Read Dragons of Preor: Taulan Online

Authors: Celia Kyle,Erin Tate

Dragons of Preor: Taulan (9 page)

BOOK: Dragons of Preor: Taulan
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nd she’d claim
him as long as he didn’t deny her. She’d touched him, tasted him, during their night of passion but it hadn’t been enough. Not nearly. Now she wanted to feel him—his cock—deep within her pussy. She wanted to scream his name while he fucked her hard over and over again. She wanted to explore his body and learn his every secret.

“You’re mine.” Something dangerous and feral rumbled inside her, as if a part of her human body recognized her bestial mate.

“Lana,” regret and need warred their way across his features. He wanted her, but that didn’t mean he
to want her.

She wanted this enough for the both of them.

She squeezed the hardness beneath her palm, rubbing him from root to tip in a firm stroke. A damp spot formed at the head of his cock, further proof of his desire for her. Pre-cum leaked from his dick and she wanted to lap up those hints of his arousal.

She’d tasted him before, but never as a prelude to lovemaking. It was something they’d done because she wasn’t quite ready for that step.

For this step.

But now she was.

“Take me, Taulan. Fuck me. Fill me.” She nipped his lower lip. “Claim me, my Preor warrior.”

A growl was her only warning, only hint that she’d broken his fierce resolve. The rumble vibrated his chest and transferred to her, shaking her whole body in time with that noise.

Claw-tipped fingers gripped her hard, nails digging into her flesh and sending a jolt of pain down her spine. And what followed it was pure pleasure. His lips were everywhere, hands alternating between painful scrapes and delicious caresses. She balanced on the edge of agony and ecstasy, and she ached for him to consume her.

The pain from the fight was nothing compared to the unfulfilled ache of need. Her pussy was hot and wet, heavy and aching with desire—for him, for his cock. When he yanked on her pants, she didn’t object. She didn’t say a word as sharp nails sliced through her clothing. She didn’t take off her pants. They were torn from her body in fluttering strips until she was bare from the waist down. Taulan’s gaze remained locked on the juncture of her thighs and he licked his lips.

As if he wanted another taste of her. She trembled with the thought. She loved his mouth between her legs, feasting on her cunt and making her scream his name to the skies.

Shaa kouva
,” the words were guttural and deep, more beast than man. “You are mine.”

“Yes.” She was.

She pulled her focus from his delicious touch and reached for his clothing, tugging and pulling until he was bare chested. Her mouth watered with the need to lick and nibble each one of his muscles, trace his abs with her tongue and then rip off his pants so she could nuzzle his hard cock. He was so muscular, his scent smoky and sweet with a hint of musk that made her ache for him.

His next action bared her breasts to the room, yet another outfit lost to her mate’s deadly claws.

“I am always stripping you,
shaa kouva
. I am always taking when I should be giving.” He growled the words but didn’t stop his movements. No, he continued dragging cloth from her body, continued stroking and caressing her, continued following his hands with his mouth. He sucked on her nipple and nibbled the hard nub. He flicked it gently and then bit down just hard enough to give her a jolt of pain.

The man knew how to stoke the fires of her arousal.

Taulan cupped her mound, his fingers curling and sliding into her sopping wet pussy with ease. He pumped his fingers in and out of her sheath, sending tremors of arousal through her body.

“Taking,” he added a third finger to her pussy and she gasped with the intrusion. “Taking is giving,
shaa kouvi
.” Taulan hummed as if he didn’t believe her. “I love it when you take me. When you make me feel, make me experience.” She rolled her hips, savoring the heat of their joining. “You take my pleasure and give me more at the same time.”

He grunted, his expression one of disbelief, but he lowered his head and sucked on her left nipple hard. He released her with a soft pop and then… Then…

“I will take your pussy, Lana joi Taulan, and I will give you my cock.”

“Yes,” she moaned the word and then whimpered when he withdrew. But he only withdrew for a moment. Just long enough to strip his clothing from his body and leave himself bared to her gaze.

So beautiful, so much sculpted steel and stone.

Scarred and abused stone. A hint of his scarring curved around his ribs, the rivulets of twisted skin traveling the length of his abdomen to slink across his ribs. She knew there was more evidence of his injuries, more proof of the loss of his wings.

But he hadn’t let her see anything yet.

Which needed to change.

Before he could join her, she pushed to her feet and didn’t stop moving until their bodies were practically aligned. His hard cock nudged her hip, his dick ready to find home within her pussy, but she had other plans first.

Shaa kouva
, I need—“

Taulan sucked in a harsh breath and she didn’t stop. Her fingers encountered smooth skin along his carved abdomen, but then she shifted her path to his ribs. That was where she found the twisted mass of flesh.

“Lana,” he ground out her name and grabbed her wrist. “No.”

Fierce, blazing eyes bored into hers, but this was too important. “Yes.”

She would not be denied.


She didn’t stop her exploration and he didn’t force her to halt. “You have seen all of me, Taulan. You know everything. It’s time to share yourself.”

He pressed his lips together and turned his stare to the ground, no longer looking at her at all. “You do not understand.”

His voice was no more than a harsh rasp and hardly audible.

“I never will if you don’t tell me—show me.”

He breathed deeply and let it out with a slow rasp. She knew he didn’t want to do this, but would because she’d asked. “Fine,” he snapped. “But we shall do this in a bed. If you leave me, I will not have far to move before I let the skies take me.” He quirked his lips. “I always wished to die in bed with a beautiful female.”

A jolt of sadness raced through her and she glared at her mate even if he wasn’t giving her his attention. “No one is dying, jerk.”

His rueful grin became teasing. “Perhaps you will love me to death.”

She was tempted to try it.

Taulan bent at the waist and scooped her into his arms. Long strides ate up the distance between the living room and bedroom, and he didn’t release her until they stood beside the bed.

Then it all changed, it all shifted from anxious and rapid movements to a slow, gradual walk. Lana stayed close to him, giving him what comfort she could, and he took it for one minute and then two, before finally stepping away.

“It is not pretty, my Lana.”

“Life isn’t pretty.”

“That is a strong truth.”

She stroked his side once more, the skin angry and red, twisted from the damage he’d suffered. “Life isn’t about the pretty parts. It’s about everything. Happy and sad. It’s easier to shoulder the sad when you have a partner.” She leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to the center of his chest. “Share it with me.”

Taulan pulled his attention from her and she recognized the unease in his position. He was nervous, wary, and everything she’d experienced when she revealed the truth about Steven.

“Share it.” Another gentle kiss. “Please.”

The please broke him. It had him stepping away and reaching for the bedcovers. It had him yanking at the blankets and finally flopping onto the mattress on his stomach.

She couldn’t have suppressed the surprise had she tried. Knowing his wings had been removed with acid was different than
his wings had been removed with acid. His entire back was a twisting and twining mass of red and tanned stripes. His skin was nothing more than a hilly battlefield where a fight for his life had occurred.

Lana’s arousal lessened with the sight before her, with evidence of his suffering, heartache, and soul-deep agony. So many things were tied to a Preor’s wings. So many emotions, so many aspects of their lives depended on flight.

Flight forever out of her mate’s reach.

He lifted to his elbows and glanced over his shoulder, his face a mask of pain and daring. Yes, he dared her to pity him, to feel sorry for the poor Preor who couldn’t fly.

But Lana wasn’t like every other person he’d come into contact with. She didn’t care if he ever flew again. She didn’t care about his position, his wealth, or what he could do for her.

She cared that he still lived and that was that.

“Lie down,” she whispered the words as she climbed over him. She moved and straddled his back, her ass resting on his.

Taulan tensed and a tremor slunk through him. “Lana…”

She didn’t say a word, didn’t attempt to soothe him. Her world centered around exploring her mate, on assuring him she craved him as he was and without reservation. Scars didn’t matter. Nothing but him mattered.

“Shhh…” She traced his shoulders, fingers light as they drifted over his skin. She avoided the larger scars and instead focused on the least marred areas. But that didn’t satisfy her for long. No, she wanted more—all of him. He twitched and she quieted him once more. “Shhh…”

She gradually increased her pressure, petting his back and discovering every hidden part of Taulan. She carefully made her way to the darkest, largest scars. They were truly like a mountain range of flesh that marred his back.

Others saw it as proof of weakness. She saw them as proof of strength.

She carefully stroked the reddest flesh between where his wings would have rested. Melissa and Nalan called it his wing base. Taulan’s hadn’t been destroyed, his wings were simply gone. He still had all of the sensation, the nerve bundles that gave a mate Preor so much pleasure. She would prove that to her mate now.

Her pressure was soft, the first stroke barely a touch at all while the second was slightly firmer. The third… With the third, she scraped a single nail over the twisted skin, as close to the base of one of his wings as she could.

And his reaction was immediate. He roared with the teasing touch and jackknifed from the bed, taking her up with him. He rose to a push-up position while she remained sprawled over his back.


She shifted and wiggled, moving until she could bring her mouth to his wing base. She blew a soft burst of cool air across the sensitive flesh. “Yes?”

“You… You shouldn’t…” She licked the skin between his wings. “You…” Her big, bad Preor warrior whimpered.

“You are still a Preor warrior,
shaa kouvi
. You are still a male with his wing base.”

“You shouldn’t…” His voice was soft and whining.

“I shouldn’t treat my mate like the warrior he is?” She licked him again. Savoring the hint of heat and musk that skated over her taste buds. She nuzzled the valley between his damaged wings, enjoying the scent of his flesh. “You are my warrior, Taulan joi Lana Coburn.”

Apparently those words broke what little control he had left. She found their positions suddenly reversed, Lana resting on her back while Taulan hovered above her. His fierce expression sent a jolt of fear through her blood. His face was set into firm, startling lines and she had the feeling he’d go crazy if she denied him now.

She never would.

“And you are my beloved, Lana joi Taulan Coburn.” He bared his fangs. “

There was no more discussion about should they or would they when it came to claiming. It was simply done. Taulan didn’t give her a chance to respond to his pronouncement. Instead, he positioned his cock at her entrance and filled her in one, smooth shift of body and bone. His cock stretched her pussy, spreading her until she thought she’d burst from being so filled by cock.

.” He repeated the word as if she’d forget.

That began a repeating litany, his voice growing deeper and huskier with every thrust and retreat.

Mine. Mine. Mine.

He slammed in and out of her clinging pussy, her sheath rippling around him and milking his cock. She wanted him, all of him. His cock, his scent, his cum…

All Lana could do was cling to him, hold tight while he fucked her with punishing thrusts. Their hips slapped together with the lewd smack of skin hitting skin. Pants and moans filled the air as they both relished in the pleasure of their lovemaking.

Lovemaking. Fucking. Coming. God, she wanted to come.

She milked his length, each spasm sending her pleasure twirling higher and higher. She climbed the hill toward the ultimate joy, finding the edge within reach, she balanced on the precipice. She shuddered and trembled with the bits of bliss that engulfed her. It wouldn’t take much more to push her over that last razor-thin edge of control.

A look of fierce concentration and need coated Taulan’s features. His muscles bulged and sweat dotted his brow while scales slowly rose into view. His reptilian eyes were focused on her, the dragon wanting to participate in this claiming as well. And that thrilled her all the more. She tingled with growing ecstasy, her release hovering within reach.

Lana dug her fingers into his shoulder and pulled herself to him, back rising off the bed so she could reach his lips. She bit down, nipping him without drawing blood, and demanded he finish it.

“Come in my pussy, Taulan. Come in my cunt.”

That was all he needed—all they needed. He thrust once, twice, and then his hips were firm against hers as a new warmth bathed her inner walls. At that same moment, her orgasm bowled her over. It blanketed her in a wave of joy and ecstasy, bliss growing and consuming her with the sensations. She shouted his name with her release, screaming her joy to the skies for one and all to hear. She shuddered and shook, limbs uncontrollable as the pleasure continued to roll down her spine.

Aftershocks shook her, sending random trembles through her, forcing her muscles to twitch as her orgasm drained away. It left her lethargic and sated beyond belief. Taulan was in the same shape, twitching and jerking, his cock still flexing inside her tight sheath.

BOOK: Dragons of Preor: Taulan
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