Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Were Love Conquers All [Were Trilogy 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (6 page)

BOOK: Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Were Love Conquers All [Were Trilogy 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“I need to get me one of those. I’d have her spread out on the desk, in the printing room, the mail room, it wouldn’t matter. She looks delicious,” Latikus remarked.

“She sure does, but there is also innocence about her. A stunning beauty with a body made to please the right wolf,” Spencer replied.

“You think the lovely Charity is a virgin, Spencer? You could be on to something,” Latikus countered with a gleam in his eye as he looked toward Charity’s direction.

“Goddesses and virgins at the Venificus party? I’d say this is the best family gathering in centuries,” Spencer said then chuckled.

“I think it requires some deep investigating on my part, Spencer. I’ll let you know if the lovely Charity is a goddess or a virgin later.” Latikus winked, and Spencer laughed as he shook his head.

Dante was just about to grab Latikus when Luther grabbed his shoulder to stop him.

The others continued to the dining room and located their seats.

“Calm yourself, brother. We need to be careful.” Dante looked back at his brother Luther, grateful he had grabbed him before he did something stupid.

“If Latikus dares to touch her, I will rip his heart out and tear him to shreds,” Dante promised.

“We’ll figure this out, and if she is our mate, then thank the Goddess she is here in our home where we can keep an eye on her.”

“I want to do more than keep an eye on her, brother. My beast needs to touch her and taste her. I want to claim her before some other man even attempts to take a sample of what is ours.”

Luther smiled then shifted his stance and the bulge between his legs. “I know exactly what you mean. I would like to do nothing more than go over there, toss Charity over my shoulder, and take her to the nearest bedroom. But we can’t act like beasts. We are royalty, and there is a protocol to follow.”

“That protocol may just become too difficult to follow. Our mate is way more enticing than I could have ever imagined a mate to be.”

They continued walking with the rest of their guests, being certain to locate Charity before they took their seats.

Only the Alphas and the omegas sat in one area. The other guests gathered in a separate room.

* * * *

Considering Charity had done everything in her power to place the spell over her and deceive her identity, it seemed the brothers were wiser. Charity and Val were surprised to find that they were to be seated with the Venificus family. Perhaps it was just a bluff, but she would make the best of it.

“I think we’ve impressed them already, prin—” Val stopped short before he called her princess. She had warned him to be careful. Glancing up, she noticed Luther sat across from her. He appeared to see what just occurred. She looked away, but Val smiled at Luther and began making conversation.

Charity followed the direction of the other guests’ gazes as they watched an older man and woman enter the dining area. All eyes were upon them as they took seats nearest the end position of the long dining table. The woman had the same green eyes as the brothers, and the older man looked exactly like them but much older.

Dante sat at the other far end along with several Alphas from other packs. Charity knew them all. They represented some of the packs within the United States and from Europe. Most she had never met in person but handled all their security affairs behind closed doors. They did know her name, and they knew she was the one that scheduled their security and ensured their wishes were met to the fullest. She smiled, they in turn returned the smile, and Charity went back to listening to the discussions around her.

The final empty seat was the head position at the table. Conversations halted and all heads bowed as Lord Maximus Venificus entered the dining room.

Charity couldn’t help but take a peek at him. He was magnificent, superior, and her heart began to race. The man stood out among every Alpha male she had ever encountered. He appeared wild and untamable yet debonair and classy. No wonder many of the women were drooling. An uneasy feeling filled her belly.

His facial expression was bold and serious. There were two small gold hoops attached to the thick patch of hair on his chin. It was attractive and made him appear rugged and as if he had a wild side to him. Her feminine instincts found him just as attractive as his brothers. He seemed more like the black sheep, or perhaps the most feared. He was solid muscle, and his chest stood out further from his trim stomach and waist. She could only imagine what Maximus would look like in were form.

He stood by the seat, looked straight at her and caught her gaze. Quickly, she looked down and avoided his stare.

“Friends, my family and I thank you for joining us on this festive occasion.” All eyes gazed at Maximus.

When he raised his full glass of red wine, the sound of chairs moving and people hurrying to stand and take their glasses filled the air. Charity stood and reached for her glass, catching Dante and Luther watching her closely.

“Please feel at home here. Anything you need or want can be provided. Enjoy the meal, the dessert, and the entertainment. Our home is your home for the week. To the hunt!” He raised his glass, and in unison all responded.


Then they took a sip and sat back down at the table. On cue, the walls to the back of the room parted and a large orchestra appeared, already beginning the melody of a classical tune.

It was quite impressive, and Charity couldn’t help but smile. She enjoyed the classical style as well as great art ranging from the Victorian era to present day. There had been numerous paintings along the corridor near her room, but she had yet to further investigate. Then of course there were the ones in the great room where Dante had kissed her.

Turning away from the orchestra, she saw Dante watching her, and the warmth hit her cheeks. Her nipples tightened and pressed against the fabric of her dress. Her heart tattoo burned gently beneath her skin and other parts came to life. She looked away from him, hoping her blush and her arousal went unnoticed. It seemed now that just a look from one of the Venificus sent her feminine assets up in flames.

She quickly looked away as the wait staff began to serve a lavish meal of turkey, ham, roast beef, and all the side dishes imaginable.

As Charity watched and listened to the various conversations going on, she felt other eyes upon her. It was the brothers’ parents.

“I don’t believe we’ve met. My name is Alexis.” The tall woman had taken a seat next to Charity but had been in continuous conversation with the man beside her since they entered the dining area. She was a werewolf. Charity could smell and sense it. She was related to the brothers somehow, but that information wasn’t divulged by Alexis yet.

A glance from Alexis to Luther told Charity the young woman’s intentions. The brothers wanted information.

Charity prepared to play her role as assistant.

“I’m Charity. It’s nice to meet you.”

Alexis leaned closer. “If you don’t mind me saying, you are quite beautiful. The men have all been talking about you.”

Charity felt her cheeks warm, and she was certain she was blushing.

Alexis touched her arm.

“Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to embarrass you. Someone with such beauty should be used to the male attention. It appears my assumption was wrong,” Alexis stated, and Charity sensed the woman’s sincerity.

“That’s okay. I don’t get out much. I’m always busy with work. Stuffed in an office most days, when I’m not traveling of course.”

“You’ve never been to a party like this?”

“No. I had to buy this dress just for tonight. I hate shopping.”

Alexis smiled.

“I love shopping. There are some great boutiques in the city. I’m hoping to hit a few of them before we leave this week.” Alexis glanced at the man who was sitting beside Luther. Charity knew he was an Alpha.

He smiled at Alexis then locked gazes with Charity. He was a warrior, yet good vibes radiated from his aura. Charity smiled in return. Then she watched Zagoran whisper to Dante and Luther.

Quickly she glanced away. Both brothers smirked, and Zagoran chuckled.

“It appears you have caught the interest of the Venificus brothers.”

Charity looked back at Alexis.

“What do you mean?”

Alexis smiled at Charity, appearing somewhat amused at her naiveté.

“You don’t get out much. So let me explain a few things. You see, the Venificus brothers are complicated. However, they have their choice of women. Down the hall, numerous Betas wait with much anticipation of whom they will spend the evening with.”

Charity was shocked. Not that she was ignorant to the ways of the wolf, but she felt annoyed, angry, and…jealous. Damn it, she was jealous just imagining what type of women waited down the hallway. Glancing in that direction then back at Alexis caused Alexis to laugh. Charity turned to Luther, Dante, and Zagoran, who seemed to be attempting to listen, and she gave them a dirty look before turning away.

If not for the interruption of plates being removed by servants, she was certain one of the brothers would react to her rudeness. At the moment she didn’t care.

“I did not tell you that to upset you. I just find it amusing that a bunch of women have been waiting months for this night, planning, practicing their techniques just so that they can land one of the brothers for a night. Then here you are, all innocent, naïve, and two of the brothers are practically drooling at the sight of you. Quite interesting.” Alexis took a sip from her glass.

“Well, I’m not interested. I don’t want to cause any problems. I’m here for business reasons. As a matter of fact, I may be leaving tonight.” Charity quickly picked up her glass of wine and took a sip. Alexis looked toward the brothers and her husband.

“You don’t want to leave. You’ll miss all the fun. Besides, if what you say is true and you’re usually stuck in the office or traveling, then you should take advantage of the week off. Please don’t leave tonight. I am certain you will enjoy your stay here. I can tell you are honest and a good person. I’d like to get to know you better.”

Charity placed her wine glass back down on the table.

“Is it you that wants to get to know me, or did your mate and the brothers put you up to this?”

Alexis blushed then smiled.

“I won’t lie to you. There’s something about you that makes me feel comfortable and want to be honest. Zagoran is going to be angry at me for admitting this but, yes, they did ask me to talk to you. However, I wasn’t expecting you to be so nice and forthright. I’m sorry to have deceived you, Charity. Can we forget my original intentions and just start over?”

Charity smiled. “I suppose we can, but can you explain to me why the brothers are so untrusting? Why are they interested in finding out about me?”

“Aside from the obvious reason, they’re concerned over their business. I don’t know all the details, but I can tell you that last week’s meeting was scary. Maximus was loud and very angry. Everyone disappeared from the house. Zagoran didn’t tell me what took place, but Maximus is not one to upset. You see, he is a warrior, the greatest of them all. He is feared by most and does not trust easily.”

Charity must have looked concerned because Alexis touched her arm as she whispered.

“You should know that he can be rough, and don’t ever get caught alone with him. Also be certain to never look into his eyes.”

“Why is that?” Charity asked although she already knew the answer.

“He has a power to hypnotize and weaken with his stare.”

“Do his brothers have this gift as well?”

“No. Only Maximus. Just stay clear of him this week.”

“I’ll try, but I do believe that my boss and I will be meeting with him and the others if not tonight then tomorrow. Like I said, I may be leaving earlier than anticipated.”

“You should be fine in a room of many. Besides, if Luther and Dante are going to be there, which I am certain they will, then you should be safe. Still, do not lock gazes with Maximus.”

“I appreciate the words of advice. I will discuss this with Val and see when my boss would like to head back to work.”

“I hate to break up this private conversation, but would you ladies like to join us in the other room for some cognac and dessert?” Zagoran interrupted as he stood behind their chairs.

Alexis smiled wide. Charity could tell they were in love. The bond between wolf mates was unbreakable.

Noticing that Zagoran was alone, Charity looked for Val, but he was already walking away with Spencer.

That man doesn’t take orders very well. I told him to stay beside me.

Smiling, Charity had no choice but to follow Alexis and Zagoran.

Chapter 4

The were couple led Charity to a grand room adjacent to where the orchestra played.

A large wood and stone fireplace sat in the center of the room. There were plenty of couches and single chairs to sit in. Alexis led Charity closer to the fireplace and a comfortable
-shaped, double-sided couch.

Once again, only the Alphas, omegas, and select guests lounged here for dessert.

BOOK: Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Were Love Conquers All [Were Trilogy 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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