and screwed up. Forgive me?” He leans in and kisses her sweetly on the top of her head.

Melina leans back slightly and looks up at Vance. She’s so beautiful he can’t stand himself. “Of course, I forgive you. I know just how you can make it up to me, too,” she says mischievously.

“Oh yeah? Inquiring minds want to know,” he responds in kind.

“Give us a chance,” she says, optimistically.

Vance smiles and shakes his head at her persistence. He takes a deep breath then pulls away so they can talk face to face. “If you want to see if this thing between us can work then I have conditions.”

Melina looks up at him with hooded eyes and still swollen lips, so sexy. “Okay,” she whispers.

“We need to avoid the media as much as possible, Melina. I can lose my job,” Vance says adamantly.

Melina nods. “I understand.”

“So that means no giving out my name or anything else about me if you do interviews; and no PDA when cameras are around,” Vance says.

“I know,” Melina replies, then gives him a naughty smirk. “I’ll try my hardest to keep my hands off of you.”

Vance feels his lips curl up into a small smile. “Ditto,” he murmurs then gets closer, leans down, and kisses her again.

“I have to go to New York for a photo shoot tomorrow. I'll be gone a few days,” Melina says quietly, her hands running up and down his back.

Vance nods. “Alright,” he says but hates that he isn't going to see her for a couple of days now that they’re going to start dating…for real this time, not just in his dreams.

Melina sighs. “I forgot what it's like to be with a normal person. Damien would have argued for hours with me about leaving him to go out of state.”

BOOK: Destiny Revealed (There's Always Tomorrow Book 2)
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