Devil She Became (Devil's Angels Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Devil She Became (Devil's Angels Book 1)
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Chapter 5

Outside, snow was falling over the city and enveloping it in a beautiful, sparkling white blanket. Reese stared out the window of her new penthouse apartment on N. Michigan Avenue overlooking frozen Lake Michigan. It was truly a beautiful place; one she could never have afforded alone. Harrison’s office was only a few blocks away, and he often stopped by in the morning and sometimes during the daytime for a leisurely lunch followed by passionate lovemaking. Reese had now been in her new place for about six weeks, and she loved it. Harrison had been marvelous to her, sometimes taking her to the best restaurants in Chicago for lunch. He had flown her to Vegas with him for the weekend.
So far so good
, she thought. It was a bit lonely on the weekends for her, but he had given her a credit card she could use to shop and get whatever she needed. Sometimes, when she looked in the mirror, Reese didn’t particularly like woman she had become, and despite their agreement, she had fallen in love with Harrison and couldn’t let him go.

Reese checked the clock. Almost time for Harrison to arrive. He was going to take her out to lunch followed by their usual hot session in the bedroom. Jumping into a hot steamy shower, she allowed the hot water to stream over her body.

Suddenly, the door flew open and there stood Harrison completely naked. “Room for one more?”

Reese opened her mouth to scream, but Harrison smothered her mouth with his hand. Roughly, he pushed her forward against the marble shower wall. Picking up a bottle of body wash, he poured the soap over her back. Sliding his hands all over her, he soaped her body, reaching around to fondle her big slick, soapy breasts. He massaged her hard nipples and pinched and tugged them. Reese moaned with pleasure and tried to reach for his immense hardness through her legs. “NO!” he ordered. He pushed her hands away and forced her to place her hands against the shower wall. Taking more soap, he applied a generous amount to her ass as he pushed himself into her. He had never taken her that way, and it was terribly painful due to his great size. “You’re ok,” he mumbled and kept sliding in and out of her slowly. She stopped whimpering as he reached around for her soapy clit. He massaged her clit gently with his thumb as he continued to make love to her ass. As he flicked her clit harder, she felt a tremendous sense of extreme pleasure flood her body. “Oh, my God!” she screamed out, shaking so hard he had to hold her up. As he came, his body shook hard, and he swelled up huge inside her. Slowly, he let go as she still shook.

“Harrison,” she whispered, “I’ve never… I’ve never…”

“Done it that way?” Harrison smiled broadly, laughing. “Fun, wasn’t it?” He slapped her hard on the ass.

“Let me say you have one tight little ass. I almost broke it off in there.” Harrison began stepping out of the shower. He wrapped a fluffy blue towel around his waist.

“Finish up, we are going out.” With that, he left her in the shower speechless, shaking from intense orgasm and sweating from the steam.

This was why she put up with being a mistress.

Driving around with Harrison in his Aston Martin One-77 was always a treat for Reese. It never got old. According to Harrison, his wife hated the fast luxury car and preferred Range Rovers. Range Rovers. Ugh. How boring. No wonder he didn’t find her exciting. Who wouldn’t want an Aston Martin? Sleek, sexy, ridiculously expensive. Wow. She loved his car. Harrison was beginning to open up more about his wife but still remained tightlipped about their lives.
I guess it’s to be expected
, Reese thought. She enjoyed not having to deal with his dirty socks, or hearing him bitch about bills or the kids. She got all the dessert without having to suffer through the entire meal. Every time they went out, people always stared as they made such a beautiful pair. Reese was petite and busty with long blonde hair and tanned legs. Harrison was tall, well built, and very debonair. He commented often to her that she was like a “trophy wife”. Reese always worried that people would see them together and word would get back to his wife, but Harrison always took her places he didn’t frequent with his wife or any of their friends.

Time passed, Reese and Harrison enjoyed an extremely intense, hot affair, but Reese was falling in love with him and wanted more and more of his time. Often, she texted him throughout the day just to say hi, and he seldom replied. When she asked, he responded curtly “I don’t like texting”. Sometimes, Reese hated since she had entered into their relationship knowing he would never marry her. The sexual chemistry between them was blazing hot, but Reese wondered if her sexual prowess would be enough to make him love her.

Harrison had been enjoying his affair with Reese immensely. She was the perfect blonde trophy. He felt like he had it all, but he sensed that Reese was starting to have more serious feelings about him. He had feared this would happen as most women would probably not settle for being just a mistress. Harrison continually bought her gifts to appease her with the hope she would be happy with her position in his life. Lately, Harrison had also allowed himself to feel more deeply about Reese than he should, and it was becoming more and more difficult for him to maintain emotional distance between them. With the holidays fast approaching, Reese had been hinting around about Harrison spending more time with her, but he had been avoiding the subject. Obviously, he had to spend the holidays with his family, much to his dismay.

Reese longed to invite Harrison to her family’s home for Christmas dinner, but she knew he could never make it. Instead, they celebrated Christmas on the twenty-third as Harrison had plans to take his family to Colorado until after New Year’s. Reese was very upset by this, but Harrison reminded her that was the arrangement. For Christmas, Harrison had given her an exquisite, grey, fox coat along with keys to an Audi R8 Spyder convertible! Reese nearly fainted when she saw it. “Oh, my God! Are you serious? This is so expensive. Harrison, how?”

“It’s only a car, baby.” He chuckled.

“It’s not just any car! Wow. It’s beautiful! I love it!”

“Now you can drive to visit your family, or you could use this.” Harrison held out his hand, which contained a first-class, round-trip ticket to San Diego.

“Thank you so much!” Reese had tears in her eyes. Then she handed him the gift she had picked especially for him.

Silently, Harrison opened the small box, which contained a solid platinum ring with diamond studs and an inscription, “
Love always, your goddess”
. Harrison just stared into the box.

“Reese, I love it. But I can’t wear it.”

“I know, but you could wear it at your office.”

“No, Reese, I would have a hard time explaining it if someone was to notice and then comment to my wife. No, Reese. I can’t. Take it back.” He handed her the box.

Reese’s blue eyes began filling with tears.

Harrison stood up. “This is what I hate. No. I won’t have it. You don’t need to buy me anything. You are my gift. Buy sexy lingerie. Buy sex toys. That’s what I want from you. That’s all.”

“I have to get going to make my flight. Merry Christmas, baby. Hope you have a great one. See you when I get back. And please remember, Reese, don’t fall in love with me. I can’t love you like that. I am sorry.” Harrison kissed her long and hard and walked out the door, leaving Reese speechless.

Reese threw the box against wall. Fuck. She had done the worst thing a girl like her could do. She had fallen in love with a married man. Now she was going to suffer for it. There was no one to blame but herself.

For Christmas, Reese took Harrison’s ticket and flew to see her family in San Diego. She adored walking on the beach, but at night, she was so lonely without Harrison. She wondered if he thought of her when he was with his wife. Holidays at her parents meant questions about her love life, work, etc. What could she tell them?
‘Hey mom, my boyfriend is fantastically wealthy, gorgeous, and married with two children.’
Yeah. That would sit well. She also had to deal with her brother and sister and their families as well.

“Oh, Reese, you should move back here. I know fabulous guys who would love to meet you.” Her sister, Trisha, was a less attractive version of Reese. Her ass was slightly wider and her chest much smaller. Trisha was a journalist. She also had a good-looking husband, Salvatore, who worked on Wall Street. He flew back and forth every week from East to West coast. They had two small children.

“Yes, Reese, we miss you so much. You look pale; you need the California sunshine!” Reese’s mother, Meg, sighed.

“How’s work? You still kicking ass as the marketing director at RTI?” her brother, Mark, asked.

“Work is fine. Not too hard. I like Chicago. Big city, lots to see and do.” Reese tried to divert them.

“Seeing anyone?” Mark’s wife, Sue, asked, sipping her Bellini.

“Nobody really special. A few guys here and there.”

“Well, it’s about time. You know, James has remarried,” Meg commented. James was Reese’s ex-husband.

“I don’t care,” Reese stated, getting up for another drink.

“Reese, you are a gorgeous girl. You were in all sorts of beauty pageants. You had modeling contracts. Any man would be interested in you.”

“Thanks for the reminder, mother. I know.” Reese took her drink outside and went for a walk on the beach. What a joke this was. She couldn’t tell anyone about Harrison. He would blow them all away.
Damn him
, she thought.
Just leave the bitch.
Her life would be perfect without that bitch in their way. More than once, Reese had thought about what would happen if his wife were gone. She had fantasized that with his wife out of the way, Harrison would marry her, and she would live with him in his grand house on the Gold Coast. Sighing deeply, Reese knew that was only a dream though. She could never harm anyone for any reason. Could she?

Chapter 6

Reese returned from the holidays feeling more defeated than ever. She was stuck. She loved Harrison and couldn’t help it. Did he ever think of her at all when they weren’t together?

Suddenly, the door swung open and Harrison strode in looking furious.

“What’s wrong?” She jumped off the couch.

“Who the fuck is Salvatore? Why the hell is he answering your phone?” Harrison stood right in her face breathing hard.

“Salvatore? Who? When? I don’t get it.”

Harrison shook with rage. He spoke in short gasps, “I… tried… to call you on… Christmas, and some fucking spic asshole answered the phone.”

Incensed, Reese put her hand up. “Hold on. First of all, Salvatore isn’t a ‘spic’ he’s American, and secondly, he is my sister’s husband.”

Harrison stopped short. “Oh, I’m sorry. I tried to call you and a guy answered. What should I think?”

Reese was still upset. “You could have just asked me, not freaked out. We were out at the beach, and I left my phone on the deck. I guess he answered it. He’s nosy as hell.”

“I’m sorry, Reese. I didn’t mean–”

“–Look, I said I love you. That’s what I meant. I’m tired of hiding it. If you don’t like it, then leave.” Reese stormed off to her bedroom.

Harrison followed her. She was sitting on her bed crying. He sat beside her and stroked her hair. “I know. I have been thinking about that. I have strong feelings for you too, and not just for the sex.”

Reese raised her tear-filled eyes to him. Was there hope? Her heart soared. “Really?”

Harrison nodded. Looking at him, Reese noticed how disheveled he looked, which was so unlike his polished appearance.

“While we were apart over the holidays, I realized I want you more and more. Not her. But I can’t get divorced. I have seen colleagues lose everything through divorce. She would get half or more of everything. I would lose my entire inheritance. I can’t take that. I love you, but I can’t start over.”

Reese’s heart beat so fast and hard it almost exploded. He loved her! She had won!

“I don’t care about your money. It’s you I want.” Reese hugged him.

Harrison pushed her back. “I know. But I have kids too. You want them? How could we live the lifestyle we enjoy now? We couldn’t live in my house. She would make my life hell if I left her.”

“I hadn’t thought of your kids, but I am willing to do anything to make it work.”

Harrison sighed deeply. “You don’t know that. I also have my family to consider. We don’t get divorced. If you are unhappy with your wife, you get a mistress. That’s why I got you. I can’t, Reese. There isn’t a way out. I have given this endless thought.”

Reese panicked. He was thinking her way now, but it did look hopeless. Thinking of a new tactic, she began to slowly undress.

“What are you doing, baby?” he asked, his eyes wide.

“Just doing what I am supposed to.” Reese slipped her red lacy bra straps down her shoulders exposing her big breasts to his hungry eyes. Then she bent way over in front of him and slowly dropped her red panties down to her ankles. She began undulating in a slow dance in front of him.

“Reese,” Harrison uttered her name before grabbing her around the waist. “I have missed you so much.” He began stroking her body and reaching his hands around to feel between her legs. He found her dripping wet and moaned. Meanwhile, Reese turned around to face him and began caressing her own ample breasts and pulling her nipples. This drove him crazy.

“I want you, baby,” he said as he began to unzip his pants.

Reese stopped and grabbed hold of his wrist. “Not so fast, Mr. Grantham. Let me take care of you now.”

Harrison let go of his zipper and began breathing hard as Reese bent down, her blonde hair falling around her face, and took him into her mouth. She worked his shaft with her mouth then with her tongue, flicking the head and stroking him with her hands. She lightly teased him with her fingernails until he swelled so hard in her mouth she could hardly fit him inside her. Suddenly, he grabbed her head and forced her mouth up and down his shaft until he filled her. She gazed up at him with her big blue eyes as she swallowed.

Harrison stared at her in awe. “My God, that’s the best blowjob I ever had. Fuck, that was amazing.”

Reese smiled up at him. Then she came around behind him and began rubbing his shoulders. “I think you need to relax, honey. Let me make you feel good.”

Harrison laid down as she began working his shoulders. She grabbed a bottle of scented, massage oil from the nightstand and poured it on his back. Gliding her hands over his muscular, tanned back, she felt him relax. Then she began using her breasts to massage him, and her nipples became very hard as she glided them along his back.

“What is that? That feels amazing,” he moaned.

“My tits.”

“That’s awesome, baby. I love it. Keep going.” Harrison moaned with pleasure.

“Baby, I have been thinking. Thinking about the problem we have…” Reese began as she kept rubbing him.

“Problem? What do you mean?” Harrison was lost in pleasure.

“Do I even have to mention it? Your wife.”

“My wife? Why bring her up right now?” Harrison began to get up. Reese pushed him back down.

“Yes, your wife. How can we be together with her in your life?”

“Like we are now. That’s the only way. I told you I can’t divorce her.” Irritated, Harrison sat up.

“I get that. But what if she were gone?” Reese asked, flashing her puppy-dog eyes at him.

Harrison flared his eyes. “What the hell do you mean

“Gone. I mean like what if she left you? Maybe she’s cheating too.”

Harrison gave a loud cackle. “Yeah right. Ms. Frosty Panties. Who the fuck would want her?”

Reese just smiled. “Or what if she was unhappy and just left?”

Harrison shook his head. “Hell, no. Who would want her? She’s boring as hell and hates sex. She wants everything she can get from me. She won’t leave. The funny thing is it’s not even about the money. She has her own inheritance. She would just want to see me destroyed. We have kids to think about too. What the hell would we do about them?”

Reese pondered these questions. “I don’t know, baby. I am just trying to make our lives better.”

“Reese, the only way we can be together is like this, so drop it.” Harrison pulled her back onto the bed.

He grabbed her legs, pushed them up in the air and buried his head between them. Licking and sucking her folds, he swirled his tongue around her clit, making her forget everything.

Drowning in orgasm, Reese forgot about his wife for the night.

BOOK: Devil She Became (Devil's Angels Book 1)
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