Dirty Sign Language: Everyday Slang from "What's Up?" to "F*%# Off!" (Dirty Everyday Slang) (10 page)

BOOK: Dirty Sign Language: Everyday Slang from "What's Up?" to "F*%# Off!" (Dirty Everyday Slang)
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I’m wasted!
I’m hungover.
I need to puke.
He/She just passed out!
If you wanna survive in deaf culture, pay attention to your body language. Trying to compliment someone? Be sure you make and keep eye contact otherwise they may not even know you are talking to them and your best line is missed. Also smile (you’re being friendly right?) and nod to show you appreciate what you’re complimenting. On the other hand, if you’re talking shit about someone and you don’t want them to see, turn your back to shield what your signing and use smaller gestures—the sign version of whispering. Keep in mind if you don’t want to get caught, don’t point or make eye contact with the person your are talking about!
You have such…
pretty eyes.
a hot bod.
a nice face.
BOOK: Dirty Sign Language: Everyday Slang from "What's Up?" to "F*%# Off!" (Dirty Everyday Slang)
2.14Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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