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Authors: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Tags: #Romance


BOOK: Ellena
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Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 4


Seeking some alone time to gather new recipes for Aubert's and enjoy some stress-free days, Ellena Aubert takes a weeklong vacation in New Orleans. There she meets a mysterious stranger on the streets of the French Quarter. He seems well respected, but when he shows up again when she’s shopping, Ellena becomes suspicious. After all, she may live in the Bayou, but she knows men, and they can’t all be trusted. She follows her gut and ignores his attempt to draw her into his seduction, and she focuses on the reason for her trip.

While dining with an old friend and sampling delicious Cajun foods, she bumps into Mack Rue, a man she had lusted for in the past. She finally breaks down and accepts Mack, Leon, Troy, and Roy Rue’s advances on her after years of fighting them tooth and nail. All seems great until the suspicious stranger comes back to haunt her and she finds herself submerged in a federal investigation that ultimately risks her own life and the lives of her lovers.

Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among siblings.

Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

54,405 words



Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 4






Dixie Lynn Dwyer










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IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting




Copyright © 2013 by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

E-book ISBN:


First E-book Publication: March 2013


Cover design by Les Byerley

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Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 4



Copyright © 2013






Chapter 1


“That there’s the best spread of food dis side of New Orleans,” Eloi stated in a thick Cajun accent as everyone filled the back patio at Aubert’s Restaurant.

“We been cooking for days for this, Eloi. Glad you enjoying the food,” Ellena said as she wiped her hands on her apron. She felt the arm go over her shoulder then Illeanna hug her close.

“The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, Ellena, and I think the Rue men got eyes for you,” Illeanna teased, and Ellena gave her a smack with the dish towel.

“You get them thoughts outta your head, girl. Go focus on your men.” She growled at her and Illeanna laughed.

Ellena turned to see her sisters gathering around their men and enjoying the band that was playing good old Cajun music. Family and friends filled Aubert’s in celebration of the birth of Jessie and Ashlin Lafont. Angelique, Armand, Remi, Eloi, and Marcel were thrilled. They had their twin babies two months ago and just in time for the grand opening of Secret Pleasures Lingerie as well as the new, expanded Aubert’s Restaurant run by Ellena, Angelina, and Illeanna. Both establishments were hopping with activity.

“Hey, good looking, why don’t you go sit over there with your sisters so I can take a few more pictures of you together,” Louis suggested as he held his top-of-the-line camera in hand and ushered her toward the others.

“Come on over, sista. They playing our song!” Angelina yelled as the sound of trumpets, tubas, and tambourines echoed around the restaurant.

Angelina pulled Ellena next to her as Deputy Leon Rue winked at her.

Ellena couldn’t help but blush. Leon, Mack, Troy, and Roy Rue had been flirting very publically all day. She thought that Leon got the message months ago when Illeanna was in trouble and they met by Illeanna’s home. These men didn’t know shit about relationships, and she wasn’t biting on what they were tempting her with.

She crossed her arms in front of her almost feeling the piss and vinegar travel through her veins. She was tired. Tired of working hard, tired of taking care of everyone, and tired of fighting her attraction to the Rue men. She shook her head and reminded herself that in three days she would be in the French Quarter, enjoying the soulful sounds of street bands while engrossing herself in downtown New Orleans cooking. She was in search of a few more unique meals to add to the menu at Aubert’s, and what better place to find one but right in the center of all the action.


* * * *


Leon sat next to his brother Mack. A glance toward Mack and he could see that he was in a dead stare at Ellena.

“It’s like torture of the worst kind, ain’t it?” Leon whispered to Mack as Ellena swallowed down another Sazerac. She looked like she was beginning to loosen up.

“Oh, I remember this one. Hey, Ellena, sing it for us,” Angelina said as she giggled and touched her glass to Mikayla’s. Ellena shook her head, but then her sisters began to harass her and carry on.

“Okay, okay,” Ellena slurred, and they laughed then told the band to begin again. They were all gathered around the main outside porch area. The temperature was warm, so warm that Ellena wore an off-the-shoulder dress in green that showed off her light green eyes. Her onyx hair tapped against her neck as she began to slowly tap her hand against her hip. Her eyes were closed as if she were concentrating on the sounds of the instruments, waiting for her cue to begin.

The moment she started singing, Leon felt his jaw drop in shock. Their woman had a hell of a voice. The song was slow and sexy and then began to pick up a bit as the beat sped up. Leon looked at his other brothers, Roy and Troy. He could see the desire in their eyes and the way they stared at Ellena in awe. What were they going to do? How could they get that damn stubborn woman to loosen up and admit to her feelings for them?

She continued to sing, and it made him desire her even more. By the time she finished the song, the entire place was clapping, and the leader of the band was bowing before her.

“Ellena, how about one from years ago? I remember seeing you that night, out on the corner of Puvoe’s and Dudley, wearing that pretty little dress and smiling as if times were good. You rocked out your chords and the band that was playing got their biggest tips that night. Ya remember that night, Ellena?” Chuck, the leader of the band asked and she shook her head and blushed. Instantly, Leon was jealous. What the fuck was Chuck talking about?

“That was many years ago. I was only twenty, if that,” Ellena said as she took another sip from her drink.

“You look just as beautiful now, woman. Come on up here and sing that sexy number you did that night.”

“No. No, I couldn’t.” She began to say, and then her sisters and their men began to cheer and root her on. Finally, she gave up fighting it and made her way up to the front of the room and closer to where he and his brother Mack sat.

Leon swallowed hard as she turned to look at him, and he held her gaze. He knew his expression was hard. Ellena gave a slightly annoyed sound and then pressed her hands down over her dress as if smoothing out the wrinkles. All Leon could imagine were his hands caressing her like that. The woman had a body like a fantasy and a face like an angel. She was twenty-seven years old and a total knockout.

The music began to play and once again, the sound of her amazing voice filled the room. It was a song about a man doing a woman wrong and her waking up alone in her bed filled with regrets. Ellena swayed her hips and danced, slow and sexy as she told the story of the woman and how that woman got burned and feared opening up her heart again. She danced, slow and sexy, like one of those old-time seductresses on the streets of the French Quarter. Some bands had women dance and sing to the jazz music they played, as crowds gathered around awestruck by the woman. Ellena had them all beat.

She had everyone’s complete attention and just as he thought the song was going to end with the woman in despair, the beat picked up, Ellena’s voice hardened and picked up pace as she sang about finding love and never letting a man rule her heart and soul.

Leon felt his entire body hum with an awareness of Ellena. Staring at her beautiful face and sexy curves as she showed off her abundant cleavage and wiggled and swayed made his cock hard and his mind think of nothing but her.

You don’t realize it yet, Ellena, but one day real soon, you’re going to face your destiny. You belong to us. We’re going to destroy that wall you built up around your heart, and next time you dance sexy, it will be in front of me and my brothers, in our bedroom.

Chapter 2
BOOK: Ellena
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