Read Enemy Mine (Mending The Veil) Online

Authors: Kelliea Ashley

Tags: #Witches and Guardians

Enemy Mine (Mending The Veil) (8 page)

BOOK: Enemy Mine (Mending The Veil)
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“I can’t take this...”

“You can. It was my mother’s; it will protect you. If the stone glows or starts getting hot, then you need to get to the river and hide. Don’t stick around.”

“What if you need me?”

“I can handle myself. Let me get rid of my shadow. When I come back, we’ll talk.”

“This won’t work, Travis. I know it.” She wanted to deny their future, if only to keep him safe, but his fingers gripping her chin and the hard determination in his dark eyes made all her arguments about them disappear.

“You will marry me, Rissalynn Jennings.” He dropped a quick kiss on her forehead. “Give me fifteen minutes. If anyone else approaches the cabin, get out and run for it. Do you understand me?”


“Good girl.” He winked at her before he left the room, shutting the door behind him.

Chapter Nine

Travis Holt’s gut clenched with foreboding as he quietly approached the woods. The sunlight didn’t penetrate the thick foliage of the towering trees surrounding the small clearing. He didn’t see a soul in the woods before him, but he knew the Guardian was there, watching his approach from the shadows.

What the hell was he doing?
His steps faltered as the unbidden thought entered his mind. He came to this mountain with every intention of destroying the Witch and her coven, but something changed when he met her. If he were being totally honest with himself, he had to admit that it happened the first time he kissed her. What that something was, he wasn’t in the mood to take out and analyze quite yet. What he needed to do was keep his head and his cool. Dealing with this particular Guardian was going to be tricky.

He is three trees on your right, Lover boy
. He came to a stop, making a show of surveying the forest around him. He didn’t see the white cat, but he knew she was watching him as well.

“Report, Holt.” A male shoulder and a blond head followed the quick request by appearing around the third tree on his right.

“You were supposed to meet me down in town, Ray.”

Raymond Dumain’s narrowed look of challenge didn’t intimidate Travis in the least. What bothered him were the man’s skills. He’d seen Ray chase down and snap the neck of a full-sized wolf without breaking a sweat. Challenging his mentor was never a bright move, but he couldn’t help feeling the need to defend himself and Rissa.

“At eleven sharp. Did your watch break, or did the Witch addle your brain so much you didn’t notice the time?” Ray’s thick arms crossed as he moved away from the tree.

“I couldn’t get away from her.” He shrugged his shoulders and widened his own stance. “Gaining a Witch’s trust takes time, you know. A man can’t just tell her he has to take a squat in the woods when the time comes.”

“Oh, I saw you toting her around in your arms. It didn’t look like you relished the idea of leaving her at all. Don’t tell me she’s got you under some spell. Or is it her silky thighs she’s captured you with?” His blond head dipped as his lips pulled up into a lurid grin. “Perhaps, I should give her a go and see if a little Dumain can persuade her to give us some names and locations. After all, I am the senior brother here.”

Travis felt his nails dig into his palms as his hands clenched into tight fists. Ray was a crude male with an appetite for anything in a skirt. During his seven years of training with Ray and his three brothers, Travis had heard stories of his mentor’s conquests. Some of the women he’d attempted to infiltrate hadn’t lived long enough to question after they were captured. Dumain liked to fuck them up in more ways than the obvious. An image of Rissa’s soft smile in the moonlight made Travis shake his head.

“She is mine to deal with. Don’t attempt to interfere, Ray.”

“Are you threatening me, Holt?” Ray’s tone dropped to a tone that meant trouble.

“This is my first mission, Ray. I’m close to getting what I want from her. You come here, jeopardizing my position and placing me in danger of being discovered. Trust me, you don’t want me to go back to the Elders and tell them that your dick blew this mission for us.”

“You fucked her, didn’t ya?” A wide toothless leer split Ray’s rugged face. “Well, all you had to do was say so. I didn’t think you had it in you, lad. Tell me, did you keep from throwing up your dinner while you were kissing her?” Dumain laughed lowly, wiping his forehead with his hand as sweat poured off of him.

“I will do what I have to do to get her to give me what I want. You need to back off so I can do that.”

“I don’t take too kindly to your tone, boy.” Muscles flexed dangerously beneath the dirty white T-shirt as Ray stepped closer to him. His Guardian eyes flashed blood red as he growled at Travis menacingly. “Maybe I’ll just knock some respect into you, march into that little love nest of yours, and teach that pretty little Witch to sing like a bird. Of course she won’t be so pretty after I’m done with her.”

“Get out of here, Dumain.”

“Are you going to try to make me, Holt?” Ray laughed outright at the notion. Travis realized the other man was a Guardian, had been for at least ten years. He was the man who trained others how to fight and in the methods used to kill their enemy. Travis thought of Rissa, alone in the cabin, unprotected and trusting in him to keep her safe. He hoped she obeyed him and got to the river because he didn’t have a chance in hell of stopping Dumain from going after her. The man obviously saw Rissa, realized she was not only young, but was also beautiful, and wanted her for himself.

“I’m afraid I am.” Travis nodded his head. He was all there was between Rissa Jennings, and this man who wanted to use and destroy her. He had the fleeting thought that he would have willingly stood aside and let Ray have a go at her less than twenty-four hours earlier. Now, he was putting his life and his position with the Guardians in danger just to protect her. What had changed for him?

The answer was clear. Rissalynn Jennings had changed him. His enemy was no longer the woman in the cabin but was the callous man glaring at him with the clear intention of getting past him. Travis took a deep breath and let his fist fly as Ray rushed him.


Rissa hurriedly stuffed her books into the brown canvas bag on the table. A growl of frustration filled the air as the books wouldn’t fit. Taking them out to slam them on the table, she shoved her hands into the bag. Her head throbbed, her chest tightened as she let her magic burn through her body to flow out into the material of the bag.

“Goddess, hear my plea of need. Danger is near, escape eminent, let this container expand and contract as the lungs of a cat. As I will it, so might it be.” White light flew up at her face, forcing her to close her eyes from the brightness. When she reopened them to look down into the bag it looked empty. “Blessed be, Mother,” she said with a soft word of thanks as she stuffed the books back into the bag. Her Grimoire was the last article to go. She looked around the cabin’s living space with the feeling of impending loss. She knew in her soul that she would never step foot in her families old dwelling again. Sorrow turned to shock as the flesh on her chest burned. She covered the hot amethyst with her hand, her head snapping toward the front window before she raced to it.

Her eyes widened in alarm as she focused on the two male animals fighting at the edge of the clearing. One staggered and fell backward, his head bouncing on the thick grass as the other, bigger man raised his head to look right at her. Fear slithered up her spine as the amulet burned hotter. She’d promised him that she’d run. She turned on her booted heel to run to the table. The bag felt light as a feather as she threw it over her shoulder and ran toward the door that led to the woodshed.

Theo, run for the river!
She trusted that her cat would obey her without question, even though she’d released her from the Familiar’s oath of servitude. Theo was a loving and loyal being. Their only chance was to get into the water, if Travis could keep the Guardian occupied long enough. Fear and worry warred with each other as she reached out to grab the handle. His handsome face flashed before her eyes, and the feeling of falling overtook her.

“No! Not now, please!” Her fingers turned white as she held onto the handle with all her strength. She would not succumb to the vision when she needed to act. Her life depended on it. She turned her head slowly, her eyes seeking the sunlit window facing the front of the clearing where Travis Holt was fighting for his life...and hers.

“Blessed be.”
Theo, protect him. Protect Travis Holt. Kill the other Guardian.
She’d never asked such a thing of her Familiar before. The death of the Guardian would rest on Rissa’s shoulders. Her stomach turned sickeningly, pushing the impending vision back. She moved with a calm acceptance to the front door and pulled it open. Her soul would be blackened, her spirit broken, and the Goddess would be right to turn from her. It didn’t matter, none of it matter as long as he lived.

She loved him; loved him with an unselfish heart that throbbed in pain as she watched Travis push himself shakily to his feet. He would not last another go round with the big man who was laughing down at him.
Theo hurry!

Why? What makes him worthy of this sacrifice, Rissa?
Theo’s questions surprised Rissa. Never before had Theo questioned her requests. She’d grouched and grumbled, but never had she refused to do Rissa’s bidding.

I love him. He is the one, the other half of my soul. Please, save him.

Bugger it! Blasted males! Weak-hearted Witches! Who needs this drama?


Don’t get your knickers in a twist, I’m coming!

Chapter Ten

Travis staggered to his feet and wiped an arm across his left eye to try to clear some of the blood out of it. He quickly took stock of his injuries. His head was throbbing, his face bloodied and hurting. He was pretty sure the big man had managed to break his ribs, neat as you please, with his last punch to his side. Though his knees were weak, his hands trembling, his determination to keep the other man from reaching the cabin and the woman inside it was even stronger.

Thoughts of Rissa, her warm smile, gentle laugh, and sweet kisses, kept him standing as he once more raised his fists to the other Guardian. Ray arched a dark brow at his wobbly form.

“You’re done in, Holt. Don’t make this worse by forcing me to kill you.”

“I’m not done, Dumain.” He spit blood on the ground in front of him as he tried to see the other man through his one good eye.

“She’s not worth it.” Ray’s eyes flicked up to the cabin over his shoulder. “Or is she? Must be one hot little lay if you’re willing to take a dirt bath for her. Maybe I’ll keep her around a little longer than the last one.”

Travis felt rage and fear for Rissa flood his system, infusing him with some well-timed adrenaline. His knees stopped shaking as he swung a hard right hook. He grunted when his fist missed as Ray stepped back only to land a punishing blow to his kidney. He hit the ground, but wrapped his legs around the other man’s. Satisfaction made him smile, though his lips were split and bleeding, as the bigger man fell flat on his face.

“Son of a bitch! You don’t give up!” Ray rolled to his feet, quick and agile for a big man. “I’ll be sad to see that spark die in your eyes, but I’m sure your sexy Witch will make me forget all about you, once I get between her thighs.” He grinned and reached down for Travis’s shirt.

A whirl of white, big and lethal hit Ray full on. A loud snarl of rage and a masculine cry of pain rent the air, sending a cold chill of dread through Travis as he rolled over to see what was happening. His mouth and eyes widened as he watched a full grown white tiger mount Ray. The big mouth opened on a deadly hiss, sharp teeth bared as the cat lowered its massive head.

“Help, Holt!” Fear echoed through Ray’s outcry. His big hands were clenched in the cat’s fur, barely holding the head and teeth away from his exposed throat.

That’s right, Guardian. Fear me!

“Theophyline?” Travis blinked rapidly, trying to recognize the small, white fluff ball somewhere in the muscular tiger’s lethal body. A flattened ear flicked forward and then flattened back down as a hiss deep and filled with hatred left the cat’s mouth.

“Please, help me.” Ray’s voice turned girlie and Travis smelled the unmistakable scent of human urine. Ray had pissed himself, so great was his terror.

“Let him go, Theo. I’ll deal with him, now.” Travis got to his feet, ignoring the pain and his body’s silent plea to rest and heal.

I have my orders. He is to die!
Ray screamed as sharp claws dug into his shoulders. Red blood bloomed beneath Theo’s paws.

If he dies, they will hunt us. Let me take care of him. I’m giving you an order, Theophyline. Back down!

Dark blue eyes, full of death turned his way as the cat heaved a breath and moved to the side. She hissed in a warning as Ray moved to lift his head. He whimpered and laid still, his eyes never leaving the cat’s blue gaze.

Travis moved over the man, his bloodied hand grasped a handful of Ray’s shirt as he pulled back his fist. “You’re bewitched! She’s put a love spell on you! Don’t do this Holt.” Ray’s fear was bitter in his mouth as Travis glared down at the poor excuse for a man.

“I’m going to let you live, Ray. Against my better judgment and for only one reason. You’ll go back to the Elders and give them a message for me.” He leaned down, placing his mouth right next to Ray’s ear. He lowered his voice to barely a whisper, hoping to keep his words from the listening cat. “Tell them to leave us alone. I can’t gain her trust if I’m constantly looking over my shoulder and fending off sadistic bastards like you. When I have intel on her coven I will check in, but if they want the location of the coven and its High Priest,
her father
, they’ll back off and let me do my job.” He pulled back to meet the big man’s eyes. “Tell them word for word, or I’ll be coming for you, Ray. And next time you threaten Rissa, I’ll feed you to the cat myself.”

He quickly delivered a series of punches to the big man’s face, until he was sure the man was unconscious, but still breathing. He turned his head to look at the tiger, shaking his head as he found the white tabby sitting beside them with a rather pissed expression on her feline face.

BOOK: Enemy Mine (Mending The Veil)
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