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Authors: N.J. Walters

Endless Chase (27 page)

BOOK: Endless Chase
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Katya cried out and Chase stilled. She could sense his hesitation, feel the powerful shudder go through him as he tried to gain control of himself. She wasn’t having any of it. “No! Don’t stop.” She shoved her hips back, trying to take him deeper.

“I can’t be gentle. Not now.” His voice was a deep growl that sent shivers up her spine. “I have to fuck you.”


N.J. Walters

“Then do it.” She moved again, this time shifting forward. “Fuck me hard.”

As if her permission was all he needed, he gripped her hips and rammed forward.

Katya’s entire body jerked and she almost lost her balance. She lowered herself down onto her forearms and held on as he pounded into her from behind.

Heat consumed her and her barriers dropped even further. Their emotions touched, mixed and became one. She could not only experience all she was feeling, but what Chase was as well. She knew his pleasure as he drove into her with each stroke. She felt full and complete when he was inside her and she knew he could sense that as well.

It was strange, but somehow perfectly natural. With the erotic sensations doubled, Katya felt herself hurtling toward an explosive orgasm.

Chase released her hips, sliding his hands around her body until he was cupping her breasts. He pumped his hips hard, his balls slapping against her clit over and over again. Katya bit her lip, tasting blood.

She was totally surrounded by him and she loved it. She sensed his rising hunger as he scented the blood she’d drawn from her lip and knew that the bloodlust was fully upon him. She felt the answering call within her, hungering for a taste of him.

He tugged on her nipples as he thrust hard from behind. Katya came undone. Pure fire seemed to consume her, but she went willingly into the flames, knowing he was there with her. Her body clenched hard and she was suspended for one brief second before plummeting over the edge. She shook from head to foot as her orgasm washed over her.

Chase sat back on his haunches and used his grip on her to pull her upright, her back to his chest. He was still seated inside her and the angle sent another blast of heat through her, prolonging her orgasm as he used his incredible strength to move her up and down his cock. He yelled and she felt his cock ripple inside her, felt the hot spurt of his seed filling her.

His teeth grazed her nape and her neck fell back, offering him everything. His fangs sank into her skin and she arched back as another orgasm shook her. He sucked hard, taking her blood into him. Her hips circled and she could feel him growing hard again.

The fingers of one of his hands toyed with her nipples, while the other one dropped between her legs, stroking her clit.

Shockingly, her body began to shake again, but before she could orgasm again, he withdrew his fangs and licked her skin, closing the two tiny wounds. He lifted her then, their bodies making a wet slurping sound as he pulled out of her.

“No,” she protested, grabbing at his cock, trying to put him back inside her. She wasn’t finished yet.

Chase gave a half-groan, half-laugh as he turned her to face him, lowering her once again. Katya gripped him hard, guiding him back to her opening, sighing with relief when he pressed back inside.

“Drink.” Chase drew her face to the curve of his neck. “Drink from me, Katya. Take what you need.”


Endless Chase

There was no hesitation as she slid her fangs into his flesh. His blood filled her mouth, hot and sweet. The taking and giving of blood was the most intimate of things, even more so than sex. Experiencing both at the same time was beyond imagination.

She shared everything she was feeling with him and absorbed his emotions in return. She loved the taste of him, loved the way every cell in her body soaked in his blood, clamoring for more. No blood had every made her feel more alive than his. Their bodies were still joined together and another orgasm washed over her, this one gentler, not as intense as the others. She moaned as her mouth continued to suck at his neck and her pussy sucked at his cock.

All too soon, she had to pull away. She’d taken enough. Taking care, she licked the pinprick wounds closed and sat back.

Chase brushed his finger over the side of her face and smiled. “That was incredible.”

Katya started to answer, but her contented feeling fled, replaced by sheer panic. She all but jumped out of Chase’s lap. He yelped, barely managing to get his cock out of the way of her knee. He tried to grab her, but she danced out of the way, grabbing the tangle of clothing scattered on the floor. “Father Patrescu.” Chase gave her a blank look and she hissed again. “He’s coming.”

Swearing, Chase rolled to his feet and yanked up his jeans, which were bunched around his ankles. Katya shot him a glare. He was already half dressed while she was a mess.

“You’ve got time.” Chase laughed as she hopped on one leg, then another as she hauled her pants on. She didn’t bother with underwear. There was no time.

Giving up, she gathered the rest of her clothing, shooting him a glare. The man had the audacity to laugh again. “Fine. You deal with him. Maybe he won’t notice that there are no buttons left on your shirt.”

Chase muttered under his breath as he tucked in his shirt. “I heard that,” she called out just before she slammed the door on the downstairs bathroom. She wasn’t certain exactly what he’d said, but it felt good to tease him.

Katya froze, staring at the smiling woman in the bathroom mirror. The corners of her lips were turned up and her face glowed. She felt happy. It was a strange and foreign feeling, one she hadn’t experienced in a long, long time. She felt Chase probing at her mind, as if he sensed her emotional upheaval. She sent him back waves of reassurance as she hurried to pull on the rest of her clothing. There wasn’t much she could do about her mussed appearance, but she turned on the taps, splashing water over her face. She was drying off when she heard the back door open.

Katya sent up a prayer of thanks that Mass hadn’t finished any sooner or they would have had to stop at a most inopportune time. And it would have been their own damn fault. She still couldn’t believe they’d actually done something so risky. Heat suffused her cheeks and she muttered as her cheeks turned red. Ignoring it, she finger-combed her hair, and gave herself one final look in the mirror.


N.J. Walters

It wasn’t the best, but it would have to do. She wished Father Patrescu’s vision wasn’t as good, but the old man had the eyes of a hawk. Opening the door, she hurried out. “Father, you’re back. I thought we’d be gone by now, but we were…delayed.”

Katya prayed she didn’t look as guilty as she felt. Her gaze skittered over the counter and then to the floor. She bit her bottom lip to keep from groaning. They’d just had wild sex in the priest’s kitchen. His kitchen! Chase, the devil, just leaned against the counter, his arms crossed and a grin on his face.

Even she could hear the strain in her voice, but the elderly priest just smiled at her, giving her no indication that anything was amiss. “Mass finished a while ago, but I had a few things to do around the church.”

She searched his face, but could sense nothing out of the ordinary on his part, no knowledge that he knew what they’d been doing. Katya relaxed and smiled at him, thankful that he’d been delayed. “Thank you for everything, but we must go now.” She went to the priest and gave him a quick hug as Chase pushed away from the counter, collecting her pack and her duffel bag.

“You will come back and visit?”

Katya nodded. “I have no idea how long I’ll be here, but I’ll see you before I leave.”

It was true, she didn’t have any idea where they would live. There was her brother and Chase’s family to deal with.

“It will all work out,” the priest whispered to her as he patted her shoulder.

“We need to get going.” Chase had the door half open, waiting for her. She went to his side and stepped out into the night.

“By the way,” Father Patrescu added. “You can come back for your buttons anytime. It shouldn’t take me too long to find them all.”

Katya’s gaze flew to the priest, but instead of censure, she saw his lips were turned up in a grin and his eyes were twinkling.

She couldn’t think of anything to say, but Chase filled the breach. “Thank you, Father. We’ll do that.”

The priest laughed. “I knew I was right about you, boy. Take care.”

Chase wrapped his arm around her and led her toward the woods. They could both still hear Father Patrescu’s laughter as it carried through the open window.

Katya buried her face in her hands. “How will I ever face him again?”

He gave her a squeeze. “You will because you care for him and he cares for you.”

Her humiliation receded, replaced by a warm feeling inside. “But no one will ever care for you the way I do,” Chase whispered as he spirited her through the forest toward the castle waiting in the distance.


Endless Chase


Chase lay in bed with Katya nestled in his arms, marveling at how much his life had changed. They’d returned last night and gone straight to his room. He hadn’t been able to wait to make love to her again.

Unlike their joining in Father Patrescu’s kitchen, he’d made love to her slowly and thoroughly. He’d started at her toes, nibbling on them as he worked his way up her calf.

When he got as far as her knee, he stopped and went back and started on her other foot.

He smiled as he remembered how she’d moaned, begging and berating him by turn as he kissed her inner thighs, then her belly. He’d paid particular attention to her hipbones before moving upward, over her torso and around her breasts. He’d teased and tormented, coming close, but never touching the places she’d wanted him to.

She’d turned the tables on him then, rolling him onto his back and sitting on his stomach. Like liquid fire she’d flowed over him, stroking his shoulders and chest, working her way down his stomach. Like him, she’d allowed her fingers to trail around his cock, her laughter low and sexy as his erection had jerked, straining to touch her.

When he’d taken as much of the torture as he could, he’d flipped Katya onto her back and mounted her. One inch at a time, he’d pressed deep. When he could go no farther, he’d laid his forehead against hers, absorbing the sensation of being a part of her. With his hands beneath her, he’d rocked them both to completion.

They hadn’t talked. Last night had been about connecting on the physical and psychic planes. They’d shared their bodies and minds, allowing their thoughts and blood to mingle. It was an incredibly erotic experience.

After it was over, they’d managed to drag themselves into the bathroom for a quick shower before stumbling back to bed. They fallen asleep in each other’s arms, both of them exhausted.

His cock stirred, but he ignored it. They were both sore after last night. They’d slept the entire day away and it was evening once again.

Sharing blood with her was the most incredible experience in the world. He loved the feel of her mouth on his neck, sucking hard as he gave her what she needed. His stomach growled, reminding him that, unlike a full-blooded vampire, both of them needed real food as well as blood to survive. He still had so much to learn.

He’d have the family start doing some research. Surely someone out there had gone through the same thing that he and Katya were going through. Spenser, the maniac who’d almost killed Sophia and tried to bring down the entire Dalakis clan more than ten years ago, had been a hybrid as well. Knowledge was power and Chase had a deep need to know as much as he could about his newfound abilities.


N.J. Walters

Katya stirred, rubbing her foot over his leg. Her hand shifted on his stomach, moving upward and tangling in his chest hair. Her breast was pressed against his side and her head was nestled on his shoulder.

Chase basked in the sensation of well-being that surrounded him. He knew there were challenges ahead, but together, they could face all of them. “How did you sleep?”

“Umm,” she purred as her hand stroked his stomach. “I slept like a baby.”

He captured her hand in his, bringing it to his lips and placing a tender kiss on her palm. “Good.” He didn’t want to do anything to shatter the mood, but there were things they needed to discuss.

Katya tensed and he knew that she sensed his change of mood. Ever since they’d both dropped their mental barriers the night before and exchanged blood, neither one of them were able to completely shut the other one out. It made them closer, but it wouldn’t always make for a comfortable relationship. It was unsettling to think that another person could read his emotions and understand him as well as Katya could.

“What is it?” She sat up, pushing her hand through her hair. Tucking the sheet beneath her breasts, she peered down at him.

“When I went through the conversion, you kept saying something to me over and over again.” He watched her carefully, trying to gauge her mood. He could sense she was pensive and worried.

She glanced down at her lap, picking at the fabric. “I did.”

Even though most of the night of his conversion was a blur, those words had echoed in his heart and in his mind. Before he’d left last night, he’d logged on to the internet and looked them up. Those words had given him hope.

“Katya.” Chase waited until she looked at him. Her face was heart-shaped, her dark blue eyes, deep and fathomless. Her short cropped black hair stood on end. He knew her intimately, yet in many ways she was still a stranger. None if it changed how he felt inside. Call it instinct or call it fate. Whatever it was, Chase knew down to his very core that Katya was the woman he’d waited for his entire life.

Ya lublu tebya.
” He repeated the words that had been engrained on his very soul.

She gasped, her hand flying to her mouth. Tears welled in her eyes and one rolled down her cheek. Chase sat up and pulled her into his arms. “How…how did you know?”

“I couldn’t get those words out of my mind. I think in my heart I already knew what they meant.”

BOOK: Endless Chase
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