Don't Moose With Her (Bearbank Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: Don't Moose With Her (Bearbank Book 1)
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“Obviously,” Leo agreed. “I’ll call Alex, make him aware of what’s going on. You take care of Dana. Call me later.”

“Hey, Leo,” Ethan said. “Can you do me a favour? Can you visit my place and throw a few things in a bag for me? Drop it off at Dana’s later. I’ll be staying with her until things are settled. If I go to pack myself, she’ll probably lock me out her house.” There was no way he was leaving her while she was in danger. No matter what she thought about it.

Leo laughed. “Probably.” He paused and then his voice turned serious. “You have a lot of ground to make up there. Don’t jerk her around, Ethan. She’s a nice girl.”

Ethan sighed. “I know. You were right. I’m an idiot. I’m trying to fix it, Leo. But first things first, I need to make sure she’s safe and I don’t trust anyone else to do it. Not with my mate.”

“I get it,” Leo said. “I’ll pack you a bag. Call me when you’re at her house and I’ll drop it off.”

Ethan ended the call and returned to watching Dana. Now that he’d decided that he couldn’t let her go, he had to find a way to make her trust him again. He had hurt her and now she was wary of him. He had to find a way to get back in her good books. He refused to consider the possibility that he had blown it for good. Well, he’d be staying with her until her stalker problem was resolved and she wouldn’t be able to avoid him then. Perhaps that would give him a chance to win her over. He would care for her while she was hurt and protect her from all threats. If could manage to throw in a little charm - he ignored his wolf’s snort - then maybe his mate would forgive him and give him another chance. He’d make sure he didn’t blow it again.

He sat quietly until Dana woke. She startled awake, long legs kicking out as she looked about.

“Easy there,” Ethan soothed her, careful not to touch her. She could do a fair amount of damage if she kicked him. Was it sick that he found that appealing?

His mate turned her gaze on him. She rolled her eyes forward to see him. As a moose, her eyesight was not great, particularly close up. She inhaled, her sense of smell allowing her to recognise his scent, and calmed quickly.

“You ready to turn back?” Ethan asked her, stroking her nose.

She looked at him, gaze narrowed, and tossed her head toward the door. The meaning was clear. She wanted privacy to change. As much as he longed to see her naked, he knew that pushing her now would not endear him to her. Embarking on Operation: Win Dana Over meant that he had to give her a little space.

He sighed. “I’m not leaving but I’ll keep my back turned again.”

He turned around and faced the door. A short time later, he could hear scrambling as Dana rushed to get dressed. His wolf grumbled at him but he reminded it that they needed to get Dana to forgive them – his wolf growled – okay, to forgive him and then they could have a lifetime of watching her dress and undress. Or, you know, they could just persuade her to stay naked all the time. The wolf liked that idea and subsided. Unlike his massive erection. Clearly his human side liked the idea too.

“I’m dressed,” Dana called softly.

Turning around, he saw her sitting on the bed, watching him warily. He looked back, noting that many of the scratches and blossoming bruises had already disappeared. She still had one scratch on her forehead and a faint bruise on her cheekbone. Her face was pale, her hair dishevelled, and she looked tired.

“How are you feeling?” he asked her.

“A lot better,” she said. “My head feels fine and I don’t feel sick anymore. That’s a relief. My leg still hurts and I feel generally stiff and achy, but nothing major. I think I’m good to go now.”

“Then let’s get you home,” he said. He'd feel better once she was safely inside her house. With him. He wanted to take her to his own place but it was a dump. Her house would have to do.

“No,” she said firmly. She crossed her arms, her expression mulish. She was not giving in on this one. “I need to check on Katie and then I want to go to the hospital to see Fiona. Have you heard anything?” She stood up beside the bed, keeping her weight off her left leg. Clearly, it was still bothering her.

“They’re both fine,” he assured her. “I called Leo while you were asleep. Katie is fine and with her brother. Leo is with Fiona. She’s awake and suffering from a broken arm and a concussion. They’re taking good care of her.”

Dana breathed out a sigh of relief. “Thank God.” She paused for a moment, before adding, “Could you see if the doctor can lend me a crutch? My leg is still a little too sore to put my weight on.”

Ethan snorted and walked towards her. She tried to step away but she was right next to the bed and her injuries made her too slow. He swung her up into his arms and walked towards the door.

“Put me down,” Dana hissed. “I need crutches.”

“Why?” Ethan asked pleasantly. “Just tell me where you want to go and I’ll make sure you’ll get there.” He meant it too. He was fully prepared to carry her around until she was better. Probably longer. It was an excellent excuse to be close to her. He'd take any excuse he could get.

“You can’t carry me everywhere!” she exclaimed.

“Watch me.” He smiled at her, enjoying the flush that crept over her cheeks. His wolf nose also caught the faint scent of her arousal. For all that she protested, at least a part of her liked being carried by him. He’d file that away for later.

He stopped at the door, unable to open it while he carried her.

“Get the door for me, would you?” he asked.

She glared at him mutinously. She was going to be difficult. Awesome. His wolf did enjoy a challenge.

“See, the only other way I can do this,” he said, grinning at her, “is to throw you over my shoulder and open the door myself.”

Her eyes widened and she leaned down to open the door.

“Thought you’d see it my way,” he chuckled, earning another glare. The scent of her arousal had grown stronger though. Apparently his little moose liked the caveman act. He’d remember that too.

Walking along the corridor, they found the doctor who had examined Dana.

“Oh, your friend left already,” she said when they asked after Katie. “Her brother took her home. She’s doing fine, dear. Nothing to worry about.”

“Could I have some crutches?” Dana asked sweetly, with a side glance at him.

“Oh, of course,” the doctor nodded. “Your leg still hurting? It should be fine within a few days. Just try not to put your weight on it for a while. I’m sure your young man will be happy to run around after you.”

“Absolutely,” Ethan said before Dana could deny their connection. She glared at him again. If looks could kill, he'd have been dead several times over by now. She probably didn’t realize how hot she looked when she did that. His wolf viewed it as a challenge to kiss her until she forgot why she was mad at him. He liked that strategy but it would have to wait for now. Big bad wolf or not, he was fairly sure that she’d maim him if he tried it. She was worth a good maiming but it would hinder his other plans to woo her.

The doctor fetched a pair of crutches and carried them out to the car for them. Ethan thanked her as he gently placed Dana in the front passenger seat. Ignoring her attempts to bat his hands away, he fastened her seat belt for her. He put the crutches in the back seat and got into the driver’s seat. Dana had her face turned away from him and he smiled to himself. His improved behaviour seemed to confuse her and she was attempting to put distance between them. He’d allow it for now but he was determined to melt her heart. Starting the car, he drove off, anticipating the fight when Dana realized that he really meant to stay with her.

Chapter 20



The hospital had the usual smell of death, sickness, and antiseptic. Dana’s enhanced sense of smell made it particularly unpleasant. She hated hospitals but she was determined to see Fiona.

Ethan had argued with her, insisting that Dana should go home and rest but she had dug her heels in. Finally, she had declared that if he took her home, she would simply call her three large brothers to come and get her. He had scowled at her and given in. Of course, it was highly unlikely that her brothers would have actually helped her. They were more likely to take her to their parents’ house where her mother would smother her senseless but Ethan didn’t know that.

Once at the hospital, Ethan had left the crutches in the car, insisting on carrying her again. At the entrance, she had suggested a wheelchair but he ignored her. He really did seem intent on carrying her everywhere. The wolf was confusing her. It was more than just his protective stance and his willingness to help her, although those made her heart beat faster. He was being friendly. And flirty. Had he changed his mind about being her mate? She wasn’t sure she was ready to forget his rejection but she couldn’t help her body’s response to him. Or her mind’s response. She liked this side of him. This man, she could imagine being mated to. Even if she did occasionally want to throttle him. Perhaps she was reading too much into it. One thing was for sure, she was not opening herself up to be rejected again. Once was more than enough.

They arrived towards the end of visiting time, so they had a short time to see Fiona before they’d be kicked out. Entering the ward, she drew a few curious gazes, probably wondering why she was being carried around. They found Fiona’s room, a shifter cop standing guard outside. As they entered the room, Fiona saw them coming, her face a mixture of surprise and amusement. She was sitting up in bed, her left arm in a cast, her face pale. Ethan carried Dana to the chair at the side of the bed. She expected him to put her down in the chair. Instead, he sat on the chair himself and settled her on his lap. She tried to stand up but his arms tightened around her, keeping her immobile. She felt a small growl slip free and heard him chuckle. Men! Determined to ignore him, she turned to her friend.

“Hey,” Dana said. “How are you feeling?”

Fiona gave her a half-smile. “I think my head is trying to explode.”

“I’m so glad you’re awake,” Dana said. “You had me worried.”

“I’ll be fine,” Fiona assured her. “Are you okay?”

Dana nodded. “Yeah, just a busted leg. It should be fine within a few days. Katie is fine too.”

“I know.” Fiona smiled. “She was in here. You just missed her. Her brother, Felix, is pretty hot, by the way.”

Dana laughed. “I noticed. All her brothers are hot.” Katie’s brothers were extremely attractive. They were also extremely vain, especially about their golden manes. Felix was the absolute worst. He honestly did have pretty hair though.

She heard a growl from behind her and laughed harder. Her wolf was jealous. She felt a nip on her ear and her wolf whispered “Play nice.” Shifting a little to look at him, she could feel his erection poking her. Blushing, she dropped her gaze and looked back to Fiona who was watching them with an amused expression.

“Have you two sorted out your differences?” Fiona asked, smirking.

“No,” Dana said at the same time as Ethan said, “Yes.”

She glared at him again and he shrugged, adding “Working on it.” Then he winked at her and smiled when she narrowed her eyes at him.

The bell rang, announcing the end of visiting time. Dana sighed. She hated to leave her friend here. It felt like she was abandoning her.

“I’ll come back tomorrow,” she promised Fiona.

“If you’re well enough,” Ethan added, making her growl again. Honestly, the man was so annoying that he could make a moose growl. Repeatedly.

Fiona smiled at them. “It’s fine. I’ll see you when I see you. Let me know if anything happens. And Dana? Stay safe. Don’t do anything silly like wander off by yourself.”

“I won’t,” Dana promised. “I’ll be fine. You just concentrate on getting yourself better.”

They stood and Ethan once again picked her up like she weighed nothing. She gave him her most put upon sigh but he just winked at her. He carried her back through the hospital and out to the car. If she was being honest with herself - which she absolutely hated doing - she enjoyed Ethan carrying her a little too much. Not that she’d ever admit it to him, of course. It worried her just how much she liked it. He was getting under her skin, no matter how hard she tried to resist him. She couldn’t wait to get home and get a little space. A little time to rebuild the wall between them, that’s what she needed.




“What do you mean, you’re staying?” Dana’s squeal was every bit as loud as expected.

Ethan shrugged and plopped himself down on the sofa next to her. His moose looked a little wild eyed. His campaign was clearly working and she seemed desperate to put space between them. He couldn’t let that happen. Even if she didn’t have a maniac after her, he couldn’t leave her alone to build up her defences and shut him out. Even if he did deserve it.

She opened her mouth to argue and he cut her off. “You can’t stay by yourself until we catch this guy. Katie isn’t at full strength so you get me.”

“Lucky me,” she muttered, but at least she didn’t fight. She was clearly rattled by the car crash. He didn’t want her to be frightened but she needed to understand the danger she was in.

“Where did you put the crutches?” she asked, looking around.

“No idea,” he answered cheerfully. He had left them in the car, determined that he would help her get around. Yeah, he was an opportunist. Or a sneaky bastard, as his cousin liked to say.

She scowled at him. “You lost them on purpose, didn’t you?”

He gave her his best innocent expression. Her snort told him that it wasn’t very convincing.

“Where do you need to go?” he asked.

“I’ll manage,” she insisted, struggling to her feet.

Before she managed to take a single step, he bounced up off the sofa and swept her off her feet. He just loved that little squeaky sound she made whenever he did that.

“Where are we going?” he asked, holding her.

She squirmed in his arms but he refused to put her down, instead calmly watching her, waiting for her answer.

“Fine,” she said from between gritted teeth. “The bathroom. You can take me there but then you are leaving me alone. I want a bath and I do not need help.”

BOOK: Don't Moose With Her (Bearbank Book 1)
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