Read Devouring The Dead (Book 2): Nemesis Online

Authors: Russ Watts

Tags: #Zombies

Devouring The Dead (Book 2): Nemesis (4 page)

BOOK: Devouring The Dead (Book 2): Nemesis
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Laurent stuffed the
medicine and toothpaste he had found into his backpack and tried not to think about what the screaming meant. The last time he had heard a woman screaming like that it had been his wife being pulled out of their family car by the dead. The screaming had ended as quickly as it had begun, his wife’s throat torn out as she was gobbled up by the zombies. Laurent had been powerless to save her at the time and still her screams haunted him, obliterating all emotions bar one: guilt.

Tom ran his hands across the medicine cabinet and shoved everything into the backpack regardless of whether it was of any use or not. They had no time to dwell, only time to move. He had spent days on the
road, moving from place to place, and learnt that if you hesitated, it invariably led to problems or death. He had to get back to the others, and get the supplies back. He and Laurent could not afford to stay here or worse still get stuck in this stranger’s house where they were exposed to danger.

“Laurent, you ready?” Tom put his arms through the straps and the
rucksack nestled onto his back. The moon illuminated the small bathroom and he could see Laurent zipping up his bag.

. Ready.” He looked at Tom and knew they were in danger. Since they had been together, they had survived on the road, running, hiding, learning how to live in this strange world. It had been a long and difficult journey, but Laurent recognised the look on Tom’s face. His features were set, locked in determination and Laurent knew the situation was serious. They had not seen or heard anyone living for six days. The dead did not scream or shout.

Laurent followed Tom out of the bathroom, down the hallway,
and back to the front door of the house they had broken into. Tom opened the door and they crouched down, scanning the street. Laurent saw only deserted houses, no lights or movement. “What do you think? Is it safe?”

Tom waited and looked. It appeared quiet
, but he couldn’t afford to take any risks. On more than one occasion they had been startled in the past by losing focus, not checking where they had been going. The dead were quiet creatures, always lurking in corners, hiding in shadows, waiting to pounce like a cat stalking a bird. The small van they had come in was still sat at the end of the path, which led to the front door. They had coasted up quietly and parked it without being seen. The screams and shouts though might have drawn attention. It didn’t seem like the sounds were very far away and sure enough, just as Tom was preparing to tell Laurent the path was clear, a zombie shuffled past the van. It failed to notice Tom or Laurent crouched down in the doorway and continued on its path down the road, drawn to the noise.

“We’re going to have to run for the van and do a loop,” said Tom. “Whatever’s going on is away to our right. I’ll turn the van around and do a circuit
. Hopefully, the road will be clear and we can get...home.” He didn’t know what else to call it, but it was their home for now. It varied from day to day, but for now it was theirs. “Okay, let’s go.”

Tom sprinted down the path to the van with Laurent right behind him. They didn’t
run into any more zombies and got into the van easily. As Laurent ran around onto the road to get in the passenger side, he heard glass breaking and paused. Looking up the road he could see a crowd of around a dozen of the dead, all heading into one house. The crowd had broken through the huge bay windows and were scrambling through the window frame. Laurent got into the van as Tom started the engine.

“Tom...” began Laurent.

“I know what you’re going to say Laurent, but we can’t. We
. You know how dangerous it would be and we don’t even know if they’re still alive. We need to get this stuff back to Caterina.”

With the engine purring they sat for a moment and Laurent stared straight ahead saying nothing. Looking at the growing swarm of zombies ahead he felt safe in the van. Looking through the windshield it was like watching it on television and he felt disconnected from it all. That scream though was definitely a woman’s. What if she was in trouble? No, Tom was right they couldn’t risk it when they didn’t even know if there was anyone to rescu
e. Still, that nagging feeling of guilt was a difficult one to shed. This time there was nothing stopping him, nothing barring his way from the screaming woman.

The van lurched forward
, but instead of doing a U-turn Tom sped up. “Put your seatbelt on, Laurent.”

Laurent looked at Tom, puzzled, but did as he was told. Tom had been right about many things and instinctively Laurent knew he was right now. As the seatbelt clicked in, so too did Tom’s plan click in Laurent’s mind. He braced himself.

Tom kept his foot on the accelerator as he ploughed into the zombies outside the house. Several bodies were obliterated; arms, hands and heads bounced off the van onto the pavement. The van lurched as Tom drove over the fallen bodies, but he kept it straight and Laurent looked in the wing mirror to see Tom had cleared a path through the dead. Many of the zombies who were trying to get into the house had stopped and were following the sound of the van now. Tom screeched to a halt. “Do you trust me Laurent?”

“Of course but...”

“Then get out.”

Laurent unclipped his seatbelt and put his hand on the doo
r handle. “And?”

“The ones that can still stand are coming this way. Run straight ahead, lead them away, down the road and away from here. When you’ve drawn them
away, I’ll reverse up to the house and see if there’s anyone there. When you get to the end of the road, take a right and there’s a car park. I saw it on the way in. Hug the right hand side of it, run around it back to the street. I’ll pick you up in five minutes, no more.”

Laurent thought for a moment
, fingering the knife in his pocket. Then he slid the backpack off and put it in the footwell. “Okay. Five minutes.”

Tom nodded and Laurent got out of the van. Tom kept the engine running
, but ducked down out of sight. He heard Laurent shouting.

“Hey, over
here, you fuckers! Come and get some! Fresh meat, you dirty fucking bastards!”

Tom hear
d Laurent running away and then he heard the dead. They clattered past the van, banging against it, but following Laurent’s voice. In a moment, they were gone and Tom was left alone. He sat up and looked in the mirrors. He could see no dead behind him. He prayed that he would have no trouble at the house. He knew he was risking not just Laurent’s life, but all those who were depending on him too: Caterina, Christina and the others. It didn’t occur to him that he was risking his own life too.

Tom reversed the van quickly
, but quietly, to the house where they had seen the commotion and heard the shouting. Leaving the engine running, Tom got out. The pavement was scattered with pieces of meat, limbs that he had decapitated minutes earlier, arms and legs still twitching, yet unable to move. He walked past them to the window and looked through into an empty room.

It looked like so many
other houses they had been in: a television set in the corner, books, ornaments, a black leather sofa and armchairs. There was an open doorway in the corner and Tom carefully headed toward it, aware he could no longer hear any noises. He passed through the doorway into a carpeted hallway. There was a side table on the floor and a telephone and papers next to it. Something had gotten in and knocked it over. He could hear noises now. Somebody was crying, whimpering. He pulled the knife from his belt, a large kitchen knife he always kept with him and had saved his life on more than one occasion.

Holding the knife in his right
hand, he pushed open the door at the end of the hallway slowly. It was a kitchen, illuminated by candelight. There was a large wooden table in the middle covered in blood. In one corner of the room were two women, hugging each other, crying and consoling each other. One looked old, the other young, although they both had the same blonde hair. Probably mother and daughter, thought Tom. In the other corner, a man, covered in blood and wearing glasses, was staring at the table. Beneath it was one of the dead. It had fallen there after Daniel had killed it, severing its head with a carving knife. Daniel was shaking, his hands trembling and when Tom walked in, he dropped the knife. He opened his mouth to speak and looked at Tom in horror.

“They were coming, they were coming in and we had to...we had to...oh God.” Daniel pushed his glasses up his nose, smearing them with blood.

Tom kept his knife held aloft, ears sensitive to any noise in case one of the dead decided to attack again, perhaps hiding upstairs or behind the door. “Are you hurt? Are any of you hurt?” He looked around the room and could not see anyone else. The two women were scared, but appeared unharmed. He knew from experience though that a single bite was all it took. Teeth could bite through clothing and sometimes those infected didn’t realise it until it was too late. His friend Parker had died the same way. A single bite was all it had took to take him away from Tom. He hadn’t been the only one.

“I said are any of you hurt?” Tom strode into the room and kicked the zombie on the floor. It didn’t move. Its head rolled away from the body as Tom kicked it and came to rest at Daniel’s feet.

“No, we’re okay, just a bit...I’m sorry, who are you?” asked Heidi. She stepped forward still holding onto her mother’s hand.

“Tom. Look, if you’re not hurt then you need to come with me
. It’s not safe here now. The noise will bring more of these.” Tom kicked the lifeless body on the floor again. “There’s not time to pack or think, just come with me. I have friends. We can help you.”

Tom looked at the girl who had spoken to him. She was pretty
, but thin. She looked like she hadn’t eaten well and had probably lost weight over the last few weeks. Her greasy blonde hair hung like tangled spider webs around her face and her skin seemed unnaturally pale. Probably hasn’t left the house since it started, he thought. Her eyes looked at him with a curiosity, and if this was a different world he would’ve liked to carry on a conversation with her. But the world didn’t have time for that any more.

“Dad, he’s right, we should go,” said Heidi.

Daniel just nodded and walked slowly over to his wife and daughter. Glenda let go of Heidi and embraced her husband.

Oh, Dan, what are we going to do?” said Glenda sobbing into her husband’s shoulders.

“What’s your name?” said Tom to the girl standing before him.

“Heidi.” Her thin arms hung by her sides and she felt cold. The cool night air was coming in from outside now and the candle was flickering, about to extinguish and leave them in darkness. She didn’t want to be in the dark, not with that thing in here with them. She had never seen her father be violent once, yet he had fought off that person, that dead
, and killed it in front of her. Now here was this strange man standing in front of her with a knife and she didn’t know what to do.

Tom could see that the girl wa
s about to break down. He didn’t have time for tears or hysterics, much less anyone going into shock. They had to go get Laurent. “All of you, come with me. I’ve a van outside. I can get you out of here, but we
go now.” He put the knife back in his pocket and held out a hand.

Heidi took it, sliding her fingers into Tom’s. His hand was warm and strong and she let him lead her out of the kitchen, out of their house. Daniel and Glenda followed.

Oh, my God,” said Heidi outside, looking at the carnage right at their front door. She trod carefully over to the van, not wanting to step on anything organic, and Tom pulled back the van door. He ushered Heidi and her parents inside. The street was still empty, but he didn’t know for how long.

“We’re going to pick my friend up, okay? Then we’ll go somewhere safe.” Tom put his hand on the door to
close it, but Heidi stopped him.

“We can’t go, not yet,” she said looking at Tom. Her eyes implored Tom to listen to her and he waited.

“Why? I already said, there’s no time to pack, we have to...” Heidi cut Tom off.

“The old man. We can’t leave him. He’s in the garage.”

“What? There’s someone else in there?” asked Tom.

“Yes,” said Daniel. “There
...there was an old man in the garden. He just appeared out of nowhere and frightened Heidi. She screamed and I guess that’s what brought those things to us. I locked him in the garage. I didn’t know what else to do.”

“Is he alive, infected? Who is he?” said Tom impatiently. He looked up and down the dark street. He still couldn’t hear anything
, but trusted his senses that this was not a safe place to be hanging around right now.

“He’s alive
, but we don’t know anything about him. Like I said, he just appeared.”

“Shit. How do I get in the garage?”
asked Tom.

“Through the kitchen,”
explained Heidi. “The key’s in the door.”

Tom thought for a moment. He really didn’t have time to go back again
. Laurent was waiting for him, relying on him. But knowing there was someone back there, he couldn’t give up on them and leave them to certain death, or a fate worse than death.

BOOK: Devouring The Dead (Book 2): Nemesis
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