Read Diablo Blanco Club: Rite of First Claim Online

Authors: Qwillia Rain

Tags: #BDSM

Diablo Blanco Club: Rite of First Claim (7 page)

BOOK: Diablo Blanco Club: Rite of First Claim
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She squirmed against him, her mind refusing to follow where her body wanted to go. Wrenching her mouth free, she turned her head, hissing at the sting in her scalp. The clenched fingers tangled in her hair immediately loosened, but Mike’s hold remained firm. Lyssa glared up at him. “I belong to me. No one else, kid.”

He stopped moving. “Four years ago I proved I wasn’t a kid, Lys. Do I need to remind you again?” Propped over her, he waited, his eyes focused on her.

Lyssa could guess what he saw. If she gave in to the temptation to look over his shoulder again at the reflection of them in the mirror over the bed, she was sure to confirm that a flush pinkened her cheeks and the hard peaks of her nipples capped breasts that were heated and swollen. She’d be damned if she’d roll over for him. It was better if he stayed ignorant of the truth. Better for her.

“I must have missed that particular lesson.” She wanted to curse the impulse within her that egged her on, but it was the only thing saving her from eventual heartbreak and disappointment.

Mike pulled out and rose over her. Moisture from within her body glistened on his latex-covered cock. “Then let me repeat it so you’ll remember, pet. We wouldn’t want any confusion regarding rule number one.”

Her laugh sounded forced. “You mean no other men?” She shook her head and smirked. “Doesn’t apply, remember? You. Don’t. Own. Me.” She annunciated each word slowly and without rancor.

The only problem was, Lyssa wasn’t sure if it was him or her own body she was trying to convince. How foolish was she to fantasize about this man possibly caring for her? This was a game to him. Role-play. No matter how much she’d like to believe, and despite Mike’s professed intentions, a part of her knew there was no future with him.

“Wrong answer, Lys.” He leaned so close his features blurred. Only his dark, furious eyes were clear. “I own you. Every muscle, hair, fiber, and cell within you is mine.” His lips caressed hers, soft as a butterfly’s wings, before he eased lower along her frame.

His hands held his body away from her, the damp heat of his penis brushing her hip, then thigh, the only contact between them. The craving to touch was unbearable, but Lyssa knew at the first sign of weakness, at the barest hint of giving in, she would be lost. She’d never be able to convince anyone, especially herself or Mike, that she didn’t want him.

Damn, why does he have to make it feel so good?

His lips sipped at the firm jut of her nipples. First one, then the other. The tip of his tongue flicked over them, circled. He drew one breast into his mouth while the other ached for attention. Fire burned beneath her skin, and the hard peaks throbbed in time to the slow draw and release as he suckled. Then it started all over again as he shifted to her other breast.

Throughout the meticulous process, his body caressed hers. Nothing too heavy. Merely enough contact to remind her of what the rasp of his chest hair felt like against her flesh. How the heat emanating from him permeated her skin and sank deep to warm her insides, stir the blaze his fingers had kindled earlier.

Long before he left her breasts and eased himself farther down her supine form, the moist evidence of her arousal escaped her channel and drizzled onto the bedding. The restless shift of her legs smeared a fine layer of her body’s natural lubricant onto her thighs. The smell of her arousal wafted up to her. Lyssa gritted her teeth harder to keep from begging.

Their bodies were clearly displayed in the mirror over them. The sight fascinated her. The contrast of his darker skin against hers; the dark curls he’d allowed to grow down over his eyes and past his nape, caressing her skin like raw silk; the flex and pull of muscles rippling under his skin, highlighted by the sheen of sweat. Her body quivered and twitched with every touch, and her fingers curled around the cables binding her until her knuckles went white. She twisted her head to the side, only to catch sight of their reflections in the mirrors on the armoire and bathroom doors.

His body glided over hers, slow and sensual; his hands coasted along her breasts and hips. Even the slightly abrasive feel of his chest hair along her bare skin pushed Lyssa closer to the edge. The more Mike played, the more she tensed up to battle her building climax. She couldn’t give him the upper hand. She couldn’t lose control. The need to surrender that control to him was too tempting.

Mike rested his chin on her sternum and watched until she returned her gaze to his; satisfaction tilted his lips upward. “Enough?”

Never let ’em see you sweat
. She’d learned that lesson as a child under her father’s fists, perfected it as a young woman with the “stellar” choices she’d made in men. She met his challenge with a smirk. “Is that all you’ve got? Tired already?”

His laughter rumbled against her belly, vibrating through her core, churning the passion into a fiery froth.

“Just tell me when it gets too hot for you, baby.” His hands moved to cover her breasts, the rough fingertips mapping the tiny bumps and ridges of her areolaes before plucking at the firm crowns. The rest of his body moved south, then paused as his lips traced the indentation of her navel.

Lyssa bit her lip to fight the moan that rose inside her. She couldn’t stop watching him, whether directly or in the mirrors around them. She couldn’t make up her mind where to look. The sight of his darkly tanned skin against hers contradicted the rumors she’d heard of his visit to friends on the East Coast. The streaks of lighter brown in his dark brown curls attested to time in the sun, as did his sun-darkened skin.

A wave of stimuli coursing through her subsumed her misgivings as Mike’s mouth reached the design permanently drawn into her skin. As Lyssa swung her gaze from the mirror beside them, past the ones on the armoire doors, to look directly at Mike, she held her breath as he rubbed his lips over her tattoo and moved from side to side as he worked his way down to the pale mound beneath the dragon.

His left hand abandoned her breast to stroke along the path his lips had taken. At the apex of her thighs, he waited. His gaze held hers as the heat of his palm warmed the crease between her thigh and groin before he stroked his fingers over her vulva, parting the swollen folds. He blew softly across the throbbing bundle of nerves and watched her reaction.

Lyssa moaned and arched closer, shudders coursing through her limbs at the fire building between her thighs. When her eyelids began to drift shut, the pinch of his fingers around her clit snapped them open again.

“No turning away, pet,” Mike taunted as he watched her. He lowered his mouth to hover over the nubbin held captive between callused fingertips. The warmth of his breath teased the nerve-rich flesh before his tongue swirled over it, around it. Once. Twice. Then a third time before his lips sealed it away inside his mouth.

Lyssa bucked beneath him. She fisted her hands around the cables securing her, the muscles in her legs locked up, and a cry left her lips as she ground her head into the soft pillows. Waves of sensation buffeted her body and stole her breath as she fought the orgasm determined to break free. The rush of her blood sounded in her ears, drowning out any words Mike might have said. The vibrations pulsed outward from her womb, soaking the channel desperate to be filled and radiating into her swollen breasts, where the fingertips of his other hand continued to pluck and twist the nipple of her left breast.

She didn’t dare close her eyes. Fixated on the mirror over them, Lyssa could feel the fingers between her thighs move downward to circle and tease the entrance to her body. The wet evidence of her passion coated his digits as he teased and taunted her with barely there forays into the opening before retreating to rub along the puffy lips guarding it. His teeth nipped her clit. Another cry spilled from her lips.

“Look at me, Lyssa.” His voice was rough with arousal. She moaned and shook her head. His next bite bordered on painful. She whimpered. “Now. Look. At. Me.”

Gasping, desperate to control the climax screaming for release, she lifted her head from the pillows and blinked several times to bring his visage into focus.

When it came to sex, Lyssa had assumed four years had dulled the memories, reduced the truth to half-believed fantasies, but the look in his eyes, the touch of his hands, the determination and control evident in his face supported what she had to admit was true. Mike knew her body better than she did. His touch ignited sparks along nerve endings she had never imagined existed. And the dominant he was called to the submissive within her.

The fearful part of her cringed and cursed the admission. Any chance of escaping this experience with her heart intact was officially shot all to hell. She could see it in his face as he pressed a last kiss and seductive swipe of his tongue over her clit before rising above her.

“Do you remember the lesson now? Do you remember who owns this body?” he taunted. The tip of his sheathed penis teased the quivering petals of her mound.

Tongue tangled, unsure of whether she could speak clearly, Lyssa merely nodded. Her breasts heaved as she tried to drag air into her starving lungs. The crown of his cock breached her entrance, and he pressed forward. The moment she gasped and cried out as he slid against her G-spot, he held himself still, waiting, watching. Lyssa groaned deeply at the quirk of his lips and the flash of satisfaction in his dark eyes. Her moans rolled upward again and again as Mike rocked against her, rubbing along the spot until her body quaked beneath him.

Lowering himself onto her, Mike moved his left hand between them and spread her pink flesh so the thick length of his cock and the coarse pubic hair surrounding its base scraped over her clit with each advance and retreat of his body into hers. His gaze held hers as he asked, “Everything you are belongs to me, right, Lyssa?”

Conviction filled his words. It surrounded Mike’s body like an aura, soaking through Lyssa’s skin, into her muscles and bones, even into the blood racing through her veins. She wanted to deny him, wanted to refute the feelings and sensations bombarding her mind, her heart. When she tried to turn away, his free hand moved beneath her to cradle the back of her head and force her gaze back to his.

Even if a tiny part of her believed what he said was just words, a game he was expert at playing, in that moment she gloried in his command. In his determination to bind her to him. Bound spread-eagle on the bed beneath him, Lyssa drowned in the passion her body had been craving for the last four years. Against his lips, she whispered, “Yes, everything.”

“What, baby?” he demanded, pulling away, holding her head still, his eyes focused on hers. “Tell me.”

“Everything I am belongs to you. All of it, all of me, is yours,” she sobbed, arching into the thrust of his cock. Even if it was just for this one night, Lyssa gave in to the glory of allowing him control over her body. If it was all she’d ever have of Mike, she’d take it.


“Very good, Lys. Very good.”

The heat of her body around his, the way her soft flesh cushioned him as he settled over her, Mike fought back the urge to hammer his cock into her. But he wasn’t about to believe she’d acquiesce that quickly. Lyssa was more complex than that. More stubborn too.

Four years ago he’d let his need override reason where she was concerned. He’d allowed his duty to his fellow agents to take precedence over his commitment to Lyssa. He refused to repeat that mistake.

“That’s it, Lys,” he encouraged as she moved to meet the advance of his body. Holding her gaze, he pulled his hands from between them and under her head to prop himself on his elbows with his forearms braced beneath her body. He cupped her shoulders in his hands, holding her in place. “You squeeze so tight when I pull out. Don’t you want me to leave?”

The rattle of the cable against the headboard as she tugged at her bindings was her only response.

“Hmmm.” Mike rubbed his lips against hers, nipping at her bottom lip as hers parted and her tongue darted out to stroke over his mouth. “Ah, ah.” He coupled his admonishment with a firm thrust of his cock, making Lyssa arch beneath him.

Her thighs squeezed his hips, but the cuffs around her ankles hindered her ability to keep his body locked to hers. Lyssa’s eyes began to drift shut, her breathing increased, and the flex of her internal muscles around his flesh signaled her approaching climax.

Time to remind her who held the control.

Mike thrust hard and deep, then stilled. His grip around her shoulders held her upper body in place while he allowed more of his weight to rest in the cradle of her hips to prevent her from pushing up. The flush on her cheeks deepened, the warmth of her breath filled his mouth as he hovered over her, waiting.

She tried to shift, but his size inhibited all but the minutest movement. The muscles surrounding his dick fluttered and pulsed, but without any real strength. He made a mental note to instruct his woman in how to use
the muscles of her body to increase her pleasure, as well as his.

“Mike?” Her plea came out as a soft whimper. She looked up at him, confused, unsure, even a bit frightened.

“What do you want, baby?” He moved his head back when she tried to kiss him.

Lyssa’s breath caught, then shuddered out of her as she blinked up at him. A moan slipped through her parted lips as she ground the back of her head into the pillow beneath her.

Mike fought the urge to grin. He’d known her capitulation was too soon. She loved what he could do to her body, but she’d be damned before she admitted it to him. Let alone to herself. Using the lightest motion, he rubbed his pelvis against hers, teasing her clit with the rough scratch of his pubic hair. The breath hissed from Lyssa’s lips, and her teeth clamped down on her bottom lip.

“You can’t forget it, can you, Lys?” He moved his lips to the exposed skin on her throat. The delicate V of flesh at the base fluttered with the rapid beat of her pulse. “It felt so good. Hot and fast and hard. Out of control, your body speeding from one climax to the next. The sound of our breathing mingling with the wet slide of my cock in and out of your pussy.”

BOOK: Diablo Blanco Club: Rite of First Claim
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